Oaxacan Animals: Valley of Oaxaca: How Are They Made? • The animals are carved from the Copal tree with pocket knives, kitchen knives and machetes. • Once the piece is carved it needs to sit to dry for several days. • Once carved and sanded, the animal can be decorated with cactus spines for teeth, or goat hair for a zebra’s mane. • They are then treated for insects and painted with bright and vibrant colors and designs. Who Made Them? • Mostly poor Mexican peoples in and around the City and valley of Oaxaca. • They have been carving for thousands of years. • They do it to support their families. People will buy their sculptures, especially American tourists. • They also carve animals for fun and to carry on the tradition. Oaxacan Animal Woodcarvings: Cantaloupe Tree Frog Gazelle Watch This! • http://www.crizmac.com Images: • http://www.tulleeho.com/cb/imgs/map.jpg • http://www.amexico.biz/images/DragonAlebrijeW-Eagle36x26x23BFW.bmp • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6RQgdGEN_Cs/TNSI4Bjn1KI/AAAAAAAAAJY/Eb M2Nlcs8f8/s320/oaxacan8.jpg • http://www.asianartmall.com/Merchant2/19794.jpg • http://www.zanzibartrading.com/images_g-o/oaxacanantelope.jpg • http://www.oaxacanwoodcarving.com/art5/050706mdrllplyasblkornge.gif • http://www.nhusd.k12.ca.us/ALVE/wow/PAWS/oaxacan/oaxacanintro.htm l