Time Series Analysis midterm report 2010/04/21 大氣所碩一 闕珮羽 R98229016 Data • Vostok : Petit J.R. et al., Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 years from the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica, Nature, 399, pp.429-436. 資料全期平均及標準差 • Mean=-4.7116 • STD=2.7541 全期變動趨勢 某兩段的值 Mean= -5.1172 Std= 2.5399 Mean= -5.6417 Std= 2.4169 兩段時間平均數差異統計檢定 • 利用t test 去做檢定,查詢 matlab 的 function • H = TTEST2(X,Y) performs a T-test of the hypothesis that two independent samples, in the vectors X and Y, come from distributions with equal means, and returns the result of the test in H. H=0 indicates that the null hypothesis ("means are equal") cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level. H=1 indicates that the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% level. The data are assumed to come from normal distributions with unknown, but equal, variances. X and Y can have different lengths. • 利用我取的兩段時間做出來 H = TTEST2(TS1,TS2)=0 • 所以表示 the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5% level 兩段時間變異數差異檢定 • 利用F test 去做檢定,查詢 matlab 的 function • H = VARTEST2(X,Y) performs an F test of the hypothesis that two independent samples, in the vectors X and Y, come from normal distributions with the same variance, against the alternative that they come from normal distributions with different variances. The result is H=0 if the null hypothesis ("variances are equal") cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level, or H=1 if the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% level. X and Y can have different lengths. • 利用我取的兩段時間做出來 F = VARTEST2(TS1,TS2)=0 • 所以表示 the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5% level 時間數列的時間迴歸分析 y=0.00464*x-5.7819 從一階可以看出是 增加的趨勢,二三 階發現有先下降後 來上升的趨勢,五 六階是整體的變化, 更高階雜訊會很多。 突變點分析 滑動平均 時間數列相關分析 • ACF 慢慢衰減,PACF在N>2後截斷。 → AR(2) model的時間數列 建立時間數列的ARMA模式 • • • • 利用ARMA model (p,q)=(1,4)時有最小的AIC 得到ARMA model的係數為 A(q) = 1 - 0.9819 q^-1 C(q) = 1 + 0.4214 q^-1 + 0.1409 q^-2 + 0.01416 q^-3 + 0.01416 q^-4 ARMA模式 預測出來的振幅較大 ARMA模式