BACS 371 Computer Forensics File Systems I FAT File Systems File Systems (See A method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them File System Types FAT (File Allocation Table) FAT12 FAT16 FAT32 exFAT NTFS (New Technology File System) Functions Manage “free space” Allocate clusters to file Track time (MAC – Modify, Access, Create) FAT12 & FAT 16 FAT 12 Cluster size = 512 bytes to 8 K bytes 212 addressable clusters 4096 clusters max for max volume size of 32 MB FAT 16 Cluster size 512 bytes to 64 K bytes 216 addressable clusters 65,563 clusters max for max volume size of 4 GB A FAT file system is composed of four different sections. The Boot Sector (aka Partition Boot Record, BIOS Parameter Block, Drive Parameter Block or Reserved Sector). This is always the first sector of the partition and includes some basic file system information (in particular, its type), pointers to the location of the other sections and the operating system's boot loader code. The FAT Region. This contains two copies of the File Allocation Table for the sake of redundancy, although the extra copy is rarely used, even by disk repair utilities. These are maps of the partition, indicating how the clusters are allocated. The Root Directory Region. This is a Directory Table that stores information about the files and directories in the root directory. With FAT32 it can be stored anywhere in the partition, however with earlier versions it is always located immediately after the FAT Region. The Data Region. This is where the actual file and directory data is stored and takes up most of the partition. The size of files and subdirectories can be increased arbitrarily (as long as there are free clusters) by simply adding more links to the file's chain in the FAT. Note however, that each cluster can be taken only by one file, and so if a 1KB file resides in a 32KB cluster, 31KB are wasted. FAT File System Partition Boot Record FAT 1 FAT 2 (Duplicate) Root Other folders and Directory all files This is all contained within a partition. Note that the “other folders and files” component is most of the physical disk. Partition Boot Record AKA File System Boot Sector Within each partition that has a file system, a partition boot record is found. It defines the details of the file system located in the partition. It is 1 sector long and is the first physical sector in a logical volume. C 0, H 1, S 1 for first partition. First sector (plus partition offset) in subsequent partitions. Contains Code File System Specification Information Partition Boot Record (PBR) BIOS Parameter Block Executable Code • • • • Machine Language Code Processor Specific Decodes BPB Searches for OS PBR “Signature” • 0x55AA Partition Boot Record (FAT32 File system) 010 - 210 310 - 1010 1110 - 8310 Jump Instruction (3 bytes) OEM ID (8 Bytes) BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) (includes all below plus additional fields) all offsets in this section are from start of the BPB counting from 0 offset 1110 offset 1310 offset 2110 offset 2410 offset 2610 offset 2810 offset 3210 Bytes Per Sector Sectors Per Cluster Media Descriptor Sectors Per Track Number of Heads Hidden Sectors Total Sectors 6210 - 51110 Ends with 55 AA 2 Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes Bootstrap Code (448 Bytes) NOTE: Offsets are from start of Partition, not start of Drive! File Allocation Table A partition is divided up into identically sized clusters, small blocks of contiguous space. Cluster sizes vary depending on the type of FAT file system being used and the size of the partition, typically cluster sizes lie somewhere between 2KB and 32KB. Each file may occupy one or more of these clusters depending on its size; thus, a file is represented by a chain of these clusters (referred to as a singly linked list). However these chains are not necessarily stored adjacently on the disk's surface but are often instead fragmented throughout the Data Region. The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a list of entries that map to each cluster on the partition. Each entry records one of five things: the address of the next cluster in a chain a special end of file (EOF) character that indicates the end of a chain a special character to mark a bad cluster a special character to mark a reserved cluster a zero to note that that cluster is unused File Allocation Table (FAT) File Allocation Table (FAT) Start at 02 Continue until 16 The first sector in the file is found in cluster 2 in the data area of the disk. The FAT entry in position 02 points to position 03; so the next cluster is found in 03 in the data area of disk. This linked list continues until the ‘FF FF’ in 16 indicates the end of the file is found in that cluster. FAT Entry Values FAT12 FAT16 FAT32 Description 0x000 0x0000 0x?0000000 Free Cluster 0x001 0x0001 0x?0000001 Reserved Cluster 0x002 – 0x0002 – 0xFEF 0xFFEF 0x?0000002 0x?FFFFFEF Used Cluster, value points to next Cluster 0xFF0 – 0xFF6 0xFFF0 – 0xFFF6 0x?FFFFFF0 0x?FFFFFF6 Reserved values 0xFF7 0xFFF7 0x?FFFFFF7 Bad Cluster 0xFF8 0xFFF 0xFFF8 0xFFFF 0x?FFFFFF8 0x?FFFFFFF Last Cluster in File Directory Content The Directory is a Database of: File names Directory names Date and time stamps (MAC) Starting cluster number Attributes Modify Access Create Archive Hidden System Read Only Located on outermost track of disk Directory table A directory table is a special type of file that represents a directory (nowadays commonly known as a folder). Each file or directory stored within it is represented by a 32 byte entry in the table. Each entry records the name, extension, attributes (archive, directory, hidden, read-only, system and volume), the date and time of creation, the address of the first cluster of the file/directory's data and finally the size of the file/directory. Aside from the Root Directory Table in FAT12 and FAT16 file systems which occupies the special Root Directory Region location, all Directory Tables are stored in the Data Region. Legal characters for DOS file names include the following: Upper case letters A-Z Numbers 0-9 Space (though trailing spaces are considered to be padding and not a part of the file name) !#$%&()-@^_`{}~' Values 128-255 Directory to FAT interaction Root Directory FAT32 32-bit Cluster Numbers Only 28 bits actually used 228 Addressable Clusters (~ 268,435,438) Drive sizes ~ 1TB (228 clusters * 4096 Bytes per cluster ~ 1.1TB) WinXP limited to 32GB using FAT32 Max file size in FAT32 is 232-1 bytes ~ 4GB Long File Names “Trick” FAT 12 and FAT 16 were limited to 8.3 file names (that is, 8 character name with 3 character suffix) This was a significant limitation, so FAT 32 fixed it. Phony entries are added to the Directory Tables Entries are marked with a volume label attribute Each phony entry can contain up to 13 UTF-16 characters (26 bytes) Long File Names Entries L o n g N a m e 8.3 Entry Red entries are short file name entries. Blue are for a long file name. Read the long filename entries from the bottom to the top. Note that first byte in each group of long filenames are 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06 (or’ed with 40 to indicate the last segment). Filename entries have 0F in 12th byte. Directory entries have a 10 in this position (indicating a directory). FAT32 Root Directory Volume ID Directory Entry Single Directory Entry for a file with a “short” filename. Multiple Directory Entries for a file with a “long” filename. There are 4 entries to contain the long file name, and 1 entry to contain the complete set of file information including the “short” file name. Designates Attribute Bits • 0x08 = Volume Label • 0x20 = Archive • 0x0F = Long File Name Advantages of FAT32 over FAT16 FAT32 offers smaller cluster sizes -> less wasted space FAT32 systems can reallocate and change the size of the root directory FAT32 drives can contain a copy of the boot record(s) –> less prone to failure Allow for long file names File System Comparisons Criteria Operating System NTFS5 NTFS FAT32 FAT16 Windows 2000 Windows XP Vista, Win 7 Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 98 Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP Vista, Win 7 DOS All versions of Microsoft Windows Limitations Max Volume Size 2TB 2TB 2TB 2GB Nearly Unlimited Nearly Unlimited Nearly Unlimited ~65000 Limit Only by Volume Size Limit Only by Volume Size 4GB 2GB Max Clusters Number Nearly Unlimited Nearly Unlimited 268435456 65535 Max File Name Length Up to 255 Up to 255 Up to 255 Standard - 8.3 Extended - up to 255 Max Files on Volume Max File Size File System Features Criteria Unicode File Names NTFS5 NTFS FAT32 FAT16 Unicode Character Set Unicode Character Set System Character Set System Character Set MFT Mirror File MFT Mirror File Second Copy of FAT Second Copy of FAT Boot Sector Location First and Last Sectors First and Last Sectors First Sector First Sector File Attributes Standard and Custom Standard and Custom Standard Set Standard Set Alternate Streams Yes Yes No No Compression Yes Yes No No Encryption Yes No No No Object Permissions Yes Yes No No Disk Quotas Yes No No No Sparse Files Yes No No No Reparse Points Yes No No No Volume Mount Points Yes No No No 256 Char 256 Char 256 Char 8.3 Names System Records Mirror File Names Overall Performance Criteria NTFS5 NTFS FAT32 FAT16 Built-In Security Yes Yes No No Recoverability Yes Yes No No Performance Low on small volumes High on Large Low on small volumes High on Large High on small volumes Low on large Highest on small volumes Low on large Disk Space Economy Max Max Average Minimal on large volumes Fault Tolerance Max Max Minimal Average