Queen’s Pension Plan Annual General Meeting December 6, 2013 Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • Members of Queen’s Pension Committee Summary of Pension Plan Membership Pension Plan Asset Reconciliation Summary of Plan Assets at August 31, 2013 Integrated Private Debt Returns Compared to Benchmark and BNY Mellon’s Universe Returns Compared to Other Canadian University Pension Plans True vs. Paid Pensions Financial Position of Queen’s Pension Plan – Going Concern Basis Financial Position of Queen’s Pension Plan – Wind-Up/ Solvency Basis Questions 2 Members of Queen’s Pension Committee • Appointed by Members o James MacKinnon o Bill Cannon o Peggy Hauschildt o Jonathan MacDonell o Alison Morgan o John Gordon • Ex Officio o David Dodge o Daniel Woolf o Barbara Palk o Caroline Davis o Al Orth • Appointed by Board of Trustees o David Grace o Don Raymond o Peter Copestake o Kathryn Bush o Jill Wagman 3 Summary of Pension Plan Membership At August 31, 2011 New entrants Active Retired Deferred Total 3,611 1,867 1,545 7,023 525 525 Terminations o Transfers/lump sum o Deferred pensions Deaths (67) (61) (251) 251 (9) (102) (5) (184) 245 (61) (128) (116) Retirements o Pension option o Lump sum (15) Beneficiaries Other At August 31, 2013 39 34 3,644 2,049 (21) (36) 1 40 (11) 23 1,638 7,331 4 Pension Plan Asset Reconciliation ($000’s) September 1, 2012 $ 1,358,102 PLUS Members’ DC contributions University’s DC contributions University’s Minimum Guarantee contributions University’s Past Service contributions Voluntary contributions Past Service contributions Transfers from other plans Investment return 18,689 18,210 4,796 14,577 1,462 10 1,129 202,603 LESS Pensions paid Lump-sums paid Administration fees (77,754) (7,777) (6,474) August 31, 2013 Gross rate of return Rate of return net of expenses $ 1,527,573 15.09% 14.55% 5 Summary of Pension Plan Assets at October 31, 2013 Canadian Equity Global Equity Fixed Income Percent of Total Assets Burgundy $166,792 10.4% Guardian $77,354 4.8% Connor, Clark, & Lunn $80,061 5.0% TD Asset Management $53,404 3.3% Letko, Brosseau $107,704 $86,460 $99,723 18.3% Manning & Napier $144,489 9.0% Orbis $159,342 9.9% State Street Global Advisors $148,242 9.2% Beutel Goodman $171,376 10.7% PIMCO $203,011 12.6% Integrated Private Debt $102,386 6.4% 36.2% 100.0% % of Total Assets 30.2% 33.6% 6 Asset Manager Presentation Integrated Private Debt Corp. Canada’s Leading Independent Private Debt Manager 7 Integrated Private Debt: Corporate Profile • Integrated Private Debt Corp. is Canada’s leading independent provider of investment grade corporate debt and has been originating and managing private debt investments for institutional investors since 1987 • In addition to providing an alternative source of debt financing for mid-market Canadian companies, IPD offers investors an attractive yield, diversification and low volatility • Since its inception, IPD has originated, underwritten and managed more than $2.5 billion in private placement loans • In October 2013, IPD closed its 4th private corporate debt fund raising $387 million 8 What is Private Debt? Senior ranked private placement debt of investment grade mid-market companies Fixed interest rate and fixed term to maturity (terms up to 10 years) Secured by first charge on key operating and economic assets of the borrower Custom designed loans to meet unique borrowing requirements • The uses of private debt are broad and diverse, including debt financing for company expansion, capital projects and acquisition financing • For investors, an investment in a private debt funds represent an attractive source of diversification and current monthly income, with returns above the benchmark at a lower level of volatility 9 Sample Transactions Midland Transport Limited Maple Leaf Foods Inc. $30,000,000 $15,000,000 High Liner Foods Incorporated $53,600,000 Senior Secured Term Loan Senior Secured Term Loan Participation in $140,000,000 Senior Notes 10 year interest only The Halifax Herald Limited Brampton Brick Limited $18,000,000 Senior Secured Term Debt Great Canadian Railtour Company $30,000,000 $45,000,000 Senior Secured Term Loan Senior Secured Term Loan 10 Integrated Private Debt - Investment Performance November 30, 2013 Fund I Fund II Fund III 1 year 4.00% 2.81% 3 years 6.34% 6.71% 5 years 6.00% 7.22% Since Inception 6.81% 7.36% 8.26% Since Inception DEX Universe 4.65% 4.28% Base Interest Rate 6.48% 6.68% Fund IV Composite DEX Universe 2.79% 3.68% -0.91% 8.26% 7.27% 4.13% 7.05% 5.47% 3.32% 7.45% 4.65% 4.13% 0.81% 4.65% 6.19% 6.22% 11 QPP Returns Compared to Benchmark & BNY Mellon’s Universe of Canadian Pension Plans • At September 30th, 2013: 3 Months 1 Year 4 Years 10 Years Queen’s 4.5% 15.2% 8.6% 7.5% Benchmark 3.5% 8.6% 6.7% 6.4% BNY 1st quartile 4.1% 12.7% 8.6% 7.5% BNY Median 3.3% 10.8% 7.9% 6.9% BNY 3rd quartile 2.6% 7.7% 7.2% 6.6% 12 QPP Returns Compared to Other Canadian University Pension Plans • CAUBO survey results, as at December 31, 2012: 1 year 2 years 4 years 10 years Queen’s 10.5% 4.6% 9.4% 7.1% Assets > $500M 10.0% 5.8% 9.2% 6.9% Assets $150M-$500M 9.6% 5.1% 8.7% 6.7% Assets $30M-$150M 8.7% 3.8% 7.9% 6.4% All Equally Weighted 9.3% 5.2% 8.6% 6.7% All Dollar Weighted 9.9% 5.6% 8.7% 6.2% 13 True vs. Paid Pensions Base monthly pension through Aug 31/05: Current year return (as at August 31, 2013): $2,603.29 14.5535% Going forward: 10% Plan Year Fund Return Excess Interest (EI) True Pension + EI % Relative To: 2005-06 8.9472% 5.8389% $2,755.29 105.8% 2006-07 11.7023% 6.5100% $2,934.66 112.7% " " 2007-08 -4.3700% 2.2266% $3,000.00 115.2% " " 2008-09 -7.8877% -4.2469% $2,872.59 95.8% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2009-10 6.8470% -4.7409% $2,736.41 91.2% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2010-11 6.3370% -5.9794% $2,572.79 85.8% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2011-12 5.5286% -3.4859% $2,483.10 82.8% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2012-13 14.5535% 2.2571% $2,539.15 84.6% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2013-14 10.0000% 3.0470% $2,616.52 87.2% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2014-15 10.0000% 3.9742% $2,720.50 90.7% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2015-16 10.0000% 5.1211% $2,859.82 95.3% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2016-17 10.0000% 4.0000% $2,974.22 99.1% of $3,000 (paid) pension 2017-18 10.0000% 4.0000% $3,093.18 103.1% of Aug/08 pension 2018-19 10.0000% 4.0000% $3,216.91 107.2% " " 2019-20 10.0000% 4.0000% $3,345.59 111.5% " " 2020-21 10.0000% 4.0000% $3,479.41 116.0% " " True pension of Aug/05 pension 14 Financial Position of Queen’s Pension Plan: Going Concern Basis ($000’s) Assets Market value of assets Smoothing adjustment Net assets at market value August 31, 2011 August 31, 2012 (est.) $1,315,319 $19,686 $1,335,005 $1,358,102 ($484) $1,357,618 Liabilities Market value of: - DC accounts - Past service accounts - Voluntary accounts Present value of accrued benefits: - Active members - Pensioners/survivors Total liabilities $593,045 $24,908 $37,047 $650,386 $26,284 $39,094 $55,646 $750,770 $1,461,416 $77,888 $731,424 $1,525,076 Surplus (deficit) ($126,411) ($167,458) 15 Financial Position of Queen’s Pension Plan: Wind-Up/Solvency Basis ($000’s) Assets Market value of assets Termination expense Net assets at market value August 31, 2011 August 31, 2012 (est.) $1,315,319 ($2,000) $1,313,319 $1,358,102 ($2,000) $1,356,102 Liabilities Market value of: - DC accounts - Past service accounts - Voluntary accounts Present value of accrued benefits: - Active members - Pensioners/survivors Total liabilities $593,045 $24,908 $37,047 $650,386 $26,284 $39,094 $112,509 $878,079 $1,645,588 $203,091 $896,003 $1,814,858 Surplus (deficit) ($332,269) ($458,756) 16 Thank You Questions? 17