ICS 61 – The Game Improves through Iteration Based on Schell, ch. 8 Winter, 2015 The quality of a software product is greatly influenced by the process used to create it. The quality of a term paper product is greatly influenced by the process used to create it. The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. Design Test The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. This is not a lens or a perspective on games. It is an absolute truth. The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. This is not a lens or a perspective on game. It is an absolute truth. By the way, it is equally true for design, art, and programming. The Rule of the Loop: The more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. 1. How can I make every loop count? 2. How can I loop as fast as possible? The Waterfall Software Process Model Spiral Model Great ideas from the Spiral Model: 1. 2. 3. Risk Assessment Prototyping Looping Great ideas from the Spiral Model: 1. 2. 3. Risk Assessment Prototyping Looping Applied to game design: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Identify greatest risks in the design Build prototypes to assess those risks Test the prototypes If time hasn’t run out, go to step 1 “Agile” software development …expects change – in goals, schedules, personnel, … The Agile Manifesto We value 1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 2. Working software over comprehensive documentation 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 4. Responding to change over following a plan