Dr. Rajesh M Hegde - Mobiles for Development

Rajesh Hegde
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Commonwealth of Learning Vancouver
MOOC on M4D 2013
About the speaker
• Faculty Member in the Dept. of EE @ at Indian
Institute of Technology, Kanpur
• Research Areas :
Speech Recognition on Embedded and Mobile
devices for Indian Languages
Pervasive Computing and Communication for
Socially Relevant Applications
MOOC on M4D 2013
Topics to be Covered
• How can speech technology be used for developing applications
on a mobile phone ?
• What is Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text to speech
synthesis (TTS) ?
• What are the challenges in implementing ASR and TTS systems on
a mobile phone ?
• What are the potential applications of speech technology in
delivering personalized services on a mobile phone ?
• A personalized voice based service on mobile phones in several
Indian Languages : Digital Mandi for the Indian
• A Hindi speech recognition based system on the mobile phone for
accessing agro-commodity prices for the Farmer.
MOOC on M4D 2013