Presentation copyright © 2011 David A Bender Obesity leads to metabolic syndrome leads to diabetes David A Bender Emeritus Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry University College London for treatment that works Obesity Daniel Lambert, 1770-1809 weight 330 kg (52st 11lb) painted by Benjamin Marshall, Leicestershire Museum and Art Gallery postcard Body weight and (premature) mortality American Cancer Society Study: 750,000 people followed for 15 years (Lew & Garfinkel, 1979) relative mortality 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 <80 8089 9099 100- 110- 120- 130- >140 109 119 129 139 % average body weight Body Mass Index = weight (kg) / height2 (m) BMI 20 - 25 desirable range BMI 25 - 30 overweight BMI 30 - 40 obesity BMI > 40 severe obesity Body Mass Index = weight (kg) / height2 (m) Obesity Michelangelo’s David is to return to Italy after 2 years on loan to the USA Percent of UK population overweight or obese 1980 60 50 39 40 32 30 20 6 10 8 0 BMI>25 BMI>30 men 60 1991 53 women 44 50 40 30 20 13 16 10 Health of the Nation target to halve obesity within a decade UK Department of Health data BMI>25 0 BMI>30 men women Percent of UK population obese (BMI >30) percent obese 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 1987 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Health of the Nation target to halve obesity within a decade UK Department of Health data, Chief Medical Officer’s report, 2002 women men Overweight and obesity in UK men 70 67 63 60 53 50 45 39 40 30 20 10 6 8 13 17 24 0 1980 BMI >25 1987 1991 1998 BMI >30 2003 women 70 60 60 53 50 44 40 36 32 30 20 10 8 12 16 21 26 0 1980 BMI >25 1987 1991 1998 BMI >30 2003 USA – meals outside home percent of food spending 40 40 35 percent of calories consumed 30 30 38 25 40 20 35 15 30 10 25 5 18 20 0 1977 1996 Food is cheaper higher in fat (especially saturated fat) higher in high fructose syrups 15 10 5 0 1977 1996 Critser, G. (2003) Fatland – how Americans became the fattest people in the world, Penguin Books, London Average and desirable physical activity Average PAL in UK (occupational + leisure) = 1.4 Desirable PAL for fitness = 1.7 In UK this is achieved by: 22% of men 13% of women The distribution of fat is important Abdominal obesity – the male pattern Hip-thigh obesity – the female pattern The distribution of fat is important CT scan of the abdomen in an obese female; black areas show fat Visceral (abdominal) fat Subcutaneous fat Source: Wilkin TJ, Ch 4 in Adult obesity: a paediatric challenge, Voss LD & Willkin TJ, Eds, Taylor & Francis, 2003 The distribution of fat is important Sex difference in mortality from cardiovascular disease ratio men : women 3.5 3 2.5 raw data 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Larsson et al, 1992 corrected for BMI, bp and cholesterol corrected for waist:hip ratio The distribution of fat is important % diabetic Diabetes with obesity and waist : hip ratio – women 20 15 10 5 0 >150% ideal wt 121-150% ideal wt <121% ideal wt <0.73 <0.76 <0.8 waist : hip ratio Hartz et al, 1984 >0.8 Insulin resistance – the metabolic syndrome insulin resistance dyslipidaemia (elevated triacylglycerol, low HDL) hypertension (high blood pressure) abdominal obesity polycystic ovary syndrome hyperuricaemia and gout Diagnosed by 3 or more of: Abdominal obesity waist circumference > 102cm (men) or 88 cm (women) Hypertriglyceridaemia > 150 mg /dL Low HDL cholesterol < 1 mmol /L (men) or < 1.3 mmol /L (women) High blood pressure > 130 / 85 mm Hg Fasting hyperglycaemia > 6.2 mmol /L Increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease Globally 239 million people affected in 2010 The adipocyte before 1994 insulin receptor expression of lipoprotein lipase fatty acid and triacylglycerol synthesis nefa + glycerol LPL chylomicron and VLDL triacylglycerol triacylglycerol synthesis activation of hormone-sensitive lipase fatty acids White adipose tissue adrenaline receptor The ob/ob obese mouse Hyperphagic but obese even when pair-fed Poor cold adaptation The ob/ob obese mouse Hypothesis A defect in non-shivering thermogenesis (facultative uncoupling of electron transport in mitochondria) Led to discovery of thermogenin in brown adipose tissue then other uncoupling proteins in muscle. brown adipose tissue white adipose tissue Brown and white adipose tissue in the same region Brown adipose tissue immunostained for UCP-1 40 µm Cinti S. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease 16: 579-74 2006. Brown and white adipose tissue in the same region White adipose tissue single large lipid droplet Brown adipose tissue immunostained for UCP-1 multiple small lipid droplets 15 µm Cinti S. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease 16: 579-74 2006. Transdifferentiation of brown and white adipose tissue Adipose tissue dissected from a mouse maintained at 29°C for 10 days. In response to cold adaptation, areas of white adipose tissue differentiate into brown adipose tissue. In response to a high fat diet, areas of brown adipose tissue differentiate into white adipose tissue. Cinti S. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease 16: 579-74 2006. The ob/ob obese mouse Parabiosis Circulating factor from lean animals suppresses appetite in obese 1994 Zhang et al cloned the ob gene expressed in adipose tissue peptide has a signal sequence, suggesting it is secreted Injection of the peptide into obese mice led to weight loss called leptin (Greek leptos = lean) Initial studies showed it acted on the hypothalamic appetite centres depressing appetite signalling state of adipose tissue reserves Great excitement that leptin or a leptin agonist would be a cure for obesity, but obese people secrete higher than normal amounts of leptin because they have more adipose tissue. Leptin The main function of leptin is to signal the state of adipose tissues reserves and decrease food intake in the long term when they are adequate Leptin stimulates uncoupling proteins in brown adipose tissue and muscle so increasing energy expenditure There is synergy between insulin and leptin in control of food intake Insulin stimulates leptin synthesis and secretion Pancreatic islet b-cells have leptin receptors, leptin increases insulin secretion Leptin causes insulin resistance / antagonises some actions of insulin Insulin resistance – the metabolic syndrome In response to insulin resistance (i.e. hyperglycaemia) there is increased insulin synthesis and secretion – hyperinsulinism Signalling through the insulin receptor insulin b b P P ATP ADP P IRS P IRS P P P IRS P IRS P P MAPK PKB P protein phosphorylation cascades rapid (metabolic) responses slow (nuclear and mitotic) responses Signalling through the insulin receptor P P P IRS P IRS P P MAPK PKB Rapid actions via protein kinase B phosphorylation cascade: stimulation of glucose transport stimulation of glycogen synthesis inhibition of lipolysis stimulation of fatty acid synthesis stimulation of translation / protein synthesis These responses are impaired in insulin resistance protein phosphorylation cascades rapid (metabolic) responses slow (nuclear and mitotic) responses Signalling through the insulin receptor P P P IRS P IRS P P MAPK PKB Slower actions via mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) no role in metabolic actions, involved in nuclear and mitogenic actions These responses are not affected by insulin resistance hence exaggerated responses in response to hyperinsulinism Increased proliferation of vascular smooth muscle leading to atherosclerosis and hypertension protein phosphorylation cascades rapid (metabolic) responses slow (nuclear and mitotic) responses Insulin resistance – the metabolic syndrome Possible factors in insulin resistance visceral adipose tissue has high lipolytic activity and releases nefa nefa inhibit glucose metabolism nefa may inhibit the PKB-mediated insulin signalling pathway leptin antagonises some actions of insulin various cytokines may cause insulin resistance: tumour necrosis factor TNF- interleukins IL-1 and IL-6 monocyte chemotactic protein resistin chemerin cortisol may cause insulin resistance The adipocyte now: a variety of cytokines secreted cytosol nucleus triacylglycerol complement C3 chemotactic agent for macrophages White adipose tissue Adiponectin – low in obesity Secretion is inversely proportional to adipose tissue mass Adiponectin increases insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor hence enhances insulin action and decreases liver glucose output activates 5’-AMP kinases so increases glucose and fatty acid oxidation increases expression of genes involved in fatty acid transport and oxidation increases expression of uncoupling proteins decreases surface expression of vascular adhesion molecules inhibits proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells so protective against atherosclerosis and thrombosis Resistin – increased in obesity Inhibits adipocyte differentiation hence possible feedback inhibitor of adipogenesis Administration to mice increases hepatic glucose production Hence insulin antagonist Chemerin Large adipocytes (from obese subjects) secrete more chemerin per cell than smaller adipocytes (from lean subjects) pro-inflammatory actions chemoattractant for macrophages Chemerin impairs insulin signalling in muscle by phosphorylation of kinases reduced glucose uptake in muscle increased fatty acid uptake and intracellular esterification to TAG possible lipotoxic effect on muscle Macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue lean mouse x 100 obese mouse x 100 obese mouse x 400 stained with toluidine blue lean mouse x 100 obese mouse x 100 obese mouse x 400 immmunostained with anti-macrophage antibody Source: Xu H et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation 112:12 1821-30, 2003 Macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue Macrophages form “crown-like structures” around larger adipocytes that are really lipid droplets that are the remnants of dead adipocytes. Hypertrophy of white adipocytes leads to cell death and macrophage infiltration. There is histological evidence of adipocyte death before macrophage infiltration. White adipose tissue is poorly vascularised and blood flow does not increase in obesity. Large adipocytes are too far from blood vessels to be adequately oxygenated; hypoxia leads to lactate production, which may be cytotoxic, leading to macrophage infiltration. Macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue The critical size for visceral adipocytes to undergo necrosis and attract macrophages is smaller than that for sub-cutaneous adipocytes. Although brown and white adipocytes can undergo trans-differentiation, • sub-cutaneous adipocytes develop from white adipocyte precursors • visceral adipocytes arise develop from brown adipocyte precursors. The evolutionary function of visceral adipose tissue was presumably thermogenesis; it has differentiated into storage adipose tissue in response to a high fat diet. Macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue Macrophages secrete TNF, stimulates preadipocytes and endothelial cells to secrete macrophage attractants phosphorylates critical serine residues in insulin receptor and IRS hence impairs insulin signalling Source: Wellen KE & Hotamisligil GK, Journal of Clinical Investigation 112:12 1785-8, 2003 Oxidative stress in adipose tissue Significant positive correlation between: plasma TBARS and BMI or waist circumference Significant negative correlation between: plasma adiponectin and BMI or waist circumference Source: Furukawa S et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation 114:12 1785-8, 2004 Oxidative stress in adipose tissue Increased oxidative stress and H2O2 production in adipose tissue from obese mice Source: Furukawa S et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation 114:12 1785-8, 2004 Oxidative stress in adipose tissue Decreased activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in adipose tissue from obese mice Source: Furukawa S et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation 114:12 1785-8, 2004 Oxidative stress in adipose tissue Elevated expression of NADPH oxidase NADPH + 2 O2 ŽNADP+ + 2 •O2- + 2H+ Reduced expression of antioxidant enzymes in adipose tissue of obese mice Source: Furukawa S et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation 114:12 1785-8, 2004 Glucocorticoids are formed in adipose tissue Cushing’s syndrome abdominal obesity insulin resistance / hyperglycaemia hypertension due to excessive production and secretion of corticosteroid hormones Cortisol acts in the liver to increase gluconeogenesis and glucose release and in adipose tissue to increase lipolysis and release of nefa Glucocorticoids are formed in adipose tissue 11-b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in adipose tissue converts inactive cortisone into active cortisol CH2OH C O CH2OH O CH3 OH C 11-bHSD-1 liver, cns, adipose tissue HO CH3 11-bHSD-2 kidney, colon cortisone (inactive) CH3 OH CH3 O O O cortisol (active) Plasma levels of cortisol are not elevated in obesity Cortisol formed in adipose tissue acts in the cells where it is formed Thiazolidinedione (PPARg agonist) represses 11bHSD expression in cultured human adipocytes Glucocorticoids are formed in adipose tissue Transgenic mice, overexpressing 11bHSD in adipose tissue corticosterone unchanged in plasma, increased 15-30% in adipose tissue after 15 weeks, body weight 16% higher than controls mainly abdominal fat hyperglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic insulin resistant serum nefa and TAG elevated plasma leptin increased leptin resistance – leptin : body fat ratio 2x higher than controls resistin expression reduced brown fat uncoupling protein expression decreased Is cortisol production in adipose tissue a factor in the metabolic syndrome? Is obesity a mild form of Cushing’s syndrome? Summarised by Wolf G, Nutrition Reviews 60:5 148-51, 2002 Obesity is a disease There are two problems: How to lose weight How to maintain lower body weight