
Preserving Evidence
Number one priority
Must also find incriminating evidence
Must search the contents of the hard drive
Can not change the hard drive
Retrieve the hard drive from the evidence locker and
update the chain of custody record.
Calculate the MD5 Hash of the drive.
“Image the hard drive.”
Validate the M5D hash of the drive is the same as the
MD5 hash of the image.
Make a copy of the “Image”
Store the actual hard drive together with the original
“image” in the evidence locker.
Remember to update the chain of custody record.
Procedure (cont’d)
Use the copy of the hard drive image to perform
your forensic analysis.
You can always go back to the original image.
Or if necessary you can go back to the hard drive
and validate the MD5 hash.
Disk Image
A disk image is an exact copy of everything on
the disk.
Not merely a copy of all the files.
It is an exact copy – all mistakes, errors, erasures,
dates, times,
You can prove that it is an exact copy.
Disk Image
Forensic Software does it.
HW can assist.
Software can do it.
Technique must be Validated
NIST - ww.ncjrs.org
Unix command dd
The hard drive cannot be accessed.
The hard drive cannot be altered.
The hard drive is sacred.
If you mess with it you are gone!!!
Blame always falls somewhere.
What to do?
Technology to the Rescue
HW – Write blockers
SW – Write blockers
Write Blocker
Write blockers prevent writing to the medium.
The medium can be read but not written to.
The modify, access, create dates cannot not be
The contents cannot be modified.
Floppies – write protect thingee.
HW Write Blocker
Accommodates a number of hard drives
Comes with cables
Forensically certified
Standard with Law Enforcement
Necessary for on site image acquisition
SW Imaging
Unix – dd if=??? of=???
NIST certifies that it does not corrupt the original.
The original and the image are identical.
Has an imaging function.
Create Disk Image ...
Verifiable exact copy.
Week 4 Lab
1. Using WinHex image your floppy. Describe procedure in
your lab report.
2. Validate that the copy is exact using MD5 hash signatures.
Show in your lab report.
3. Using the image you made describe some of the contents of
the floppy – floppy image.
4. E-mail the floppy image to yourself so you can use it at
Select Start Center
Click open disk
Click OK
MD5 Hash
Select Raw image
Calculate the MD5 Hash
Select a Filename and path
Remember where you put the image.
Click OK
Hash of
the Image
Is it the same as
the floppy disk?
Open raw image file
Find the image file
Open the
image file
Claculate the
MD5 hash of
the file.
Is it the same?
MD5 Hash
of image file
Explorer the
floppy image.
What files
are there?
Week 5 Lab
1. Create a case folder on your F_Drive.
2. Using WinHex image your floppy. Save the image in your
case folder. Describe procedure in your lab report.
3. Validate that the copy is exact using MD5 hash signatures.
Show in your lab report.
4. Using the image you made describe some of the contents of
the floppy – floppy image.
5. Recover an image and save it your case folder.
6. Keep all of your homework in your case folder.