A.P. STATISTICS LESSON 13 -1 (DAY 1) CONDUCTING INFERENCE BY SIMULATION ESSENTIIAL QUESTION: How can the graphing calculator be used to simulate problems involving chi-square ? Objectives: • To set up simulations to solve problems. • To use the calculator to find P-values for chi-square. Example 13.3 Page 739 The Graying of America (continued…) When examining the data take notice that the biggest difference happens to be the 0 to 24 age bracket. Program POP TI-83 TI-89 FINDING X2 P-VALUE FROM CALCULATOR • 2ND, List, math, sum( L2 ) to get sum from L2. Go to 2nd , Dist, X2cdf ( sum, 1e99, df ) • 2ND, List, math, sum( L2 ) to get sum from L2. Go to 2nd , Dist, Draw, X2shade (sum, 1e99, df ) Final Note Remember that the X2 statistic will show much greater variability with smaller sample sizes. For this reason, if you simulate a sampling problem like this with a calculator, you should use as large a sample size as you can without getting a memory overflow error message.