Reading bar charts Interpreting Data Bridging the gap to Teacher Notes This resource provides … - A detailed look at how to read (interpret) bars and charts … using an easy to remember approach called the Traffic Lights Method - An ideal follow-on from to ‘Introduction to Data Handling’ … in the School Booster resource at www/ - User-friendly … With clear, stepwise examples and answers. - User-controlled … You can control how fast or slow you go using the mouse keys. Teacher Notes How to use this resource You can control how fast or slow you go, using: FORWARD: OR OR Enter BACK: OR OR Back Space TO START SLIDESHOW: F5 OR TO END SLIDESHOW: Escape OR Left-hand mouse Slide Show > View Show Reading bar charts Interpreting Data If you want to get the BIG PICTURE first about Data Handling … … why not try the introductory slide show: “Introduction to Data Handling” ! at (School Booster) Reading bar charts Recap: 3 Steps in Data Handling 3. Interpret the data Explain it! … Say what it means! Draw some conclusions! 1. Collect the data 6K’s bedtimes: 8:30pm,Number 8:00 pm, Height 7:45 pm, 9:30 less than 150cm high 9 pm, 7:00high pm, 10:00 less than 150cm 20 pm, 7:20high pm, 8:15pm, more than 200cm 1 7:29 pm, 11:45 30 pm, 8:50 pm, 8:15 pm, 9:00 pm, 7:18 pm, 9:25 pm, 10:30 pm, 8:18 pm Get the information you need Reading bar charts Recap: 3 Steps in Data Handling Step 1. Collect the data 6K’s bedtimes: 8:30pm, 8:00 pm, Height Number 7:45 pm, less than 150cm high 9:30 9pm, 7:00 high pm, 10:00 less than 150cm 20pm, 7:20 pm, 8:15pm, more than 200cm high 1 7:29 pm, 11:45 30 pm, 8:50 pm, 8:15 pm, 9:00 pm, 7:18 pm, 9:25 pm, 10:30 pm, 8:18 pm Step 2. Organise & display the data Step 3. Interpret the data Reading bar charts Year 6 Profiles You can tell a lot about a class from their habits! Year 6 has revealed all in a massive survey. You can see the results in these graphs and charts – but what do they mean? Use the easy Traffic Lights Method to read your graphs Reading bar charts Using the Traffic Lights Method RED: STOP AND LOOK! … AT THE Title Axes Numbers and scale AMBER: GET READY TO READ! Turn each bar into English so that the graph makes sense before you start … Always Make Bars Easy GREEN: GO AND READ THE GRAPH! Reading SAY WHAT YOU SEE The tallest bar? Shortest bar? Differences between the bars? Reading bar charts RED: STOP AND LOOK AT: Title 10 Axes Numbers and scale 6K’s Bedtimes 9 Where is the title? 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils 4 What does the title say the graph is about? 3 2 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm Bedtime 11pm Midnight Reading bar charts RED: STOP AND LOOK AT: Title 10 Axes Numbers and scale Where is the x-axis? 6K’s Bedtimes 9 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils What does the x-axis show? 4 3 2 1 Answer Question 0 In this survey, ItWhat doesn’t – as if amatter pupil says 7pm . to 8pm 8pm to 9pm 9pm to 10pm Bedtime 10pm to 11pm 11pm to Midnight borderline long as you decide that they go results to 8pm? were put inrule the for higher the same all Should their data go bar. into theresults! 1st or 2nd bar? Reading bar charts RED: STOP AND LOOK AT: Title 10 Axes Numbers and scale Where is the y-axis? 6K’s Bedtimes 9 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils What does the y-axis show? 4 3 2 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm Bedtime 11pm Midnight Reading bar charts RED: STOP AND LOOK AT: Title 10 Axes Numbers and scale What x numbers do we have? 5 bedtime slots from 7pm to Midnight. 6K’s Bedtimes 9 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils What scale? 1 hour bedtime slots. 4 3 What y numbers do we have? 2 1 -10: easy numbers! 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm Bedtime 11pm Midnight What scale? The y-axis goes up in 1’s - so it’s very easy to read! Reading bar charts AMBER: GET READY TO READ! Always Make Bars Easy Reading 10 9 10 pupils 8 9 pupils go to 7 go to bed 8 pupils bed between go to Number 6 of 5 between 8pm and pupils 4 7pm and 3 8pm. 9pm. Translate each bar into a sentence! 6K’s Bedtimes bed between 9pm and 10pm. 2 1 2 pupils 10-11pm. 1 pupil after 11 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm 11pm Bedtime Midnight Click here for Translator: Maths to English Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! – the tallest and shortest 10 9 10 pupils 8 go to 7 bed Number 6 between of 5 8pm and pupils 4 9pm. Mode The tallest bar TALLEST BAR Most popular 6K’s Bedtimes kind of means (1…? 8pm - 9pm is the most popular bedtime. SHORTEST BAR 3 2 1 pupil after 11 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm average) 10pm 11pm Bedtime Midnight The 11pmshortest - Midnightbar is means …? the least popular bedtime. Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! 6 ways to say what you see – about the mode 10 9 10 pupils 8 go to 7 bed NumberOR 6 of pupils … The modalbetween bedtime is 8pm to 9pm. 8pm and 5 4 … The most 9pm. OR popular bedtime is 8pm to 9pm. 3 2 OR … Most Y6K pupils go to bed between 8pm to 9pm. 1 0 OR … The most common bedtime is 8pm to 9pm. 7pm . to 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 8pm 10pm 11pm OR … The9pm most frequent bedtimeMidnight is 8pm to 9pm. Bedtime OR … The bedtime with the highest frequency is 8pm to 9pm. Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! – compare the bars 10 6 more pupils go to bed 6K’s Bedtimes 9 9pm - 10pm 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils 4 3 2 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm 11pm Bedtime Midnight than those who go at 9 fewer pupils go to 10pm - 11pm. bed at 11pm – Midnight 8 = 2 +6 than those who go 5 times as many pupils between 8pm - 9pm . go to bed 8pm - 9pm as 10 – 9 = 1 those who retire 10pm Half as many pupils go 11pm. to bed 11pm - Midnight 10 = 5 x 2 as those who go Can you find some other things to say about this graph? between 10pm – 11pm. ‘more than’ + You might want to use: 1/2 ÷of 2 ‘fewer than’ ‘times’ x 1 = ‘of’ Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! – the total of the bars 10 9 8 10 pupils TOTAL OF ALL BARS The total of all bars …? = Totalmeans number of pupils 6K’s Bedtimes 9 pupils 8 pupils 7 … Number 6 of 5 pupils 4 9 3 2 10 2 pupils 1 1 pupil 8 2 0 7pm . to 8pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm 11pm Bedtime Midnight + 1 . Total = 30? pupils Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! – compare 2 bars as fractions 10 9 8 7 Number 6 of 5 pupils 4 3 2 10 pupils Translate each bar into a fraction sentence! 6K’s Bedtimes 9 Out of 30 Pupils 8 out of 30 Pupils = out of 30 = 10 = 9 30 30 8 30 2 pupils =2 30 1 0 7pm . to 8pm 1 30 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm to to to to 9pm 10pm 11pm Bedtime Midnight Click here for Fractions Translator: Number to Fractions Reading bar charts GREEN: GO AND READ! - the graph shape 6K’s Bedtimes 6L’s Bedtimes Can you tell More pupils anything go to this bed from earlier rather graph than later! shape? Roughly the same What about number the shapeofof pupils go to this graph? bed earlier and later 6M’s Bedtimes More pupils … and this go to bed one? later rather than earlier! Reading bar charts What next? Now you’ve tried out the Traffic Lights Method! If you have any questions, you can ask your teacher. Or, if you want to have a go at some for yourself… … why not try the Pupils’ version: “Reading bar charts” ! at (School Booster)