Lesson 2 - Humanities.Com

Unit 2 Human Geography: Population Change
Unit Lessons
How does population grow?
What are the major factors affecting population growth?
What is the demographic transition model?
What countries are in the different stages of the demographic transition
What are population pyramids?
How do we use population pyramids?
Why was the One Child Policy introduced and how was it enforced?
How has the One Child Policy changed and has it been successful?
What alternative birth control programmes exist?
What are the issues and opportunities for an ageing population?
How has France tackled the problems of an ageing population?
What are the impacts of economic migration within the EU?
What are the impacts of refugee movements into the EU?
Independent study
To create a report on the One Child Policy.
To create an informative poster comparing the One Child Policy to Kerala’s
alternative policy.
To create a report on France’s pro-natal policy.
What are the major factors affecting population
Learning Objectives
•To know the affect agricultural change, urbanisation,
education, standards of living and emancipation of
women has on population growth
Key terms: Agriculture, mechanisation of agriculture, rural to urban migration,
education, standards of living, emancipation of women
The factors affecting population
Agricultural change
(changes in farming)
In your groups decide:
• Will this increase or decrease birth rate?
• Will it lead to natural increase or natural decrease?
(an increase in the proportion of towns
and cities in a country)
In your groups decide:
• Will this increase or decrease birth rate?
• Will it lead to natural increase or natural decrease?
(the teaching of knowledge and skills)
In your groups decide:
• Will this increase or decrease birth rate?
• Will it lead to natural increase or natural decrease?
Increased standards of living
(an increase in salary, income, health and
welfare, alongside an increase in the cost of
In your groups decide:
• Will this increase or decrease birth rate?
• Will it lead to natural increase or natural decrease?
Emancipation of women
(more equality within a society, leading to
more women taking up careers)
In your groups decide:
• Will this increase or decrease birth rate?
• Will it lead to natural increase or natural decrease?
The factors affecting population growth
No1 Agricultural change
No3 Education
The mechanisation of farming puts people
out of work and requires less labour. Fewer
jobs, so families have fewer children. BR
goes down.
More educated people means more
people able to take up jobs and work.
People are less focused on families. BR
goes down.
No2 Urbanisation
Living in a city means living with
less space. Families have fewer
children. BR goes down.
No4 Increased standards of living
No5 Emancipation of women
An increase in standards of living means
more money coming in (income) but also
more money going out (expenditures).
Couples may decide to have fewer children.
BR goes down.
Emancipation literally means freedom.
This means women are free to go into
careers and not bring up a family if they
don’t want to. BR goes down.
Female Emancipation & BR
Watch the video and make notes to answer… how the role of women has
changed, how families have changed and how this has affected BR and
population growth