• Manu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Manufacture Manual Manuscript Manicure Manacle Manager Manipulate Maneuver Mandate Emancipation a) to skillfully operate by hand b) a treatment for the hands and nails c) Someone who handles business affairs d) To release from one’s hand, to free e) A training exercise; practice movements (as by hand) f) To make by hand or machine g) A hand-written or typed composition h) An order or command placed in one’s hand i) Handcuff j) handbook Who Needs… 1. A manicure 2. A manacle 3. A mandate from the people 4. A manuscript 5. A manual 6. A manufacturer 7. A strict manager 8. A training maneuver 9. Emancipation 10. A manipulator a)Publisher b)Trapped animal c)Beauty queen d)Criminal e)President f)Inventor g)Unhandy handyman h)Puppet i) Rowdy ball team j) Troop of green soldiers A manicure – beauty queen A manacle – criminal Mandate from the people – president A manuscript – publisher A manual – inventor A manufacturer – unhandy handyman A strict manager – rowdy ball team A training maneuver – troop of green soldiers Emancipation – trapped animal A manipulator – puppet