Salicylates_TCA Toxicity

Carson R. Harris, MD, FAAEM, FACEP
Regions Hospital Clinical Toxicology Service
Emergency Medicine Department
 Discuss the toxicological effects of salicylate
 Identify key management issues
 Discuss the limitations of the Done nomogram
and how to avoid pitfalls of management
History and Demographics
 Hippocrates – 5th century B.C.
▪ Powder from the willow bark
 1800s sodium salicylate for arthritis
▪ Abdominal pain
 Felix Hoffmann
▪ Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
 Introduced 100 years ago
▪ Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory
History and Demographics
 Decline in use, but…
▪ Prophylactic for migraine, colon ca
▪ Antiplatelet agent
▪ Decline in incidence of Reye’s
 Childproof caps – 1970s legislature
 OTC meds
▪ Combined with antihistamines, caffeine, barbs, and
Salicylate formulations
 Oil of wintergreen: 98% methyl salicylate
▪ 1400 mg/mL
 Bismuth subsalicylate
 Aggrenox
Therapeutic doses
 Pediatric 10-20 mg/kg
 Adults 650-1000 mg q 4-6 hrs
▪ Produce a serum level of 5-10 mg/dL
Potential Toxic Acute dose > 150 mg/kg
Serious toxicity: 300-500 mg/kg
Chronic toxicity: >100 mg/kg/day
Peak levels
 Therapeutic – 1-2 hours
 Therapeutic EC – 4-6 hours
 OD – 10-60 hours
▪ Reason for delay ? Concretions, contraction of the
pylorus or combination of drugs that delay gastric
emptying (opioids and anticholinergics)
 Liquids absorbed in 1 hr
Distribution is facilitated by pH
Elimination dependent on dose
 First order kinetic to zero order
▪ From 4 hours to 15-29 hours
A 24-year-old male presented to the ED with
nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and tachypnea after
ingesting 100 aspirin tablets. His 4-hour salicylate
level was 78 mg/dL; Chem-8 revealed Na 143, Cl 105,
K 4.2, HCO3 17; the ABGs showed pH 7.38, pO2 107,
and pCO2 27 on room air. He was initially treated
with reasonable volume and admitted to the ward.
Orders for sodium bicarbonate were given to
alkalinize the urine, but this was ineffective
in raising urine pH. Approximately 6 hours
later the attending was notified that the
patient had become confused.
He was transferred to the ICU where he was
sedated and intubated.
Approximately 20
minutes after
intubation, the
patient rapidly
deteriorated and
ASA is hydrolyzed to salicylic acid
 Responsible for therapeutic and toxic effects
Direct stimulation of respiratory center
 Medulla
Uncouples oxidative phosphorylation
 Increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production
▪ Increase respiration
▪ Respiratory alkalosis
Renal excretion of bicarb, Na and K
 Metabolic acidosis
Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration
 Increase pyruvate and lactic acid
▪ Metabolic acidosis
Disruption of Krebs cycle metabolism and
 Hyperglycemia, ketonemia
Fever (increased muscle metabolism)
Vasoconstriction of auditory microvasculature
Enhance insulin secretion => hypoglycemia
Decrease peripheral glucose utilization =>
Increase permeability of pulmonary
Increase the production of leukotrienes
Stimulate medullary chemoreceptor trigger
Hematologic effects
ASPIRIN Mnemonic
 Altered mental status (lethargy – coma)
 Sweating/diaphoresis
 Pulmonary edema
 Increased vital signs (HTN, inc RR, inc T, tachycardia)
 Ringing in the ears
 Irritable
 Nausea and vomiting
 Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, tinnitus, deafness
▪ Level 25-30 mg/dL
 Hyperventilation
 Hypotension, NCPE, oliguria, acidemia, cerebral
edema, delirium, seizure, coma
Classic acid-base disturbance
 Respiratory alkalosis with metabolic acidosis
 Increases tissue distribution
▪ Brain, heart, lung
Severe hypokalemia
 Older patients
 Smokers
 Levels >100 mg/dL
 Acidemia
 CNS involvement (hallucinations, sz)
 Chronic toxicity
Young adult
Older adult/infants
RX misuse
Mental status
Low w/ Rx
Serum levels
40 to >120
30 to >80
Salicylate level
 Peak 4-6 hr
 EC and SR preparations late rise
 Every 2-4 hours until clearly decreasing
▪ Then q 4-6 until <30 mg/dL
 Always confirm units!
▪ Mg/dL vs. mg/L
Done Nomogram (Pediatrics 1960)
 Chronic ingestions
 Liquid preparations
 EC or SR
 Acidemia
 Renal failure
 Unknown time of
 Methylsalicylate
Severity of ingestion
 Serum levels
 Acid-base status
 Acuteness of ingestion
 Mental status
Bedside Tests
 Trinder’s reagent – 10% ferric chloride
 Ames phenistix
Chemistry Panel
 Q 4-6 h
Coagulation studies
Consider: CT, Serum osm, ketones, LP, CO,
serum Fe, blood cultures
Gastric lavage / WBI
Activated charcoal - MDAC
Hydration and electrolyte replacement
 Correct hypokalemia aggressively
Urine alkalinization
Increase salicylate excretion
1-2 mEq/kg NaHCO3 bolus IV
Then 150 mL in 850 ml D5W run 1.5-2 times maintenance
Caution in elderly and chronic
Monitor UO
Serum levels > 100 in acute
Levels > 60 in chronic
Pulmonary edema
Renal failure
Poor response to standard Rx
AMS and acidemia
Enteric Coated aspirin
 Can cause delayed symptom onset
Don't wait for clinical deterioration.
 Alert you nephrology team early and call the
poison center even earlier.
Serial salicylate levels are imperative.
One teaspoon of methyl salicylate contains 7,000 mg
of salicylate which is equivalent to approximately 21
regular strength aspirin tablets!
The presence of fever is a poor prognostic sign in
Cerebrospinal fluid salicylate levels correlate with
symptoms better than blood levels
The Done nomogram, has limited usefulness
Be aware of the proper unit of measure
 (mg/dL not mg/L or µg/L or mmol/L)!
Start potassium supplementation early (in
the absence of renal insufficiency) because
hypokalemia makes urinary alkalization
Multiple-dose activated charcoal and
alkalinization are currently the most popular
methods of treatment.
Be aggressive. Dialyze early if signs of
toxicity are evident.
ASA and elderly
 Impaired renal function
▪ Decreased elimination
 Impaired hepatic function
 The risk of salicylate nephrotoxicity is increased
with age,
 Upper gastrointestinal bleed is associated with
increased mortality in older age groups.
Mortality and Epidemiology
 From 15% to 1.7% in 1977
 Second leading cause of death from overdose in
US (Analgesics first).
 Approximately 500,000 overdoses annually
 Female, age 20-29, single, employed, no history
of drug abuse
 Approximately 70% die pre-hospital
 Depression
 Chronic pain syndromes
 Panic and Phobic disorders
 Migraine prophylaxis
 Peripheral neuropathies
Acute Toxic Doses
 Fatal ingestions range 10-210 mg/kg
 2-4 mg/kg is therapeutic, 20 mg/kg is potentially
 Variable response
 Rapidly and completely absorbed
 Massive OD delays absorption
 Enterohepatic re-circulation secretes 30%
 Wide range in Vd (15-40 L/kg)
▪ Genetic variation
▪ Lipophilic
▪ Elderly has higher Vd
Distribution (cont’d)
 Tissue levels usually 10 times plasma levels
 Protein binding usually exceeds 90% with some
▪ pH dependent
 Genetic component
 Metabolism influenced by other drugs
Therapeutic effects
 Not completely understood
 Blocks serotonin and NE uptake
 Anticholinergic effects
Cardiac Effects
 Sinus tachycardia, dysrhythmias
▪ Na channel blockade – quinidine effect
 Hypotension
▪ Alpha adrenergic blockade and NE depletion
 Conduction delays / blocks
 Anticholinergic
▪ Excitation, confusion, hallucination, ataxia
 Seizures
 Coma
 Pulmonary edema
 Aspiration pneumonia
 Delayed gastric emptying
 Decreased motility
 Prolonged transit time
Case #1
 25 year-old man ingested 60 tablets of Elavil 50 mg
each. He presented to the ED about 45 minutes post
ingestion agitated and confused. Possibly
hallucinating. BP 145/94, P 112, R22, T99.6. He
became more agitated and combative and was
intubated, lavaged and given AC.
 EKG revealed QRS 108 with rate 114
 What are the critical ECG changes?
 Prolongation of the QRS complex:
▪ Blockage of fast sodium channels slows phase 0
depolarization of the action potential.
▪ Ventricular depolarization is delayed, leading to a
prolonged QRS interval. Patients with QRS intervals
>100 ms are at risk for seizures and patient with QRS
intervals >160 ms are at risk for arrhythmias.
▪ QRS interval is evaluated best using the limb leads.
 R wave in aVR >3 mm:
▪ greater selectivity and toxicity to the distal conduction system of
the right side of the heart.
▪ effect can be observed as an exaggerated height of the R wave aVR.
▪ may be more predictive of seizure and arrhythmia than
prolongation of the QRS complex.
 R/S ratio >0.7 in aVR
 QT interval prolongation
 Arrhythmias
 How do you treat this?
 Activated Charcoal: 30-50 gm
Sodium Bicarbonate
 Dose
 Endpoint
What is the mechanism?
 appears to uncouple TCA from myocardial sodium
 Alkalinization may increase protein binding
Increases the extracellular sodium
 improves the gradient across the channel.
The initial bolus of 1-2 mEq/kg
A constant infusion of sodium bicarbonate
 commonly accepted clinical practice without any
controlled studies validating the optimum
 100 to 150 mEq of sodium bicarbonate to each
liter of 5% dextrose,
▪ the resulting solution is hypotonic or nearly isotonic.
What if NaHCO3 doesn’t work?
 may require treatment with lidocaine and/or
magnesium sulfate.
 Class Ia and Ic agents contraindicated
 Beta blockers and CCB
▪ Worsen or potentiate hypotension
Hypotension, Persistent
 Direct acting alpha agonists, such as norepinephrine and
 Dopamine may not be as effective
▪ Require release of endogenous catecholamines that may be
depleted during TCA toxicity.
 Dopamine or dobutamine alone may result in unopposed
beta-adrenergic activity due to TCA induced alpha
blockade and, therefore, may worsen hypotension.
 Vasopressin (ADH)
What about Seizures from TCA
 Usually brief (<1 min)
 self-limiting
 acidosis increase cardiovascular toxicity.
Phenytoin is no longer recommended
 limited efficacy and possible prodysrhythmic.
 Phenobarbital may be used as a long-acting
Agitation from TCA
 Anticholinergic effects
 Benzodiazepines are also the treatment of choice
 Physostigmine is contraindicated in TCA overdoses
▪ May cause bradycardia and asystole in the setting of TCA
 Flumazenil is contraindicated even in the presence of a
benzodiazepine co-ingestion.
▪ Several case reports - seizures
Emergency department discharge criteria
 At least 6 hour observation period
 No significant sign of toxicity during observation
period, including normal follow-up ECG prior to
 Accidental ingestion
 Appropriate follow-up measures in place
 Adequately supervised home environment