Testicular tumors and STDs Dr. Basu MD Our topic A. Classification of testicular tumor. B. Seminoma C. Embryonal carcinoma D. Yolk sac tumor E. Choriocarcinoma F. Teratoma G. Diagnosis of these tumors What you should know about a Testicular tumor Age Gross and microscopy Markers Clinical Presentation Classification of testicular tumor. 1. Tumor arising from the Germ cells 2. Tumor arising from Leydig cells( produce endocrine abnormality). 3. Tumor arising from Sertoli cells. Tumor arising from the Germ cells 1. A. B. C. D. E. Tumors with one histological pattern Seminoma Embryonal carcinoma Yolk sac tumor Choriocarcinoma Teratoma 2. Tumor with more than one histological pattern 3. Miscellaneous Seminoma Vs Non seminomatous tumor of testis Seminoma Radiosensitive Late metastasis Good prognosis Embryonal carcinoma, Yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma Not Early Bad Tumors and the diagnostic points Classic Seminoma Seminoma cells. Lymphocyte in stroma. Primitive cells. Cells are positive for PAS Choriocarcinoma Malignant trophoblast. Elevated beta hcG Yolk sac tumor Schillar Duval body – glomeruloid body Elevated AFP Embryonal Carcinoma Both AFP and beta hcG elevated Teratoma Pure Teratoma Tissues of all three germ-cell layer. No specific marker Teratoma + foci of Tissues of all three choriocarcinoma germ-cell layer + malignant trophoblast Increased beta-hcG Teratoma + foci of Tissues of all three Embryonal germ-cell layer + carcinoma Embryonal carcinoma Increased AFP & hcG Seminoma [Classic] 1. Most common types of testicular neoplasm. 2. Age : 15 to 34 years 3. Note: Some Seminoma may contain trophoblastic content. In these type of Seminoma Beta-HCG will be mildly elevated. Variant of Seminoma Variant : Spermatocytic Seminoma In this case metastasis is rare, common in old people. Three types of cell are seen 1. large multinucleated cells, 2. medium size cells and 3. small cells that reminiscent of spermatocytes Seminoma Gross Features : large, soft, homogenous, grey-white Seminoma : Microscopy 1. Seminoma cells ([ PAS positive] : Large cells with distinct border , round nuclei and prominent nucleoli. 2. Lymphocytes, plasma cell in stroma. Seminoma counterpart in Ovary DYSGERMINOMA Embryonal carcinoma Age : 20-30 years. Features : 1. Often multiple metastasis is present at the time of diagnosis. 2. Often it contain other foci of Yolk sac tumor, teratoma and Choriocarcinoma. 3. So both AFP and beta hcG will be elevated ( non specific) Embryonal carcinoma Features : Red to tan to brown areas, including prominent hemorrhage and necrosis. Sheets of primitive looking blue cells. Embryonal carcinoma and Teratoma [ Teratocarcinoma] Features : Chondroid white areas (teratoma) in a Embryonal carcinoma. Solid cystic mass in Ultra soundTeratocarcinoma Teratoma in testis Age = all ages Almost always malignant ( unlike ovary – where it is usually benign) Yolk sac tumor [ endodermal sinus tumor] Age : 3 years Histology : Presence of Schiller – Duvall body ( glomeruloid body) Specific Marker = AFP Schillar Duval body – glomeruloid structure in yolk sac tumor ; locate it Choriocarcinoma Age = 20 -30 Pure Chorio carcinoma is rare in testis. It is always mixed with Teratoma, or other tumor even with Seminoma. Histology : Malignant cyto and syncytiotrophoblast without villous formation. Specific Marker = beta hcG Mixed tumor Add…………. Leydig cell tumor : Clinical features Small( 1-3 cm), nodular, circumscribed tumor, yellowish in colour Bilateral gyenecomastia and testicular enlargement force the patient to seek medical assistance. Quiz : name the markers Yolk sac tumor AFP Choriocarcinoma hcG Teratoma + Yolk sac tumor Teratoma + choriocarcinoma Teratoma + Embryonal carcinoma AFP hcG AFP and hcG Testicular tumor; clinical features 1. Painless swelling 2. Seminoma usually confined to testis. 3. Other non-seminomatous tumor widely metastasize . 4. Metastasis occur by both hematgenous and lymphatic route. Rest your eyes : Time for Sexually transmitted disease At a glance- STDs Pathogens Diseases Diagnostic points HPV ( 6,11) Condylomata acuminata Chlamydiae Trachomatis Urethritis, Koilocyte in the squamous epithelial cells. Granuloma and Neutrophils Mucopurulent urethral discharge. Culture negative Epididymitis. Lymphogranulo ma Venereum. STDs Pathogens Diseases Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Epididymitis, salpingitis Hemophilus ducreyi Diagnostic points Mucopurulent discharge. Culture positive. Chancroids Tender ulcer, (soft chancre) exudates present at ulcer base. Syphilis ; Treponema pallidum Primary syphilis Hard chancre Painless ulcer, clean moist base Negative serological tests of the ulcer. Positive for treponoma pallidum in scrap smear Secondary syphilis Strongly Positive both Anti treponomal antibody test and Nontrepomomal test Secondary Generalized Serological syphilis lymphadenopathy testes positive . Maculopapular rash. Condylomata lata Syphilis Tertiary syphilis Positive anti treponomal antibody test. Negative – Nontrepomomal antibody test Cardiovascular disease. Neurosyphilis ( general paresis) Development of gumma in bone , skin, mucus membrane. STDs Calymmatobact Granuloma erium donovani Inguinale Genital herpes simplex Ulcerative papular lesions on the external genitalia. Painful Presence of erythematous cowdry type vesicles A inclusion Condylomata acuminata ( HPV infection type 6,11) : Genital Warts Gonorrhea ; clinical features Male : Epididymitis, may involve prostate. Female : salpingitis, infertility Infants ( during delivery) : Purulent infection of the eye : Ophthalmia neonatorum). Lymphogranuloma Venereum, LGV lymphadenopathy. Mixed Granulomatous and neutrophilic inflammation. Diagnosis - LGV Demonstration of organism in Biopsy section / exudates- in active lesion. ELISA performed on serum. “Soft chancre” –Chancroid in Hemophilus ducreyi infection. Ulcer contain yellowish exudates. Syphilis ( Primary- Painless clear base ulcer, no exudates) ; hard chancre Syphilis ( secondary – maculopapular rash) Histology shows plasma cells and lymphocytes Syphilis - Secondary :: Condylomata lata This broad base, elevated lesion seen in the moist areas. Cause of false positive VDRL test 1. 2. 3. 4. SLE Lepromatous leprosy Pregnancy Antiphospholipid syndrome Granuloma Inguinale ; ulcerated papular lesion Calymmatobacterium donovani Genital herpes simplex : Painful erythematous vesicles Etiology : HSV type 2 and 1 Gonorrhea Syphilis Genital Herpes Neisseria gonorrhea Treponema pallidum Herpes simplex, Type2 Genital Warts Human papilloma virus Granuloma Inguinale Calymmatobacterium donovani Chlamydia trachomatis C. trachomatis Chlamydial Infections Lymphogranuloma Venereum Chancroid (mostly), occasionally HSV-1 (HPV) Haemophilus ducreyi Best of luck