Leading the Blue Revolution May 2014 Marine Harvest - Henrik Heiberg Forward looking statements This presentation may be deemed to include forward-looking statements, such as statements that relate to Marine Harvest’s contracted volumes, goals and strategies, including strategic focus areas, salmon prices, ability to increase or vary harvest volume, production capacity, expectations of the completion and capacity of our fish feed plant, trends in the seafood industry, including industry supply outlook, exchange rate and interest rate hedging policies and fluctuations, dividend policy and guidance, asset base investments, capital expenditures and net working capital guidance, NIBD target, cash flow guidance and financing update, guidance on financial commitments and cost of debt and various other matters (including developments with respect to laws, regulations and governmental policies regulating the industry and changes in accounting policies, standards and interpretations) on Marine Harvest's business and results. These statements speak of Marine Harvest’s plans, goals, targets, strategies, beliefs, and expectations, and refer to estimates or use similar terms. Actual results could differ materially from those indicated by these statements because the realization of those results is subject to many risks and uncertainties. Our registration statement on Form 20-F filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in 2014 contain information about specific factors that could cause actual results to differ, and you are urged to read them. Marine Harvest disclaims any continuing accuracy of the information provided in this presentation after today. 2 Implied protein consumption driven by population growth only Assumption: Constant consumption of protein per capita Sources: FAO (2009); FAOstat Food Balance Sheets, United Nations population data; World Population Prospects: the 2012 Revision Farmed Atlantic salmon relatively small Atlantic salmon Sources: OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013 Kontali Analyse 4 Large opportunities within aquaculture species Note: Source: Size of circles indicates harvest volume Kontali Analyse 5 Examples of protein co’s and area of potential 6 A unique nutritional package Proteins: High quality, easy digestable proteins Omega-3: High content of Omega-3 fatty acids Vitamins: Rich in A, D og B12 vitamins Mineral: High content of iodine & selen, taurin og sterols 7 Farmed salmon - Highly efficient use of resources 8 Farmed salmon - Highly efficient use of resources Feed conversion 4-10 3 2.2 1.2 Energy retention 27% 14% 10% 27% Protein retention 15% 18% 21% 24% Edible yield 41% 52% 46% 68% 4-10 kg 17 kg 21 kg 57 kg 30 kg 3.4 kg 5.9 kg 2.9 kg Edible meat pr 100 kg fed Carbon footprint Notes: (1) FCR of cattle varies between 4.2 and 9.8 depending on feed (finished on cereal or grass). (2) Carbon equivalent per kg of edible product Sources: Ytrestøyl et. al. (2014), Nationl Beef Association UK (2014), Volden, H and N. I. Nielsen, (2011) Energy and metabolizable protein supply, Skretting (2012) Delivering SUSTAINABLE FEED SOLUTIONS for aquaculture, SINTEF Report (2009) Carbon Footprint and energy use of Norwegian seafood products 9 Value CAGR of 12% - Volume CAGR of 6% 10 Farmed Atlantic salmon by market Source: Kontali Analyse 11 Historic price–volume relationship Both 2012 and 2013 clear outliers compared to historical relationship Source: Kontali Analyse 12 Estimates of the market for farmed Atlantic salmon Source: Kontali Analyse 13 Historical price development Note: Reference price in Oslo 14 Current licensing regime in Norway Source: Kontali Analyse 15 We own ~25% of the global production capacity! Marine Harvest business areas Bilder New Bilder #1 #1 Position: 220 thousand tonnes vs. global production of ~2.6m 405 thousand tonnes vs. global production of c.1.85m (22%) Global sales network Leading position in VAP Focus areas: Successful construction and implementation by June/July 2014 Acquisitive growth in Norway and Chile Integration of Morpol Restructuring programme in VAP Organic growth in VAP 16 Fish feed project proceeding according to plan 220 thousand tonnes capacity – 60% of MHG requirement in Norway(1) ~NOK 800m investment - Completion June/July 2014 Notes: (1) Based on 2014 harvest volume estimate 17 Marine Harvest farming regions Norway Region North Volume: 61 000 Faroe Islands Volume: 9 000 Canada Volume: 29 000 Norway Region Mid Volume: 63 000 Scotland Volume: 49 500 Norway Region West Volume: 84 000 Ireland Volume: 6 000 Norway Region South Volume: 56 000 Chile Volume: 59 500 MH harvest volume 2014E (tonnes HOG) 18 Biological risk - Benefit of geographic diversification 19 Marine Harvest’s Sales & Marketing network Scotland Norway Asia Canada Poland Ireland The Czech Republic China France Japan Italy Belgium South Korea Spain Taiwan The Netherlands USA Hong Kong Chile Singapore Head office Primary and secondary processing Feed factory Sales Significant consumer good processing assets in Europe, US and Asia Note: All figures are volume guidance for 2014 (except VAP Europe which is the 2013 figure). Actual harvest volumes will be affected by e.g. water temperatures, development in biological growth, biological challenges such as diseases, algea blooms etc. and market developments. 20 Morpol – acquired in 2013 Major step in becoming a leading integrated protein player The leading secondary processing entity in Europe Complementary market position to Marine Harvest ~About 4,000 employees 21 Q1 2014 segment overview SOURCES OF ORIGIN Marine Harvest Group - analytical figures NOK million Scotland Canada Chile 720 107 112 103 4 42 32 - 13 - 33 28 - 4 1 10 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - 3 - 8 - 6 85 - 25 - 38 706 133 122 119 4 44 - 16 1 111 - 21 - 21 - 37 1 090 OPERATIONAL EBIT MH FARMING MH SALES AND MARKETING MH Markets MH VAP Europe Morpol Processing SUBTOTAL Other enities 1) Norway Ireland Faroes 2) TOTAL Other MH Group 1 090 706 133 122 119 4 44 55 107 10 468 6 368 17 741 476 2 084 92 243 12.82 0.58 12.66 2.67 19.10 1.51 6.73 0.95 8.70 -0.14 20.98 0.61 12.05 0.92 - of which MH VAP Europe -0.24 -0.35 0.00 -0.01 -0.47 0.00 -0.27 - of which Morpol Processing -0.59 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.41 Price achievement/reference price (%) 4) Contract coverage (%) Quality - superior share (%) Exceptional items (NOK million) 5) Exceptional items per kg (NOK) 5) 94% 40% 91% -75 -1.36 93% 64% 95% 0 0.00 99% 0% 76% 0 0.00 103% 29% 84% -1 -0.08 96% 90% 0 0.00 101% 0% 97% 0 0.00 95% 37% 89% -76 -0.83 68 000 264 000 33% 15 000 49 500 46% 7 000 29 000 0% 15 000 59 500 17% 1 000 6 000 0% 3 000 9 000 0% 109 000 417 000 31% Harvest volume gutted weight tons (salmon) Operational EBIT per kg (NOK) - of which MH Markets 3) GUIDANCE Q2 2014 harvest volume (gutted weight tons) 2014 harvest volume (gutted weight tons) Q2 2014 contract share (%) 1) Operational EBIT arising from non salmon speices and 3rd party salmon not allocated to source of origin 2) Sterling White Halibut, Headquarter and Holding companies 3) Excluding Sterling White Halibut, Headquarter and Holding companies 4) MH Markets' price achievement to third party, MH VAP Europe and Morpol 5) Exceptional items impacting operational EBIT 22 2013 segment overview 2013 SOURCES OF ORIGIN Marine Harvest Group - analytical figures NOK million OPERATIONAL EBIT MH FARMING MH SALES AND MARKETING MH Markets MH VAP Europe Morpol Processing SUBTOTAL Other enities Ireland Faroes Scotland Canada Chile 2 245 494 288 - 78 - 30 81 186 - 37 16 105 - 4 8 48 0 0 13 0 0 1 - 1 0 3 0 0 - 10 - 16 39 346 - 58 63 2 410 603 337 - 66 - 30 84 14 3 352 -140 - 140 - 126 3 212 2) TOTAL Other 1) Norway MH Group 3 001 2 410 603 337 - 66 - 30 84 222 494 48 389 33 059 28 281 5 883 5 665 343 772 - of which MH Markets 10.83 0.84 12.45 2.16 10.19 1.46 -2.32 0.45 -5.02 0.23 14.86 0.48 9.75 1.01 - of which MH VAP Europe -0.17 -0.08 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.00 -0.17 0.07 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 94% 37% 88% -188 -0.84 92% 61% 93% -17 -0.36 101% 2% 86% -17 -0.51 101% 32% 87% -18 -0.64 93% 87% -55 -9.38 98% 6% 95% 0 0.00 95% 37% 89% -295 -0.86 47 000 254 500 42% 10 000 49 500 69% 6 000 28 000 0% 14 500 56 000 36% 500 8 000 95% 2 000 9 000 na 80 000 405 000 45% Harvest volume gutted weight tons (salmon) Operational EBIT per kg (NOK) 3) - of which Morpol Processing Price achievement/reference price (%) 4) Contract coverage (%) Quality - superior share (%) Exceptional items (NOK million) 5) Exceptional items per kg (NOK) 5) GUIDANCE Q1 2014 harvest volume gutted weight tons 2014 harvest volume gutted weight tons Q1 2014 contract share 1) Operational EBIT arising from non salmon speices and 3rd party fish not allocated to source of origin 2) Sterling White Halibut, Headquarter and Holding companies 3) Excluding Sterling White Halibut, Headquarter and Holding companies 4) MH Marktes' price achievement to third party, MH VAP Europe and Morpol Processing 5) Exceptional items impacting operational EBIT. Refer to Note 6 to theinterim financial statements for further details 23 Industry supply outlook 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HOG tonnes (thousands) Norw ay 667 Chile 363 North America 125 UK 123 Other 69 Total 1,347 770 215 124 130 88 1,328 850 117 126 129 89 1,310 905 199 124 139 103 1,471 1065 328 140 143 123 1,799 1029 421 122 142 124 1,839 Q2 2008 HOG tonnes (thousands) Norw ay 162 Chile 82 North America 32 UK 28 Other 17 Total 321 Q2 2009 176 47 33 29 20 306 Q2 2010 195 30 28 29 19 301 Q2 2011 201 40 28 34 24 327 Q2 2012 253 77 35 35 27 428 Low 1,101 426 118 140 130 1,914 Estim ates 2014 Y/Y grow th High 7% 1,151 1% 456 -3% 125 -2% 147 4% 137 4% 2,015 Y/Y grow th 12% 8% 2% 3% 10% 10% Low 255 100 28 32 29 444 ESTIMATES Q2 2014 Q/Q grow th High 11% 265 4% 105 -11% 31 -5% 35 -1% 32 6% 468 Q/Q grow th 15% 9% -2% 4% 9% 11% Low 610 195 66 78 70 1,019 ESTIMATES Q3/Q4 2014 Q/Q grow th High Q/Q grow th 8% 650 15% -10% 220 2% 14% 70 20% -2% 82 3% 9% 74 16% 3% 1,096 11% Q2 2013 230 96 32 34 29 420 Q3/Q4 2008 Q3/Q4 2009 Q3/Q4 2010 Q3/Q4 2011 Q3/Q4 2012 Q3/Q4 2013 HOG tonnes (thousands) Norw ay 350 430 459 514 570 567 Chile 201 76 56 125 184 216 North America 63 61 67 69 71 58 UK 66 74 68 76 73 80 Other 38 47 50 56 65 64 Total 717 689 701 841 963 985 Actual harvest volumes will be affected by e.g. water temperatures, development in biological growth, biological challenges such as diseases, algae blooms etc. and market developments. 24 MHG – 2014 volume guidance Salmon species HOG tons (1000) Q1 2013 Actual Q2 2013 Actual Q3 2013 Actual Q4 2013 Actual 2013 Actual Q1 2014 Actual Q2 2014 Estimate Q3-Q4 2014 Estimate 2014 Estimate Norway 47 54 53 69 222 55 68 141 264 Chile (1) 8 0 6 14 28 18 15 27 60 Canada 12 9 6 6 33 6 7 16 29 Scotland 10 13 14 12 48 10 15 24 50 3 4 2 3 12 3 4 8 15 80 79 81 103 344 92 109 216 417 Other Units Total Actual harvest volumes will be affected by e.g. water temperatures, development in biological growth, biological challenges such as diseases, algae blooms etc. and market developments. 25 Outlook Strong demand expected to continue Forward prices of NOK 38.8 per kg for Q2-Q4 2014 However, higher supply growth expected for remainder of year Strategic focus areas Successful development of green-field feed capacity Acquisitions in Norway and Chile Integration of Morpol High sea lice awareness in Norway – Chile remains concerning Risk of adverse regulatory change in Norway Quarterly dividend of NOK 5 per share proposed to AGM 26