VB.NET PROGRAMMING FINAL EXAM TEST REVIEW Chapter 1 Review An Introduction to VB.NET and Program Design Chapter One Review Step-by-step series of instructions telling the computer what to do. –A Program The process of writing these instructions is called what? –Programming Chapter One Review People who design and write programs –Programmers or software developers A collection of one or more programs –Applications The process of writing applications –Program Development What is Microsoft Visual Basic .NET? A programming environment that allows you to build programs for the Windows operating system or any system that supports Microsoft’s .NET architecture. – VB.NET VB.NET is based on the what programming langauge? – Visual Basic which evolved from BASIC The process of writing a program using a programming language is called what? – Coding Programming and Application Development Store program Machine Cycle – how a computer processes information -- 4 Steps! – Fetch – Decode – Execute – Store Application Types Runs in a Windows Environment. Has a user-interface – Windows Applications Application Types Runs from your web browser. Converts the VB to HTML. Has a user-interface. – Web Applications Application Types Have a user-interface. Runs from a command prompt. – Console Applications The Development Cycle Storyboard Chapter 2 The Visual Basic .NET Integrated Development Environment Starting Visual Basic .NET The part of the VB.NET application that contains windows and toolbars that allow you to develop applications. – Integrated Development Environment (IDE) A collection of code and other files that usually encompasses one program. – Project Chapter Two • When the IDE is in ________ _______, you can make modifications to the forms and code of a program. • Design Time • Displays the VB.NET menu names each of which represents a list of commands that you allow you to create, edit, save, print, test and run VB.NET applications. • Menu Bar Chapter Two Contain shortcuts to commonly used commands. Standard and Layout are two most popular toolbars. • Toolbars A grouping of projects and related files. Solutions can contain one project, like this take-home pay calculator, or many related projects, data files and graphic files. • Solution Chapter Two To test a project you _________ it. This is usually done by clicking the start button on the standard toolbar. – RUN By running your project during the development phase, you can check for problems, or ________, that you may have introduced into your code inadvertently. – BUGS The process of getting your code to work as expected is known as ____________. – DEBUGGING Chapter Two A characteristic or attribute of an object, such as its background color or the text that it displays. – PROPERTY The ______________ lists the attributes for the object currently selected in the main work area. – PROPERTIES WINDOW The Properties Windows has two parts: – __________ ______ -- displays the name of the currently selected object or control. OBJECT BOX – __________ ___________ – displays the list of properties associated with the currently selected object or control. PROPERTIES LIST Chapter Three Building an Application in Visual Basic.NET Chapter 3 Building an Application in the Visual Basic .NET Environment Chapter Three The UI is the way the a program accepts data and instructions from the user and produces results. – User Interface A ___________________ provides visual cues such as a menu, a button, or small pictures (called icons) to help the user enter data and give instructions to the computer. – Graphical User Interface (GUI) Chapter Three A control is said to have _____________ when it is selected on the screen. – FOCUS Used to set the position where the application will display on run. – StartUpPosition Allows you to set the title for a form. – Text Property Controls the appearance of the border of a form. – FormBorderStyle Sets the background and foreground colors for the form. – Background and Foreground Chapter Three Objects that you can add to your form.They are found on VB.Net’s Toolbox • CONTROLS Displays text on the form that cannot be altered by the end user. • LABEL CONTROL Displays text on the form that can be altered by end user. • TEXTBOX CONTROL Used by the user to initiate actions called events. • BUTTON CONTROL Used to display or allow users to enter numbers on a form. Cuts down on user’s ability to screw things up. • NUMERIC UP DOWN CONTROL Chapter Three Allows you to rename the object to something that makes more sense. • Name Allows you to change the words that show up on the control itself. (or on the title bar of the form!). • Text Makes it impossible for the end user to edit the text in that box. • Read Only Chapter Three Allows the programmer to control the order in which the control gets the focus when the user is tabbing. • TAB INDEX Allows the programmer to have a control skipped during tabbing. • TAB STOP NUMERIC UP/DOWN BOXES Defines the current value displayed in the control • VALUE PROPERTY Allows the programmer to define the upper and lower boundaries for the values in a NUD control. • MIN AND MAX PROPERTIES CHAPTER THREE Programmers often add comments within their code as a form of internal documentation. These are known as: • REM LINES or Comment Statements Each comment line must begin with an ______________ or the letters ____ – which is short for “remark”. • APOSTROPHE OR REM Chapter Three Messages sent to an object • EVENTS Default event for buttons. Code will execute when user Clicks on the button. • CLICK EVENT Instructions to the computer written at design time for the computer to execute at run time • CODE STATEMENTS Writing Code in the Code Window An error caused by code statements that violate one of the structure or syntax rules of the Visual Basic .NET language • SYNTAX ERROR Event procedures for controls start with the word _____________ since the section is just for that one control. • PRIVATE SUB The line that begins ____________ indicates the end of a particular event procedure. • END SUB CHAPTER FOUR Working with Variables, Constants, Data Types and Expressions Chapter Four Presents a set of choices. Only one can be chosen at a time. Often placed in a group box. – RADIO BUTTONS Property that keeps track of which radio button is selected. – CHECKED PROPERTY Allows you to set a default button for a form. – ACCEPTBUTTON PROPERTY Chapter Four Represents a location in computer memory that can change values as the code executes. – VARIABLE Represents a location in computer memory that cannot be changed during execution. – CONSTANT Chapter Four The ___________ of a variable or constant determines what kind of data it can store. – DATA TYPE Name three common data types: – INTEGER, DOUBLE, STRING There are rules to naming your variables: – The name must begin with a letter, not a # ! – The name cannot be more than 16,383 characters. – The name cannot contain punctuation or blank spaces. Chapter Four Some variable Naming Conventions: – Short == – Integer == – Single == – Double == – String == – Object == shr int sng dbl str obj Chapter Four Keyword used to declare a variable. – DIM Refers to a variables ability to be accessed throughout a program. It is defined by where the variable is declared. – SCOPE Variable that are available to all the procedures on a given form. – GLOBAL VARIABLES Chapter Four Predetermined order for performing calculations within an expression. – ORDER OF OPERATIONS Arithmetic operators in Visual Basic – ^ -- used to raise the power of an exponent – * -- used to multiply two numbers – / -- used to divide 2 #’s and return a decimal result – \ -- used to divide 2 #’s and return an integer result – MOD -- Used to divide 2 #’s and return only the remainder – + -- used to sum 2 #’s – - -- Used to subtract 2 #’s or indicate a negative value Chapter Four Functions that are built into .NET. – INTRINSIC FUNCTIONS This is a financial function that will return the payment for a loan based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate. – PMT FUNCTION Function that allows the programmer to determine how the output will appear on the screen. – FORMAT FUNCTION Chapter 5 Decision Making Chapter Five Used in Windows applications to present lists of choices. Uses the prefix cmb. – COMBO BOX CONTROL Used to build the list inside the combobox. – ITEMS PROPERTY Used when there are more than two options in a decision making structure! – SELECT CASE Provides the ability to display a message to the user in a pop-up window. – MESSAGE BOX Chapter Five When you add items to a ComboBox List VB.Net assigns each one an unique index number. The first item is assigned an index of 0; the second item gets an index of 1; and so on. – For example: Index Numbers for Auto Loan Program A -- Excellent Credit Rating B – Good Credit Rating =0 =1 etc …. SelectedIndex is the property that keeps track of what index number is currently being accessed. When no item is selected, the SelectedIndex property is set to -1. The following line of code would clear the ComboBox: If…Then…Else Structure Select Case Structure Chapter Five Used to execute one statement or another conditionally. – IF THEN STATEMENTS – The condition follows the keyword IF – A condition is made up of two expressions and a relational (comparison) operator. Equal = Less than or equal to <= Less than < Greater than or equal to >= Greater than > Not equal to <> When you have an if…then within an if then! – NESTED IF THEN STATEMENTS Coding a Select Case Statement Coding a Select Case Statement Chapter Five Used to combine two or more conditions in an expression. All parts must be true for the True section of code to trigger! – AND LOGICAL OPERATOR For example: If strGender = “M” And intAge < 12 Then MessageBox.Show(“Boys Little League”) End if Chapter Five The process of adding strings together. It is performed with the ampersand [ &] character. – CONCATENATION The plus sign (+) can be used instead of the (&) operator. Often times programmers avoid the + sign since it is used in mathematical problems as well. Chapter 6 Looping and Multiple Forms TEST REVIEW QUESTION 1: It’s possible to add an icon to your title bar by setting the form’s ____________ property. Answer: – ICON QUESTIONS 2 & 3: Determines how items display in the ListView Control. ANSWER QUESTION 2: – VIEW PROPERTY Switch to __________ if you want multiple columns to show up in the listview control. ANSWER QUESTION 3: – DETAILS QUESTION 4: Rather than having to code changes for the width, height, and location of every control, VB.NET allows you to set a fixed location, or _____________, for controls to specified sides of a form. ANSWER – ANCHOR QUESTIONS 5 & 6: Most .NET applications contain more than one form. ANSWER: – TRUE If the first form is used to launch the second form it is sometimes referred to as the __________. ANSWER – PARENT QUESTIONS 7 & 8: The ________________________ is used in applications to allow a user to specify one of two conditions, such as on or off, yes or no, or true or false. ANSWER – CHECKBOX CONTROL Determines whether the box is checked or not. It’s either True or False. ANSWER – CHECKED PROPERTY QUESTION 9: Well, as is the case with all forms, the Today’s Sales Entry Form is a ____________, which means that an instance of the class must be declared before it can be used. This can be done with an _________________________. ANSWER – CLASS – OBJECT VARIABLE QUESTIONS 10 & 11: The _______________________ determines whether the variable contains a complete instance of the object. ANSWER – NEW KEYWORD If the New keyword is not used, then the variable is declared for future use but no memory is set aside for the contents of the object. If the New Keyword is used, the object is said to be _____________________ and memory is set aside for a complete copy of the object. You can’t use a new form until this is done. Answer – INSTANTIATED QUESTIONS 12 & 13 If the __________________ is used in a form’s code to open another form, then both forms still can receive focus and be accessed by the user. – This is called a ____________________ – meaning that the user can flip back and forth between the forms. ANSWERS – Show() Method, modeless The ______________________ is used to open a ________________ form. – This means that the user must complete the action on the modal form before they will be allowed to continue work on other forms. ANSWERS – Show Dialog(), modal QUESTION 14 One of the most powerful aspects of computer programming is the capability of performing a set of operations repeatedly based on certain conditions. In programming, the process of repeating a set of instructions is known as ______________. ANSWER – LOOPING OR REPETITION QUESTION 15: This statement repeatedly executes a series of statements in the loop as long as the condition is true. ANSWER: – DO WHILE Two examples: (one tests at the top of the structure, one tests at the bottom of the structure) Do While intCount <=20 intCount = intCount +1 Loop Do intCount = intCount +1 Loop While intCount <=20 QUESTION 16: This statement loops until the condition becomes true. ANSWER: – DO UNTIL Two examples: (one tests at the top of the structure, one tests at the bottom of the structure) Do Until intCount >= 20 intCount = intCount +1 Loop Do intCount = intCount +1 Loop Until intCount >= 20 QUESTIONS 17 & 18: A __________________ is a group of one or more objects that can be accessed and operated on as a single entity. ANSWER: – COLLECTION VB.NET assigns an unique ____________ to each item in a collection. This comes in handy when writing code for a ListView Control. ANSWER – INDEX NUMBER QUESTIONS 20, 21 & 22: __________________ – this property always displays as the first column in the ListView Control. If you have more than one column in a ListView control, a ________________ collection is created. Each Item and SubItem has an ___________________ ANSWERS – TEXT PROPERTY – SUBITEMS – INDEX PROPERTY QUESTION 23 & 24 For Example lstTodaysSales.Items(1).Text = _______________ lstTodaysSales.Items(0).SubItems(2).Text = ________ QUESTIONS 25 & 26: Loop that has an automatic counter and condition built in. ANSWER: – FOR …. NEXT LOOP List Three Benefits of For … Next Loops: ANSWER: – More efficient than a Do While Loop – Easier to read – Uses less memory – Faster execution QUESTIONS 27 & 28: The ___________________ allows you to retrieve part of a string (from a larger string) based on a start position and the number of characters to retrieve. ANSWER – SUBSTRING METHOD For example: – strExample = “Christy Garrett” – strLastName = strExample.Substring ( ___ , ___) ANSWER – (8, 7) STUDY, STUDY, STUDY THE TEST CAN BE TOUGH! MAKE SURE YOU READ OVER ALL OF YOUR NOTES!