Pick and Choose Kopieringsunderlag i engelska från nutid.nu Mera Förlaget, Box 2095, 433 02 Sävedalen. 031-3408199, www.nutid.nu PI C K AN D CHOOSE E tt kop i eri n gsu n derl ag som fri tt får an vän das på pren u m ereran de skol a. Ski ckas u t varje vecka, 1 8 gån ger per skol term i n . Al l a pren u m eran ter får det ti l l två m ai l adresser, om de vi l l , m en det är också m öjl i gt att få si dorn a m ed post m ot ett m i n dre ti l l ägg (+ 8 kr/vecka). P i ck an d Ch oose b estår av fyra ol i ka övn i n gar i en gel ska. D e fyra övn i n garn a an kn yter ofta ti l l sådan t som är aktu el l t ju st n u m en i de fl esta fal l så går de att an vän da n är som h el st p å året. Al l t i n går för bara 288 kr/term i n (1 6 kr/vecka). Föl jan de i n går varje vecka; 1 . A-u ppg ift 1 . 2. A-u ppg ift 2. 3. B-u ppg ift 1 . 4. B-u ppg ift 2. 5. Facit. Övning med enklare engelska som passar de yngre eleverna i första hand. Som ovan Övning för de som läst engelska lite längre och också anpassade innehållsmässigt för de lite äldre eleverna. Som ovan Givetvis finns det ett komplett facit till allt material. Tid igare utg ivn i ng E ftersom n ästan al l t av detta m ateri al går att an vän da n är som h el st på året och det m esta även m ån ga kom m an de år, så h ar vi sam m an stäl l t ti di gare term i n ers u tgi vn i n g i 1 3 prakti ska pärm ar (äl dsta från H T04). Varje pärm i n n eh ål l er 72 övn i n gar m ed faci t. M ycket bra kopi eri n gsu n derl ag. Kostar 306 kr/pärm + en h etsfrakt 90 kr. Sam m a m ateri al fi n n s också att bestäl l a som pdf-fi l er för egen u tskri ft. D å kostar varje " pärm" 1 98 kr. Fi n n s ej m ed på tal on g n edan . B estäl l i så fal l på vår h em si da www. n u ti d. n u el l er ski cka ett m ai l el l er van l i gt brev. G äl l er även om n i vi l l bestäl l a katal oger äl dre än VT1 0. Paketpris med övriga läromedel Än n u bi l l i gare än 1 6 kr/vecka bl i r det om m an också är pren u m eran t på våra övri ga l ärom edel som Veckans N utidsfrågor, Veckans Land och /el l er The News Qu iz. Paketpriser Två l ärom edel - 36 kr/term i n Fyra l ärom edel - 1 08 kr/term i na Tre l ärom edel - 72 kr/term i n Fyl l i tal on gen n edan och faxa sedan h el a si dan ti l l 031 -3409991 B äst är dock om n i an vän der form u l äret på http://www. n utid . n u/PC/p&cform . htm l PICK AN D CHOOSE D en n a tal on g kan faxas el l er ski ckas m ed post. Önskar starta prenu meration . . . M otsvaran de kan också bestäl l as på vår h em si da. M ed en bart em ai l Skol a: M ed em ai l + post Al l a p ren u m erati on er är fortl öpan d e. Adress: Önskar köpa tryckt material i pärm . . . Postadress: Pärm H T 1 0 . . . . . . . st Tel efon : Pärm VT 1 0 . . . . . . . st E m ai l 1 : FakturaReferen s: 432 kr + 6% m om s P ri s för h el a H T 201 1 , 1 8 n u m m er. Kon taktp erson : E m ai l 2: 288 kr + 25% m om s Faktu raadress: M era Förl ag et, B ox 2095, 433 02 SÄVE DAL E N , Fax: 031 -340 99 91 , i n for@m era. se 306 kr + 6% m om s 306 kr + 6% m om s M era-Förl aget B ox 2095 433 02 SÄVE DALE N Tel : 031 -340 81 99 Fax: 031 -340 99 91 i n for@ m era. se www. n u ti d. n u PI CK AN D CHOOSE HT A-u ppg ifter N r 253. ve 34 H ow was you r su m m er? 505 N r 254. ve 35 Loch N ess mystery 507 N r 255. ve 36 H ap py Feet return s h om e 509 N r 256. ve 37 VI KTI G I N FO RMATI O N 11 B-u ppg ifter 506 H osp i tal Draw a m on ster 508 Pen g u i n q u i z 51 0 H ou n d Dog, Jai l h ou se 507 Rock an d Stan d B y M e M atch i n g verbs an d n ou n s 51 1 51 2 n r 255 505 509 Kron os an d Patti Sm i th g ot Pol ar Pri ze Th ere' s a di fferen ce An agram s 508 Pron ou n crossword 51 0 51 1 Om ni vill avsluta er prenumeration så meddela51 oss detta SENAST N r 257. ve 38 51 3 4 51 3fredag 9/9-201 1. Vill ni fortsätta som tidigare behöver ni inte meddela oss någonting. Alla prenumerationer är fortlöpande. 51 5 51 5 51 6 N r 258. ve 39 51 7 51 7 varje vecka. 51 8med fyra nya övningar i engelska N r Pick 259. ve 40 Choose - Kopieringsunderlag and Många av övningarna med texter som anknyter till dagsaktuella ämnen. Två lättare övningar och två lite svårare. Kostnad: 18 ggr höstterminen 51 9288 kr/termin - utkommer 51 9 201 1 520 N r 260. ve 4 1 Mera Förlaget ger även ut flera andra populära läromedel: N r 26 1 . ve 42 521 522 506 521 The News Qu iz - Veckans Nutidsfrågor fast på engelska. 12 st 1X2-frågor varje vecka med 51 2 51 4 51 6 51 8 520 522 523 N r inriktning 262. ve 43på högstadie- och523 524 vecka ytterligare ett gymnasienivå. Varannan kryss med 10 st 524 det även ett intressant525 kommentarmaterial på526 engelska. N r finns 263. ve 44 525 526 528 527 528 529 N r svårighetsgrad 265. ve 46 530 men också mycket annat matnyttigt: 529 530 Sportfrågorna, Det var då, Kluringen. 532 531 N r yngre), 266. ve Nöjesfrågorna, 47 531 532 533 534 1X2-frågor som är lite enklare både vad gäller språk och innehåll. Till News Quiz Advanced Kostnad 396 kr/termin. Utkommer 18 ggr höstterminen 201 1 . N r 264. ve 45 527 Veckans N utidsfrågor - Nutidsfrågor på svenska som innehåller flera nutidskryss i olika A-frågor, B-frågor, C-frågor, K-frågor (klartext), Extrauppgifter, Sju dagar (nutidskryss för Veckans Nutidsfrågor utkommer 18 ggr under höstterminen 201 1 och kostar (inklusive allt extramaterial) 288 kr, d. v. s. 16kr/vecka. N r 267. ve 48 533 534 Veckans Land - Kopieringsunderlag i geografi/historia/samhällskunskap om ett 535 kr/termin - utkommer 536 18 ggr höstterminen 535 N r dagsaktuellt 268. ve 49 land. Kostnad 288 201 1. 536 lämnar mer än ett av våra läromedel. 537har prenumeration på N r Vi 269. ve 50rabatt till dem som 537 538 538 Provexem pel på al la läromed len fi n ns att ladda hem från vår hemsida 539 540 N r 270. ve 5 1 UTKO M M E R HT 1 1 : 540 www. n ut id . n u 539 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 , 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 , Alla prenumerationer är fortlöpande från termin till termin. Anmäl avslut och ändringar. Kontrollera att ändring skett veckan efter. Happy Feet returns home 509 Last June, an exhausted and hungry emperor penguin was found on the beach in Peka Peka, New Zealand’s North Island. It was lost and thousands of kilometres from its home in the Antarctic, where penguins normally live. Because it was so weak, it was taken to Wellington Zoo. Penguins eat snow to cool themselves down but this one had eaten a lot of sand thinking that it was snow. The vets removed the sand from its stomach and the staff gave it food and took good care of it. It became so popular that the amount of visitors at the zoo almost doubled and people nicknamed it Happy Feet like the film. After spending several weeks at the zoo, Happy Feet is now well enough to return home. Last Monday it was loaded on a boat in a specially designed box to keep it cool and comfortable. It will be released on Campbell Island, 2,000 km from the Antarctic. According to researchers, the island is within the normal living area of emperor penguins, so Happy Feet will be able to swim back home and hopefully meet some penguins it knows on its way. It will carry a GPS* tracker so that researchers and the public can follow its journey at www.wellingtonzoo.com WORDS YOU MAY NOT KNOW to return – att återvända to remove – att ta bort exhausted – utmattad a stomach – en mage an emperor penguin – staff – personal en kejsarpingvin a visitor – en besökare to cool down – att kyla ner to double – att fördubbla a vet – en veterinär a nickname – ett smeknamn Read the text above and try to find the listed words in the word box, please. The words may read down, across or diagonally. PENGUIN EMPEROR REMOVE WEAK HAPPY COOL DOUBLE NICKNAME ANTARCTICA VISITOR STOMACH SWIM C T K V S I specially designed – speciellt utformad comfortable – bekväm within – inom a tracker – en spårare a journey – en resa, färd S I T O R P N W R W C T P N T R E M O V E H R I O W M N R D P A W C M K P W G O R P K K A N E C T U W P S N C W R P R B I Y W A H C O O L L P N I M W P R N P E R W M E A N T A R C T * Global Positioning System, satellite navigation I C A Penguin quiz 510 Work in groups of 3-4 students in each and try to answer as many of the questions below as possible, please. Write your answers on the lines or choose the correct alternative. You get one point for each correct answer and the group with most points wins. You can write your score in the box. 1. What colour are penguins? 2. Where do most penguins live? a) The Arctic b) The Antarctic 3. What do penguins mostly eat? 4. How many eggs do penguins usually lay? a) 1 – 2 b) 3 c) many 5. What kind of a penguin is Happy Feet? a) a king penguin b) a macaroni penguin c) an emperor penguin 6. Can penguins fly? a) no b) yes 7. Why don’t polar bears hunt penguins? a) They think penguins taste bad. b) Penguins move too fast. c) Polar bears live in the Arctic, penguins in the Antarctic. 8. Are penguins birds? a) yes b) no Our score Kronos and Patti Smith got Polar Prize 509 Polar Music Prize was founded more than twenty years ago by Stikkan Andersson, a publisher, lyricist and manager of ABBA. It was named after Andersson’s record label, Polar Records. In 1989 Stikkan donated 42 million SEK to establish the world’s biggest music prize. The prize is among the most highly regarded music prizes in the world, awarded to persons, groups, or institutions for extraordinary musical achievements. The award ceremony takes place in Stockholm every year and the first laureates were Sir Paul McCartney and the Baltic States in 1992. The Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were awarded one million each to establish a performing rights organization like STIM* in Sweden. This year’s laureates are Kronos Quartet, an American string quartet founded in 1973, and Patti Smith. Kronos play a wide range of music from folk, experimental and medieval music to film sound tracks, jazz and tango. They have also worked together with musicians like Björk, the Romanian gypsy band Taraf de Haidouks, Tom Waits, David Bowie and Nelly Furtado. Patti Smith, an American poet and musician, became an important member of the New York punk movement in 1975 with her first album Horses, a mixture of punk and verbal poetry, and she was nicknamed the Godmother of Punk. The following years she recorded three more albums: Radio Ethiopia, Easter and Wave. Easter included one of her best known songs, Because the Night, which she wrote together with Bruce Springsteen. In 1979 she moved to Detroit, got married, stopped performing and became a full-time mother. It took nine years before she released next album – Dream of Life. When her husband and two of her closest friends died, she decided to move back to New York. In 1995 she released Gone Again and toured briefly with Bob Dylan. Except recording, performing, art projects and writing, she has always been strongly involved in social issues and in many human rights organizations. She was a speaker and singer at the first protest meeting against the Iraq war in 2002, and in 2006 she performed two new protest songs – Qana, which is about the Israeli bombing of the village of Qana in Lebanon, and Without Chains about Murat Kurnaz, a Turkish citizen born and raised in Germany, imprisoned in Guantamo Bay for four years. While touring with her band, she keeps on writing and creating art projects. In addition to her ten albums, she has written several books and Just Kids, published in January last year, won the National Book Award. She got the Polar Prize for “demonstrating how much rock’n’roll there is in poetry and how much poetry there is in rock’n’roll”. Read the text above and explain the terms below in other words, please. Write your explanations on the lines, you can continue on the other side of this paper. 1. If something is highly regarded, it is ........................................................... 2. Extraordinary achievements mean .............................................................. 3. A laureate is ................................................................................................. 4. If something is of wide range, it is .............................................................. 5. If something happens briefly, it happens ..................................................... 6. Social issues are ........................................................................................... 7. A protest song is ........................................................................................... 8. If someone is imprisoned, he or she is ......................................................... 9. Another word for establish is ....................................................................... 10. Another word for keep on is ...................................................................... Patti Smith * Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå Pronoun crossword 510 Solve the crossword below, please. All words in it are pronouns (words that refer to someone or something mentioned elsewhere). There are clues for each word to help you. 1. 2. 12. 17. 16. 13. 7. 3. 15. 4. 14. 11. 5. 10. 9. 6. 8. 18. 19. 20. 1. They should look after ? better. 2. I waited for Jane and Lucy, but ? didn’t show up. 3. How are ? today? 4. We kept the secret to ? 5. We didn’t know about the meeting, nobody told ? 6. That’s easy, ? can do that. 7. The house was empty, there was ? there. 8. ? shoes are these? 9. There must be ? we can do. 10. Lift up first one arm and then the ? 11. ? of these two would you choose? 12. If you want tea, I can make you ? 13. ? think it’s an excellent idea. 14. You have our support, ? you decide. 15. Jane was one of ? participants. 16. I’m not sure ? you mean. 17. I think this book is mine, that one is ? 18. Come out, ? you are. 19. He knew ? in the office. 20. I’m not going to do that, you can do it ? Penguin quiz Happy Feet returns home 509 C T K V S I S I 510 1. They are black and white. 2. b) 3. They eat mostly fish. 4. a) 5. c) 6. a) 7. c) 8. a) T O R P N W R W C T P N T R E M O V E H R I O W M N R D P A W C M K P W G O R P K K A N E C T U W P S N C W R P R B I Y W A H C O O L L P N I M W P R N P E R W M E A N T A R C T I Kronos and Patti Smith got Polar Prize C A Pronouns crossword 509 1. 2. H 7. 1. respected, thought highly of 2. remarkable, outstanding performance or deed 3. a person honoured with an award 4. of broad, extensive area or field 5. short time 6. topics or problems relating to society 7. a song expressing disapproval, objection, or complaint 8. locked up, in prison, in jail 9. to set up, start, initiate, found 10. to continue, carry on 510 12. T H E M S E L V E S E O 13. M A N Y E 17. 16. W H A 15. Y O U S N 4. 3. Y O U E O 14. 5. 11. U S W H A T E V E R B 10. R S E O O H 9. R S O M E T H I N G D 6. A A N Y O N E H C L L E H V R 8. 18. W H O S E S H O E 20. E V E R Y O N E 19. E O R U R S E L F