AME 436 Energy and Propulsion Lecture 7 Unsteady-flow (reciprocating) engines 2: Using P-V and T-s diagrams Outline Air cycles What are they? Why use P-V and T-s diagrams? Using P-V and T-s diagrams for air cycles Seeing heat, work and KE Constant P and V processes Inferring efficiencies Compression & expansion component efficiencies Correspondence between processes on P-V and T-s Hints & tricks AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 2 Air-cycles - what are they? In this course we will work primarily with “air cycles” in which the working fluid is treated as just air (or some other ideal gas) In air cycles, changes in gas properties (CP, Mi, , etc.) due to changes in composition, temperature, etc. are neglected; this greatly simplifies the analysis and leads to simple analytic expressions for efficiency, power, etc. Later we’ll examine “fuel-air cycles” (using GASEQ) where the “real” gases are considered and the properties change as composition, temperature, etc. change (but still can’t account for slow burn, heat loss, etc. since it’s still a thermodynamic analysis that tells us nothing about reaction rates, burning velocities, etc.) In addition to the analytical results, P-V and T-s diagrams will be used extensively to provide a visual representation of cycles AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 3 Why use P-V diagrams? Pressure vs. time and cylinder volume vs. time are easily measured in reciprocating-piston engines ∫ PdV = work ∫ PdV over whole cycle = net work transfer + net change in KE + net change in PE = net heat transfer Heat addition is usually modeled as constant pressure or constant volume, so show as straight lines on P-V diagram Note that V on P-V diagram is cylinder volume (m3) which is NOT a property of the gas, whereas specific volume (v) (m3/kg) IS a property of the gas (we need to use V since cycle work = ∫ PdV; can’t use v since mass changes during intake/blowdown/exhaust) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 4 Why use T-s diagrams? Idealized compression & expansion processes are constant S since dS ≥ Q/T; for adiabatic process Q = 0, for reversible = (not >) sign applies, thus dS = 0 (note that dS = 0 still allows for any amount of work transfer to occur in or out of the system, which is what compression & expansion processes are for) For reversible process, ∫TdS = Q, thus area under T-s curves show amount of heat transferred ∫ TdS over whole cycle = net heat transfer = net work transfer + net change in KE + net change in PE T-s diagrams show the consequences of non-ideal compression or expansion (dS > 0) For ideal gases, T ~ heat xfer or work xfer or KE (see next 2 slides) Efficiency can be determined by breaking any cycle into Carnotcycle “strips,” each strip (i) having th,i = 1 - TL,i/TH,i AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 5 T-s & P-v for control mass: work, heat & KE For an ideal gas with constant CP & Cv: h = CpT, u = CvT and the 1st Law says, for a control mass with PE = 0 (in internal combustion engines we can almost always neglect PE) dE = d(U + KE) = d[m(u + KE)] = q - w (note the use of “KE” rather than “u2/2” to avoid confusion between u {internal energy} and u {velocity}) q = Q/m (heat transfer per unit mass) w = W/m (work transfer per unit mass) If no work transfer (dw = 0) or KE change (dKE = 0), du = CvdT = dq q12 = Cv(T2 - T1) If no heat transfer (dq = 0) or KE, du = CvdT = dw w12 = -Cv(T2 - T1) If no work or heat transfer KE = KE2 – KE1 = -Cv(T2 - T1) For a control mass containing an ideal gas with constant Cv, T ~ heat transfer - work transfer - KE Note that the 2nd law was not invoked, thus the above statements are true for any process, reversible or irreversible AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 6 T-s & P-v for control volume: work, heat & KE 1st Law says, for a control volume, steady flow, with PE = 0 0 = Q -W + méë(hin - hout ) + ( KEin - KEout )ùû For an ideal gas with constant CP, dh = CPdT h2 - h1 = CP(T2 - T1) If 2 = outlet, 1 = inlet, and noting h2 - h1 = q1®2 - w1®2 - ( KE2 - KE1 ) If no work transfer (dw = 0) or KE change (dKE = 0), du = CvdT = dq q12 = CP(T2 - T1) If no heat transfer (dq = 0) or KE, du = CvdT = dw w12 = -CP(T2 - T1) If no work or heat transfer KE = KE2 – KE1 = -CP(T2 - T1) For a control volume containing an ideal gas with constant CP, T ~ heat transfer - work transfer - KE (Same statement as control mass with CP replacing Cv) Again true for any process, reversible or irreversible AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 7 T-s & P-v diagrams: work, heat & KE 3 w34 + (KE4 – KE3) = -Cv(T4-T3) (control mass) w34 + (KE4 – KE3) = -CP(T4-T3) (control vol.) q23 = Cv(T3-T2) (const. V) q23 = CP(T3-T2) (const. P) 4 2 1 w12 + (KE2 – KE1) = -Cv(T2-T1) (control mass) w12 + (KE2 – KE1) = -CP(T2-T1) (control vol.) Case shown: cons. vol. heat in, rc = re = 3, = 1.4, Tcomb = fQR/Cv = 628K, P1 = 0.5 atm AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 8 T-s & P-v diagrams: work, heat, KE & PE How do I know that work shown on the P-v (via ∫PdV) diagram is the same as that shown (via CvT) on the T-s diagram? As an example, for isentropic compression AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 9 T-s & P-v diagrams: work, heat, KE & PE Going back to the 1st Law again dE = dQ - dW Þ ò dE = ò dQ - ò dW Around a closed path, since E = U + KE + PE; since U is a property of the system, ò dU = 0 , thus around a closed path, i.e. a complete thermodynamic cycle (neglecting PE again) But wait - does this mean that the thermal efficiency No, the definition of thermal efficiency is For a reversible process, Q = TdS, thus q = Tds and Thus, for a reversible process, the area inside a cycle on a T-s diagram is equal to (net work transfer + net KE) and the net heat transfer AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 10 T-s & P-v diagrams: work, heat & KE Animation: using T-s diagram to determine heat & work Heat Heat transfer transfer in out AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 11 Constant P and V curves Recall for ideal gas with constant specific heats (1st lecture) æ T2 ö æ V2 ö æ T2 ö æ P2 ö S2 - S1 = CP lnç ÷ - Rlnç ÷ S2 - S1 = CV lnç ÷ + Rlnç ÷ è T1 ø è V1 ø è T1 ø è P1 ø If P = constant, ln(P2/P1) = 0 T2 = T1exp[(S2-S1)/CP] If V = constant, ln(V2/V1) = 0 T2 = T1exp[(S2-S1)/Cv] constant P or V curves are growing exponentials on a T-s diagram Since constant P or V curves are exponentials, as s increases, the T between two constant-P or constant-V curves increases; as shown later, this ensures that compression work is less than expansion work for ideal Otto or Brayton cycles Since CP = Cv + R, CP > Cv or 1/CP < 1/Cv, constant v curves rise faster than constant P curves on a T-s diagram Constant P or constant V lines cannot cross (unless they correspond to cycles with different CP or CV) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 12 Constant P and V curves 3 T(s) = T2exp[(s-s2)/Cv] (const vol.) T(s) = T2exp[(s-s2)/CP] (const press.) 4 2 Constant v or P curves spread out as s increases T3 - T4 > T2 - T1 1 T(s) = T1exp[(s-s1)/Cv] (const vol.) T(s) = T1exp[(s-s1)/CP] (const press.) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 13 Constant P and V curves “Payback” for compression work and KE decrease 3 (T3 - T4) - (T2 - T1) ~ net work + KE increase 4 2 1 T2 - T1 ~ Work input + KE decrease during compression Net work + KE decrease ~ (T3 - T4) - (T2 - T1) = (T2 - T1)[exp(s/Cv) - 1] > 0 or (T2 - T1)[exp(s/CP) - 1] > 0 AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 14 T-s diagram Constant P and V curves 1200 Constant-v heat addition & rejection (Otto cycle) Temperature (K) 1000 800 600 400 200 Double-click chart to open Excel spreadsheet 0 -100 0 100 200 300 Constant-P heat addition & rejection (Brayton cycle) 400 500 600 700 800 Entropy (J/kg-K) Constant-v curves are steeper than constant-P curves on the T-s Both cases: T2/T1 = 1.552, = 1.4, fQR = 4.5 x 105 J/kg, P1 = 0.5 atm The two cycles shown also have the same thermal efficiency (th) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 15 Inferring efficienciesT-s diagram 1200 Temperature (K) 1000 Constant-v heat addition & rejection (Otto cycle) 800 TH,i 600 400 200 0 -100 Carnot cycle “strip” th,i = 1 - TL,i/TH,i TL,i Double-click chart to open Excel spreadsheet 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Entropy (J/kg-K) Carnot cycles appear as rectangles on the T-s diagram; any cycle can be broken into a large number of tall skinny Carnot cycle “strips,” each strip (i) having th,i = 1 - TL,i/TH,i AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 16 Compression & expansion efficiency If irreversible compression or expansion, dS > Q/T; if still adiabatic (Q = 0) then dS > 0 Causes more work input (more T) during compression, less work output (less T) during expansion Define compression efficiency comp & expansion efficiency exp hcomp º Reversible adiabatic work input for given V or P ratio Actual work input required for same V or P ratio -CV [T1 (V1 /V2 )g -1 - T1 ] (V1 /V2 )g -1 -1 = = -CV (T2 - T1 ) T2 /T1 -1 (control mass, specified volume ratio) hexp º Actual work output for given V or P ratio Reversible adiabatic work output for same V or P ratio -CV (T2 - T1 ) T2 /T1 -1 = = g -1 -CV [T1 (V1 /V2 ) - T1] (V1 /V2 )g -1 -1 (control mass, specified volume ratio) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 17 Compression & expansion efficiency -CV [T1 (P2 /P1 )(g -1) / g - T1 ] (P2 /P1 )(g -1)/ g -1 hcomp = = -CV (T2 - T1) T2 /T1 -1 (control mass, specified pressure ratio) -CV (T2 - T1) T2 /T1 -1 hexp = = -CV [T1(P2 /P1)(g -1)/ g - T1 ] (P2 /P1 )(g -1) / g -1 (control mass, specified pressure ratio) Control volume: replace Cv with CP, but it cancels out so definitions are same These relations give us a means to quantify the efficiency of an engine component (e.g. compressor, turbine, …) or process (compression, expansion) as opposed to the whole cycle AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 18 Compression & expansion efficiency Animation: comparison of ideal Otto cycle with non-ideal compression & expansion Same parameters as before but with comp = exp =0.9 1200 Temperature (K) 1000 800 600 400 2 charts on top of each other; double-click each to open Excel spreadsheets 200 0 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Entropy (J/kg-K) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 19 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 Temperature (T/To) Pressure (P/Po) Correspondence between P-V & T-s 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 3.5 3.0 Pressure increasing 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Entropy ((s-so)/R) 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 Temperature (T/To) Pressure (P/Po) Volume (V/Vo) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Volume increasing 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 Volume (V/Vo) 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 Entropy ((s-so)/R) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 5 6 20 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 Temperature (T/To) Pressure (P/Po) Correspondence between P-V & T-s 3.5 3.0 Temperature increasing 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 Constant temperature 2.0 0 5 1 3 4 5 6 Entropy ((s-so)/R) Volume (V/Vo) 2.5 3.5 2.0 Temperature (T/To) Pressure (P/Po) 2 1.5 Entropy increasing 1.0 0.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 Volume (V/Vo) 4 5 Constant entropy 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Entropy ((s-so)/R) AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 6 21 Example Why do internal combustion engines compress before burning? Is it possible to produce work or thrust without compression? To generate positive area (thus net work) on a T-s diagram (left), the pre-heataddition process must be more nearly vertical than the heat addition process, otherwise there is no area thus no work (middle). The best way to do this is with isentropic compression followed by heat addition (left) - but it’s not required. You could have (for example) constant-V heat addition followed by isentropic expansion back to ambient P (right) and work would be generated without a “real” compressor (although with lower efficiency.) T T T No area, no work! Net work V S P S S AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams S 22 Example Why is it necessary to add heat to generate work or thrust? Without heat transfer, dq = 0 and thus (for reversible cycles) TdS = 0, thus T dS = P dV = Net work = 0 (left figure). If the process is irreversible, TdS < 0, thus T dS < 0 and thus = P dV = Net work < 0 (right figure). ò ò ò ò T T Negative work No area, no work! S S AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 23 Example Consider the “Lenoir cycle” engine shown on the P-V diagram a) Sketch the T-s diagram corresponding to the P-V diagram 2 1 2 const. V, increasing P heat addition, s increases 2 P T 2 3 const. s, decreasing P expansion, T decreases V 3 P 1 3 1 const. P, decreasing v heat rejection, s decreases 1 3 V s b) Sketch modified P-V and T-s diagrams if the initial temperature is increased by 10% (same P1, V1 and P2) 2’ 2 2 P T P P - V plot unchanged (but higher T means less mass processed) 3’ V P 1 3 V 1 P 1’ 3 Higher T, same P s1, s2 increases Still need 3 1 const. P s AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 24 Example c) Sketch modified P-V and T-s diagrams if the “compression ratio” V3/V1 is increased by 20% (same P1, V1) 2’ 1 2 const. V, P2 larger than base cycle 2’ 2 2 P T V 3’ 3 P 1, 1’ Still need 3 1 const. P 1,1’ 3 3’ V On P-V, curves of const. T slope less steeply than const. s, thus T3’ > T3 s d) Sketch modified P-V and T-s diagrams if a gas with higher is used (same P1, V1, P2, R) PV curves steeper if increases 2’ 2, 2’ P 2 V T 3’ 3 P 1,1’ 1, 1’ 3’ V CV = R/(-1); if R = const. and increases, CV decreases, thus const.-v curves on T – s are steeper T2 doesn’t change since V1 = V2, P1, P2 and R don’t change 3 s AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 25 Using T-s and P-v diagrams - summary Thermodynamic cycles as they occur in IC engines are often approximated as a series of processes occurring in an ideal gas T-s and P-v diagrams are very useful for inferring how changes in a cycle affect efficiency, power, peak P & T, etc. The T (on T-s diagrams) and areas (both T-s & P-v) are very useful for inferring heat & work transfers Each process (curve or straight line) on T-s or P-v diagram has of 3 parts An initial state A process (const. P, v, T, s, as shown in the previous slides), constant area (Rayleigh, Fanno or shock flow, discussed in propulsion section), etc. A final state, which is usually » For compression and expansion processes in reciprocating piston engines, a specified volume relative to the initial state (i.e. a particular compression or expansion ratio) » For compressors in propulsion cycles, a specified pressure ratio » For turbines in propulsion cycles, a specified temperature that makes the work output from the turbine equal the work required to drive compressor and/or fan » For diffusers in propulsion cycles, a specified Mach number (usually zero) » For nozzles in propulsion cycles, the pressure after expansion (usually the ambient pressure) » For heat addition processes, either a specified heat input = ∫ Tds (i.e. a mixture having a specified FAR and QR) thus a given area on the T-s diagram, or a specified temperature (i.e. for temperature limited turbines in propulsion cycles) » The constant P and constant v exponential curves on the T-s diagram are very useful for determining end states 26 AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams Using T-s and P-V diagrams - summary Three or more processes combine to make a complete cycle When drawing P-V or T-s diagrams, ask yourself What is the P, V, T and s of the initial state? Is it different from the baseline case? For each subsequent process » What is the process? Is it the same as the baseline cycle, or does it change from (for example) reversible to irreversible compression or expansion? Does it change from (for example) constant pressure heat addition to heat addition with pressure losses? » When the process is over? Is the target a specified pressure, volume, temperature, heat input, work output, etc.? » Is a new process (afterburner, extra turbine work for fan, etc.) being added or is existing one being removed? » In gas turbine cycles, be sure to make work output of turbines = work input to compressors and fans in gas Be sure to close the cycle by having (for reciprocating piston cycles) the final volume = initial volume or (for propulsion cycles) (usually) the final pressure = ambient pressure AME 436 - Spring 2013 - Lecture 7 - Using P-V & T-s diagrams 27