
Chapter 15
The query processor is the group of components of a DBMS
that turns user queries and data-modification commands
into a sequence of database operations and executes those
Since SQL lets us express queries at a very high level, the
query processor must supply a lot of detail regarding how
the query is to be executed.
In Chapter 15, concentration is more on Query execution.
Query Execution: It is the algorithms that manipulate the
data of the database.
The principal methods for execution of the operations
of relational algebra differ in their basic strategy of
Sorting, and
Assumption about the amount of available main memory.
Assumption that the arguments of the operation are too big to
fit in memory and might have significantly different costs and
Query compilation is divided into 3 major steps:
Parsing, in which a parse tree construct the structure and
Query rewrite, in which the parse tree is converted to an
initial query plan, which is an algebraic representation of the
query. This initial plan is then transformed into an
equivalent plan that is expected to require less time to
Physical Plan Generation, where the abstract query plan is
converted into physical query plan. The physical plan is
represented by an expression tree. The physical plan also
includes details such as how the queried relations are
accessed, and when and if a relation should be sorted.
Physical query plans are built from :
Operator: operators each of which implements one
step of the plan.
Physical operators: They do not involve operations
of relational algebra. e.g: Scanning a table
For scanning a table we have two different approach:
Basic Scan: A relation R which Scan the Entire Data
Specific Scan: A relation R that selects the tuples from database
which satisfy certain predicate for relation R.
The Basic approach to locate the tuples are:
 Table scan
Relation R is stored in secondary memory with its tuples arranged
in blocks which can be retrieved one by one.
Index scan
If there is an index on any attribute of relation R, then we can use
this index to get all the tuples of R.
we can use the index not only to get all the tuples of the relation it
indexes, but to get only those tuples that have a particular value in
the attribute that form the search key for the index.
Sorting is the major concern while scanning the table.
Reasons why we need sorting while scanning tables:
Various algorithms for relational-algebra operations require one
or both of their arguments to be sorted relation.
 The query could include an ORDER BY clause requiring that a
relation be sorted.
There are several ways that sort-scan (Physical-Query-plan
operator) can be implemented:
 If we are to produce a relation R sorted by attribute a, and if
there is a B-tree index on a, then index scan is used.
 If relation R is small enough to fit in main memory, then we
can retrieve its tuples using a table scan or index scan.
 If R is too large to fit in main memory, then the multiway
merging approach is used.
A query generally consists of several operations of relational
algebra, and the corresponding physical query plan is composed
of several physical operators.
Good query processor chooses physical plan operators wisely
and is able to estimate the "cost" of each operator we use.
Disk I/O can be used as a measure of cost.
If the operator produces the final answer to a query, and that
result is indeed written to disk, then the cost depends on the size
of the answer, and not on how the answer was computed.
When the answer is passed to some device other than disk then
the disk I/O cost of the output either is zero or depends upon
application data.
Estimates of cost are essential if the optimizer has to determine
which query plans is likely to execute fastest.
We need a parameter to represent the portion of main memory
that the operator uses and some parameters to measure size of
arguments. This calculates the Main memory buffer required for
an operation.
These parameters, measuring size and distribution of data in a
relation are often computed periodically to help the query
optimizer choose physical operators.
The parameter families which are essential for cost estimation are:
Size of relation R to hold number of blocks B containing data.
Number of tuples T in R to calculate tuples which would fit in one B
Number of distinct values V appearing in a column
Parameters for measuring costs
Parameters that mainly affect the performance of a query are:
The cost mainly depends upon size of memory block on the disk
The size in the main memory affects the performance of a query.
Buffer space availability in the main memory at the time of execution
of the query.
Size of input and the size of the output generated
This are the number of disk I/O’s needed for each of the scan
If a relation R is clustered, then the number of disk I/O’s is
approximately B where B is the number of blocks where R is stored.
If R is clustered but requires a two phase multi way merge sort then
the total number of disk I/O required will be more.
If R is not clustered, then the number of required disk I/0's is
generally much higher or equal to T.
The Iterator allows a consumer of the result of the
physical operator to get the result one tuple at a time.
The three major functions of an iterator:
Open() we have to start process by getting tuples and
initialize the data structure and perform operation.
Getnext() this function returns the next tuple in result
Close() finally closes all operation and function