全新的奖金项目 All New And Exciting Bonus!!! 1 直推分红奖励的定义及设立目的 The Definition and Purpose of GD 直推分红奖励的结算周期 The Calculation Cycle of GD 直推分红奖励的获取条件 The Qualification Criteria of GD 直推分红奖励的计算方式 The Detail Calculation of GD 2 3 定义:直推分红奖励是新增设的一项全新奖金项。以被 考核人直推下属(推荐网络内第一代推荐人)的每月业 绩作为考核依据,决定推荐人是否符合达到分红标准及 获取分红的百分比。 Definition: GD is a Global bonus-a most welcome addition to the current compensation plan. Entitlement is based on the monthly sales performance of the distributor with focus on direct sponsorship. The accumulation of DSPV at the end of the period will determine the portions of GD for the entitlement ※ DSPV = Direct Sponsoring PV : All sales inclusive of First Purchase, Upgrade, Maintenance & Repeat Purchase generated from the 1st generation in Sponsor Network. 4 设立目的:提高直接上线的积极性,对直接上线的领 导力提出更高层次的要求。 Purpose: To accelerate the activity level of distributors and to promote leadership by example 5 6 直推分红奖励的考核和结算周期为每个工作月一次, 工作月与现行奖金制度的工作周期一致。 GD will be calculated Monthly and blending in with the the Bonus Cycle Table. 7 8 获取直推分红奖励需满足三个条件 1. 白金级以上会员 2. 在该工作月所属自然月需满足重消考核 3. 在该工作月内直推下属(推荐网络内第一代推荐人) 的首购、升级、重消业绩达到1200PV以上 Three conditions must be fulfilled to be entitled to GD: 1. Platinum or above class. 2. Current month’s maintenance shall be fulfilled. 3. The total DSPV to reach 1200 PV or above. 9 10 公司会提取每月海外业绩的1%作为直推分红奖励的 奖金基数。系统会首先计算有多少名会员符合分红 标准,然后分别计算每名会员推荐PV在所有达标会 员的总PV里所占百分比,以此百分比领取对应份额 的分红奖励。 1% of each month’s total global sales (except China) will enter into a Pool to be used to calculate the GD. Qualifiers will be screened from the rest and rewarded the corresponding share of GD according to how much his/her own DSPV takes up the total DSPV of all qualifiers. 11 计算公式 Calculation Formula: 个人直推业绩 海外总业绩 所有人总直推业绩 Each qualifier’s DSPV All qualifiers’ DSPV 1% Oversea Sales 1% 12 前提:本月海外业绩USD10,000,000*1%= 直推分红总额 100,000 USD;3人达标;每人推荐业绩分别如下图所示 Condition: Current month’s total oversea sales: 10,000,000; Totally 3 members are qualified; Their DSPV performance are as below: Grand Total DSPV of All Qualifiers 7000 PV C (Platinum) A (Diamond) B (Diamond) Total DSPV: 3800 PV Total DSPV: 2000 PV Total DSPV: 1200 PV A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 2000 PV 1000 PV 800 PV 1000 PV 1000 PV 1200 PV 13 本月用于分红奖金 Current month’s GD pool: 10,000,000 X 1% =100,000 USD 各人分得奖金占比 Portions of each qualifier: A: 3800 PV / 7000 PV = 54.3% B: 2000 PV / 7000 PV = 28.6% C: 1200 PV / 7000 PV = 17.1% 各人直接分红奖励 Each qualifier’s GD: A: 100,000 X 54.3 % = 54,300 USD B: 100,000 X 28.6 % = 28,600 USD C: 100,000 X 17.1 % = 17,100 USD 14 15