Chapter 37 Nursing Care of Patients with Endocrine Disorders

Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Chapter 39
Nursing Care of Patients
with Endocrine Disorders
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Endocrine Disorders
 Too Much or Too Little Hormone Activity
 Production/Secretion
 Tissue Sensitivity
 Primary Disorder
 Secondary Disorder
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Too Little = Diabetes Insipidus
 Too Much = SIADH
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Diabetes Insipidus
 Pathophysiology
 Insufficient ADH
 Kidneys Do Not Reabsorb Water
 Diurese 3–15 L per Day
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Pituitary Tumor or Trauma
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Dilute Urine
Hypovolemic Shock
Decreased LOC
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Urine Specific Gravity <1.001
Plasma Osmolality Increased
CT or MRI for Cause
Water Deprivation Test
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
Hypotonic IV Fluids
Hypophysectomy if Tumor
IV or SQ Vasopressin
Intranasal DDAVP
Thiazide Diuretics if Nephrogenic
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
 Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume
 Risk for Ineffective Self Health
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
Too Much ADH
Water Retention
Decreased Serum Osmolality
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Cancers
 Bronchogenic Lung Cancer
 Drugs
 Head Trauma
 Brain Tumor
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Weight Gain Without Edema
Dilutional Hyponatremia
Serum Osmolality <275 mOsm/kg
Concentrated Urine
Muscle Cramps and Weakness
Brain Swelling, Seizures, Death
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Diagnostic Tests
 Serum/Urine Sodium
 Serum/Urine Osmolality
 Water Load Test
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
Eliminate Cause
Surgical Removal of Tumor
Fluid Restriction
Hypertonic Saline IV
Lasix or Declomycin
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
 Excess Fluid Volume
 Risk for Ineffective Self Health
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Growth Hormone Imbalance
 Too Little = Short
 Too Much =
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Growth Hormone Deficiency
 Pathophysiology
 Deficient GH in Childhood
 Growth Not Affected in Adults
 Causes
Pituitary Tumor
Failure of Pituitary to Develop
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Grow Only to 3 to 4 Feet (5th Percentile)
Slowed Sexual Maturation
May Have Mental Retardation
Other Symptoms, Depending on Other
Pituitary Hormones Involved
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms in Adults
Fatigue, Weakness
Excess Body Fat
Decreased Muscle
and Bone Mass
 Sexual Dysfunction
 Risk for
 Risk for
 Decreased Quality of
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
GH Level
GH Response to Induced Hypoglycemia
MRI for Tumor
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Synthetic GH (Somatrem) SQ or IM
 Surgery if Tumor
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnosis
 Risk for Ineffective Self Health
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
 Excess Growth Hormone in Adults
 Bones Grow in Width, Not Length
 Organs and Connective Tissues Also Enlarge
 Causes
 Pituitary Hyperplasia
 Pituitary Tumor
 Hypothalamic Dysfunction
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
 Change in Shoe or
Ring Size
 Nose, Jaw, Brow
 Teeth May Be
 Difficulty Speaking
and Swallowing
 Sleep Apnea
 Headaches, Visual
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Arthritis
 Sexual Dysfunction
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Example of Acromegaly
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
GH Level
GH Response to Oral Glucose
Bone X-Rays
CT Scan or MRI
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Treat Cause
 Hypophysectomy
 Lifelong TH, Steroid, Sex Hormone
 Octreotide (Sandostatin)
 Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
 Pegvisomant (Somavert)
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
 Disturbed Body Image
 Risk for Injury
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Care of the Patient Undergoing
 Baseline Neurological Assessment
 Preoperative Teaching
 Deep Breathing, Incentive Spirometry
 Avoid Coughing, Sneezing, Straining Postop
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Postoperative Care
Neurologic Assessment
Urine for Specific Gravity (Risk for DI)
Nasal Packing and Mustache Dressing
No Coughing, Sneezing, Blowing,
Straining, Bending
 Report CSF Drainage
 HRT with Target Hormones
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Patient Education
Blow Nose Gently
Take Stool Softeners and Antitussives prn
Care with Brushing Teeth
Take Hormones as Prescribed
Call if Fever, Drainage, Frequent Urination,
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Thyroid Hormone Imbalance
 Hypothyroidism
 Hyperthyroidism
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
TH Deficiency
Metabolic Rate Reduced
Primary = Not Enough TH
Secondary = Not Enough TSH
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Iodine Deficiency
Autoimmune (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Mental Dullness
Cold Intolerance
Dry Skin and Hair
Weight Gain
Heart Failure
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Myxedema Coma
Decreased VS and LOC
Respiratory Failure
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
T3 and T4 Low
TSH High in Primary
TSH Low in Secondary
Serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Hormone
 Levothyroxine/Synthroid
 Maintain 0.1–0.2 mg/day
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions for
Myxedema Coma
Monitor VS
Warming Blanket
Mechanical Ventilation
IV Levothyroxine (Synthroid)
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
Activity Intolerance
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
Imbalanced Nutrition
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
Increased Metabolic Rate
Increased Beta Receptors
Primary = Too Much TH
Secondary = Too Much TSH
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Autoimmune (Grave’s Disease)
Multinodular Goiter
Toxic Adenoma
Pituitary Tumor (Secondary)
Synthroid Overdose
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Hypermetabolic State
Heat Intolerance
Increased Appetite
Weight Loss
Frequent Stools
 Tachycardia,
 Tremor
 Heart Failure
 Warm Smooth Skin
 Exophthalmos
(Grave’s Disease)
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms in Elderly
Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Elevated T3 and T4
TSH Low in Primary
TSH High in Secondary
TRH Stimulation Test
CT/MRI if Tumor Suspected
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Thyrotoxic Crisis (Thyroid Storm)
Tachycardia, Hypertension
Fever, Dehydration
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
Propranolol (Inderal)
Oral Iodine
Radioactive Iodine (I 131)
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions for
Thyrotoxic Crisis
 IV Fluids
Cooling Blanket
Propranolol (Inderal)
Acetaminophen (Avoid ASA) for Fever
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
Imbalanced Nutrition
Disturbed Sleep Pattern
Risk for Injury
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Care of the Patient
Receiving Radioactive Iodine
 In Hospital
 Limit Time Spent with
 Glove and Gown
 Avoid if Pregnant
 Take Precautions
with Urine, Emesis,
Body Fluids
 Double Flush Toilet
 Call RSO for Emesis
or Incontinence
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Care of the Patient
Receiving Radioactive Iodine
 At Home
Avoid Close Contact for a Week
Sleep Alone
Wash Hands Carefully After Urinating
Avoid Oral Contact
Drink Fluids
Avoid Pregnancy for at Least a Year
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
 Enlarged Thyroid
 Elevated TSH
 Hyperplasia
 Causes
Low TH
Iodine Deficiency
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
 Enlarged Thyroid
 Hypo or Hyperthyroid,
or Euthyroid
 Dysphagia
 Difficulty Breathing
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Thyroid Scan
 TSH, T3, and T4
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
Treat Cause
Avoid Goitrogens
Treat Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
Thyroidectomy if Size Causing Symptoms
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Care
 Monitor Breathing (Stridor)
 Swallowing Evaluation
 Dietary Consult
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Cancer of the Thyroid Gland
 Tumor of the Thyroid Gland
 Usually Benign
 More Common in Women
 Causes
Iodine Deficiency
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Hard Painless Nodule
Dyspnea if Obstruction
TH Usually Normal
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Thyroid Scan Shows “Cold Spot”
 Biopsy
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Radioactive Iodine
 Chemotherapy
 Thyroidectomy (Partial or Total)
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Preoperative Nursing Care
Monitor Breathing and Swallowing
Assess Nutrition Status
Monitor Vital Signs
Iodine or Antithyroid Drugs to Achieve
Euthyroid State
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Preoperative Teaching
 Teach Postop Care
 Gentle ROM
 Support Neck During Position Changes
 Incentive Spirometer
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Postoperative Diagnoses
Risk for Ineffective Airway Clearance
Risk for Injury: Tetany,Thyrotoxic Crisis
Acute Pain
Risk for Ineffective Self Health
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Thyrotoxic Crisis
 Tetany
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Parathyroid Hormone
 Hypoparathyroidism
 Hyperparathyroidism
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
 Decrease in PTH
 Calcium Stays in Bones
 Hypocalcemia
 Hyperphosphatemia
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Heredity
 Accidental Removal of Parathyroids During
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
 Tetany
 Neuromuscular Irritability
 Numbness and Tingling of Fingers and Perioral Area
 Muscle Spasms
 Cardiac Dysrhythmias
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms (cont’d)
 Positive Chvostek’s
 Positive Trousseau’s
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Serum Calcium Low
Positive Chvostek’s Sign
Positive Trousseau’s Sign
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Acute
 IV Calcium Gluconate
 Long Term
 Calcium with Vitamin D
 Thiazide Diuretics
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnosis
 Risk for Injury: Hypocalcemia and Tetany
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Pathophysiology
Parathyroid Overactivity
Increased PTH
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Parathyroid Hyperplasia
 Benign Parathyroid Tumor
 Heredity
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Nausea and Vomiting
Kidney Stones
Joint Pain
Pathologic Fractures
Cardiac Arrest
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Serum Calcium Elevated
24-Hour Urine for Calcium
Phosphate Decreased
PTH Elevated
X-Rays for Bone Density
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
IV NS to Dilute Calcium
Furosemide (Lasix)
Calcitonin, Alendronate
Estrogen Therapy (Women)
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnosis
 Risk for Injury: Fracture, Complications of
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Adrenal Medulla Disorders
 Pheochromocytoma
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Tumor of Chromaffin Cells of Adrenal
 Secretes Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
 Usually Benign
 Cause Unknown
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
 Fight or Flight
Vision Changes
Risk for Stroke
Risk for Organ
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 24-Hour Urine for Metanephrines and VMA
 No Caffeine or Medications Before Test
 CT or MRI to Find Tumor
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Beta Blockers (Propranolol [Inderal])
 Alpha Blockers (Phenoxybenzamine
 Adrenalectomy
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnosis
 Risk for Injury Related to Hypertensive
Monitor VS
Quiet, Calm Environment
No Caffeine
Replacement Corticosteroids Postop
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Adrenal Cortex Hormone
 Hyposecretion = Addison’s Disease
 Hypersecretion = Cushing’s Syndrome
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Addison’s Disease
 Pathophysiology
 Deficient Cortisol
 and/or Aldosterone
 and/or Androgens
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Pituitary or Hypothalamus Problem
Abrupt Discontinuance of Steroids
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Sodium Loss
Potassium Retention
Bronze Skin
Nausea and Vomiting
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Serum and Urine Cortisol Level
Blood Glucose
ACTH Stimulation Test
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Adrenal Crisis
Profound Dehydration
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
 Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids
Daily for Life
 Two-thirds in AM, One-third in PM
 Double or Triple in Times of Stress
 May Be Placed on High Sodium Diet
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
 Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume
 Risk for Ineffective Self-Health
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Crisis Prevention
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Cushing’s Syndrome
 Pathyphysiology
 Excess Adrenal Cortex Hormones
 Cortisol
 Aldosterone
 Androgens
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Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Hypersecretion of ACTH
 Hypersecretion of Cortisol
 Prolonged Use of Exogenous
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Signs and Symptoms (cont’d)
Salt and Water Retention
Thin, Fragile Skin
Facial Hair in Women
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Based on Appearance
Plasma and Urine Cortisol
Dexamethasone Suppression Test
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Therapeutic Interventions
Surgery if Tumor
Reduce Dose of Steroid
Change Schedule of Administration
Symptom Control
Diabetes Treatment
Low-sodium, High-potassium Diet
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
Nursing Diagnoses
Risk for Excess Fluid Volume
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
Risk for Infection
Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose
Body Image Disturbance
Copyright © 2011. F.A. Davis Company
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition
Linda S. Williams / Paula D. Hopper
 Preoperative Care
 Monitor Electrolytes, Glucose
 Preoperative Teaching
 Postoperative Care
 Monitor for Adrenal Crisis
 Lifelong Hormone Replacement
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