Excel Chapter 4

Microsoft Office 2007
Excel Chapter 4
Financial Functions, Data
Tables, and Amortization
• Control the color and thickness of outlines and borders
• Assign a name to a cell and refer to the cell in a formula
using the assigned name
• Determine the monthly payment of a loan using the
financial function PMT
• Use the financial functions PV (present value) and FV
(future value)
• Create a data table to analyze data in a worksheet
• Add a pointer to a data table
• Create an amortization schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
• Analyze worksheet data by changing values
• Use names and the Set Print Area command to
print sections of a worksheet
• Set print options
• Protect and unprotect cells in a worksheet
• Use the formula checking features of Excel
• Hide and unhide cell gridlines, rows, columns,
sheets, and workbooks
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Plan Ahead
• Create and format the Loan Payment Calculator
section of the worksheet
• Create and format the Interest Rate Schedule
section of the worksheet
• Create and format the Amortization Schedule
section of the worksheet
• Specify and name print areas of the worksheet.
• Determine which cells to protect and unprotect
in the worksheet
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Starting and Customizing Excel
• Click the Start button on the Windows Vista taskbar to display the
Start menu
• Click All Programs at the bottom of the left pane on the Start
menu to display the All Programs list
• Click Microsoft Office in the All Programs list to display the
Microsoft Office list.
• Click Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to start Excel and display a blank
worksheet in the Excel window
• If the Excel window is not maximized, click the Maximize button
next to the Close button on its title bar to maximize the window
• If the worksheet window in Excel is not maximized, click the
Maximize button next to the Close button on its title bar to
maximize the worksheet window within Excel
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Bolding the Entire Worksheet
• Click the Select All button immediately above
row heading 1 and to the left of column heading
• Click the Bold button on the Home tab on the
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Section Title, Row Titles, System Date,
Document Properties and Saving the Workshop
• Select cell B1. Enter Loan Payment Calculator as the section title.
Select the range B1:E1. Click the Merge & Center button on the
• With cell B1 active, click the Cell Styles button on the Ribbon and
then select the Title cell style in the Cell Styles gallery
• Position the mouse pointer on the bottom boundary of row
heading 1. Drag down until the ScreenTip indicates Height: 23.25
(31 pixels). Position the mouse pointer on the bottom boundary
of row heading 2. Drag down until the ScreenTip indicates Height:
30.00 (40 pixels)
• Select cell B2 and then enter Date as the row title and then press
the TAB key
• With cell C2 selected, enter =now() to display the system date
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Section Title, Row Titles, System Date,
Document Properties and Saving the Workshop
• Right–click cell C2 and then click Format Cells on the
shortcut menu. When Excel displays the Format Cells
dialog box, click the Number tab, click Date in the
Category list, scroll down in the Type list, and then click
14–Mar–2001. Click the OK button
• Enter the following row titles: Cell Entry Cell Entry
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Section Title, Row Titles, System Date,
Document Properties and Saving the Workshop
• Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column heading A and
then drag to the left until the ScreenTip indicates Width: 1.57 (16 pixels)
• Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column heading B and
then drag to the right until the ScreenTip indicates Width: 13.86 (102 pixels)
• Click column heading C to select it and then drag through column headings D
and E. Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column heading C
and then drag until the ScreenTip indicates Width: 16.29 (119 pixels)
• Double–click the Sheet1 tab and then enter Braden Mortgage as the sheet
name. Right– click the tab and then click Tab Color. Click Light Green (column 5,
row 1) in the Standard Colors area and then select cell D6
• Update the document properties with your name and any other relevant
• With a USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click the
Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. Save the workbook using the file
name Braden Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator on the USB flash drive
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Entering the Section Title, Row Titles, System Date,
Document Properties and Saving the Workshop
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Custom Borders and a
Background Color to a Range
• Select the range B2:E6 and then right–click to
display the shortcut menu
• Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu
• When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box,
click the Border tab
• Click the medium line style in the Style area
(column 2, row 5)
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Custom Borders and a
Background Color to a Range
• Click the Outline button in the Presets area to display a preview of
the outline border in the Border area
• Click the light border in the Style area (column 1, row 7) and then
click the Vertical Line button in the Border area to preview the
black vertical border in the Border area
• Click the Fill tab and then click light blue (column 9, row 3) in the
Background Color area
• Click the OK button and then select cell B8 to deselect the range
B2:E6, add a black outline with vertical borders to the right side of
each column in the range B2: E6, and add a light blue fill color to
the range
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Custom Borders and a
Background Color to a Range
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting Cells before Entering
• Select the range C4:C6. While holding down the CTRL
key, select the nonadjacent range E4:E6
• Right–click one of the selected ranges and then click
Format Cells on the shortcut menu.
• When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click
the Number tab. Click Currency in the Category list and
then click the second format, $1,234.10, in the Negative
numbers list. Click the OK button to assign the Currency
style format with a floating dollar sign to the ranges
C4:C6 and E4:E6
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Loan Data
• Select cell C3. Type Home and then click the
Enter box in the formula bar. With cell C3 still
active, click the Align Text Right button on the
Ribbon. Select cell C4 and then enter 265000 for
the price of the house. Select cell C5 and then
enter 30000 for the down payment.
• Select cell E2. Enter 5.75% for the interest rate.
Select cell E3 and then enter 18 for the number
of years to complete the entry of loan data in the
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Loan Data
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Names Based on Row Titles
• Select the range B4:C6
• Click the Formulas tab on the Ribbon
• Click the Create from Selection button on the
Ribbon to display the Create Names from
Selection dialog box
• Click the OK button
• Select the range D2:E6 and then click the Create
from Selection button on the Ribbon
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Names Based on Row Titles
• Click the OK button on the Create Names from
Selection dialog box to assign names to the range
• Select cell B8 to deselect the range D2:E6 and
then click the Name box arrow in the formula bar
to view the names created
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Names Based on Row Titles
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Entering the Loan Amount Formula
Using Names
• Select cell C6
• Type = (equal sign), click cell C4, type – (minus
sign), and then click cell C5 to display the formula
in cell C6 and in the formula bar using the names
of the cells rather then the cell references
• Click the Enter box to assign the formula =Price –
Down_Payment to cell C6
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Loan Amount Formula
Using Names
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the PMT Function
• Select cell E4. Type –pmt(rate / 12, 12*years,
loan_amount as the function to display the PMT
function in cell E4 and in the formula bar
• If necessary, scroll the worksheet to the left using
the horizontal scrollbar
• Click the Enter box in the formula bar to
complete the function
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the PMT Function
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Determining the Total Interest and
Total Cost
• Select cell E5. Use Point mode and the keyboard to
enter the formula =12 * years * monthly_payment –
loan_amount to determine the total interest
• Select cell E6. Use Point mode and the keyboard to
enter the formula =price + total_ interest to determine
the total cost
• Select cell B8 to deselect cell E6
• Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to
save the workbook using the file name Braden Mortgage
Loan Payment Calculator
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Determining the Total Interest and
Total Cost
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering New Loan Data
• Select cell C3. Type Prius and then press the
• In cell C4, type 25500 and then press the DOWN
• In cell C5, type 5280 and then select cell E2
• In cell E2, type 10.25% and then press the
• In cell E3, type 5 and then select cell B8 to
recalculate the loan information in cells C6, E4,
E5, and E6
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering New Loan Data
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Original Loan Data
• Select cell C3. Type Home and then press the
• In cell C4, type 265000 and then press the
• In cell C5, type 30000 and then select cell E2
• In cell E2, type 5.75 and then press the DOWN
• In cell E3, type 18 and then select cell B8
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Data Table and Column
• Click the Home tab on the Ribbon. Select cell B7. Enter Interest
Rate Schedule as the data table section title
• Select cell B1. Click the Format Painter button on the Ribbon.
Select cell B7 to copy the format of cell B1
• Enter the column titles in the range B8:E8 as shown in Figure 4–
21. Select the range B8:E8 and then click the Align Text Right
button on the Ribbon to right–align the column titles.
• Position the mouse pointer on the bottom boundary of row
heading 7. Drag down until the ScreenTip indicates Height: 23.25
(31 pixels). Position the mouse pointer on the bottom boundary
of row heading 8. Drag down until the ScreenTip indicates Height:
18.00 (24 pixels). Click cell B10 to deselect the range B8:E8
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Entering the Data Table and Column
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Percent Series Using the
Fill Handle
• With cell B10 selected, enter 4.50% as the first number in the
• Select cell B11 and then enter 4.75% as the second number in
the series
• Select the range B10:B11
• Drag the fill handle through cell B23 to create the border of the
fill area as indicated by the shaded border. Do not release the
mouse button
• Release the mouse button to generate the percent series from
4.50 to 7.75% and display the Auto Fill Options button. Click
cell C9 to deselect the range B10:B23
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Creating a Percent Series Using the
Fill Handle
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Entering the Formulas in the Data
• With cell C9 active, type =e4 and then press the
• Type =e5 in cell D9 and then press the RIGHT
ARROW key.
• Type =e6 in cell E9 and then click the Enter box
to complete the assignment of the formulas and
Currency style format in the range C9:E9
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Entering the Formulas in the Data
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Defining a Range as a Data Table
• Select the range B9:E23
• Click the Data tab on the Ribbon and then click
the What–If Analysis button on the Ribbon to
display the What–If Analysis menu
• Click Data Table on the What–If Analysis menu.
• When Excel displays the Data Table dialog box,
click the ‘Column input cell’ box, and then click
cell E2 in the Loan Payment Calculator section
• Click the OK button to create the data table
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Defining a Range as a Data Table
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting the Data Table
Select the range B8:E23. Right–click the selected range and then click Format Cells on
the shortcut menu. When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Border
tab, and then click the medium line style in the Style area (column 2, row 5). Click the
Outline button in the Presets area. Click the light border in the Style area (column 1,
row 7) and then click the Vertical Line button in the Border area to preview the black
vertical border in the Border area
Click the Fill tab and then click the light red color box (column 6, row 2). Click the OK
Select the range B8:E8. Click the Home tab on the Ribbon and then click the Borders
button to assign a light bottom border
Select the range C10:E23 and right–click. Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu.
When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number tab. Click Currency in
the Category list, click the Symbol box arrow, click None, and then click the second
format, 1,234.10, in the Negative numbers list. Click the OK button to display the
worksheet as shown in Figure 4–28.
Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the workbook using the file
name Braden Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator
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Formatting the Data Table
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Pointer to the Data Table
• Select the range B10:B23
• Click the Conditional Formatting button on the Home
tab on the Ribbon to display the Conditional Formatting
menu Click New Rule on the Conditional Formatting
• When Excel displays the New Formatting Rule dialog
box, click ‘Format only cells that contain’ in the Select a
Rule Type box. Select Cell Value in the left list in the
‘Format only cells with’ area and then select equal to in
the middle list.
• Type =$E$2 in the right box
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Pointer to the Data Table
• Click the Format button, click the Fill tab, and then click Green
(column 5, row 7) on the Background color palette
• Click the Font tab, click the Color box arrow, and then click White
(column 1, row 1) on the Color palette in the Theme area
• Click the OK button in the Format Cells dialog box to display the
New Formatting Rule dialog box
• Click the OK button in the New Formatting Rule dialog box. Click
cell G23 to deselect the range B10:B23
• Select cell E2 and then enter 7.25 as the interest rate
• Enter 5.75 in cell E2 to return the Loan Payment Calculator
section and Interest Rate Schedule section to their original states
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Pointer to the Data Table
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Widths and
Entering Titles
• Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column
heading F and then drag to the left until the ScreenTip shows
Width: 1.57 (16 pixels)
• Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column
heading G and then drag to the left until the ScreenTip shows
Width: 8.43 (64 pixels)
• Drag through column headings H through K to select them.
Position the mouse pointer on the right boundary of column
heading K and then drag to the right until the ScreenTip shows
Width: 14.00 (103 pixels)
• Select cell G1. Type Amortization Schedule as the section title.
Press the ENTER key
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Widths and
Entering Titles
• Select cell B1. Click the Format Painter button on the
Ribbon. Click cell G1 to copy the format of cell B1. Click
the Merge & Center button on the Ribbon to split cell
G1. Select the range G1:K1 and then click the Merge &
Center button on the Ribbon
• Enter the column titles in the range G2:K2. Where
appropriate, press ALT+ENTER to enter the titles on two
lines. Select the range G2:K2 and then click the Align
Text Right button on the Ribbon. Select cell G3 to display
the section title and column headings
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Widths and
Entering Titles
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Series of Integers Using
the Filled Handle
• With cell G3 active, enter 1 as the initial year.
Select cell G4 and then enter 2 to represent the
next year
• Select the range G3:G4 and then point to the fill
handle. Drag the fill handle through cell G20 to
create the series of integers 1 through 18 in the
range G3:G20
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Series of Integers Using
the Filled Handle
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Entering the Formulas in the
Amortization Schedule
• Select cell H3 and then enter =c6 as the beginning balance of the
• Select cell I3 and then type =if(g3 <=$e$3, pv($e$2
/12, 12 * ($e$3– g3), –$e$4),0) as the entry
• Click the Enter box in the formula bar to insert the formula
• Select cell J3. Type =h3 – i3 and then press the RIGHT ARROW key
• Type =if(h3 > 0, 12 * $e$4 – j3, 0) in cell K3 to
display the amount paid on the principal after 1 year ($7,673.21)
in cell J3, using the same format as in cell H3
• Click the Enter box in the formula bar to complete the entry
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Formulas in the
Amortization Schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying the Formulas to Fill the
Amortization Schedule
• Select the range I3:K3 and then drag the fill handle
down through row 20 to copy the formulas in cells I3, J3,
and K3 to the range I4: K20
• Select cell H4, type =i3 as the cell entry, and then click
the Enter box in the formula bar to display the ending
balance (227326.7922) for year 1 as the beginning
balance for year 2
• With cell H4 active, drag the fill handle down through
row 20 to copy the formula in cell H4 (=I3) to the range
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying the Formulas to Fill the
Amortization Schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Total Formulas in the
Amortization Schedule
• Select cell I21. Enter Subtotal as the row title. Select the
range J21:K21. Click the Sum button on the Ribbon
• Select cell I22. Type Down Pymt as the row title.
Select cell K22 and then enter =c5 as the down payment
• Select cell I23. Type Total Cost as the row title.
Select cell K23, type =j21 + k21 + k22 as the
total cost, and then click the Enter box in the formula
bar to complete the amortization schedule totals
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Total Formulas in the
Amortization Schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting the Numbers in the
Amortization Schedule
• Select cell H3. Click the Format Painter button on the Home tab
on the Ribbon. Drag through the range I3:K3 to assign the
Currency style format to the cells
• Select the range H4:K20 and then right–click. Click Format Cells
on the shortcut menu. When Excel displays the Format Cells
dialog box, click the Number tab. Click Currency in the Category
list, click the Symbol box arrow, click None, and then click the
second format, 1,234.10, in the Negative numbers list. Click the
OK button
• Select cell H21 to deselect the range H4:K20 to display the
numbers in the amortization schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Borders and a Background to
the Amortization Schedule
• Select the range G2:K23. Right–click the selected range
and then click Format Cells on the shortcut menu. When
Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, click the
Border tab
• Click the medium line style in the Style area (column 2,
row 5). Click the Outline button in the Presets area
• Click the light line style in the Style area (column 1, row
7). Click the vertical line button in the Border area
• Click the Fill tab and then click light blue (column 5, row
2). Click the OK button
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Borders and a Background to
the Amortization Schedule
• Select the range G2:K2. Click the Borders button on the
Home tab on the Ribbon to assign the range a light
bottom border
• Select the range G20:K20 and then click the Borders
button on the Home tab on the Ribbon to assign the
range a light bottom border. Select cell H22 to display
the worksheet
• Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to
save the workbook using the file name, Braden
Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator
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Adding Borders and a Background to
the Amortization Schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering New Loan Data
• Select cell C3. Type Pontoon Boat and then press
the DOWN ARROW key
• In cell C4, type 41550 and then press the DOWN
• In cell C5, type 6000 as the down payment.
• Select cell E2, type 7.25 and then press the DOWN
• In cell E3, type 5 and then press the DOWN ARROW key.
Select cell H22 to display the worksheet
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering New Loan Data
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering the Original Loan Data
• Select cell C3. Type Home and then press the DOWN
• In cell C4, type 265000 and then press the DOWN
• In cell C5, type 30000 as the down payment
• Select cell E2, type 5.75 and then press the DOWN
• In cell E3, type 18 and then click the Enter box in the
formula bar or press the ENTER key to complete the
entry of the original load data. Select cell H22
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting up a Worksheet to Print
• Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon and then
click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher on the
• When Excel displays the Page Setup dialog box, click
the Page tab and then click Fit to in the Scaling area
to set the worksheet to print on one page
• Click the Sheet tab and then click ‘Black and white’
in the Print area to select the check box
• Click the OK button
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting up a Worksheet to Print
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting up the Print Area
• Select the range B1:E6 and then click the Print Area
button on the Ribbon to display the Print Area menu
• Click Set Print Area on the Print Area menu
• Click the Office Button and then click Print on the Office
Button menu. When Excel displays the Print dialog box,
click the OK button to print the selected area
• Click the Print Area button on the Ribbon and then click
the Clear Print Area command on the Print Area menu
to reset the print area to the entire worksheet
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Setting up the Print Area
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Naming and Printing Sections of a
• If necessary, select the range B1: E6, click the Name box, and then
type Loan_Payment as the name of the range
• Press the ENTER key
• Select the range B7:E23, click the Name box, type
Interest_Schedule as the name of the range, and then press the
• Select the range G1:K23, click the Name box, type Amortization_
Schedule as the name of the range, and then press the ENTER key
• Select the range B1:K23, click the Name box, type All_Sections as
the name of the range, and then press the ENTER key
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Naming and Printing Sections of a
• Select cell H22 and then click the Name box arrow in the
formula bar to display the Name list with the new range
• Click Loan_Payment in the Name list to select the range
• Click the Office Button and then click Print on the Office
Button menu to display the Print dialog box.
• When Excel displays the Print dialog box, click Selection
in the Print what area
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Naming and Printing Sections of a
• Click the OK button to print the Loan_Payment range
• One at a time, use the Name box to select the
names Interest_Schedule, Amortization_Schedule,
and All_Sections, and then print them following the
instructions in Step 3
• Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to
save the workbook using the fi le name, Braden
Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator.
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Naming and Printing Sections of a
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Hiding and Unhiding a Sheet
• If the Braden Mortgage sheet is not active, click
its sheet tab
• Right–click the sheet tab to display the shortcut
• Click Hide on the shortcut menu to hide the
Braden Mortgage sheet
• Right–click any sheet tab to display the shortcut
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Hiding and Unhiding a Sheet
• Click Unhide on the shortcut menu to open the
Unhide dialog box
• When Excel displays the Unhide dialog box, if
necessary, click Braden Mortgage in the Unhide
sheet list
• Click the OK button to unhide the Braden
Mortgage sheet
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Hiding and Unhiding a Sheet
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Hiding and Unhiding a Workbook
• Click the View tab on the Ribbon
• Click the Hide button on the Ribbon to hide the Braden
Mortgage workbook
• Click the Unhide button on the Ribbon
• When Excel displays the Unhide dialog box, if necessary,
click Braden Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator in the
Unhide workbook list
• Click the OK button to unhide the Braden Mortgage
Loan Payment Calculator workbook as it was shown in
Figure 4–62
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Hiding and Unhiding a Workbook
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Enabling the Background Formula
• Click the Office Button on the Ribbon, click the
Excel Options button, and then click the
Formulas button
• If necessary, click ‘Enable background error
checking’ in the Error Checking area to select it
• Click any check box in the ‘Error checking rules’
area that does not contain a check mark
• Click the OK button
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Enabling the Background Formula
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Quitting Excel
• Click the Close button on the right side of the
title bar
• If Excel displays a Microsoft Office Excel dialog
box, click the No button
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Protecting a Worksheet
• Select the range C3:C5
• Hold down the CTRL key and then select the
nonadjacent range E2:E3
• Right–click one of the selected ranges to display
the shortcut menu
• Click Format Cells on the shortcut menu
• When Excel displays the Custom Lists dialog box,
click the Protection tab, and then click Locked to
remove the check mark
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Protecting a Worksheet
• Click the OK button and then select cell H22 to deselect
the ranges C3:C5 and E2:E3
• Click the Review tab on the Ribbon
• Click the Protect Sheet button on the Ribbon to display
the Protect Sheet dialog box
• When Excel displays the Protect Sheet dialog box, make
sure the Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells
check box at the top of the dialog box and the first two
check boxes in the list contain check marks
• Click the OK button in the Protect Sheet dialog box
• Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar
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Protecting a Worksheet
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
• Control the color and thickness of outlines and borders
• Assign a name to a cell and refer to the cell in a formula
using the assigned name
• Determine the monthly payment of a loan using the
financial function PMT
• Use the financial functions PV (present value) and FV
(future value)
• Create a data table to analyze data in a worksheet
• Add a pointer to a data table
• Create an amortization schedule
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
• Analyze worksheet data by changing values
• Use names and the Set Print Area command to
print sections of a worksheet
• Set print options
• Protect and unprotect cells in a worksheet
• Use the formula checking features of Excel
• Hide and unhide cell gridlines, rows, columns,
sheets, and workbooks
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Microsoft Office 2007
Excel Chapter 4 Complete