Bangladesh - Pain & Policy Studies Group

International Pain Policy Fellowship,

Cohort III

Country Report

Directions and Template

Madison, Wisconsin

6-10 August 2012

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

Country Report:Bangladesh

Team Members:

Rumana Dowla,

MBBS, MPH, DipPallMed

Masters iin Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University, UK

Chair person,

Bangladesh Palliative & Supportive Care Foundation

Specialist, Palliative Medicine, United Hospital

Farzana Khan,


PhD in Palliative Care (Student), Lancaster University, UK

Medical Officer,

Centre for Palliative care,

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care


University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care



• Currency: Bangladeshi taka

• Population: 150,493,658 (2011)

World Bank

• Capital: Dhaka

• GDP: US$ 110.6 billion (2011)

World Bank

• Official language: Bengali

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

1. Cancer pain and palliative care

Total Cancer Patient : 24,847

Confirmed diagnosis : 18,829 cases

Male 10,847 (57%)

Female 6018 (43%)

Male Lung 25.5%

Female Breast 25.6%

38% constitute ca lung in male and breast and cervical cancer female.

Ref Cancer Registry NICRH 2005-2007

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

1. Cancer pain and palliative care





Proportion with moderate/s evere pain


Ref: Global access to pain relief initiative, PPSG

Number of deaths with moderate/ severe pain


University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

a. What is the estimated prevalence and types of cancer in your country, mortality, and the prevalence of pain?

Top causes of mortality in the NICRH, by age & sex distribution, 2010

Age standerdized incidence per 100000 persons of common cancers in Bangladesh, 2008:



Cervix uteri



Female s


Males Femal es


Males Femal es

Male s












University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

a. What is the estimated prevalence and types of cancer in your country, mortality, and the prevalence of pain? (…Continued)






Acute myeloid leukemia 7.41


Non-Hodgkin lymphoma







Acute lymphatic leukemia

Ca-colon and Carectum





Both Sexes

Acute myeloid leukemia

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma


Ca-colon and Carectum






Non-Hodgkin lymphoma






Ca-colon and Carectum


Acute lymphatic leukemia


Acute lymphatic leukemia


Squamous cell carcinoma


Acute myeloid leukemia 3.23












Total patients=54

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

Pain Policy and Palliative Care



Total patients=31

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for



Total patients=85


University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

b. Is there a national cancer control policy, plan, or program? If so, when did it start? What is the name of the office and person in charge? Are objectives for pain relief and palliative care included? Is availability of opioid analgesics specifically addressed?

There is no national cancer control policy yet, but a plan was made by a task force made in collaboration with Government and WHO.

Consultative meetings were held and a report was produced, but no follow up could be find out.

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

c. Has the government endorsed the WHO method for relief of cancer pain? Has the government sponsored or endorsed training programs in cancer pain relief, palliative care and the medical use of opioid analgesics?

1. There is no documental evidence Bangladesh

Government has endorsed the WHO method for relief of cancer pain

2. Doctors and nurses were sent for 6 wks from

NICRH to IPM Kerala

3. introduced WHO guideline .

4. But the Government has not yet sponsored or endorsed training programs in cancer pain relief, palliative care and the medical use of opioid analgesics

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

At NICRH morphine license is being worked on-8.5

d. Describe in brief terms the availability of pain relief and palliative care services in the country and comment on the extent to which the needy population has access to such services, including children. How well is pediatric cancer pain treated? Do pediatric patients have access to opioid analgesics in the class of morphine?

1.Sanisphere an international consultant appointed by UICC

7000 new cases of childhood cancer

2.Then among the children who start the treatment there is 30-

50% drop out 3 estimated between year 2000 to 2006

3.Services for children

ASHIC Foundation



4.Yes ,in these centers morphine is prescribed for pain …

ASHIC foundation has morphine license;

NICRH and BSMMU Paed Haemato-oncology

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

d. Describe in brief terms the availability of pain relief and palliative care services in the country and comment on the extent to which the needy population has access to such services, including children. How well is pediatric cancer pain treated? Do pediatric patients have access to opioid analgesics in the class of morphine?

Director General of Health Service Bangladesh supported by WHO published and Annual Report of National Institute of Cancer Research Hospital in 2005

Total number of patients =7516

Paediatric Patients

Among them ,

= Age 0-15 years were 218 only 4.0%

Boys =139


64.2% of these cases constituted- Lymphoma



Sanisphere Int. Conducted a study funded by UICC( Union Against Cancer ) 5

According to their study approximately there are

New cases

Diagnosed cases


Fully Treated

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

= 7000 per year

=1000-1500per year

=700 patients

=350-500 patients

d. Describe in brief terms the availability of pain relief and palliative care services in the country and comment on the extent to which the needy population has access to such services, including children. How well is pediatric cancer pain treated? Do pediatric patients have access to opioid analgesics in the class of morphine?

During the practicum stay at BSMMU Haemato-oncology Department the following cases were seen commonly and listed in order of frequency almost similar to the USA list discussed earlier.

1.Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(ALL)

2.Acute Myloblastic Leukemia(AML)

3.Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma(NHL)

4.Hodgkins Lymphoma (HL)

5.Wilms Tumor


7.Ewings Sarcoma.

Ref:Dowla. R (2007) Observing paediaric cancer patients their management and to ascertain role of palliative care in a hospital in


University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

d. Describe in brief terms the availability of pain relief and palliative care services in the country and comment on the extent to which the needy population has access to such services, including children. How well is pediatric cancer pain treated? Do pediatric patients have access to opioid analgesics in the class of morphine?

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

e. Identify non-governmental organizations that have a focus on pain relief and palliative care and mention their relevant activities. Is there a national palliative care association?


Centre for Palliative Care, BSMMU – 20 beds Indoor, OPD – 6 days/week, 24 hrs Telephone service, Home care, Training centre with BCCPM & BCCPN courses, introductory courses for doctors, nurses, community volunteers, family members.

Next course- policy makers & DNC officers


Bangladesh Palliative & Supportive Care Foundation – 4 inpatient bed, mainly homecare;24 hour telephone service

Caregiver training,awareness program,nurses course


3.Amader Gram – ,OPD ,home-care ,cellphone based reporting

4.Ashic paediatric palliative care foundation – 6 beds

5.National Cancer Research hospital – 4 beds

6.Shanti oncology & Palliative Care – 2 beds

7.Delta Medical College & Hospital – 4 beds

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

2. HIV/AIDS pain and palliative care

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

a. What is the estimated prevalence of HIV/AIDS in your country, mortality and the prevalence of pain?

First HIV Case in the country in 1989

Bangladesh –low prevalence<1% among most risk population(MRP)

In general population <1%

Among IDUs 5.3% in Dhaka city (9 th Surveillances)

Estimated number of HIV infected cases is 7500

HIV Epidemiology 2011

New HIV infected 445

New AIDS cases 251

Death 84

Under ART 810

Cumulative cases as of 2011

Total reported cases 2533

Total AIDS cases 1101

Total death :325

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

a. What is the estimated prevalence of HIV/AIDS in your country, mortality and the prevalence of pain?

First HIV Case in the country in 1989

Bangladesh –low prevalence<1% among most risk population(MRP)

In general population <1%

Among IDUs 5.3% in Dhaka city (9 th Surveillances)

Estimated number of HIV infected cases is 7500



Proportion with moderate/ severe pain

Number of

Deaths with moderate/ severe pain

HIV 119 50%

Source: Global Access to pain relief Initiative



University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

b. Is there a national AIDS policy, plan, or program? If so, when did it start? What is the name of the office and person in charge? Are objectives for pain relief and palliative care included? Is availability of opioid analgesics specifically addressed?


Yes, there is a national policy on HIV/AIDS and STD related issues


Name of the office: National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP)

National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP) is one of the wings of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) under the

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) responsible for coordinating with all stakeholders and development partners involved in HIV/AIDS programme activities throughout the country.


Project Manager-Line Director is the task collaborator


Pain relief and palliative care are included-for next plan


Availability of opioid analgesic is not specifically addressed

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

b. Is there a national AIDS policy, plan, or program? If so, when did it start? What is the name of the office and person in charge? Are objectives for pain relief and palliative care included? Is availability of opioid analgesics specifically addressed?





There are different programs

Serving most at risk population and general population

Under the national responses the Govt of Bangladesh has program following packages

-sex workers packages

-Injecting drug user packages

-Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)

People living with HIV (PLHIV) packages


Opioid Substitution therapy (OST) ,Methadone project under process with NAS

World Bank

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

c. Has the government endorsed the WHO method for relief of HIV/AIDS pain? Has the government sponsored or endorsed training programs in pain relief, palliative care and the medical use of opioid analgesics?

1. The government has endorsed the WHO method for relief of HIV/AIDS pain

2. The government has not sponsored or endorsed training programs in pain relief, palliative care and the medical use of opioid analgesics related to this.

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

d. Describe in brief terms the availability of pain relief and palliative care services in the country for HIV/AIDS patients and comment on the extent to which the needy population has access to such services, including children. How well is pediatric pain treated? Do pediatric patients have access to opioid analgesics in the class of morphine?

1. ICDDRB – 6 beds

2. Jagori- OPD & counselling services

3. Awareness is lacking

4. Many NGOs are working in this field

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care


Bangladesh has a strong political history and commitment to the

HIV response

 The national Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS Responses for 2011-


 Basic approaches

 -DIC and IHC based services

 -Peer Education

 -Outreach Services

 Harm Reduction

 -Capacity Building

 -Advocacy and Communication

 Community participation and self help group

 Referral HIV prevention services

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care

3. Opioid availability

(This information, to the extent that it is available, should be obtained from the national office for narcotics control, i.e., the “ Competent Authority, ” [1] and from pain and palliative care programs.) See Country Profiles at


United Nations. Competent National Authorities Under the International Drug Control

Treaties, 2006 . New York, NY: United Nations; 2007.

University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group

World Health Organization Collaborating Center for

Pain Policy and Palliative Care