ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #1 19 August 2014 Dr. George Scheets Review Chapter 1.1 - 1.4 Problems: 1.1a-c, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9 ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #2 21 August 2014 Dr. George Scheets Review Chapter 1.5 - 1.8 Problems: 1.13 - 1.16, 1.20 Quiz #1 Local: Tuesday, 4 September, Lecture 6 Off Campus DL: < 11 September ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #3 26 August 2014 Dr. George Scheets Review Appendix A Problems: Quiz #1, 2011-2013 Quiz #1 Local: Thursday, 4 September, Lecture 6 Off Campus DL: < 11 September ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #4 28 August 2014 Read: 5.1 - 5.3 Problems: 5.1 - 5.3 Quiz #1 Local: Thursday, 4 September, Lecture 6 Off Campus DL: < 11 September ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #5 2 September 2014 Dr. George Scheets Read 5.4 & 5.5 Problems 5.7 & 5.12 Quiz #1 Local: Thursday, 4 September, Lecture 6 Off Campus DL: < 11 September Strictly Review (Chapter 1) Full Period, Open Book & Notes Grading In Class: 2 Quizzes, 2 Tests, 1 Final Exam Open Book & Open Notes WARNING! Study for them like they’re closed book! Graded Homework: 2 Design Problems Ungraded Homework: Assigned most every class Not collected Solutions Provided Payoff: Tests & Quizzes Why work the ungraded Homework problems? An Analogy: Commo Theory vs. Football Reading the text = Reading a playbook Working the problems = playing in a scrimmage Looking at the problem solutions = watching a scrimmage Quiz = Exhibition Game Test = Big Game To succeed in this class... Show some self-discipline!! Important!! For every hour of class... ... put in 1-2 hours of your own effort. PROFESSOR'S LAMENT If you put in the time You should do fine. If you don't, You likely won't. Course Emphasis Digital Analog Binary M-ary Wide Band Narrow Band French Optical Telegraph Digital M-Ary System M = 8 x 8 x 4 = 256 Source: January 1994 Scientific American French System Map Source: January 1994 Scientific American Trend is to Digital Phonograph → Compact Disk Analog NTSC TV → Digital HDTV Video Cassette Recorder → Digital Video Disk AMPS Wireless Phone → 4G LTE Terrestrial Commercial AM & FM Radio Last mile Wired Phones Review... Fourier Transforms X(f) Table 2-4 & 2-5 Power Spectrum Given X(f) Power Spectrum Using Autocorrelation Use Time Average Autocorrelation Review of Autocorrelation Autocorrelations deal with predictability over time. I.E. given an arbitrary point x(t1), how predictable is x(t1+tau)? Volts tau time t1 Review of Autocorrelation Autocorrelations deal with predictability over time. I.E. given an arbitrary waveform x(t), how alike is a shifted version x(t+τ)? Volts τ 255 point discrete time White Noise waveform (Adjacent points are independent) Vdc = 0 v, Normalized Power = 1 watt Volts 0 If true continuous time White Noise, no predictability. time Rxx(0) The sequence x(n) x(1) x(2) x(3) ... x(255) multiply it by the unshifted sequence x(n+0) x(1) x(2) x(3) ... x(255) to get the squared sequence x(1)2 x(2)2 x(3)2 ... x(255)2 Then take the time average [x(1)2 +x(2)2 +x(3)2 ... +x(255)2]/255 Rxx(1) The sequence x(n) x(1) x(2) x(3) ... x(254) x(255) multiply it by the shifted sequence x(n+1) x(2) x(3) x(4) ... x(255) to get the sequence x(1)x(2) x(2)x(3) x(3)x(4) ... x(254)x(255) Then take the time average [x(1)x(2) +x(2)x(3) +... +x(254)x(255)]/254 Review of Autocorrelation If the average is positive... Then x(t) and x(t+tau) tend to be alike Both positive or both negative If the average is negative Then x(t) and x(t+tau) tend to be opposites If one is positive the other tends to be negative If the average is zero There is no predictability Autocorrelation Estimate of Discrete Time White Noise Rxx 0 tau (samples) 255 point Noise Waveform (Low Pass Filtered White Noise) 23 points Volts 0 Time Autocorrelation Estimate of Low Pass Filtered White Noise Rxx 0 23 tau samples Autocorrelation & Power Spectrum of C.T. White Noise Rx(τ) A 0 Rx(τ) & Gx(f) form a tau seconds Fourier Transform pair. They provide the same info G (f) x in 2 different formats. A watts/Hz 0 Hertz Autocorrelation & Power Spectrum of White Noise Rx(tau) A Average Power = ∞ D.C. Power = 0 A.C. Power = ∞ 0 tau seconds Gx(f) 0 A watts/Hz Hertz Autocorrelation & Power Spectrum of Band Limited C.T. White Noise Rx(tau) A 2AWN 0 1/(2WN) Average Power = 2AWN watts D.C. Power = 0 A.C. Power = 2AWN watts -WN Hz tau seconds Gx(f) A watts/Hz 0 Hertz Autocorrelations Time Average Autocorrelation Easier to use & understand than Statistical Autocorrelation E[X(t)X(t+τ)] Fourier Transform yields GX(f) Autocorrelation of a Random Binary Square Wave Triangle riding on a constant term Fourier Transform is sinc2 & delta function Linear Time Invariant Systems If LTI, H(f) exists & GY(f) = GX(f)|H(f)|2 Cosine times a Noisy Serial Bit Stream Cos(2πΔf) X = LTI x(t) y(t) Filter If input is x(t) = Acos(ωt) output must be of form y(t) = Bcos(ωt+θ) RF Antenna Directivity Maximum Power Intensity Average Power Intensity WARNING! Antenna Directivity is NOT = Antenna Power Gain 10w in? Max of 10w radiated. Treat Antenna Power Gain = 1 Antenna Gain = Power Gain * Directivity High Gain = Narrow Beam Directional Antennas RF Antenna Gain Antenna Gain is what goes in RF Link Equations In this class, unless specified otherwise, assume antennas are properly aimed. Problems specify peak antenna gain High Gain Antenna = Narrow Beam source: Parabolic Directivity Effective Isotrophic Radiated Power EIRP = PtGt Path Loss Ls = (4*π*d/λ)2 Link Analysis Final Form of Analog Free Space RF Link Equation Pr = EIRP*Gr/(Ls*M*Lo) (watts) Derived Digital Link Equation Eb/No = EIRP*Gr/(R*k*T*Ls*M*Lo) (dimensionless) Public Enemy #1: Thermal Noise Models for Thermal Noise: *White Noise & Bandlimited White Noise *Gaussian Distributed Noise Bandwidth Actual filter that lets A watts of noise thru? Ideal filter that lets A watts of noise thru? Peak value at |H(f = center freq.)|2 same? Noise Bandwidth = width of ideal filter (+ frequencies). Noise out of an Antenna = k*Tant*WN Examples of Amplified Noise Radio Static (Thermal Noise) Analog TV "snow" 2 seconds of White Noise Review of PDF's & Histograms Probability Density Functions (PDF's), of which a Histograms is an estimate of shape, frequently (but not always!) deal with the voltage likelihoods Volts Time 255 point discrete time White Noise waveform (Adjacent points are independent) Vdc = 0 v, Normalized Power = 1 watt Volts 0 If true continuous time White Noise, No Predictability. time 15 Bin Histogram (255 points of Uniform Noise) Bin Count Volts Bin Count Volts 0 Time Volts 15 Bin Histogram (2500 points of Uniform Noise) Bin Count 200 When bin count range is from zero to max value, a histogram of a uniform PDF source will tend to look flatter as the number of sample points increases. 0 0 Volts Discrete Time White Noise Waveforms (255 point Exponential Noise) Volts 0 Time 15 bin Histogram (255 points of Exponential Noise) Bin Count Volts Discrete Time White Noise Waveforms (255 point Gaussian Noise) Thermal Noise is Gaussian Distributed. Volts 0 Time 15 bin Histogram (255 points of Gaussian Noise) Bin Count Volts 15 bin Histogram (2500 points of Gaussian Noise) 400 Bin Count 0 Volts Previous waveforms Are all 0 mean, 1 watt, White Noise 0 0 Autocorrelation & Power Spectrum of White Noise Rx(tau) A 0 The previous White tau seconds Noise waveforms all have same Autocorrelation Gx(f) & Power Spectrum. A watts/Hz 0 Hertz Autocorrelation (& Power Spectrum) versus Probability Density Function Autocorrelation: Time axis predictability PDF: Voltage liklihood Autocorrelation provides NO information about the PDF (& vice-versa)... ...EXCEPT the power will be the same... PDF second moment E[X2] = Rx(0) = area under Power Spectrum = A{x(t)2} ...AND the D.C. value will be related. PDF first moment squared E[X]2 = constant term in autocorrelation = E[X]2δ(f) = A{x(t)}2 Satellite vs Sun, Daytime, Northern Hemisphere x Spring Sun → same plane as Satellite. Winter Sun is below satellite orbital plane. Summer Sun is above satellite orbital plane. x x Fall Sun → same plane as satellite. x 2013 Fall Sun Outage, Microspace's AMC-1 x Source: Band Limited Continuous Time White Noise Waveforms (255 point Gaussian Noise) If AC power = 4 watts & BW = 1,000 GHz... Volts 0 Time Probability Density Function of Band Limited Gausssian White Noise Volts 0 fx(x) .399/σx = .399/2 = 0.1995 0 Time Volts Autocorrelation & Power Spectrum of Bandlimited Gaussian White Noise Rx(tau) 4 0 500(10-15) tau seconds Gx(f) 2(10-12) watts/Hz -1000 GHz 0 Hertz How does PDF, Rx(τ), & GX(f) change if +3 volts added? (255 point Gaussian Noise) AC power = 4 watts Volts 3 0 Time Power Spectrum of Band Limited White Noise Gx(f) No DC 2(10-12) watts/Hz -1000 GHz 3 vdc → 9 watts DC Power -1000 GHz 0 Hertz Gx(f) 2(10-12) watts/Hz 9 0 Hertz Autocorrelation of Band Limited White Noise Rx(tau) No DC 4 0 500(10-15) 3 vdc → 9 watts DC Power 13 tau seconds Rx(tau) 9 0 500(10-15) tau seconds How does PDF change if x(t) has 3 v DC? 0 σ2x = E[X2] -E[X]2 = 4 fx(x) 0 σ2x = E[X2] -E[X]2 = 4 Volts fx(x) 3 Volts Band Limited Continuous Time White Noise Waveforms (255 point Gaussian Noise) Volts AC power = 4 watts DC power = 9 watts Total Power = 13 watts 3 0 Time Model for an Active Device + Sin & Nin + G>1 Namp = kTampWn GSin & G(Nin + Nai) Noise Figure F = SNRin/SNRout WARNING! Use with caution. If input noise changes, F will change. F = 1 + Tamp/Tin Tin = 290o K (default) Model for a Passive Device + Sin & Nin + G<1 Namp = kTpassiveWn Tpassive = (L-1)Tphysical GSin & G(Nin + Nai) Temperatures... Active Device (Tamp) From Passive Spec Sheet (may have F) Device (Tcable or T passive) (L-1)*Tphysical System Noise (Actual) Noise Antenna "Sees" Noise Striking Antenna = Noise exiting antenna = NoWThermal = NoWAntenna 9 = kTsurroundings1000*10 ≈ kTant1000*109 9 = k*290*1000*10 = 2.07 n watts = 4.00 n watts (Tantenna = 150 Kelvin) System Much of this noise doesn't exit system. Cable + Amp Blocked by system filters. kTantWN = ??? Noise exiting Antenna that will exit the System = kTant6*106 = 12.42*10-15 watts System Noise (Simplified Model) Noise Actually Exiting Antenna = Noise Antenna "Sees" ≠ Noise Exiting Antenna that will exit the System = kTantWN = 12.42*10-15 watts Antenna Power Gain = 1 Signal Power in = Signal Power out System Cable + Amp This is the model we use. We don't worry about noise that won't make the output. SNR Considering all the noise Noise Seen by Antenna = NoWAntenna = kTant1000*109 = 2.07 n watts Signal Power Picked Up by Antenna = 10-11 watts System Cable + Amp SNR at "input" of antenna = 10-11/(4*10-9) = 0.0025 SNR at output of antenna = 10-11/(2.07*10-9) = 0.004831 SNR at System Output = 43.63 SNR Considering Noise Hitting Antenna That Can Reach the Output Noise seen by Antenna TCRO = NoWN = kTant6*106 = 12.42 femto watts Signal Power Picked Up by Antenna = 10-11 watts System Cable + Amp SNR at output of antenna = 805.2 SNR at System Output = 43.63 This is the noise we're worried about. SNR of Actual System Improves Filtering... Removes noise power outside signal BW Lets the signal power through System Cable + Amp SNR at Antenna Input = 0.0025 SNR at Antenna Output = 0.004831 SNR at System Output = 43.67 SNR of Model Worsens Only considers input noise that is in the signal BW & can reach the output. Cable & electronics dump in more noise. System Cable + Amp SNR at antenna output = 805.2 SNR at System Output = 43.67