Selection and performance of PMT candidates for TREND ground array Hou Yueyun1, Feng Zhaoyang1, Liu Cheng1, Liu Maoyuan1 1, IHEP 2, Tibet University 2014.1.8 Extended array of Tibet Asγ Exp. To improve the sensitivity of Tibet MD+AS at 100 TeV energy region Prototype detector Prototype detector PMT, base and sleeve TREND ground array VS Extended ASγ Energy spacing Area Angular Res.. Dynamic range: Time res. . TREND Extended ASγ 1016-1018eV 1013-1015eV 300m(X)/600m(Y) 15m 4000m*800m 270m*270m 1-3 degree(? ) 0.4o@10TeV 0.2o@100TeV 1-30(?) MIPs/m2 1-1000MIPs/m2 10 ns(?) ~1ns The PMT used in Extended ASγ can meet the requirements of TREND ground array Four 2 inches PMT candidates 1,Hamamatsu R7725 (2, CA0130, CA0134) ~4000 RMB 2, ET 9814B (1), ~6500 RMB 3, ET9829B (1), ~4600 RMB 4, GXBS GDB61(2, Z81, Z70) ? RMB Requirements: 1, size: ~2 inch 2, good rise time: ~2-3ns 3, small TTS, 1-2 ns 4, Gain:~107 5 large dynamic range 6, not bad cathode response uniformity 7, lower noise Test items: 1.Single PE (absolute gain) 2.HV response (relative gain) 3.Dynamic Range 4.pulse parameters( @1PE): Rise Time Falling Time TTS (Transit time spread) 5.Cathode response uniformity 6. Magnetic shielding study 7. Noise rate SPE and its resolution All th SPE peak can be measured with a good peak/valley ratio(1.4-3.0) Example: R7725 2.8e+07@1750V Gain VS HV Dynamic range of Anode R7725 R7725 _CA0130 R7725 _CA0130 Gain:1E+07 HV:1540V FWHM:25 TTS:1.55ns R7725 _CA0130 Gain:1.9E+07 HV:1650V FWHM:23 TTS:1.42ns R7725 _CA0134 Gain:2.9E+07 HV:1750V FWHM:24 TTS:1.48ns Gain:1.1E+07 HV:1480V FWHM:18 TTS:1.11ns ET9814B_11007 ET9829B_28033 Gain:0.9E+07 HV:1850 FWHM:23 TTS:1.42ns GXBS_GDB 61_z0070 Gain:1E+07 HV:1700V FWHM:15 TTS:0.93ns GXBS_GDB 61_z0081 Gain:0.92E+07 HV:2100V FWHM:14 TTS:0.87ns Gain:0.97E+07 HV:1800V FWHM:12 TTS:0.74ns Magnetic field effect R7725 A0130 ET9814B ET9829B GXBSz81 Example: R7725 A0130 Cathode response uniformity 13 Summary of the testing result TTs 1.55ns 1.11ns 1.42ns 0.93ns 0.87ns 0.74ns Reference 1.3ns 1.3ns 2.2ns 2.2ns -- -- Considering the performance and price, Hamamatsu R7725 is selected to be used in extended Asγ array Then we optimized the base to enlarge the dynamic range Optimization of the R7725 base The voltage divider distribution: 1,4 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 1 (default) 2,4.7 : 1 : 2.2 : 1 : 1 : 1.5 : 2.2 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 4.7 : 2.2 (optimized!) R7725 Tapered 15 Dynamic range with optimized base of R7725 Anode Non-Linearity ±5%: 0~100mA Dynode Non-Linearity ±5%: 0~18mA Summary: ◆PMT linearity ±5% : 0~1375mA@ 1750V anode dynamic range of R7725 HV: 1750V Before improvement: Anode linearity(±5%): 1~70mA After improvement: Anode linearity(±5%): 1~100mA gain: 2.8E+07 gain: 1.5E+07 Transit time uniformity Mean 50.39 RMS 0.2404 ▶Non-uniformity: < 1 ns。 R7725_CA0130 dynamic range at different gain Anode output linearity(±5%): 1400V:0~70mA 1600V:0~90mA 1750V:0~100mA 1800V:0~100mA 2000V:0~120mA the influence of the magnetic field 光纤 光源 Statistic test results of 30 R7725 PMTs SPE HV:1750V The ratio of peak/valley:2.6 Energy resolution:31% Gain:1.1~4.8+07 High Voltage Response TTS Average TTS:1.966ns More test result would come Summary Four candidates are tested and Hamamatsu R7725 is selected to be used in extended ASγ array The base of R7725 is optimized to enlarge the dynamic range The preliminary test results of 30 R7725 PMT is obtained End, Thanks!