WHOLE NUMBERS - Notre Dame Academy

Key Words
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Place Value
In the base ten number system, each place has ten times the value of the place to its
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Describe using words or drawing blocks the following numbers:
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Describe using words or drawing blocks the following numbers:
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Learn Alberta Site – Type in a number and it will display using blocks.
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
More on Place Value
Large whole numbers are arranged in groups of threes called periods. Each period has a hundred(s),
ten(s) and one(s) position.
See the number 123 456 789 below as an example. The 8 is in the tens position, the 5 is in the tenthousands position.
Challenge Information
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers less than 0
Decimal numbers are also arranged in groups of threes called periods. Each period has a ten(th),
hundred(th) and thousand(th) position.
See the number 0.123 456 789 below as an example. The 2 is in the hundredths position, the 5 is
in the hundred-millionths position.
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Site showing place values and intro to standard form.
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
Page 38 #2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Numbers to 100 000
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 100 000
AIM for 100 000
Exploring One Million
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 1 000 000
Exploring One Million
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 1 000 000
Explain the following:
1 000 000 = 1000 thousands
$1 000 000 = ten thousand $100 bills
1 000 000 min is about 2 years
1 000 000 € (cents) = $10 000
Exploring One Million
Student Outcome: I can describe numbers to 1 000 000
Page 41 #1,2,3
Page 42 #5,6,7
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
Place the digit in the proper place value cell to complete the number.
89 045
789 433
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
Standard Form
Shows the written number
3 864
Expanded Form
Shows a number as a sum of the values of its digits
(3x1000) + (8x100) + (6x10) + (4x1)
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
Show these numbers using expanded form
89 045
789 433
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
In the number 1 329:
the one is in the thousands position
the three is in the hundreds position
the two is in the tens position
the nine is in the ones position.
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
Place Value Calculator
Learn Alberta Interactive Block and expanded form site
Representing Numbers
Student Outcome: I can describe whole numbers in different ways
Page 45 # 3,6,7
Page 46 # 8,10,12,13
Page 47 #14
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
How can you find the answer to
459 + 201 =
Front – End Rounding
Using the first digit from each number to get an estimate
Compatible Numbers
Using multiples of 10, 100.. to make a number easier to add
Rounding a number up then the next number down
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
Front – End Rounding
Using the first digit from each number to get an estimate
65 + 01 + 198 = 400 + 300 + 100 = 800
3 056 + 2 982 = 20 000 + 40 000 = 60 000
2 x 3 = 70 x 20 = 1400
356 + 887 =
(first digit in each number)
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
Compatible Numbers
Using multiples of 10,100 to make a number easier to add
11 0 + 10 6
= 11 100 + 10 650 = 21 750 (multiples of 10)
= 30 x 40 = 1 200 (multiples of 10)
10 320 + 9 997 + 8 465 = 10 300 + 10 000 + 8 500 = 28 000 (multiples of 100)
67 + 43 + 39 =
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
Rounding a number up then the next down
11 090 + 10 651 + 10 320 + 9 956 = 11 000 + 11 000 + 10 000 + 10 000 = 40 0000
476 + 2389 + 56 + 589 =
59 + 126 + 17 =
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
Math Live – Front-end Rounding – Compatible Numbers
Estimating Sums
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when adding
Page 51 #1,4a,b,7,8
Page 52 #10,11,12
Using Benchmarks to Estimate
Student Outcome: I can use benchmarks of 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s
A benchmark is something (for example a number) that serves as a reference to which
something else (another number) may be compared. The most common use for
benchmarks is in estimation.
Is 258 closer to 250 or 260?
Is 258 closer to 200 or 300?
Is 46 380 closer to 46 300 or 46 400?
Is 46 380 closer to 46 000 or 47 000?
Using Benchmarks to Estimate
Student Outcome: I can use benchmarks of 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s
Medicine Hat’s Population 2009
What kind of benchmark would you use to describe Medicine Hat’s Population?
Medicine Hat’s Population for the year 2009 is ……………..?
Using Benchmarks to Estimate
Student Outcome: I can use benchmarks of 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s
Benchmarks - percent
Using Benchmarks to Estimate
Student Outcome: I can use benchmarks of 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s
Page 55 #1, 2, 3a,b, 4a,b, 5a,b
Page 56 #6, 9, 11
Estimating Differences
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when subtracting
How can you find the answer to
3 818 - 2 079 =
Front – End Rounding
Using the first digit from each number to get an estimate
Compatible Numbers
Using multiples of 10, 100.. to make a number easier to add
Rounding a number up then the next number down
Estimating Differences
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when subtracting
How can you find the answer to
3 818 - 2 079 =
Front – End Rounding
Using the first digit from each number to get an estimate
3 000 - 2 000 = 1 000
Look at the last 3 digits of each number (to be more accurate)
3 818 800 = 3 800
2 079 100 = 2 100
3 800 - 2 100 = 1 700
Estimating Differences
Student Outcome: I can use different ways to estimate when subtracting
How can you find the answer to
3 818 - 2 079 =
Compatible Numbers
Using multiples of 10, 100.. to make a number easier to add
3 818 = 3 800
2 079 = 2 100
3 800 – 2 100 = 2 700
OR to be more accurate
3 818 = 3 820
2 079 = 2 080
3 820 – 2 080 = 1740
Estimating Differences
Student Outcome: I can use estimation strategies to subtract
Page 58 #1ab,2ab,3ab,4
Page 59 #5,6,7
Using Estimation to Check
Student Outcome: I can use estimation to check my work
Mr. Bosch earned $34.00, $120.00
and $210.00.
About how much did he earn?
What strategies can you use to solve this
Using Estimation to Check
Student Outcome: I can use estimation to check my work
Page 62 #1cd,2cd,5,7
Page 63 #9,10,13
Strategies Toolkit
Student Outcome: I can understand a problem and pick a way to
solve it
Page 65 #1,2
Show What You Know
Student Outcome: I will solve questions using ways I learned in unit 2
Page 66 #2, 3a,b, 4a,b, 5a,b, 6, 7a,b, 8
Page 67 #9, 10, 12, 13