12. General equilibrium: An exchange economy Varian, Chapter 30 The simplest market • Two people, or agents – Agent A and Agent B • Two goods – Good x and Good y • Agents interact by exchanging or trading goods • There is no production of either good Questions we’re interested in • Will unregulated exchange lead to “good” outcomes? – Under what conditions? • How does trade occur? – Bargaining? – Using prices? • Can an outsider (e.g., government) intervene to improve things? Endowments (wAy+wBy) y • Endowments • Any possible bundle of goods for A is in this space A has (wAx, wAy) B has (wBx, wBy) Endowment wAy x Person A wA x (wAx+wBx) Preferences (wAy+wBy) y wAy Endowment A’s indifference curves x Person A wA x (wAx+wBx) The simplest market • Allocation: A pair of consumption bundles – (xA, yA), (xB, yB) • Feasible allocation: pair of consumption bundles that add up to total endowment – (xA, yA)+(xB, yB)=(wAx, wAy)+(wBx, wBy) The Edgeworth Box: endowments wBx Person B y • Endowments A has (wAx, wAy) wBy B has (wBx, wBy) Endowment wAy Person A wAx x • Any feasible allocation of goods among the agents is a point in this box The Edgeworth Box: preferences wBx y Person B B’s indifference curves wBy wAy Person A A’s indifference curves wAx Endowment x Trade in the Edgeworth Box wBx y Person B B’s indifference curves wBy Points to which A would be willing to trade wAy Person A A’s indifference curves wAx Endowment x Trade in the Edgeworth Box wBx y Person B B’s indifference curves wBy Points to which B would be willing to trade wAy Person A A’s indifference curves wAx Endowment x Mutually beneficial trade wBx y Person B B’s indifference curves wBy If trade is voluntary they should end up somewhere in here wAy Person A A’s indifference curves wAx Endowment x What does the result look like? wBx Person B y At there are no more gains from trade wBy Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Describing potential outcomes • Pareto set, or contract curve: The set of all points that could be the outcome of a bargain – Depends on w – Can only make one individual better off by making the other worse off The Pareto Set wBx y Potential bargaining outcomes from endowment Person B Allocation if A has all the bargaining power wBy Pareto set wAy Person A Allocation if B has all the bargaining power wAx Endowment x Example: Pareto set • Consumer A: – (wAx, wAy)=(5,10) – u(xA, yA)=1/3 ln(xA) + 2/3 ln(yA) • Consumer B: – (wBx, wBy)=(10,5) – u(xB, yB)=1/2 ln(xB) + 1/2 ln(yB) • Find the contract curve The Pareto Set y 15 wBx 10 Person B Endowment wAy 10 5 wBy Pareto set Person A 5 wAx 15 x Can we narrow down outcomes? • So far we’ve said nothing about the mechanism or process by which people trade • We’ve found that agents should get to the contract curve….. • …..but we’re not sure what point they’ll reach on that curve • If trading is via prices, this indeterminacy can be resolved What about prices? • A price-based process – – – – – Set py=1 Try a value of px=p Gives slope of budget line for both consumers Find gross demands of both consumers Vary p until demand is a feasible allocation • Excess supply of x – Lower p • Excess demand of x – Raise p Gross demand A wBx Person B y wBy Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Gross demand B wBx Person B y wBy Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Market equilibrium wBx y Person B At these prices, excess demand and excess supply are both zero wBy Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Prices and excess supply Amount of x that A wants to sell wBx Person B y Amount of x that B wants to buy Excess supply of x Endowment wAy Budget constraint Person A wAx x wBy Prices and excess demand wBx y Person B Excess demand for y Amount of y that A wants to buy wAy Person A wBy Amount of y that B wants to sell wAx Endowment Budget constraint x A’s price offer curve wBx Person B y Agent A’s price offer curve Endowment wAy Person A wBy x wAx B’s price offer curve wBx Person B y wBy Agent B’s price offer curve Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Using price offer curves to find the market equilibrium Person B wBx y Agent A’s price offer curve wBy Agent B’s price offer curve Endowment wAy Person A wAx x Example: Price offer curves • Consumer A: – (wAx, wAy)=(5,10) – u(xA, yA)=1/3 ln(xA) + 2/3 ln(yA) • Consumer B: – (wBx, wBy)=(10,5) – u(xB, yB)=1/2 ln(xB) + 1/2 ln(yB) • Find the IOCs and the equilibrium allocation and price. The Pareto Set wBx 10 8.57 y 15 wAy 10 9 5 wBy 6 Endowment POC A Pareto set Person A Person B 5 6.43 wAx POC B 15 x The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics • The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics – All equilibria resulting from a competitive market are Pareto efficient – There are no gains from trade available from the result of a price-based exchange • There may be other undesirable properties of a market outcome The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics Person B wBx y The market equilibrium allocation is on the contract curve, so is Pareto efficient wBy Contract curve Endowment wAy Person A wAx x The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics • The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics – If preferences are convex, any Pareto efficient allocation can be reached by a competitive market, with the correct redistribution of the endowments – Using redistribution then allowing price-based trade, a planner can choose any PE allocation The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics Person B wBx y Pareto efficient allocations Can the market get us to any Pareto efficient allocation we want? wBy Answer: Yes, with convex preferences and redistribution Endowment wAy Person A Trade wAx Redistribute good x from B to A x Policy implications • How to help the poor – Give them money! – Price controls, quantity controls, etc lead to inefficient outcomes