WINNING AT THE SHELF DRIVING EXECUTIONAL EXCELLENCE BY LEVERAGING NEW TECHNOLOGY Sharon Skurnac, Nielsen Alejandra González, Kimberly-Clark October 1, 2014 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MANUFACTURERS VS. RETAILERS Both have different structures that are constantly interacting with each other to satisfy consumer needs MANUFACTURER RETAILER Top Management Top Management Business Units / KAM Purchasing Regional Managers Central Warehouse Sales Force Operations Store Managers 2 A WELL-OILED MACHINE Each function needs to execute the strategy effectively to realize growth Top Management Target assignment and results follow up x KAM & Catman Negotiation Marketing Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Business unit strategies Trade Marketing Drugstores Strategy by channel x Self Service Convenience Traditional Supers Conv. Stores x Operations Sales Force Traditional x Strategies & Negotiations execution 3 PLANNING VS. EXECUTING Different meanings by function EXECUTION Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. BUSINESS NEED Trade/Brand Marketing Plan execution by designing optimal strategies Catman & Trade Field Sales SOLUTION FOCUS ROI Impact Market / Portfolio Improve execution by detecting opportunities Compliance Retailer / Category Measure execution with robust key performance indicators Store Check Store / Item PLANNING IMPACT DURATION Long 1 Year + Detect competitors’ performance and opportunity detection Medium 1 – 3 Months Determine inputs to the strategy from real execution gaps Short 1 – 7 Days Strategies to correct common execution gaps 4 INTRODUCING NIELSEN MIRROW Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Nielsen Mirrow supports executional insights across all functions Product A Product B Product C Product D Turning mobile photos into actionable store insights. 5 CAPTURING THE WHOLE STORE WITH MIRROW Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. An all-in-one recognition tool COLLECTION METHODS STORE LOCATIONS ✓ Photo recognition ✓ Manual scan ✓ Questionnaires ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Primary shelf Secondary shelf Macro exhibits Displays & end-caps Coolers CHANNELS ✓ Modern trade ✓ Traditional trade ✓ Specialty stores 6 THE MIRROW PICTURE – MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES One market reality with multiple perspectives… Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. LEVERAGED FOR BY Execution follow-up tool Top Management Strategy insights, opportunity areas detection Business Units/ Trade Marketing Negotiation tool Key Account Managers / Category Managers Performance / incentives / improvement tool Regional Managers Negotiation and performance improvement tool Sales Force Operations 7 KIMBERLY-CLARK DIAPERS CASE STUDY KIMBERLY-CLARK OPPORTUNITY Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Single source of the truth for execution CURRENT PROCESS OPPORTUNITY WITH MIRROW Multiple data sources All data from Mirrow Store-level insights limited (manually collected) and often slow to gather Fast and full view of 700 stores Competitive intelligence often limited to hearsay Photo evidence and competitors’ activity Disparate spending pools for promotion communications and execution One measure of compliance across KC enterprise Functionality-contained analysis of execution Common language and view through entire organization 9 NIELSEN MIRROW – KIMBERLY-CLARK Flexible tool to provide in-store insights EXECUTION OPERATIONS Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. CATMAN FOLLOW-UP KC NEEDS PRICE TRACKING KIMBERLY-CLARK EXPECTATION FOR IN-STORE MONITORING: COMPETITOR MONITORING • Successful execution process with Multinational and Local Retailers • Continuous follow-up for executional activities • Incentives for sales force • Execution performance feedback 10 EXECUTIONAL GUIDELINES Ensuring end-to-end measurement and response to executional activity EXECUTION OPERATIONS COMPETITOR MONITORING • Shelf & Special Exhibitions strategy compliance • Competitor activity follow-up • Price strategy compliance • Promotions and offers activation • Competitor price monitoring • Brand communication PRICE TRACKING CATMAN FOLLOW-UP • Planogram compliance Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. • Special exhibitions • Offers & promotions activation 11 KC DIAPERS CASE STUDY - EXECUTION SUMMARY TOTAL MARKET – RETAILER #1 100% SCORE TREND BY INDICATOR 90% 80% 100% 90% 70% 80% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% J Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 40% 30% F M A M J J A S O N D Average overall execution with wide swings across metrics 20% 10% 0% TOTAL COMPLIANCE OPERATIONAL EXECUTION SHELF COMPLIANCE COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE 12 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. OPERATIONAL EXECUTION – SCORECARD TOTAL MARKET – COMPLIANCE BY KPI TARGET RETAILER #1 RETAILER #2 Retailer 1 not delivering on assortment, space or promotions PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 12 items avg by store 10 items NUMBER OF FACINGS BRAND 1 25 facings avg by store 26 facings 26 facings LINEAR METERS BRAND 1 35 mts avg by store 32 mts 35 mts SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS 4 exhibits. Avg by store 2 exh. 4 exh. Operations: Executional gap closure at store level POP MATERIAL 80% stores 85% 82% PROMOTIONAL ITEM 80% stores 90% 89% Marketing / Trade: Strategy compliance, New item review ACTION BY FUNCTION Score by Retailer Retailer #1 13 items Retailer #2 Sales, Key Account Managers: Negotiation compliance with Retailer Total Market Score Operational Execution 13 OPERATIONAL EXECUTION – SCORECARD STORE #1 – COMPLIANCE BY KPI Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. TARGET STORE #1 PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 12 items 10 items NUMBER OF FACINGS BRAND 1 25 facings 26 facings LINEAR METERS BRAND 1 35 mts 32 mts SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS 4 exhibits 2 exhibits POP MATERIAL Presence Presence PROMOTIONAL ITEM Presence Presence Store #1 Score Photo evidence of gaps to close by store Operational Execution 14 STORE TO-DO LIST – OPERATIONAL EXECUTION Retailer #1 STORE #1 STORE #2 • Correct OOS for Huggies Supreme • Increase +8 facings for KleenBebe • Increase 7 facing units for Huggies • • Implement an island or end shelf in the store Implement an island or end shelf for Huggies in the entrance Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. STORE #3 • Correct OOS for Huggies and KleenBebe • Implement a special exhibition for KleenBebe in the entrance Top 3 items to correct by store focuses field reps and drives largest impact on outcomes 15 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE – SCORECARD TOTAL MARKET – COMPLIANCE BY KPI TARGET PRICE COMPLIANCE RETAILER #1 RETAILER #2 15 items less than 5% variance to target 15 items SHARE OF FACINGS 25% KC 28% 30% ADJACENCIES IN SHELF Brand segment OK OK SHARE OF EXHIBITIONS 30% in checkouts 15% 30.% SHARE OF POP 40% in shelf 40% 40% 6 items ACTIONS BY FUNCTION Score by Retailer Retailer #1 Competitive positioning impacted for price in Retailer 2 and promotions in Retailer 1 Retailer #2 Sales, Key Account Managers: Retailer negotiation – get what was paid for Operations: Visibility on competitive focus by store Marketing / Trade: Opportunity and risk assessment Total Market Score Operational Execution 16 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE – SCORECARD STORE #1 – COMPLIANCE BY KPI TARGET PRICE COMPLIANCE STORE #1 15 items less than 5% variance to target 10 items SHARE OF FACINGS 25% KC 28% ADJACENCIES IN SHELF Brand segment OK SHARE OF EXHIBITIONS 30% in checkouts 15% SHARE OF POP 40% in shelf 20% Competitors picture Competitors picture Competitors picture Competitors picture Store #1 Score Significant gaps in price and promotion in Store 1 need to be closed. Operational Execution 17 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. SHELF EXECUTION – WHAT DOES THE PERFECT SHELF LOOK LIKE? Recommended shelf driven by business portfolio strategy, shopper research, retailer negotiations 18 SHELF EXECUTION SCORECARD TOTAL MARKET – COMPLIANCE BY KPI TARGET BRAND SEQUENCE STAGE SEQUENCE Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. BRAND STRATEGY RETAILER #1 RETAILER #2 80% of stores with less than 10% of variance of sequence, according price strategy 80% 80% of stores with less than 30% of variance of small sizes at top, large sizes at bottom 14% 87% 80% of stores with less than 30% of variance of All the stages for each brand 0% 12% Score by Retailer Retailer 1 – 33% Retailer 2 – 66% 87% Combined executional performance not meeting objectives in market Total Market Score Operational Execution – 50% 19 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. OPERATIONAL EXECUTION – SCORECARD Store #1 Score = 33% RETAILER 1 STORE 2 COMPLIANCE BY KPI <10% of variance for sequence according price strategy TARGET <30% of variance of <30% of variance of all small sizes at top, large the stages for each sizes at bottom brand 15 items less than 5% variance to target 25% KC Brand segment 6.91 % 44.4% 77.78% STORE #1 Incidents COMPLIANCE PLANOGRAM Operational Execution REALOGRAM 1 1. 2. 3. Huggies Space Reduced Unexpected Big-Size Formats Vertical Stages Implementation 2 3 ACTION BY FUNCTION: Catman: Key stores follow-up, negotiation and strategy feedback/ Operations: Execution at store level and reaction/ KAM: Negotiation 20 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. COMMON SHELF GAPS ACROSS BOTH RETAILERS Impact to shopper perception of category due to shelf conditions Price & Brand Disorder Horizontal Stages Implementation New Big Size Formats Size Disorder 21 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. ASSORTMENT COMPLIANCE Retailer Retailer 1 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 Store 5 Store 6 Retailer 2 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 Store 5 Store 6 Store 7 Store 8 % Items Not Authorized But In Store % Items Authorized And In Store % Items Authorized But Not In Store 29.3% 36.9% 43.1% 28.8% 28.7% 24.1% 27.7% 30.9% 33.6% 26.6% 46.6% 35.5% 26.0% 37.6% 44.8% 26.9% 34.3% 38.8% 9.0% 9.9% 13.5% 4.8% 8.2% 10.4% 11.3% 9.5% 79.1% 74.6% 67.6% 69.8% 71.4% 74.0% 75.3% 67.4% 11.9% 15.5% 18.9% 25.4% 20.4% 15.6% 13.4% 23.2% Attempts to influence shopper behavior compromised due to lack of assortment compliance 22 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. RETAILER 1 SUMMARY Planned strategy is not being followed by the retailer. Evaluate need to reopen negotiations, adjust internal plans, etc. Assortment in store not as planned. Evaluate retailer negotiations, pricing strategy, portfolio strategy. New Large-Size formats missing from stores. Increase focus on promotions and distribution. Close gap on size blocking within retailer. 23 Copyright ©2014 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. RETAILER 2 SUMMARY Overall good implementation of the strategy – getting what has been agreed and paid for. Good assortment compliance. Evaluate opportunity to test new products with this retailer. Tight focus on closing OOS in specific stores. 24