MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “HOUSING: AN ENGINE FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH” NEW DELHI, APRIL 11-13, 2013 PREPARED BY: PT. SARANA MULTIGRIYA FINANSIAL (Persero) INDONESIA 0 AGENDA ECONOMIC OUTLOOK PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA CONCLUSION 1 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 2 POPULATION DEMOGRAPHIC China 1,3 Bio India 1,2 Bio US 313 Mio Indonesia 257 Mio Population Pyramid Population Distribution 2% 7% 21% 7% 6% Sumatera Java Kalimantan Sulawesi Papua Others 57% Source : BPS (Biro Pusat Statistik) (, 2010, seconday data, 2012) Indonesia has the 4th biggest population in the world with many of its people are still on their productive ages, most people lives in Java island ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 3 7.00% 6.50% 6.23% 6.10% 6.00% 6.00% 250 245 Millions GDP GROWTH & POPULATION 4.60% 5.00% 240 4.00% 235 3.00% 230 2.00% 225 1.00% 0.00% 220 2008 2009 Population 2010 2011 2012 GDP Source : BPS (Biro Pusat Statistik) 2012 ( Estimation :1,49% population growth/year In general the GDP growth for the last five years is above 6%, only in 2009 relatively declined at 4.6% due to the global economic crisis. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 4 MORTGAGE BASE LENDING RATE, BI RATE, & INFLATION 12.00% 10.91% 10.85% 6.00% 6.00% 10.73% 10.85% 10.80% 10.71% 10.68% 10.67% 10.65% 10.65% 10.65% 10.65% 10.63% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 4.50% 4.45% 4.53% 4.56% 4.58% 4.32% 4.30% Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 3.97% 3.79% 3.65% 3.56% Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 4.31% 4.61% 2.00% 0.00% Mar-12 Mortgage Base Lending Rate BI Rate Sep-12 Oct-12 Inflation Source : Bank Indonesia ‘Des 2012 ( In the beginning of 2012, Indonesia economy has become more stable, as shown on the inflation rate trend. Considering the economy condition, Bank Indonesia has decided to maintain BI Rate at 5,75%. Mortgage base lending rate, which uses BI rate as its benchmark, also remains stable. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 5 PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 6 MORTGAGE TO GDP RATIO Countries Mortgage to GDP Ratio Comparison Per January 2012 85.0% Indonesia Mortgage to GDP Ratio 3.0% 2.70% 2.46% 2.5% 2.2% 57.9% 2.0% 37.0% 2.1% 1.8% 2.0% 31.0% 31.2% 2.0% 1.7% 1.3% 1.5% 1.2% 24.9% 1.0% 0.8% 0.7% 1.0% 2.6% 4.0% 4.5% 6.1% 9.0% 0.5% 0.0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Mortgage to GDP ratio of Indonesia at the end of 2011 which is around 2.6% is still below many other countries. In 2012, Indonesia mortgage to GDP ratio has already increased to 2,70%. Source : SMF Research ‘January 2012, Bank Indonesia PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 7 HOUSING DEMAND No. Of Indonesian citizen 257 milion Population growth 1.49% per year Needs for housing 800,000 per year Estimation National demand position (*) 15 milion Estimation time to address 20 years Needs for housing 750,000 per year Total housing demand: 1,550,000 per year (*) SMF estimate for 2012 PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 8 HOUSING SALES, CONSTRUCTION LOAN & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY PRICE INDEX House Sales 300 Residential Property Price Index 40 162.04 165 35 250 200 150 160 30 155 25 150 152.64 145 20 140 15 100 50 0 200 1 200 2 200 3 200 4 200 5 200 6 200 7 200 8 200 9 201 0 Volume (Thousand Units) 106.5 121.3 134.5 150.6 169 163.6 191.7 231.4 173.4 212.3 242.3 Value (IDR Trillion) 16.2 17.56 4.04 7.13 8.16 11.45 23 10 130 5 125 120 0 201 1 143.23 135 Small 29.37 25.93 31.08 37.96 Medium Large Construction Loans 120,000 95,921 100,000 75,395 billion IDR 80,000 58,753 64,225 63,500 2009 2010 60,000 44,088 40,000 33,088 20,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 House sales has been experiencing strong growth since significant drop in 2009. Total house sales for 2011 is 242,000 units, this number also shows the growth in new constructed houses. On the other hand, construction loan at the end of 2012 has reached 95.921 billion IDR. The residential property price also increase from time to time. PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA Source : BI, Ministry of Housing, REI, APERSI, Spire estimation & Analysis 9 SUPPLY AND DEMAND The gap between supply and demand of houses remains big . 1. The total demand of 1.55 million units from: Current Indonesia’s Housing demand position over 15 million units, requiring approx. 750,000 units per year to be built in 20 year, Housing needs from population growth is recorded at 800,000 units per year 2. Supply of New Housing Construction of approx. 240,000 units in 2011 but still almost always below housing demand. The big gap shows an opportunity for supply of new houses construction. PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 10 OUTSTANDING MORTGAGE PORTFOLIO & MORTGAGE TO TOTAL BANK LOANS RATIO Outstanding Mortgage Portofolio Mortgage to Total Bank Loans Ratio 250 9.00% 222 200 183 7.72% 7.69% 8.00% 7.78% 7.96% 8.30% 8.01% 8.21% 7.00% 6.63% Trillion IDR 6.00% 141 150 124 5.46% 5.00% 4.76% 108 4.00% 100 84 65 46 50 12 11 21 31 3.00% 3.83% 2.91% 2.00% 1.00% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0.00% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source : Bank Indonesia, Dec 2012 Mortgage portfolio in Indonesia has grown rapidly for the last couple of years. At the end of 2012, outstanding mortgage portfolio is 222 trillion IDR. On the other hand, mortgage to total bank loans is still below 10% until at the end of 2012 PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 11 MORTGAGE MARKET SHARE 0.95% 5.62% 0.34% 46.32% State Owned Banks Private National Banks 46.77% Regional Government Banks Foreign Bank & Joint Banks Rural Banks Source: The Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI), Bank Indonesia (Central Bank of Indonesia), Dec 2012 More than 90% of mortgages are originated by 10 banks as major players until ‘Dec 2012 PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 12 HOME OWNERSHIP PAYMENT METHOD 8.67% 11.33% Mortgage Loan Cash Instalment Hard Cash 80.00% Source : Bank Indonesia, Quarter IV 2012 80% of people who bought their houses in 2012 has used mortgage loan as their source of fund PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 13 MORTGAGE LOAN TYPES 13.16% 86.84% 12.65% 87.35% 0.76% 99.24% 1.09% 98.91% Mortgage Loan (Commercial) Mortgage Subsidies (FLPP) Q1-2012 Q2-2012 Q3-2012 Q4-2012 In Indonesia, more than 86% mortgages are using mortgage loan (commercial), and the remaining 13% use the subsidized mortgages. PRIMARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 14 SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 15 BACKGROUND OF DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA • The government program: to provide decent & affordable houses for every Indonesia family. • It required the availability of housing development funds that more effectively and efficiently with sufficient mortgage volumes, sustainable and affordable, seen from accessibility to obtain house and affordable interest rates. • Mortgage is long term financing, so that required long-term funding from the capital markets to avoid maturity mismatch. • Therefore, the government established PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) / “SMF”, that served to facilitate funds flow from capital market to the housing finance sector with securitization and liquidity facility 16 ROAD MAP 2018 2005 Catalysator Facilitator To Develop secondary mortgage market To Build and develop secondary mortgage market. Liquidity Facility Securitization Liquidity Facility Securitization Securitization & Guarantor (Mortgage & RMBS) Housing Finance Information System / HFIS Liquidity Facility Securitization Securitization-Guarantee HFIS Securitization-Guarantee HFIS 17 THE COMPANY’S PROGRAMS Securitization Program provide a mechanism of sales of mortgage loans and issue of mortgage backed securities. Liquidity Facility Program provide medium to long term loans for mortgage lenders. Guarantee Program provide guarantee for obligation / mortgage backed securities issued by mortgage lenders. Support Programs - Provide a guidence and mortgage document standard - Education and training programs - Socialization (workshop, seminar, product introductions) DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 18 SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET GROWTH 6,000 5,555 5,000 In billion IDR 4,000 3,303 3,000 2,955 2,049 2,000 1,347 1,954 1,252 1,000 502 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 Securitization 2009 2010 2011 2012 Lending Secondary mortgage market in Indonesia is conducted through securitization transaction and liquidity facility provided by SMF DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 19 RMBS SUPPORTED BY SMF Ring-fencing Bankruptcy Remoteness Credit Enhancement PRIME RMBS Subordination (Junior Class) Reserve Account Servicer transition fund idAAA Assets Quality 32 Selection Criteria Payment Seniority Principal payment will be pass through to RMBS class A (Senior Class) Any lost will hit RMBS class B first Mortgage loans use as the underlying of RMBS issuance are selected to make sure its quality. The transaction structure also ensure that investment on senior class will be very secure through ring fencing, payment seniority and credit enhancement. DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 20 RMBS ISSUANCE Weighted Average Class A Remaining Time to Total Issuance RMBS Coupon Rating on Maturity (Billion Rp) Class-A Issuance (Years) Current Rating RMBS Issuance Date I 11/02/2009 5.30 111 13% idAAA idAAA II 10/11/2009 5.63 391 11% idAAA idAAA III 27/12/2010 5.35 750 9.25% idAAA idAAA IV 17/11/2011 5.94 703 8.75% idAAA idAAA V 13/12/2012 6.35 1.000 7.75% idAAA idAAA RMBS that has been issued and supported by SMF are rated AAA at issuance date and their current rating are also AAA. The AAA rating shows the quality of the mortgage portfolio that underlying the transaction. DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 21 RMBS HOLDERS Current Position (Dec ‘12) RMBS I 13.00% RMBS IV 3.30% 1.55% 11.63% 32.56% 52.01% 31.69% Financial Institution 23.26% Pension Fund Government Institution Financial Institution Banks 31.01% Banks Private Companies 0.73% RMBS III Pension Fund Foundation 0.29% 7.26% 5.34% Banks Pension Fund 47.20% 39.18% Foreign Institution Financial Institution Foundation RMBS II Insurance RMBS V 5.73% 5.76% 0.76% 1.08% 12.57% 21.67% Pension Fund Mutual Fund Pension Fund 71.82% 20.00% 60.62% Insurance Financial Institution Financial Institution Foundation Foundation Banks Variety of investors continues to invest in Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 22 SMF BOND HOLDERS Institution Foreign Individual 1.56% 1.87% Mutual Fund More Than 5 Years 1.31% Foundation 0.75% Mutual Fund 5.80% Incorporated Company 12.23% Insurance 38.23% Pension Fund 12.31% Domestic Banks 25.95% Source: Indonesia Central Secuities Depository (KSEI), Desember 2012 56% of bonds that has been issued by SMF is hold by pension fund and insurance companies DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET IN INDONESIA 23 CONCLUSION 1. Indonesia’s economy continues to grow despite the global economy slowdown. Based on gross domestic product (GDP) growth, Indonesia’s economy grew 6,23% (yoy) in 2012. Since Inflation rate has been stable until December 2012 (4,30% yoy), Bank Indonesia decided to maintain the BI rate at 5,75%. The government of Indonesia also realize that it is important to maintain macroeconomic stability, sustainable economic growth & political stability. 2. As the population grows, the needs for housing continue to rise and considering today national housing backlog as much as 15 millions units, 1,55 millions unit new houses should be built every year. It is critical for Indonesia to build a robust housing finance system to fulfill that needs. 3. Through strengthening the primary mortgage market and developing secondary mortgage market, availability of sustainable medium to long term fund will eventually increase affordability. 4. To develop the secondary mortgage market and to build investor confidence to invest in RMBS, SMF only facilitate prime RMBS with the highest rating. 5. The existance of secondary mortgage market is crucial to provide long term fund for mortgage lenders. To build and develop secondary mortgage market, it requires government and stake holders supports. 24 HOUSING FINANCE IN INDONESIA 25 Mechanism kanisme Transaksi Pembiayaan Sekunder Perumahan HAK TAGIH KPR SEKURITISASI EBA PEMBIAYAAN OBLIGASI AGUNAN KPR DANA OBLIGASI PASAR MODAL PENYALUR KPR INVESTOR PERAN SMF: PENERBIT EBA (dalam proses) PENATA SEKURITISASI, PENDUKUNG KREDIT, INVESTOR DEVELOPER PERUMAHAN 26