NMR spektroszkópia (vegyész mesterkurzus: VEMKSI 4312S) 7. rész: Diffúzió-szelektált 2D NMR spektroszkópia Szalontai Gábor 2014. december (45 ábra) Diffusion Ordered SpectroscopY (DOSY) MOBility Ordered NMR SpectroscopY (MOBY) előkészítés kifejlődés(t1) keveredés mérés(t2) Two-dimensional spectroscopy, 2D Mérés két időváltozó (t1 és t2 ) szerint…. Cél: - a spektrális felbontás javítása és ezáltal a spektrum információtartalmának lényegesen jobb hasznosítása … - a mérés hatékonyságának javítása (információ/idő tényező) … Eredmény: nagyobb molekulák váltak vizsgálhatóvá. Három-, n-dimenziós spektroszkópia, 3D, nD. 2D NMR: „abundant” nuclei (1H, 19F, 31P, …) correlation spectroscopy, the COSY experiment (vector model) 90o(x) t1(variable) 90o(x) t2 constant B1(90o)x Mz=Mcos2pnt1 Mx=Msin2pnt1 B1(90o)x Codein: 2D (COSY) spectrum 1D spectrum Correlations are detected between J-coupled nuclei ... Question: can we use the second dimension (evolution period: t1 ) to study a molecular property (such as shape, size, diffusion, etc.) rather than the usual spin Hamiltonian (J-coupling, chemical shifts, etc,)? Answer: yes, provided these properties have an impact on the spectrum !!. Results: a 2D NMR spectrum 1D NMR spectrum (t2 modulation) molecular properties (examples of t1 modulation) t1 1. relaxation times 2. translational diffusion coefficients 3. electrophoretic mobilities The effect of changing stream gradient on zanders (without diffusion) The diffusion phenomenon destroys the order! The effect of changing stream: small and big fishes with diffusion (harcsa) phenomenon The large fishes hardly move ! PFG (PGSE) –NMR: a Carr-Purcell spin-echo (C.S. Johnson 1999 Progress in NMR) Echo at 2t: for D amplitude time is left the molecules to move, S(2t) = Moexp(-2t/T 2)* the larger the 2 (D - d/3)] Aexp[-Dq gradiensek térbeli moleculeais the kódolást longervégzik time is!! Advantages Disadvantages: short T2 values A the második a required, however, maximumgradiens limits the signal 180 átfordító they-as larger they areto applications strength is small to medium impulzus után the shorter they live recovered, size molecules, „visszatolja” a short spinek due to their T The chemical J-modulation 2 fázisát az eredeti prevent complete shifts are values! refocusing! refocused! poziciójukba! Cohen 2005 Applications: Pulse (Field) Gradient Spin Echo experiment • Determination of – Translational self-diffusion coefficient, Dt – Hydrodynamic radius, rH – Hydrodynamic volume, VH Theory • Diffusion ordered NMR: translational diffusion coefficient (Stokes-Einstein relation) D t 0 k BT 6 p 0 a • a = molecular radius, o= solvent viscosity Theory: (Relaxation) rotational diffusion coefficient (Debye-Stokes-Einstein relation) D r 0 k BT 8p 0 a 4p a 3 3' tC 3 kT a = molecular radius, tC = molecular rotational correlation time, o = solvent viscosity (Dr = 1/3tC) It follows that e.g. T1 relaxation rates must be sensitive indicators of the molecular size too. Most common experiments • PGSE-STE (STimulated Echo) • PGSE-LED ( Longitudional Eddy current Delay) • BPP-LED (Bipolar Pulse Pairs) PFG (PGSE) –NMR: stimulated spin-echo (STE) (C.S. Johnson 1999 Progress) Echo amplitude at T+2t: S(T+2t) = Moexp[(-2t/T2)* -/T/T1)]exp[-Dq2(D - d/3)] T time is given to the molecules to relax Advantages: according to T 1, out of the If 2t << T the relaxation extreme narrowing depends mainly on T1, (even macromolecules can be the conditions the larger studied) the longer T is. molecule 1 If t << the J-modulation The t 1/J periods are kept is insignificant! short not to loose much The sensitivity is T2 signal due toloss short normally values! overcompensated! Main obstacle against good resolution: Eddy– current caused by the gradient pulse current Possible solutions: -special RF coil design -gradient pulse shaping -active shielding of the gradient coils -special pulse sequences (LED, BPP-LED) PGSE – Longitudional Eddy–current Delay sequence (LED) 90o(x) T 90o(-x) 90o(-x) 90o(x) t Te 90o(x) t2 t D gg d d The fourth pulse stores the magnetization for a while (Te = the time allowed for the Eddy currents to vanish) again along the z axis, the fifth one brings it back to the x,y plane… BPP-BiPolar Pulse – LED 180o(x) 90o(x) 180o(x) 90o(-x) 90o(x) 90o(-x) T 90o(x) t2 The 180 pulses Te cause some loss of signal, but t D t gg eliminate the d/2 effect of background d/2 d/2 gradients and Often the method of choise: the composite bipolar refocus o gradient pulse combination (g-180 -(-)g) provides selfchemical compensation of the Eddy current (for short t ~ 95%). shifts and Attenuation factor: produce distortion 2 y(D+d+2t) = exp[-Dq (D - d/3-t/2)]free signals! PGSE –NMR: (B.Antalek 2007 Concepts) Essential components: The PSGE sequence The Pulse Gradient STimulated Echo sequence The Bipolar Gradient Pulse sequence Data collection stategies To save time and increase the S/N ratio select the minimum number q2 values (q=ggd ) How much is the minimum?, one has to characterize properly even the fastest decay! Gradient strength, g increase must be adjusted to the actual sample, i.e. to the distribution of the diffusion coefficients of the components! Data collection: according to linear, squared and exponential functions in 8 steps from 2% to 95% amplifier power Applications: separation of mixture based on the components diffusion constants (Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy) • DOSY: not much more then a convenient 2D data processing and displaying method (Johnson 1996) • In comparison with P(F)GSE it can separate components of a mixture along the diffusion dimension if their translational diffusion differ. PFG (PGSE) –NMR: inverz Laplace transformation (ILT) (C.S. Johnson 1999 Progress) Inverze Laplace transformation: not so trivial if the decays are not monoexponantials (e.g. if the peaks overlap) Accuracy: 3-1 % in Dt! Data analysis methods: inversion and display in the case of monodisperse samples Single exponantial (Levenberg-Marquardt) DISCRETE, SPLMOD Limitations: if diffusion coefficient for overlapping signals differ by less than a factor of two (three?) and/or their S/N ratio is low (…), they cannot be resolved in the diffusion dimension. Data analysis methods: inversion and display in the case of polydisperse samples biexponantial fitting (SPLMOD) DECRA Continuous distribution analyses (CONTIN) MaxEnt Outlook of a DOSY spectrum Log D (m2/s) Dt or D (m2/s) 1H (or X) chem.shift / ppm Data inversion and display Task: n absorption mode spectra have been recorded with n predetermined values of q2(D-de), (each having n frequency points or channels), these must be transformed into 2D spectra with chemical shifts on one axis and the distribution of diffusion coefficients on the other. q = ggd pulse area, e = gradient pulse shape factor I(q, nm) = SnAn(nm)exp[-Dnq2(D - de)] The stronger the Ideal conditions: basic requirements Higher fields or larger the gradient is the use of other This meansnuclei much molecules can be 19 31 13 such as acq. F, Ptime or also C longer for considered, but 13C, will help e.g. butacurrent itlot! may be the Eddy signals worthwhile!! effect is • Complete separation of • Good signal to noise ratio proportionally larger! • Strong and linear Bo pulse gradients • Low constant background gradient • Low internal magnetic field gradient caused by susceptibility changes over the sample • No heat convection in the sample ! • Low to medium solvent viscosity (?) Artifacts and pitfalls (Ref.: Aksnes MRC 40 (2002) S139) • Calibration of the gradient strength • Eddy current effects • Constant background gradients • Unwanted flow within the sample • Correction of effective diffusion times Calibration of the gradient strength Ref.: Holz JMR 92 (1991) 115-125 The usual high• We need absolute values in G/cm or T/m resolution • Gradient coil factor = gradient spectrometers can calibration constant? produce gradients of about G/cm what • Shape factor50-60 = int(shape)/int(rectang.) iscalibration sufficient • Direct with to secondary analyze molecules up standards to 50 kGa. Calibration of the gradient strength: 1H: proposed primary standards • Water self-diffusion coefficient: 25o C 2.3 *10-9 [m2/s] • Benzene self-diffusion coefficient: 25o C 2.207 *10-9 [m2/s] • H2O in D2O (trace) = 1.902 * 10-9 [m2/s] • H2O in D2O (10 m %) = 1.935 * 10-9 [m2/s] Calibration with secondary standards (less-common nuclei) Ref.: Holz JMR 92 (1991) 115-125 • 13C: benzene self-diffusion coefficient: 25o C 2.207 *10-9 [m2/s] • 31P: (C6H5)3P (3m) in C6D6 = 0.365 * 10-9 [m2/s] 19F: (C6H5F) = 2.395 * 10-9 [m2/s] Applications: self-assemblies [(Pd(bifosz.)(N …..N)]1,2,3,4,5,6 tectons: 1H DOSY 2+ ; [Pd(dppp)] L1 + + + 1:1 2a + 3a 4a 5a 2:1 + 3aa + 4aa + 5aa 6aa Applications: [(Pd(dppp)(N …..N)]1,2,3,4,5 tectons: pyridine ortho protons, 1H DOSY in CD2Cl2 Dt H N H H N 1H N N H chem.shift/ppm Applications: [(Pd(dppp)(N …..N)]1,2,3,4,5 tectons: acenaphthane ortho protons 1H DOSY in CD2Cl2 H H H H H H Dt N N 1H N N chem.shift/ppm Alkalmazások: önszerveződő rendszerek [(Pd(bifosz.)(N …..N)]1,2,3,4 tektonok: 1H DOSY Applications: a mixture of small to medium molecules: 1H DOSY in D2O a-cyclodextrine creatinin pyridine Conditions g = 2 % - 95 % number of steps = 8 data collection: linear D = 50 ms water d = 1.7 ms Alkalmazások: INEPT-DOSY [(Pd(bifosz.)(N …..N)]1,2,3,4 tektonok: 31P DOSY Alkalmazások: önszerveződő rendszerek [(Pd(bifosz.)(4,4’-bpy…)]1,2,3,4 tektonok: 31P DOSY Alkalmazások: önszerveződő rendszerek [(Pd(dppp)(4,4’-bpy…)]2,3,4,5 tektonok: 1H DOSY 1 2 7 6 8 5 4 3 N 9 N N N Alkalmazások: ruthenium complexes 1H DOSY dmso 298 K [Ru(diphenylphenantroline)3]+ Dt = 130*10-12 m2/s [Ru(methylbpy)3]+ Dt = 150*10-12 m2/s [Ru(phenantroline)3] + Dt = 165*10-12 m2/s [Ru(bpy)3]+ Dt = 180*10-12 m2/s Alkalmazások: inclusion complexes (CD – amino acids) 1H DOSY Dt [*10-9 m2/s] at 298 K a-CD Viscosity [dyn s cm -1] 0.3 0.264 b-CD 0.318 g-CD 0.320 Ref. saját 0.98 10 mM Larive Anal.Acta Alkalmazások: szénhidrogének (alifás aminok keveréke) 13C DOSY Lassúbb mérés, de lényegesen kevesebb az átfedő jel! Chemical exchange in diffusion-ordered spectra, fast-exchange (Johnson, JMR 1993 102, 210) Small diffusiondifference d [ppm] Big diffusiondifference d [ppm] Dobs = ffreeDfree + fboundDbound ffree + fbound = 1 D [m2/s] D [m2/s] Chemical exchange in diffusion-ordered spectra, slow exchange (Johnson, JMR 1993 102, 210) Small diffusiondifference d [ppm] D [m2/s] Big diffusiondifference d [ppm] D [m2/s]