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The Theory of Eclipse in
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng (1725)
Dr. Lu Dalong
Institute for the History of Natural Science (IHNS),
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
28 June 2010, Beijing for 12th ICHSC
Paper for the 12th International Conference on the History of
Science in China (12th ICHSC)
26-30 June 2010, Beijing, China
The author gratefully acknowledges the supports of:
National Science Foundation of China (NSFC),
K. C. Wong Education Foundation, CAS,
The China-Portugal Center for the History of Sciences.
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars in Qing Dynasty
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
In the early period of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), The
four calendars had been put into use.
Xiyang Xinfa Lishu (Treatise on Mathematics (Astronomy and
Calendrical Science) according to the Western method, this
encyclopaedia was issued in the Ming (1635) as Chongzhen
reign-period Treatise on (Astronomy and) Calendrical
Science, first form of the Jesuit astronomical encyclopaedia,
reissued as the former by Johann Adam Schall von Bell
(1591-1666) in 1645, 1628-1827, and the year of 1628 was
selected as the epoch of the Calendar).
1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
Kangxi Yongnian Lifa (The Eternal Calendar of Kangxi Emperor,
compiled by Ferdinand Verbiest (1623-1688) in 1669, 18283827).
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng (Complete Studies on Astronomy and
Calendar, 1725, 1684-1983).
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng Houbian (The Supplement to Complete
Studies on Astronomy and Calendar, 1742, 1723-2022).
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
1、《西洋新法历书》,传教士汤若望(Johann Adam Schall
von Bell,1591—1666)根据明末《崇祯历书》改编,1645
2、《康熙永年历法》,传教士南怀仁(Ferdinand Verbiest,
1725年行用, 300年(1684—1983)闰年特点。
4、《御制历象考成后编》,传教士戴进贤(Ignace Kögler,
1680—1746)、徐懋德(André Pereira,1690—1743)等
与中国宫廷天文学家主持编修,1743年行用, 300年
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
The Characters of Leap Years in XYXFLS for 200 years (16281827), in YZLXKC for 300 years (1684-1983) , and in Kangxi
Yongnian Lifa for 2000 years (1828-3827)
1644* 1677 1710 1743 1776 1809 1842 1875 1908 1941 1974
1648 1681
14 47 80 13 46 79 12 45 78
1652 1685
18 51 84 17 50 83 16 49 822)
1656 1689
22 55 88 21 54 87 20 53
1660 1693
26 59 92 251) 58 91 24 57 90
1631 1664 1697
30 63 96 293) 62 95 1929*1962*1995*
1635 1668 1701
34 67 1801*1834*1867*1900* 33 66
1639 1673* 1706* 1739* 1772* 05 38 71 04 37 70 2003
1) For XYXFLS 200 years from 1628 to 1827
2) In red color for YZLXKC 300 years from 1684 to 1983
3)For KXYNLF 2000 years, based on the 4 volumes of the Ecliptic Tables
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
2007 2040 2073 2106 2139 2172 2205 2238 2271 2304 2337 2370 2403 2436
11 44 77 10 43
76 09 42 75 08 41 74 07 2441*
15 48 81 14 47
80 13 46 79 2313*2346*2379*2412* 45
19 52 85 18 51 2185*2218*2251*2284* 17 50
83 16 49
23 2057*2090*2123*2156* 89 22 55 88 21 54
87 20 53
2028* 61 94 27 60
93 26 59 92 25 58
91 24 57
32 65 98 31 64
97 30 63 96 29 62
95 28 61
36 69 2102 35 68 2201 34 67 2300 33 66
99 32 65
2469 2502 2535 2569*2602*2635*2668*2701 2734 2767 2800 2833 2866 2899
2474*2507*2540* 73 06 39 72 05 38 71 04 37 70 2903
78 11
44 77 10 43 76 09 42 75 08 41 74 07
82 15
48 81 14 47 80 13 46 79 12 45 78 11
86 19
52 85 18 51 84 17 50 83 16 49 82 15
90 23
56 89 22 55 88 21 54 87 20 53 86 19
94 27
60 93 26 59 92 25 58 91 2825*2858*2891*2924*
98 31
64 97 30 63 2697*2730*2763*2769* 29 62 95 28
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
2932 2965 2998 3031 3064 3097 3130 3163 3196 3229 3262 3295 3328 3361
36 69 3002 35 68 3101 34
67 3200 33 66 99 32 65
40 73 06 39 72
05 38
71 04 37 70 3303 36 69
44 77 10 43 76
09 42
75 08 41 3275*3308*3341*3374*
48 81 14 47 3081*3114*3147* 3180*3213*3246* 79 12 45 78
2953*2986*3019* 3052* 85
18 51
84 17
50 83 16 49 82
57 90 23
56 89
22 55
88 21
54 87 20 53 86
61 94 27
60 93
26 59
92 25
58 91 24 57 90
3394 3427 3460 3493 3526 3559 3592 3625 3659*3692*3725*3758*3791 3824
98 31 64
97 3531*3564*3597*3630* 63 96 29 62 95
3403*3436*3469* 3502* 35 68 3601 34 67 3700 33 66 99
07 40 73
06 39 72 05 38 71 04 37 70 3803
11 44 77
10 43 76 09 42 75 08 41 74 07
15 48 81
14 47 80 13 46 79 12 45 78 11
18 52 85
18 51 84 17 50 83 16 49 82 15
23 56 89
20 55 88 21 54 87 20 53 3787*3820*
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
The historical vicissitudes of the Chinese calendar will, indeed,
remain a matter of some difficulty, as the definitive monograph on
this subject has not yet been written, either in Chinese or a Western
language . Fortunately, however, it is not of primary scientific
importance. The various shifts to which the calendar experts were
put by their inaccurate knowledge of precession, planetary cycles,
etc., need not delay us too much. What seem really interesting in Chinese
astronomy are such questions as the ancient and medieval cosmic theories, the
mapping of the heavens and the coordinates used, the understanding of the great
circles of the celestial sphere, the use of circumpolar stars as indicators of the
meridian passages of invisible equatorial constellations, the study of eclipses, the
gradual development of astronomical instruments (which by the +13th century
had attained a level much higher than that of Europe), and the through recording
of observations of important celestial phenomena.
Joseph Needham, Vol.3 of Science and Civilisation in China, Cambridge: at the
University Press, 1959, p. 173.
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
Seven branches of the research field in the History of Chinese
1. the ancient and medieval cosmic theories;
2. the mapping of the heavens and the coordinates used;
3. the understanding of the great circles of the celestial sphere;
4. the use of circumpolar stars as indicators of the meridian
passages of invisible equatorial constellations;
5. the study of eclipses,
6. The gradual development of astronomical instruments (which by
the +13th century had attained a level much higher than that of
Europe); and
7. the through recording of observations of important celestial
Part 1 The Brief History of Chinese Calendars
5. the study of eclipses
1) The Theory of the Solar Motion;
2) The Theory of the Lunar Motion;
3) The Calculations of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses
three divisions:
the calculations of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses - Prediction
the observation of the Solar and Lunar Eclipsed - Records
the calculations by modern astronomical theory - Accuracy
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
The calculations of the Eclipses - Prediction
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng was composed by three parts:
1. Shang Bian (16 volumes) – LiLi (The theories of calendar)
2. Xia Bian (10 volumes) – LiFa (The calendrical sciences)
3. Biao (16volumes, Astronomical tables)
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
The Theory of the solar motion in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng was
derived from the model of eccentrical circle, and illustrated in
the model of epicycle- oblique circle (Benlun- Junlun). The
diameters of the epicycle and oblique circle are supposed to be
268,812 and 89,604 respectively when the mean distance
between the Earth and the Moon was supposed as 10,000,000.
The annual equation of the mean motion of the Sun depends on the
eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit round the Sun, which is 179208
of such parts, as that the Earth’s mean distance from the Sun
shall be 10,000,000. The greatest of the Equation of the Sun’s
center is 2º03'11".
the equation of the center = arctg [0.0358416 sinα÷(1-
0.0179208 cosα)]
Isaac Newton, Principia (1713, the second edition): 1º56' 20".
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng Houbian (1742): 1º56 '13".
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
御制历象考成 上编,卷四·日躔历理:求两心差及最高:
相合。 ( tg 2º03'09"40'" = 0.0358415059)
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
The theory of the lunar motion in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng was
derived from the model of epicycle- oblique circle- subepicycle- sub-oblique circles (Benlun- Junlun- Cilun- Cijunlun).
The diameters of the epicycle, oblique circle, sub-epicycle and
sub-oblique circle were 1,160,000, 580,000, 434,000 and
235,000 respectively when the mean distance between the
Earth and the Moon was supposed as 10,000,000.
R1 = 10,000,000, R2 = 290,000, R3 = 217,000, R4 = 117,500.
M‘ (初均数) = arctg [3R2 sinM ÷ (R1 + R2 cosM)]; M (自行)
a = √( 3R2 sinM )2 + (R1 + R2 cosM )2
b = 2R3 sin (S – A ) ; S – A (月距日)
c = √a2 + b2 – 2abcos [90 + (S – A ) – (M – M' )]
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
M" (二均数) = arcsin (b sinM ÷ c)
d = √c2 + R4 2 – 2 c R4 cos [360 – 2 (S – A )]
M'"(三均数) = arcsin (R4 sin [360 – 2 (S – A )] ÷ d)
Mend (实行) = M – M' – M" – M'"
M the distance of the center of oblique circle from the apogee
Lunar equation of the center (M' + M" + M'"):7º33'03"/4º58'28".
The Moon’s greatest distance from the Earth, the parallaxes of the
Moon and the apparent diameters of the Moon given by
Claudius Ptolemaeus (c.90-168) Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543), Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng and
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) were tabulated.
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
Ptolemaeus/ Copernicus/ Tycho/ Kaocheng/ Kepler
(Greatest distance) Pto/ Cop/ Tyc/ Kaocheng (parallaxes) Pto/ Cop/ Tyc/ Kaocheng
(apparent diameters) Pto/ Cop/ Tyc/ Kaocheng/ Kepler
The greatest [altitudinal] elongation of the half moon
64P09′/ 68P21′/ 60P36′/ 61.98P
0º54′/ 50′19″/ 57′44″/ 55′27″
0º29′/ 27′40″/
/ (29′49″) / 29′30″
The greatest distance from the Earth at new moon and full moon
53P50′/ 65P30′/ 58P08′/ 58.16P
1º58′/ 52′24″/ 59′09″/ (59′06″)
32′08″/ 30′10″/ 30′30″/ 31′47″/ 31′12″
The distance of the center of the epicycle from the Earth
48P51′/ 60P19′/ 56P50′/ 56.72P
1º01′/ 58′25″/ 60′51″/ (60′36″)
38′42″/ 32′44″/ 32′34″/ (32′35″)/
The least distance from the Earth at new moon and full moon
43P51′/ 55P08′/ 54P50′/ 54.84P
1º04′/ 62′21″/ 62′39″/ (62′41″)
38′08″/ 35′40″/ 34′40″/ 33′42″/ 32′
The Least [altitudinal] elongation of the half moon
33P33′/ 52P17′/ 52P14′/ 53.71P 1º24′/ 65′44″/ 65′36″/ 64′51″
55′ / 36′08″/
/ (34′52″)/ 34′18″
The difference between the greatest and the least elongations of the half moon
30P37′/ 16P/
0º30′/ 12′25″/ 8′53″/ 9′24″
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
The Parallaxes Tables (Taiyin Dibanjingcha Biao) were composed
by 10 tables, which are related to the distances of 53P, 54P, 55P,
56P, 57P, 58P, 59P, 60P, 61P, 62P. The parallaxes of the moon in
Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng, which were different from the values
given by the four Western astronomers, are rather precise.
Had been compared with the theory of the lunar motion in Xiyang
Xifa Lishu, the theory in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng, compiled by
Jesuits, Court Astronomers and stimulated by
nongovernmental astronomers, has a relative completeness,
though the modern theory of the lunar motion had been put
forward in Isaac Newton’s 1702 Theory of the Moon’s Motion
and the second edition of Principia (1713).
Part 2 The Theory of Elipse in YZLXKC
御制历象考成 上编,卷八·交食历理三,专论日食:
太阳黄道ecliptic longitude l0 = 105º ; 黄赤交角obliquity of the
eclipticε= 23º29'30";黄赤距度ecliptic latitudeδ;北极出地
astronomical latitude of Beijing h = 39º55'。
(日躔黄赤升度表 leaves 35-38, vol.1 of the Biao;
The headlines of the ecliptic longitude and right ascension
should be exchanged)
(黄道赤经交角表 leaf 40, vol.1 of the Biao)
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
(黄赤距度表 leaves 31-33, vol.1 of the Biao)
太阳距黄平象限西之度之余 27º56'08".000124
(黄平象限表 vol.6 and vol.7 of the Biao, total 196 leaves)
(黄道高弧交角表 leaves 3-23, vol.8 of the Biao)
(太阳高弧表 leaves 25-45, vol.8 of the Biao)
Part 2 The Theory of Eclipse in YZLXKC
The minimum of the lunar equation of the center
东西差 = arctg ( cos 白道高弧交角 × tg 高下差 )
南北差 = arcsin ( sin 白道高弧交角 × sin 高下差 )
(东西南北差表 leaves 47-57, vol.8 of the Biao)
纬差角 = arcsin ( sin 距纬 ÷ sin 併经 )
(纬差角表 leaves 59-67, vol.8 of the Biao; The end of vol.8)
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
The Compilation of YZLXKC
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
Had based on the volume 24, 25 and 26, three volumes of the Xinfa
Suanshu, the paper reveals the method of the intercalary year
(see Table 1), outlines the calculating formula for the Solar
Equation and explains the secular variation of the obliquity of
the ecliptic in Xinfa Suanshu.
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
In Xinfa Suanshu, the concept of the Jiajiancha, one of the basic
concepts in traditional Chinese astronomy, is equivalent to the
concept of the solar equation in modern western astronomy,
has the calculating formula for itself:
Jiajiancha = arcsin (e SinM)
+ arctg{e SinM ÷ [Cos(arcsin (e SinM)) – 2e CosM]}
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
The model of the solar motion in Xinfa Suanshu is the equidistantly
eccentric orbit, of which the eccentricity e is 0.01792, Yinshu M
is the arc between the apogee and the Sun, and the maxium of
the Jiajiancha is 2º03' 12", which is different from 2º03' 15" in
Tychonis Brahe Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata
(Bragae Bohemiae, M. DC. II., pp. 60-61).
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
The secular variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic was distinctly
expressed in Xinfa Suanshu, of which the retarding rate is
45˝.454545 per 100 years, being slightly smaller than the
numerical value 46˝. The secular periodicity of the obliquity of
the ecliptic of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) and that the
corresponding values of Profatius (c.1236-1305, Ibn Tibbon,
Jacob ben Machir) is 23º32', of George von Peurbach (14231461) is 23º28', of N. Copernicus is 23º28' 24" and of T. Brahe
(1546-1610) is 23º31'30" had been involved, Xinfa Suanshu did
not mentioned the reasons for its mention of the variation,
though its value for the obliquity of the ecliptic is 23º31'30 ".
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
2、 依据《钦定四库全书会要·御制历象考成》(简称《考
页); 《考成》月球运动理论依据的则是“本轮—均
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
减表”(《算书》卷三十四、卷三十五;788:590—632 。
3.66528229(= 6371.004km ×2 ÷3476.4km)。
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
1. The characters of leap years in Xiyang Xinfa Lishu (1645),
Kangxi Yongnian Lifa (1669) and Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng
(1725) had a common continuity.
2. The theory of the lunar motion in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng was
based on the model of epicycle- oblique circle- sub-epicyclesub-oblique circles (Benlun- Junlun- Cilun- Cijunlun).
3. The Ersan Junshu Biao in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng, and Ersan
Junshu Zongshu Jiajian Biao in Xiyang Xinfa Lishu as well,
could be derived by the above mentioned model as the result of
the eight calculating formula.
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
4. The Moon’s greatest distance from the Earth, the parallaxes of the
Moon and the apparent diameters of the Moon in Yuzhi Lixiang
Kaocheng were different from the values given by Claudius
Ptolemaeus (c.90-168), Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Tycho
Brahe (1546-1601), and Johannes Kepler (1571-1630).
5. The ratio of the diameter of Earth and the diameter of the Moon in
YZLXKC is 3.72 and 1, which is different from the value of 3.5
and 1 given by Nicolaus Copernicus and appeared in Xiyang
Xinfa Lishu.
6. The modern theory of the lunar motion, put forward in Issac
Newtion’s 1702 Theory of the Moon’s Motion and the second
edition of Principia (1713) was not introduced in YZLXKC,
which was slightly revised and incorporated in Yuzhi Lixiang
Kaocheng Houbian (The Supplement to Complete Studies on
Astronomy and Calendar, 1723-2022).
Part 3 Discussion and Conclusions Related to YZLXKC
7. The theory of eclipse in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng was slightly
different from that in Xiyang Xinfa Lishu (1645) and Kangxi
Yongnian Lifa (1669), and based on the horizontal coordinate
system and the angle of intersection between the Moon’s circle
and the ecliptic.
8. The vol.6, vol.7 and vol.8 of the astronomical tables related to
the eclipsed prediction in Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng Houbian
have been interpreted in some geometrical formula.
Thanks for your suggestions and comments!
The author gratefully acknowledges the support of
National Science Foundation of China
K. C. Wong Education Foundation, CAS,
The China-Portugal Center for the History of Sciences (CPCHS)