REACH- CRC CIS100 Final Exam Review Spring 2011 © 2011 REACH CRC. All Rights Reserved. CIS100 Final Exam Content MIS Chapter 8: The Web-Enabled Enterprise, including supplemental Internet and World Wide Web presentation material from MIS Ch 6 MIS Chapter 14: Risks, Security, and Disaster Recovery Excel Chapter 3: Determining Effective Data to Display with Charts Excel Chapter 7: Organizing Data for Effective Analysis Excel - cumulative concepts, features and functions, plus all of the new features and functions: TODAY, YEARFRAC, PivotTables, Charting Includes all Homework and Lab Assignments to date CIS100 Cumulative Microsoft Excel Functions •Mathematical Functions •ROUND •SUM •Statistical Functions •AVERAGE •COUNT •COUNTA •LARGE •MAX •MEDIAN •MIN •SMALL •Text Manipulation Function •Concatenate •Logical Functions •AND •OR •NOT •IF •Nested IF •Date & Time Functions •DATEDIF •TODAY •NOW •YEARFRAC Excel Mathematical Functions SUM =SUM(number1,[number2], ...) ROUND =ROUND(number,num_digits) The function Syntax: =SUM(number1, [number2], [number3], [number4], ...) Arguments: •number1 Required The first item that you want to add. •number2, number3, number4, ... Optional The remaining items that you want to add, up to a total of 255 items. Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions The function Description: •Adds all the numbers that you specify as arguments. Remarks: •Each argument can be a range, a cell reference, an array, a constant, a formula, or the result from another function. •If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. Errors: If any arguments are error values, or if any arguments are text that cannot be translated into numbers, Excel displays an error. Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions The function Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) Arguments: •number Required The number that you want to round. •num_digits Required The number of digits to which you want to round the number argument. Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions The function Description: •Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. Remarks: •If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. •If num_digits is 0, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. •If num_digits is less than 0, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions The function =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places Microsoft® Excel® Mathematical Functions Microsoft Excel Statistical Functions MAX =MAX(number1,[number2],...) MIN =MIN(number1,[number2],...) AVERAGE =AVERAGE(number1, [number2],...) LARGE =LARGE(array,k) SMALL =SMALL(array,k) MEDIAN =MEDIAN(number1, number2, …) COUNT =COUNT(value1, [value2],...) COUNTA =COUNTA(value1, [value2],...) The function Syntax: =MAX(number1,[number2],...) Arguments: •number1, number2, ... Required 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the maximum value. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the largest value in a set of values. Remarks: •Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. •Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. •If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are used. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. •If the arguments contain no numbers, MAX returns 0 (zero). Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Syntax: =MIN(number1,[number2],...) Arguments: •number1, number2, ... Required 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the minimum value. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the smallest value in a set of values. Remarks: •Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. •Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. •If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are used. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. •If the arguments contain no numbers, MIN returns 0 (zero). Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Syntax: =AVERAGE(number1, [number2],...) Arguments: •number1 Required The first number, cell reference, or range for which you want the average. •number2, ... Optional Additional numbers, cell references or ranges for which you want the average, up to a maximum of 255. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments. Remarks: •Arguments can either be numbers or names, ranges, or cell references that contain numbers. •Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. •If a range or cell reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored; however, cells with the value zero are included. Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Syntax: =LARGE(array,k) Arguments: •array Required The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value. k Required The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the k-th largest value in a data set. Remarks: •If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value. •If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) =5 List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) =4 List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 The function Syntax: =SMALL(array,k) Arguments: •array Required The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th smallest value. k Required The position (from the smallest) in the array or cell range of data to return. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Remarks: •If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,1) returns the smallest value. •If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,n) returns the largest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions 4th smallest number in first column =SMALL(array,k) 4th smallest number in first column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10 4th smallest number in first column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 4th smallest number in first column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) =4 List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 2nd smallest number in second column =SMALL(array,k) 2nd smallest number in second column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10 2nd smallest number in second column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 8 12 23 54 2nd smallest number in second column =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) =3 List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 8 12 23 54 The function Syntax: =MEDIAN(number1, number2, …) Arguments: •number1 Required 1 to 255 numbers for which you want the median. number2, … Optional 1 to 255 numbers for which you want the median. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Returns the median of the given numbers. Remarks: •The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers. •If there is an even number of numbers in the set, then MEDIAN calculates the average of the two numbers in the middle. •Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. •Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. •If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored; however, cells with the value zero are included. Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =MEDIAN(A1:A5) Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =MEDIAN(A1:A5) =3 Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =MEDIAN(A1:A6) Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =MEDIAN(A1:A6) =3.5 Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Syntax: =COUNT(value1, [value2],...) Arguments: •value1 Required The first item, cell reference, or range within which you want to count numbers. •value2, ... Optional Up to 255 additional items, cell references, or ranges within which you want to count numbers. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Counts the number of cells that contain numbers, and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Remarks: •Arguments that are numbers, dates, or a text representation of numbers (for example, a number enclosed in quotation marks, such as "1") are counted. •Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. •Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers are not counted. •If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values, text, or error values in the array or reference are not counted. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Syntax: =COUNTA(value1, [value2],...) Arguments: •value1 Required The first argument representing the values that you want to count. •value2, ... Optional Additional arguments representing the values that you want to count, up to a maximum of 255 arguments. Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function Description: •Counts the number of cells that are not empty in a range. Remarks: •Counts cells containing any type of information, including error values and empty text ("“). •The COUNTA function does not count empty cells. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =COUNTA(A2:A8) Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function =COUNTA(A2:A8) =6 Microsoft® Excel® Statistical Functions The function QUIZ Question The major difference between the COUNT and COUNTA functions is that the COUNTA function will count empty cells as well as numerical, text, and empty text values. A) True B) False The function QUIZ Question The major difference between the COUNT and COUNTA functions is that the COUNTA function will count empty cells as well as numerical, text, and empty text values. A) True B)False Microsoft Excel Text Functions CONCATENATE (including &) =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...) The function Syntax: =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...) Arguments: •text1 Required The first text item to be concatenated. •text2 Optional Additional text items, up to a maximum of 255 items, which must be separated by commas. Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function Description: • Joins up to 255 text strings into one text string. Remarks: • The joined items can be text, numbers, cell references, or a combination of those items. Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function A B C Data Data Data 2 Brook trout Andreas Hauser 3 species Fourth Pine 1 4 32 =CONCATENATE(“Stream Population for “,A2,” “,A3, “ is “,A4,”/mile”) =Stream Population for Brook trout species is 32/mile Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function A B C Data Data Data 2 Brook trout Andreas Hauser 3 species Fourth Pine 1 4 32 =CONCATENATE(B2, “ “, C2) =Andreas Hauser Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function A B C Data Data Data 2 Brook trout Andreas Hauser 3 species Fourth Pine 1 4 32 =CONCATENATE(C2, “, “ , B2) =Hauser, Andreas Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function A B C Data Data Data 2 Brook trout Andreas Hauser 3 species Fourth Pine 1 4 32 =CONCATENATE(B3, “ & “ , C3) =Fourth & Pine Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions The function A B C Data Data Data 2 Brook trout Andreas Hauser 3 species Fourth Pine 1 4 32 =B3& “ & “ &C3 =Fourth & Pine Microsoft® Excel® Text Functions Microsoft Excel Logical Functions AND =AND(logical1, [logical2], ...) OR =OR(logical1, [logical2], ...) NOT =NOT(logical) IF =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The function Syntax: =AND(logical1, [logical2], ...) Arguments: •logical1 Required The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. •logical2, ... Optional Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions. Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Description: •Returns FALSE if one or more arguments is FALSE •Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate TRUE Remarks: •Arguments must evaluate to logical values •Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values •Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function – EXAMPLE 1 Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function – EXAMPLE 2 Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Syntax: =OR(logical1, [logical2], ...) Arguments: •logical1 Required The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. •logical2, ... Optional Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions. Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Description: •Returns TRUE if one or more arguments is TRUE •Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate FALSE Remarks: •Arguments must evaluate to logical values •Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values •Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Syntax: =NOT(logical) Arguments: •logical Required A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Description: •Reverses the value of its argument. Remarks: •If logical is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE •if logical is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: •logical_test Required Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. •value_if_true Optional •The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE. •If logical_test evaluates to TRUE and the value_if_true argument is omitted (that is, there is only a comma following the logical_test argument), the IF function returns 0 (zero). •To display the word TRUE, use the logical value TRUE for the value_if_true argument. Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: •value_if_false Optional The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE. If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value_if_false argument is omitted, (that is, there is no comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the logical value FALSE. If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value of the value_if_false argument is omitted (that is, in the IF function, there is a comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the value 0 (zero). Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function Description: •The IF function returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE, and another value if that condition evaluates to FALSE. Remarks: •Up to 7 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2003) •Up to 64 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2007) •If any of the arguments to IF are arrays, every element of the array is evaluated when the IF statement is carried out. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions The function value_if_true [value_if_false] Microsoft® Excel® Logical Functions Nested If in Excel • • A nested IF statement says something like... • "If the answer is yes, do this. If the answer is no do this or this (depending on...“ • Syntax: IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false )) Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions Nested IF Contd. Cell Address is F42 What was the percentage grade you got on your last test? 75% You got a C =IF(F42<60%,"Sorry, you failed",IF(F42<70%,"You got a D",IF(F42<80%,"You got a C",IF(F42<90%, "You got a B", "WOW you got an A!!!")))) Microsoft Excel Date Functions DATEDIF =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) YEARFRAC =YEARFRAC(start_date,end_date,[basis]) TODAY =TODAY() NOW =NOW() The function Syntax: =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) Arguments: •startdate Required A date that represents the start date. •enddate Required A date that represents the end date. •interval Required The type of day count basis to use. Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Syntax: =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) Arguments: •interval Required The type of day count basis to use. Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Description: • Computes the difference between two dates in a variety of different intervals. Remarks: • If you have the interval in another cell referenced by the formula, that cell should not have quotes around the interval string. • When calculating date intervals, DATEDIF uses the year of startdate, not enddate when calculating the yd, ym and md intervals Errors: #VALUE – If startdate or enddate are not valid dates #NUM! – If startdate is greater than or equal to enddate #NUM! – If interval is not a valid paramter (m, d, y, ym, yd, md) Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function What is the difference in days between the two dates? =DATEDIF(A2,A3,”d”) Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function What is the difference in days between the two dates? =DATEDIF(A2,A3,”d”) =210 Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Syntax: =YEARFRAC(start_date,end_date,[basis]) Arguments: •start_date Required A date that represents the start date. •end_date Required A date that represents the end date. •basis Optional The type of day count basis to use. Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Description: • Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates (the start_date and the end_date). Remarks: • Use the YEARFRAC worksheet function to identify the proportion of a whole year's benefits or obligations to assign to a specific term. • Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. • All arguments are truncated to integers. Errors: #VALUE – If start_date or end_date are not valid dates #NUM! – If basis < 0 #NUM! – If basis > 4 Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function What is the fraction of the year between the two dates? =YEARFRAC(A2,A3,A4) Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function What is the fraction of the year between the two dates? =YEARFRAC(A2,A3,A4) =0.583333333 Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Syntax: =TODAY() Arguments: None Microsoft® Excel® Time & Date Functions The function Description: • Returns the serial number of the current date. Remarks: • If the cell format was General before the function was entered, Excel changes the cell format to Date. • If you want to view the serial number, you must change the cell format to General or Number. • The TODAY function is useful when you need to have the current date displayed on a worksheet, regardless of when you open the workbook. • The TODAY function is dependent on your computer’s system clock being correct. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Time & Date Functions The function =TODAY() Microsoft® Excel® Time & Date Functions The function =TODAY() Microsoft® Excel® Time & Date Functions The function Syntax: =NOW() Arguments: None Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function Description: • Returns the serial number of the current date and time. Remarks: • If the cell format was General before the function was entered, Excel changes the cell format to the same date and time format that is specified in the regional date and time settings in Control Panel. • The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you open the worksheet. • Numbers to the right of the decimal point in the serial number represent the time; numbers to the left represent the date. • The results of the NOW function change only when the worksheet is calculated or when a macro that contains the function is run. It is not updated continuously. Errors: None Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function =NOW() Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions The function =NOW() Microsoft® Excel® Date Functions Quiz Question In ____________________, the client’s Web site is stored on the host’s same physical server along with the sites of other clients. Quiz Question In shared hosting, the client’s Web site is stored on the host’s same physical server along with the sites of other clients. Quiz Question ____________________ occurs when a Web site receives an overwhelming number of information requests, such as merely logging on to a site. Quiz Question Denial of service (DoS) occurs when a Web site receives an overwhelming number of information requests, such as merely logging on to a site. Quiz Question File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a common way of transmitting whole files from one computer to another. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a common way of transmitting whole files from one computer to another. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question In general, the volume of e-commerce between businesses is about ten times as great as that of business-to-consumer e-commerce. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question In general, the volume of e-commerce between businesses is about ten times as great as that of business-to-consumer e-commerce. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question A(n) ____________________ limits site access to the employees of particular organizations, usually business partners. Quiz Question A(n) extranet limits site access to the employees of particular organizations, usually business partners. Quiz Question Online retailing, called ____________________, continues to grow throughout the world for several reasons: greater availability of faster communication lines to households, growing confidence in online purchases, and the increasing ability to find the item one searches and rich information about it. Quiz Question Online retailing, called e-tailing, continues to grow throughout the world for several reasons: greater availability of faster communication lines to households, growing confidence in online purchases, and the increasing ability to find the item one searches and rich information about it. Quiz Question An exchange is an extranet for organizations that offer for sale and bid on products and services of a particular type. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question An exchange is an extranet for organizations that offer for sale and bid on products and services of a particular type. TRUE FALSE Quiz Question ____ is a set of disks that is programmed to replicate stored data to provide a higher degree of reliability. a. SSP b. RAI c. RAID d. SAN Quiz Question ____ is a set of disks that is programmed to replicate stored data to provide a higher degree of reliability. a. SSP b. RAI c. RAID d. SAN Quiz Question The protocol used to transfer and download Web information is ____________________. Quiz Question The protocol used to transfer and download Web information is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Quiz Question ____ software notifies bloggers when their posts have been mentioned elsewhere on the Web, so they and their readers can extend the discussion beyond the original blog. a. Trace b. Forward c. Reply d. Trackback Quiz Question ____ software notifies bloggers when their posts have been mentioned elsewhere on the Web, so they and their readers can extend the discussion beyond the original blog. a. Trace b. Forward c. Reply d.Trackback Quiz Question While blogging is publishing text and other visual material, ____ is publishing sound and video. a. casting b. posting c. video conferencing d. podcasting Quiz Question While blogging is publishing text and other visual material, ____ is publishing sound and video. a. casting b. posting c. video conferencing d.podcasting Quiz Question ____, which is any form of advertising through an online search site, is regarded by businesses as highly effective. a. Search advertising b. Newsgroup advertising c. Spam advertising d. Usenet advertising Quiz Question ____, which is any form of advertising through an online search site, is regarded by businesses as highly effective. a. Search advertising b. Newsgroup advertising c. Spam advertising d. Usenet advertising Quiz Question The most basic metric that can be measured at a site is the number of ____. a. impressions b. printings c. calls d. deals Quiz Question The most basic metric that can be measured at a site is the number of ____. a. impressions b. printings c. calls d. deals Quiz Question Companies that sell online maintain large warehouses and pay for picking, packing, and shipping, three activities known as ____. a. compliance b. filling c. producing d. fulfillment Quiz Question Companies that sell online maintain large warehouses and pay for picking, packing, and shipping, three activities known as ____. a. compliance b. filling c. producing d.fulfillment Quiz Question ____ enables business partners to set standards for data formats in Web pages. a. Perl b. Cgi c. XML d. SQL Quiz Question ____ enables business partners to set standards for data formats in Web pages. a. Perl b. Cgi c. XML d. SQL Quiz Question ____ transfers visitor inquiries from a busy server to a less busy server for identical information and services. a. Load balancing b. Shared hosting c. Pure playing d. Co-location Quiz Question ____ transfers visitor inquiries from a busy server to a less busy server for identical information and services. a. Load balancing b. Shared hosting c. Pure playing d. Co-location Quiz Question ____ is usually the most expensive of hosting options. a. Dedicated hosting b. Virtual private server hosting c. Shared Hosting d. Co-location Quiz Question ____ is usually the most expensive of hosting options. a. Dedicated hosting b. Virtual private server hosting c. Shared Hosting d.Co-location Quiz Question By using cookies and recording shoppers’ movements, ____ software can create electronic consumer profiles for each shopper and buyer. a. SQL b. CRM c. XML d. cgi Quiz Question By using cookies and recording shoppers’ movements, ____ software can create electronic consumer profiles for each shopper and buyer. a. SQL b.CRM c. XML d. cgi Quiz Question Con artists use tricks known as ____. a. social pathology b. knowledge theft c. social engineering d. data mining Quiz Question Con artists use tricks known as ____. a. social pathology b. knowledge theft c. social engineering d. data mining Quiz Question A ____ is a server that contains a mirrored copy of a production database (a database that is used for business operations), or one with invalid records. a. honeytoken b. phish c. bogus server d. honeypot Quiz Question A ____ is a server that contains a mirrored copy of a production database (a database that is used for business operations), or one with invalid records. a. honeytoken b. phish c. bogus server d.honeypot Practice Question • Question (Excel) You have a workbook with three worksheets named January, February, and March, arranged in that specific order. The formula: =SUM(January:MarchB4:E12) • • • • • refers to the total of all numbers in: cell B4 on January and E12 on March cell ranges B4:E12 on January and also in March cell ranges B4:E12 on January, February, and March all cells between B4 on January and E12 on March None of the responses provided is correct due to invalid syntax Practice Question • • • • • Question (Excel) A suburban gas company gives a discount on propane heating fuel to residential customers based on the quantity purchased. Write a formula which calculates the correct price to charge a customer based on the following conditions: · no discount (zero dollars off the total amount due) if the customer purchases less than 500 gallons of propane · a five percent discount on all fuel purchased if the customer buys less than 2,000 gallons of propane · a ten percent discount on all fuel purchased if the customer buys 2,000 gallons or more of propane Assume that cell A1 shows the total quantity (in gallons) of propane purchased and cell B1 is the price per gallon. The formula should calculate the total amount that the customer should pay, after discount (if any) has been applied. Answer =IF(A1<500,A1*B1,IF(A1<2000,A1*B1*.95,A1*B1*.90)) =IF(A1<500, A1*B1, IF(A1<2000, A1*B1*.95, A1*B1*.90)) =A1*IF(A1<500,B1,IF(A1<2000,B1*0.95,B1*0.90)) Practice Question • Question (Excel) What critical error is inherent within the following formula, assuming that it is entered into cell BB5 of the same worksheet? =IF(AVERAGEIF(AA2:AA6, ">55000") <> (SUM(BB2:BB6)), "D9") • • • • • • Answer There is no argument for the value_if_false portion of the IF statement D9 is a valid cell reference and should not be included in a text string There are too many sets of parenthesis within the IF function Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, thus creating a circular reference The ampersand sign ("&") is missing from the AVERAGEIF function Practice Question • • • Question (Excel) Assume that your insurance company offers three different payment plans for paying the premium on your vehicle. If you pay the six-month premium of $500 by the due date, you will owe only that amount. If you elect a "Monthly" payment option, the insurance company will bill you five times over the six-month period for 20% of the amount due plus a service fee of $5 per billing cycle for not paying the entire amount due initially. If you choose a "Quarterly" option for payment, you will be billed twice for half the premium due plus a service fee of $3 per billing cycle for not paying the entire amount in full. Create a formula in the answer space provided that will determine the correct amount to charge the customer for the initial bill payment based on a "Monthly" or "Quarterly" selection vs. all at once. Note: You should use these two given payment terms as defined names for the payment type selected in your formula. Answer =IF(Monthly,500*.2+5,IF(Quarterly,500/2+3,500)) =IF(Monthly, 500*.2+5, IF(Quarterly, 500/2+3, 500)) =IF(Quarterly,500/2+3,IF(Monthly,500*.2+5,500)) Practice Question • • • Question (Excel) Review the accompanying workheet image containing employee information and then provide an answer in the blank space below. Salespeople who have been employed for more than six years and have annual sales of more than $22,000 are to be assigned a job level code of 2. All other employees should be assigned a job level code of 1. Without using a nested IF statement, create a formula in cell E2 that will assign an appropriate job level for Linda. The formula must then be copied down the entire column so that it will work for all of the other employees. Answer =IF(AND(C2>22000,D2>6),2,1) Practice Question • Question (Excel) Carefully examine the accompanying worksheet image. Airline passengers may have to pay a separate fee for checked bags at the time they obtain a boarding pass for their initial flight. If cell A1 contains the number of checked bags, provide a formula using only the cell references in the accompanying table that will correctly determine any baggage handling fee(s) that passengers must pay for their luggage. Note: The fee for the second bag is in addition to that charged for the first piece of checked luggage. • • Answer =IF(A1=B4,C4,IF(A1=B5,C4+C5,C3)) Practice Question • Question (Excel) A local gas station is offering a discount on fuel to any customer that uses their debit card to make a significant purchase of fuel. Assume the following business rules apply to the sale: The number of gallons pumped is stored in cell A1 of a worksheet • The baseline price per gallon (PPG) is provided in cell B1 of the same worksheet • A named field (Debit) has been set-up in the point of sale (POS) hardware to indicate the use of a debit card with a Boolean TRUE condition For customers who use their debit card and purchase at least ten gallons of fuel, the discount will be five cents per gallon No discount for fuel will be given to customers who pay in cash or with a credit card Create a formula that will determine the total amount that a customer will pay for their fuel purchase whether they use cash, credit or a debit card. • • • • Answer =IF(AND(A1>=10,Debit),A1*(B1-.05),A1*B1) =IF(AND(A1>=10, Debit), A1 * (B1 - .05), A1*B1) =A1*IF(AND(A1>=10,Debit),B1-.05,B1) =A1 * IF(AND(A1>=10, Debit), B1-.05, B1) Practice Question • Question (Excel) If the active cell in a worksheet does not have a defined name, then the Name Box will display the absolute cell reference. • Answer • True • False Practice Question • Question (Excel) Hand-held calculators from Texas Instruments are more useful than PC-based spreadsheet software in solving a variety of business problems. Answer • True • False Practice Question • Question (Excel) Which of the following is not a valid character for use in cells defined with a Number format? Answer • # (pound sign) • $ (dollar sign) • . (decimal point) • , (comma) • % (percent sign) Practice Question • Question (Excel) Which of the following questions is least likely to be asked when attempting to solve a business problem using spreadsheet software? Answer • Is the information accurate, consistent, and timely? • Do you have all of the data necessary to solve the problem? • What is the clock speed of the CPU in the PC being used? • What formulas or functions will be required? • What type of output is required or desired? Question The first row and column in the table refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively. Many cells have a numeric value (such as cell C5 with a value of 7), while others have a text string as a value (for example, cell B7 is "Software"). (1 point each) A) What is the result of evaluating the following formula? =MEDIAN(B4:C8) Answer 9 B) What is the result of evaluating the following formula? =COUNTA(B4:C6,D6:E8) Answer 11 C) What is the result of evaluating the following formula? =SUM(MEDIAN(B5:C7), MIN(B4:E5), -SMALL(C7:E8, 4)) Answer -23 Practice Question • The latest version of the standard data communications protocol that is used to transfer and download Webbased information to a browser is known as FTP. • TRUE • FALSE Practice Question • The total dollar value of e-commerce transactions between businesses (B2B) is significantly less than that of business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce. • TRUE • FALSE Practice Question • Once installed on a given PC, key loggers can record all of the keystrokes and commands made by any user. • TRUE • FALSE Practice Question • Excel) A customer applies for a 30-year mortgage at their employer-sponsored credit union, which offers borrowing terms based on the customer's "FICO" (which has been set-up as a defined name in a worksheet) credit score. Write a formula to determine the rate. – – – – • Mortgage application denied if score is less than 600 Interest rate of 6% if score is 600-699 Interest rate of 5% if score is 700-799 Interest rate of 4% if score is over 800 =IF (FICO<600,"Denied",IF(FICO<700,6%, IF(FICO<800,5%,4%))) THANK YOU