主讲教师:夏夕美 all the terms and conditions agreed upon Description of commodity Quantity Package Price Body Payment Transport Insurance Inspection Claims & dispute Inspection clause • Inspection:The Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Packing / Sanitation issued by___of China shall be regarded as evidence of the Sellers’ delivery. • 商品检验:以中国____所签发的品质/数量/重量/ 包装/卫生检验合格证书作为卖方的交货依据。 主讲教师:夏夕美 Receipt & acceptance • In business communication, it is essential to say what you really want to say. In the expression of your intention to take or reject the goods, it is very important to use correctly the words receipt and acceptance. Receipt & acceptance Receipt • Receipt means that the goods have come into the control of the buyer without ownership or to agreement to any aspect of the goods. Acceptance Receipt & acceptance • Acceptance means that the buyer has the control of the •Receipt does not goods with consent regarding mean acceptance the goods delivered. and acceptance means more than receipt. Receipt & acceptance Acceptance • Acceptance generally can be made by: If a buyer does not intend to • express statement of accept the goods he has received, acceptance; he should give a clear rejection • or giving no rejection within a reasonable timeafter and a reasonable time. the goods should not dispose against the seller’s ownership. Inspection Introduction--Receipt and acceptance • a buyer usually accept the goods he has received after he make inspection on the goods and confirm that the goods are in conformity with the contract. Reason of Inspection • A buyer wants to make certain that the goods delivered to him are exactly the goods described by the contract he has signed with the seller. •first, a sellerof wants to control Reason Inspection the quality of the goods so that his will nota be •Second, a seller wants to • Oncredibility the other hand, seller also damaged market willhe is prove with an the inspection wants toand inspect the goods be developed. document that goods selling for twothe reasons: delivered have met the relevant contract terms so that he will not be responsible for any problems in the goods after delivery. Reason of Inspection • Certain import & export commodities are subject to mandatory inspection under a country’s laws and regulations, and cannot be exempted from inspection, even if the importer or exporter wants to apply for an exemption. Main points of inspection Diagram 1. Time and place of inspection 2. Commodity inspection institution 3. Certificate of inspection 4. Methods and standards of inspection 1.and Place and time inspection 1.make Timeinspection place of to in ofthe export country inspection 2) to make inspection in the •import In general, there are four ways country to stipulate the place and time of inspection 3) to makeofinspection in the quality and export country, re-inspection in quantity. the import country 4) to make weight inspection at the port/place of shipment, quality inspection at the port/ place of destination 1) 1) to make inspection in Inspection of goods the export country Such an arrangement the Withwill thisensure method, the goods can shipmentatofthe qualified be inspected seller’s goods and factory or at thetherefore port of shipment may relieve -Shipping qualitythe andseller quantity of further (Shipping quality and quantity ). responsibilities for the quality and quantity 2) to make inspection in Inspection of goods the import country Under arrival delivery terms the risks will such the inspection is carried out pass to the buyer only when the goods have landed the in the importing importing country, such as at the country and the seller buyer’s place or at the port of has the responsibility destination-Landed quality and to deliver conforming quantity (Landed quality and goods when the risks quantity). pass over. 3) Inspection at the port of shipment and re-inspection Inspection of goods at the port of destination •but buyer of retains •With thisthe method inspection, the right tocertificate re-inspectfrom the the inspection goods andwill to claim portthe of shipment be used as compensation the onefor of the documentsiffor the merchandise not in seller to negotiateispayment, conformity with the contract. 4) Shipping quantity and Inspection of goods landed quality •Weight inspection at the port/place of shipment is made by the seller, quality inspection at the port/ place of destination is made by the buyer 2. Commodity inspection institution 1) the type of Commodity inspection institution 2) how to choose Commodity inspection institution 3) Commodity inspection institution in china and its duty 1) the type of Commodity inspection institution • There a re mainly three types of inspection agencies: • (1) state inspection agencies • (2) semi-official inspection agencies • (3) private inspection companies. (1) state inspection agencies • Examples of state inspection agencies include Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Peoples Republic of China, which are primarily regulators but are also responsible for the inspection of certain very important goods. (2) semi-official inspection agencies • Examples such inspection Most ofofthe inspection companies include agencies in the Underwriters world Laboratory of the U.S., Lloyd’s are privately run Surveyor of the UK, International independent companies. Wool Secretariat, and China SGS—Society General de National Import---Export Surveillance S.A. Commodities Inspection 瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司 Corporation, whose inspection results can be semi-official due to government authorization. 机官 构方 检 验 检民 验间 机社 构团 • • • • • • • • • 美国粮谷检验署(FGES) 美国食品药物管理局(FDA) 法国国家实验室检测中心 日本通商产业检查所 瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司(S.G.S) 美国保险人实验室 (UL) 英国劳合氏公证行(Lloyd’s Surveyor) 日本海事鉴定协会(NKKK) 香港天祥公证化验行 2) how to choose Commodity inspection institution • The type of agency chosen to carry out inspection should be permitted by relevant laws • If there is no specific requirement of law, the agency should be acceptable to both the buyer and the seller. 3) Commodity inspection institution in China and its duty • In China the China Commodity Inspection Bureau is the competent authority that supervises the work of inspection 1) legal inspection ofMaking the whole nation. The main 2) Supervision and administration duties of the inspection bureau 3) Authentic attesting business are as follows: 3. Certificate of inspection 1) •The function of Certificate of inspection 2) 2) the kinds of Certificate of inspection 1) The function of Certificate of inspection • Certificates are used to verify If commodities are found to be not up tothe thegoods quality standard, whether are in damaged orwith short onterms weight conformity the of or quantity, the consignee shall contract. apply to the commodity inspection authorities for • If the verification is positive, the inspection and of an certificates are the the issuance documents inspection certificate, and such a for payment. certificate may be necessary for refusal of the goods and claim for compensation. 2) the kinds of Certificate of inspection • Most frequently used certificates are: commodities such as •For Inspection Certificate of frozen Quality, meat or leather, Veterinary Weight, Quantity, Origin, Value, Inspection Certificate may be Damaged Cargo, and Health. required to prove that the commodity is free from harmful bacteria. 4. Methods & standard of inspection 4. Methods and standards of inspection • One, they can agree to describe • the it isstandards importantin for the two the contract. parties to can agree upon to theuse the • Two, they choose methods and standards standards, which may bewhen they conclude deal within the compulsory, ofathe importing limit of law must observe. country, thethey exporting country or even a third country. • three, international standards can be used. 4. Methods & standard of inspection 4. Methods and standards of inspection • In fact there are quite a number of international or regional standards to choose from. • ISO is typical organization setting such standards. International standard: • ISO--international Standards Organization • --has more than 4000 standards • IEC--international Electrotechnical Commission • --has over 1580 standards National standard: • GB14-05(is national standard pulished in 2005, publication No. is 14), BP • Craft (Guild) Standard 行业(公会) 标准 • Local Standard • Enterprise Standard 常用的工业品国家标准有: 1.NF=Normes Francaises 法国标准 2.DIN=Deutsche Industric Norman 德国工业品标准 3.BSI=British Standard Institute 英国标准协会标准 4.JIS=Japanese Industrial Standard 日本工业标准 ISO9000(GB/T19000) ISO9000 — 质量管理与质量保证标准 ISO9001 — 设计开发生产安装与服务的质量 保证模式; ISO9002 — 生产与安装的质量保证模式; ISO9003 — 最终检验与试验的质量保证模式; ISO9004 — 质量管理与质量体系要素; ISO14001 — 环境管理体系认证标准; 中国质量认证中心 http://www.cqc.com.cn/ Re-inspection 5. re-inspection • With regard to time, re-inspection can be conducted a specified number of days after the ship’s arrival at the port of destination. • Or re-inspection can be conducted a specified number of days after the discharge of goods. Re-inspection 5. re-inspection • When it is allowed in the contract, re-inspection must be carried out within a time limit, usually 30180 days after discharge or ship’s arrival, which should be set according to the nature of commodity and the unloading facilities at the port of destination. 案例分析一: 我国某公司从美国A公司进口一批美国东部 黄松,计6942干板英尺(折合35404立方 米),价值数百万美元,目的港为上海港。 原合同规定“按美国西部SCRIBNER标准检 验”。但是在开信用证之前,A公司提出另 一个标准即“按美国东部标准BRERETON标准 检验”也可作为验收标准。 案例分析一: 我公司同意修改合同检验条款,将“按美 国西部SCRIBNER标准检验”改为“按美国 东部标准BRERETON标准检验”,并开具了 信用证货物运抵上海港后,上海进出口商 品检验局按我国进口黄松通用的美国西部 标准检验,检验结果共短少材积3948干板 英尺,短少率达57%,价值100多万美元, 我公司蒙受巨额损失。 案例分析二: 我国某公司出口一批冻鸡,到货后买方在 合同规定的索赔有效期内向我提出品质索 赔,索赔金额占合同金额的半数以上,买 方附来的证件有: [1]法定商品检验证,注明该商品有变质现 象(表皮为乌黑色、实际上为一小部分乌 皮鸡)。但未注明货物的详细批号,也未 注明变质货物的数量和比例。 案例分析二: [2]官方化验机构根据当地某零售商店送验 的食品而作出的变质证明。 我方复函对方同意赔偿。请问处理是否妥当? 案例分析三: 我某公司与香港一公司签订了一条进口香 烟生产线合同。设备为二手货,共十八套 生产线,有A国某公司出售,总值100多万 美元。合同规定,如有缺件损失,货到用 货现场后14天内凭商检证明,办理更换或 退货。设备运抵目的地后,由于设备损坏、 缺件等根本无法正常运转。 案例分析三: 而货物运抵工厂后进行装配,就已经超过 了14天的期限,因此无法索赔。工厂只能 依靠自己的力量进行加工维修,经过半年 多的努力,花了大量的人力物力,也只开 出了4条生产线。 Any questions ?