
Engineering 36
Chp 6:
Bruce Mayer, PE
Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Introduction: MultiPiece Structures
• For the equilibrium of structures made of several
connected parts, the internal forces as well the
external forces are considered.
• In the interaction between connected parts, Newton’s
3rd Law states that the forces of action and reaction
between bodies in contact have the same magnitude,
same line of action, and opposite sense.
• Three categories of engineering structures are
• Frames: contain at least one multi-force
member, i.e., a member acted upon by
3 or more forces.
• Trusses: formed from two-force members, i.e.,
straight members with end point connections
• Machines: structures containing moving parts
designed to transmit and modify forces.
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Analysis of Frames
• Frames and machines are structures with at least one
multiforce member. Frames are designed to support loads
and are usually stationary. Machines contain moving parts
and are designed to transmit & modify forces.
• A free body diagram of the complete frame is used to
determine the external forces acting on the frame.
• Internal forces are determined by dismembering the
frame and creating free-body diagrams for each
• Forces on two force members have known lines of
action but unknown magnitude and sense.
• Forces on multiforce members have unknown
magnitude and line of action. They must be
represented with two unknown components.
• Forces between connected components are equal,
have the same line of action, and opposite sense.
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Not Fully Rigid Frames
• Some frames may collapse if removed from
their supports. Such frames can NOT be
treated as rigid bodies.
• A free-body diagram of the complete frame
indicates four unknown force components which
can not be determined from the three equilibrium
• The frame must be considered as two distinct, but
related, rigid bodies.
• With equal and opposite reactions at the contact
point between members, the two free-body
diagrams indicate 6 unknown force components.
• Equilibrium requirements for the two rigid
bodies yield 6 independent equations.
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Roller Frame
• Create a free-body diagram for the
complete frame and solve for the
support reactions. (won’t collapse)
• Define a free-body diagram for member
BCD. The force exerted by the link DE
has a known line of action but unknown
magnitude (2-frc member); determined
by summing moments about C.
 Members ACE and BCD are
• With the force on the link DE known,
connected by a pin at C and
the sum of forces in the x and y
by the link DE. For the
directions may be used to find the force
loading shown, determine
components at C.
the force(s) in link DE and
• With member ACE as a free-body,
the components of the
check the solution by summing
force exerted by the Pin at
moments about A
C on member BCD.
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Roller Frame
• Create a free-body diagram for the
COMPLETE FRAME and solve for the
support reactions.
 0  A y  480 N
A y  480 N 
 0    480 N 100 mm   B 160 mm
B  300 N 
A x   300 N 
 0  B  Ax
 Note
  tan
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
1 80
 28 . 07 
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Roller Frame
• Define a free-body diagram for member
BCD. The force exerted by the 2-force
link DE has a known line of action but
unknown magnitude. It is determined by
summing moments about C.
 0    F DE sin   250 mm   300 N 8 0 mm    480 N 100 mm
F DE   561 N
(DE in Compression)
F DE  561 N C
• Use the Sum of forces in the x and y directions to find the force
components at C.
 F x  0  C x  F DE cos   300 N
0  C x    561 N  cos   300 N
 F y  0  C y  F DE sin   480 N
0  C y    561 N  sin   480 N
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
C x   795 N
C y  216 N
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Roller Frame
 With member ACE as a freebody, check the solution by
summing moments about A
  F DE cos  300 mm    F DE sin  100 mm   C x  220 mm
   561 cos  300 mm     561 sin  100 mm     795
 220
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
 0
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
 For the Frame
Shown Below Find
• The RCNs at points
 Draw FBDs noting
that the forces at B
are Equal & Opp
• FBD for AB
FORCES acting on
the PINS at A & C
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
• FBD for Member BC
 For AB take ΣMB = 0
 0  150 lb 3 ft   F Ay 6 ft 
 F Ay   450 ft  lb  6 ft   75 . 0 lb
F Ay  75 . 0 lb
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
 For AB take ΣFy = 0
• Recall FAy = 75 lbs
 For AB take ΣFx = 0
 0  F Ax  F Bx
 F Bx  F Ax
• Will use Later:
FBx = FAx
 0  F Ay  F By  150 lb
 F By  150 lb   F Ay
F By  150 lb   75 lb   75 lb
F By  75 . 0 lb
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
 For BC take ΣMC =
0  150 ft  lb  F By  2 ft   F Bx 4 ft  sin 60  
Recall : F By  75 . 0 lb
 F Bx  150 ft  lb  150 ft  lb
 3 . 46 ft 
 F Bx  86 . 6 lb
F Bx  86 . 6 lb
 For BC take ΣFx = 0
 0  F Bx  FCx
 FCx  F Bx  86 . 6 lb
FCx  86 . 6 lb
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
 For BC take ΣFy = 0
 0  FCy  F By
 FCy  F By  75 lb
FCy  75 . 0 lb
 Recall from Before:
FAx = FBx, and
FBx = 86.6 lbs
• Thus
F Ax  86 . 6 lb
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Example: Pin & Pin Frame
 Now Find SHEAR
FORCE on Pins at
 Find the Shear Force
Magnitude by
F 
F x F
 In this Case
 The Forces at A & C
 F Ax iˆ  F Ay ˆj
F C  FCx iˆ  FCy ˆj
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
FA 
86 . 6 lb 2  7 5 lb 2
 115 lb
FC 
86 . 6 lb 2  7 5 lb 2
 115 lb
 Thus the connecting
pins must resist a
shear force of 115 lbs
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
WhiteBoard Work
Let’s Work
This Nice
 Find the Forces Acting on Each of the
Members, and on the Frame at Pts A & D
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx
Engineering 36
Bruce Mayer, PE
Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Bruce Mayer, PE
BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu • ENGR-36_Lec-16_Frames.pptx