Hornet Defense 3-3-5 Stack Defense Position Names • • • • • • • • • Tackles Nose Will Sam Mike Corners Free Safety Lex Rex Defensive Alignment Base Cover 3 C R T S N M F T S L C Defensive Alignment Base Cover 2 T L N M S C F T W R C Alignment POS ALIGN KEY RUN TO-AWAY PASS RESP. LT 4 TECH OT C gap- trail/reverse Outside rush lane NG 0 stuff Ball A gap-backside A RT 4 TECH OT C gap- trail/reverse Outside rush lane SAM Stack OG-near RB Fit Hash Drop MIKE Stack FB Fit Hole Drop WILL Stack OG-near RB Fit Hash Drop Inside rush lane NOSEGUARD PLAY Stuff Technique • Alignment-0 technique, nose-to-nose on Center. Play as tight as possible and still be able to key and react • Key- Movement of the Center’s hand. • Responsibility-Attack Center and STUFF him into backfield and find the football • Coaching Points Hold ground on double team If reached, play cutback Rush passer in proper lane On pass rush, bull rush and look for draw or QB to step up Stay flat on pursuit NOSEGUARD PLAY Slant Technique • Alignment-0 technique, nose-to-nose on Center. Play as tight as possible and still be able to key and react • Key- Guard you are ripping to. Be aware of feeling pressure from Center • Responsibility-A gap you are ripping to. • Coaching Points Back off ball slightly. Step with foot to side you are ripping. Turn shoulders on first step, then square back up on second step. The guard will then tell you how to react. Defensive Tackle STUFF Technique • Alignment-4 technique(head up on OT). Align tight to LOS • Key-Movement of OT’s helmet. • Responsibility-B gap. Attack OT inside shoulder get his shoulder turned and fight pressure • Coaching Points Step flat with inside foot. Keep shoulders square. Attack inside shoulder of OT. Punch with Hands and react to OT’s first step. Defensive Tackle Slant Technique • Alignment-4 technique(head up on OT). Align tight to LOS • Key-Movement of OT’s helmet. • Responsibility-B gap. Attack guards outside shoulder • Coaching Points Step flat with inside foot. guard pulls follow and find the ball guard blocks away watch for offside guard pulling high hat(pass block) pass rush Will/Sam Linebacker Guard read/Response Stimulus Response Dow n Block Eyes Up (to near back) Out Block (pull to) Scrape Tight Pull (pull aw ay) Shuffle, shuffle, fill Scoop Same Reach C gap (outside shoulder free) High Hat Drop to zone Mike Linebacker Technique • • • • • • Depth-5 yards Alignment-Stack Key-Track OG to fulback Coaching Points First step forward to you’re a gap High Hat drop to zone Lex /REX Tackle read/Response Stimulus Response Inside run to C stack Inside run aw ay C stack-Fold/Cutback Outside run to Force Outside run aw ay Fold,Cutback High Hat Numbers Drop (flat) Defensive Alignment UNDER R C T S N M F T L S C UNDER • • • • • Tackles 4 tech Nose 0 tech Sam/ Will Stack tackles Mike Stack nose Lex/ Rex 3*5 emol(end man on line) Defensive Alignment HEAVY L C T S N M F T W R C Heavy • • • • • • Tackles 4 tech Nose 0 tech Sam/Will Stack tackle Mike Stack Nose Rex Under technique Call side Lex over technique Defensive Alignment 40 R T N M T S W L C C F 40 • • • • • • • Tackles Head up Tackles Nose Head up Guard Call side Sam Stack Tackle Mike Head up guard Call side Lex 9 Weak side REX 5 tech Weak side WILL stack B gap Defensive Alignment 40 goalline R C F T S N M W T L C Mike /Weak SLANT B T N T S M S C B C F WILL/Weak SLANT R T N T S M W C L C F SAM&MIKE R T N T S M W C L C F Sam/Mike/WILL R T N T S M W C L C F Lex/slant strong R T N T S M W C L C F Will/Lex /Slant strong R T N T S M W C L C F Mike/LEX R T N T S M W C L C F Mike/sam,will TAB R E N E L S C M F W C Defensive Alignment UNDER Cover 3 R C T S N M T L W C Flat FLAT HOOK HOOK Hole F DEEP 1/3 DEEP 1/3 DEEP 1/3 Defensive Alignment UNDER Cover 2 R T N M S T W FLAT L Flat HOOK Hole HOOK C DEEP 1/2 C F DEEP 1/2 Stunt Coverage