Du`a al-Kumayl

‫دعای کمیل‬
ãÈå×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad.
AØáw éÄâ¾ åYá¯ãsáÑ ØXéÂB áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ
O Alláh! I ask You, By your mercy, which
covers all things,
AØáw éÄâ¾ CÏãQ áVåoáÏẠØXéÂB áÀãWéÒâ»ãQ
by Your power, which overpowers all
AØáw êÄâ¾ CÏá éÁál áÑ AØáw êÄâ¾ CÏáÂ
á°á£ág áÑ
and to which everything submits and is
èAØáw éÄâ¾ CÏãQ áYåRáÃá² Ø~~ãXéÂB
áÀãWÑâoáRá`ãQ áÑ
By Your might, by which You overcome all
çAØáw CÏá âÅÒâ»áÖÙ ØãXéÂB áÀãWéqã¯ãQ
By Your glory, before which nothing
èAØáw éÄâ¾ åVÜáÆ Ø~~~~~~ãXéÂB
áÀãXáÇá«á¯ãQ áÑ
By Your magnificence, which fills all things.
èAØáw êÄâ¾ Úá® ÕãméÂB áÀãÊCá§åÃâtãQ áÑ
By Your authority, which rises over all
èAØáw ëÄâ¾ ãACËᶠák~~~~å¯áQ ØãºCRÂB
áÀãÏå_áÒãQ áÑ
By Your face (i.e. essence), which remains
after the destruction of all things.
èAØáw ëÄâ¾ áÉC¾ånF åVÜáÆ ØãXéÂB
áÀãMCÇåsGãQ áÑ
By Your names (attributes) which manifest
Your power over all things.
èAØáw ëÄâ¿ãQ á¦CcF Õãm~~~~é~ÂB áÀãÇåÃã¯ãQ
By Your knowledge, which encompasses all
èAØáw êÄâ¾ âÐá áAC¢F ÕãméÂB áÀãÏå_áÑ
ãnÒâËãQ áÑ
And, by the light of Your face (i.e. essence),
through which all things shine.
ârÑêk⺠CÖ ânÒâÊ CÖ
O Light, O most Holy,
áÌ~~~×ãÂéÑÛB áÁéÑF CÖ
O First of those who are first,
áÌ~ÖoãgÝB áoãgD CÖ áÑ
and Last of those who are last!
áÈá|ã¯ÂB âÀ~~~~ã~XåÏáW ØãXéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB
áØã åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which tear
apart modesty.
áÈá»ëËÂB âÁãqåËâW ØãXéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB áØãÂ
åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which bring
down misfortunes.
áÈá¯ëËÂB âoë×á³âW Ø~~~ã~XéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB
áØã åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which alter
áAC®êkÂB âuãRådáW ØãXéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB
áØã åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which hold
back supplication.
áAáC_éoÂB â°á§å»áW ØãXéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB
áØã åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which cut
down hopes.
áAÚáRÂB âÁãqåËâW ØãXéÂB áPÒâÊêmÂB áØãÂ
åoã·å²H éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Forgive me those sins, which bring
down distress.
âÐâXåRáÊålF èSåÊál éÄâ¾ áØã åoã·å²H
O Alláh! Forgive me every sin that I have
CÏ~~~~â~WG§~ågF èUN×ã§ág éÄâ¾ áÑ
and every mistake that I have made.
á½ãoå¾ãmãQ áÀ×áÂH âPéoá»áWF ØëÊH
O Alláh! I approach You by Your
áÀãtå·áÊ ÔÂH áÀãQ â°ã·åxáXåsF áÑ
seek Your intercession through Yourself,
áÀãQåo⺠åÌãÆ ØãËá×ãÊåkâW åÉF á½ãjÒâ`ãQ
áÀâÂGåsF áÑ
and ask You by Your generosity, to bring
me closer to You,
á½áoå¿âw ØËá®ãpÒâW åÉF áÑ
to bestow upon me (the ability to) thank
á½áoå¾ãl ØËáÇãÏåÃâW åÉF áÑ
and to inspire me to Your remembrance.
è°ãwCg èÄëÂámáXâÆ è°ã¢Cg áÁBKâs áÀâÂGåsF
O Alláh! I ask You as a (person who is)
submissive, humble and obedient,
ØËáÇácåoáW áÑ ØËádãÆCátâW åÉF
to treat me kindly, to have mercy on me,
ãÁBáÒåcÛB ã°×ãÇá_ ض áÑ æC¯ãÊCº æC×ã¢Bán
áÀãÇåtã»ãQ ØËáÃá¯å`áW áÑ
and to make me satisfied, content, and
humble in all circumstances.
âÐâXáºC¶ åVékáXåwH åÌáÆ áÁBKâs áÀâÂGåsF
O Alláh! I ask You as a person whose
poverty is intense,
âÐáXá_Cc ãkãMBk~~~~~~~éxÂB ákåËã® áÀãQ
áÁáqåÊF áÑ
who presents his need only to You,
âÐâXáRå²án á½ákåËã® CáÇå×㶠áÈâ«á® áÑ
and whose desire is great for what (only)
You have.
áÀâÊC¿áÆ Úá® áÑ áÀâÊC§åÃâs áÈâ«á®
O Alláh! Great is Your authority,
exalted is Your place,
á½âoåÆF áoáÏ᪠áÑ á½âoå¿áÆ áØã·ág áÑ
unknown is Your plan,
clear is Your command,
áÀâWánåk⺠åVáoá_ áÑ á½âoåÏẠáSáÃá² áÑ
overwhelming is Your might,
unhindered is Your power,
áÀãXáÆÒâ¿âc åÌãÆ ânBáoã·ÂB âÌã¿åÇâÖ Ù áÑ
and escape from Your judgement is
æBoãWCs ØãdãMCRá»ã ٠áÑ æBoã¶C²
ØãQÒâÊâmã âkã_F Ù éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! I cannot find anyone who can
forgive my sins, cover my ugly misdeeds,
á½áoå×á² æÙëkáRâÆ ãÌátádÂCãQ ãe~~~~×ãRá»ÂB
ØãÃáÇá® åÌãÆ èAØáxã ٠áÑ
or change my misdeeds to good,
except You.
á½ãkåÇádãQ áÑ áÀáÊCdåRâs áYåÊF éÙH áÐÂH
There is no god but You.
Glory and praise be to You.
ØãÃåÏá`ãQ âVFéoá`áW áÑ Ø~~ãtå·áÊ âYåÇáÃáª
I have wronged myself,
I dared (to sin) because of my ignorance,
éØáÃá® áÀëËáÆ áÑ Øã á½ãoå¾ãl ãÈÖãkáº
ÔÂH âYåËá¿ás áÑ
but I have depended on Your eternal
remembrance of me, and Your
(continuous) grace on me.
âÐáWåoáXás èeå×ãRẠåÌãÆ åÈá¾ áÕÙåÒáÆ
O Alláh! O my Protector! How many ugly
(deeds) You have concealed!
âÐáXåÃáºF ãAÚáRÂB áÌãÆ èbãjCᶠåÌãÆ åÈá¾
How many heavy misfortunes You have
âÐáXå×áºáÑ ènCá\ã® åÌãÆ åÈá¾ áÑ
How many stumbles You have prevented!
âÐáXå¯á¶áj èÍÑâoå¿áÆ åÌãÆ åÈá¾ áÑ
How many ordeals You have repelled!
âÐáWåoáxáÊ âÐá æÚåÎF âYåtá èÄ×ãÇá_
èACËá[ åÌãÆ åÈá¾ áÑ
How many graceful praises, which I am not
worthy of, You have spread!
ØãÂCác âAÒâs åØãQ á¦áoå¶F áÑ ØãMÚáQ
áÈâ«á® éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! My distress is great,
my sorry plight exceeded the limits,
åØãÂÚå²F åØãQ åVáká¯áº áÑ åØãÂCáÇå®F
åØãQ åVáoâ|ẠáÑ
my deeds are inadequate,
my chains have kept me down,
ØãÂCÆD âkå¯âQ Øã¯å·áÊ åÌá® ØãËátáRác áÑ
and, my desires have withheld me from my
(own advantages).
CáÎãnÑâoâ³ãQ C×åÊêkÂB åØãËåXá®ákág áÑ
The world has deceived me by its illusion,
ØãÂC§ãÆ áÑ CÏãXáÊC×ãhãQ Øãtå·áÊ áÑ
and my soul by its offenses,
and my postponement.
áÀãWéqã¯ãQ áÀâÃáNåsGᶠ,Õãkë×~~~á~s CÖ
O my Master! I ask You by Your might,
ØãÂCá¯ã¶ áÑ ØãÃáÇá® âAÒâs ØãMC®âj
áÀåËá® áSâ`ådáÖ Ù åÉF
not to let my ugly deeds and acts conceal
my supplication from You,
Õëoãs å ÌãÆ ãÐå×áÃá® áYå¯áÃé¦B CÆ ëØã·áhãQ
ØãËådá£å·áW Ù áÑ
not to disgrace me by exposing what is
secret of my (acts), which (only) You are
aware of,
ØãWBÒáÃág Ø㶠âÐâXåÃãÇá® CÆ ÔáÃá®
ãUáQÒâ»â¯ÂCãQ ØãËåÃã_Cá¯âW Ù áÑ
not to hasten the punishment of what I have
done secretly,
ØãWáAC~~~~~sH áÑ ØãÃå¯ã¶ ãAÒâs åÌ~~~ã~Æ
such as, my ugly deeds, my offenses,
ØãXáÂCÏá_ áÑ Øã§Öãoå·áW ãÅBÑáj áÑ
my continuous negligence, my ignorance,
ØãXáÃå·á² áÑ ØãWBÒáÏ~~~á~w ãTáoå\á¾ áÑ
my manifold passions, and my
æC¶ÑâJán ãÁBáÒåcÛB ëÄâ¾ Ø㶠ØãÂ
áÀãWéqã¯ãQ éÈâÏäÃÂB ãÌâ¾ áÑ
O Alláh! By Your might, Be compassionate
to me in all circumstances,
æC¶Òâ§á® ãnÒâÆÛB ã°~~~×ãÇá_ Ø㶠éØáÃá®
and have grace on me on all matters.
ØëQán áÑ ØãÏÂH
My God and my Lord!
Õëo⢠á¸~~åxá¾ âÐâÂGåsF á½âoå×á² Øã åÌáÆ
Whom can I ask beside You, to remove my
ÕãoåÆF Ø㶠áo~~~~~á«éËÂB áÑ
and to look into my affairs?
My God and my Protector!
Øãtå·áÊ ÓáÒáÎ ãÐ×㶠âYå¯áRéWH æCÇå¿âc
éØáÃá® áYåÖáoå_F
You have laid on me rules (to follow), but I
followed my own whims.
ÕêÑâk~~á~® ãÌ×ãÖåqáW åÌ~~~ãÆ ãÐ×ã¶
årãoáXåcF åÈá áÑ
I did not remain wary of adorning my
ÓáÒåÎF CÇãQ ØãÊéoá³á¶
Therefore, he was (able to) deceive me
through my desires,
âAC£á»ÂB áÀãÂál ÔáÃá® âÍáká¯~~~~åsF áÑ
and destiny favoured him in this (matter).
á½ãjÑâkâc á¤å¯áQ áÀãÂál åÌãÆ éØáÃá® Óáoá_
CÇãQ âVåpáÑC`áXá¶
Thus I exceeded Your limits by violation of
Your rules,
á½ãoãÆBáÑF á¤å¯áQ âYå·áÂCág áÑ
and disobeyed some of Your commands.
áÀãÂál ã°×ãÇá_ Ø㶠éØáÃá® âUé`âdÂB áÀáÃá¶
Therefore, Yours is the argument against
me in all of that,
á½âJC£áº ãÐ×㶠éØáÃá® Óáoá_ CÇ×㶠ØãÂ
áUé`âc Ù áÑ
and I have no argument (regarding) Your
judgement against me,
á½âJÚáQ áÑ áÀâÇå¿âc ØãËáÆáqåÂF áÑ
nor in what Your decree and tribulation
imposed upon me.
Õão×ã|å»áW ákå¯áQ ØãÏÂH CÖ áÀâXå×áWF åkáº
I come to You, My God, after my
Øãtå·áÊ ÔáÃá® Øã¶BáoåsH áÑ
and my immoderation against myself,
æBoãtá¿åËâÆ æCÆãjCáÊ æBnãmáXå¯âÆ
proffering my excuse, regretful, broken,
æCRå×ãËâÆ æBoã·å³áXåtâÆ æÚ×ã»áXåtâÆ
apologizing, asking forgiveness, repenting,
æC¶ãoáXå¯âÆ æCËã®åmâÆ æBëoã»âÆ
acknowledging, submissive, confessing.
ØëËãÆ áÉCá¾ CéÇãÆ æBéoá·áÆ âkã_F Ù
I do not find any way out from what I have
ÕãoåÆF Ø㶠ãÐå×áÂH âÐé_áÒáWF æC®áqå·áÆ
Ù áÑ
nor any place of refuge to turn to about my
Õãnåmâ® áÀãÂÒâRẠáoå×á²
other than Your acceptance of my apology,
áÀãXáÇåcán åÌãÆ èUá¯ás Ø㶠áÕCéÖH
áÀãÂCágåjH áÑ
and Your entering me into the range of Your
Õãnåmâ® åÄáRåºCᶠéÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Therefore, accept my apology,
Õëo⢠áTékãw åÈácånB áÑ
have mercy upon the severity of my
ØãºC[ãÑ ëkáw åÌãÆ ØãËé¿â¶ áÑ
and free me from the tightness of my
ØãÊákáQ á¸å¯á¢ åÈácånB ëPán C~á~Ö
O Lord! Have mercy upon the weakness of
my body,
ÕãkåÃã_ áUéºãn áÑ
the thinness of my skin,
ØãÇå«á® áUéºãj áÑ
and the frailty of my bones.
Õãoå¾ãl áÑ Øã»åÃág FákáQ åÌáÆ C~~Ö
O You who gave rise to my creation, my
ØãXáÖãmå³áW áÑ ÕëoãQ áÑ ØãXá×ãQåoáW áÑ
my upbringing, my welfare and
ØãQ á½ëoãQ ã¸ãÂCs áÑ áÀãÆáoá¾
ãABkãXåQãÙ ØãËåRáÎ
bestow upon me, for the sake of Your
having given rise (to me), with generosity,
and Your previous goodness to me!
ØëQán áÑ Õãkë×ás áÑ ØãÏÂH CÖ
O my God, my Master, and my Lord!
á½ãk×ãcåÒáW ákå¯áQ á½ãnCáËãQ ØãQëmá¯âÆ
Can You see me punished with Your fire
after my belief in Your unity,
áÀãXá¶ãoå¯áÆ åÌãÆ ØRåÃẠãÐå×áÃá®
ÓÒá§åÊB CÆákå¯ãQ áÑ
after my heart recognizes You,
á½ãoå¾ãl åÌãÆ ØãÊCtã ãÐãQ áaãÏá áÑ
and my tongue speaks continuously of
Your remembrance,
áÀëRâc åÌãÆ Õão×ãÇᢠâÍáká»áXå®B áÑ
and my mind believes in Your love?
áÀáXé×ãQÒâQâoã æC¯ã¢Cg ØãMC®âj áÑ
Øã¶BoãX®B ã¹åkã{ ákå¯áQ áÑ
After my true confession and humble
supplication to Your lordship?
âÐáXå×éQán åÌáÆ á°ë×á£âW åÉF åÌãÆ âÅáoå¾F
áY~~å~ÊF áVCÏå×áÎ
Far be it from You! You are too generous to
abandon one whom You have nurtured,
âÐáXå×áÊåjF åÌáÆ ákë¯áRâW åÑF
or to push away from (Your mercy) one
whom You have (already) brought near,
âÐ~~~á~XåÖáÑD åÌáÆ ájëoáxâW åÑF
or to drive away one whom You have given
âÐáXåÇãcán áÑ âÐáXå×á·á¾ åÌáÆ ãAÚáRÂB
ÔáÂH áÈëÃátâW åÑF
or to leave to misfortune one whom You
have spared and shown mercy.
áÕÙåÒáÆ áÑ ØãÏÂH áÑ Õãkë×ás CÖ Õãoå¯ãw
I wish I knew, O my Master, my God, my
æTákã_C~~~~~á~s áÀãXáÇá«á¯ã åVéo~~á~g
èÍÒ~~â_âÑ ÔÃá® ánCéËÂB â¨ëÃátâWF
how You could impose fire on faces, which
fall down prostrating to Your
á½ãoå¿ãxâQ áÑ æUáºãjC{ á½ãk×ãcåÒáXãQ
åYá»á§áÊ èÌ~â~tÂF Ô~~~á~Ãá® áÑ
and on tongues which have already
sincerely declared Your unity, and have
always been thankful,
æUá»ë»ádâÆ áÀãXé×ãÏÂIãQ åYá¶áoáXå®B
èPåÒâÃ⺠ÔáÃá® áÑ
and on hearts which surely acknowledge
Your divinity,
åVánCá{ ÔéXác áÀãQ ãÈåÃã¯ÂB áÌãÆ åVáÒác
áoãMCÇᢠÔÃá® áÑ
and on minds which possess knowledge of
You until they become humble,
æUá¯ãMC¦ á½ãkêRá¯áW ãÉC¦åÑF ÔáÂH
åYá¯~~~á~s ábãnBáÒá_ ÔÃá® áÑ
æUáËã®åmâÆ á½ãnC·å³ãX~å~sCãQ åVánC~~wF
and on limbs which obediently moved to
places of Your worship, and beckoned for
áÀãQ êÌé«ÂB Bmá¿Î CÆ
No such opinion is held of You!
âÈåÖãoá¾ CÖ áÀåËá® áÀãÃå£á·ãQ CÊåoãRågâF
Ù áÑ
Nor have we heard of (such a result),
thanks to Your bounty, concerning You, O
the most Generous.
C×åÊêkÂB ãAÚáQ åÌãÆ èÄ×ãÃẠåÌá® Øã·å¯á¢
âÈáÃå¯áW áYåÊF áÑ ëPán CÖ
CÏãWCQåÒâ»â® áÑ
O Lord! You know my weakness (to endure)
a small portion of worldly misfortune, its
punishments and difficulties,
CÏãÃåÎF ÔÃá® ãÍãnC¿áÇÂB áÌãÆ CÏ×㶠Õãoå`áÖ
which fall upon its inhabitants,
âÍJC»áQ ço×ãtáÖ âÐâ\å¿áÆ çÄ×ãÃẠçÍÑâoå¿áÆ
áÑ çAÚáQ áÀãÂl éÉF ÔÃá®
âÐâWékâÆ ço×|áº
even though it is a misfortune and
difficulty, whose stay is short, whose
subsistence is little, and whose duration
ãTáoãgÝB ãAÚáRã ØãÂCÇãXåcB á¸å×á¿á¶
How then can I bear the misfortune of the
CÏ×㶠ãÍãnC¿áÇÂB ãÒâºâÑ ãÄ×ãÃá_ áÑ
and the occurrence of difficulties within it?
âÐâWékâÆ âÁÒâ§áW çAÚáQ áÒâÎ áÑ
For it is a misfortune whose duration will be
âÐâÆC»áÆ âÅÑâkáÖ áÑ
whose situation will continue,
ãÐãÃåÎF åÌá® â¸é·áhâÖ ÙáÑ
and whose sufferers are given no respite,
áÀã§áhás áÑ áÀãÆC»ãXåÊB áÑ áÀãRá£á² åÌá®
ÙH âÉÒâ¿áÖ Ù âÐéÊÛ
because it occurs as a result of Your wrath,
vengeance, and anger,
â¡ånÛB áÑ âVBÑCÇétÂB âÐá âÅÒâ»áW Ù CÆ
BmÎ áÑ
and these cannot be withstood by the
Heavens and the Earth.
ØãQ á¸å×á¿á¶ Õãkë×ás CÖ
O my Master! So what about me?
âÌ×ã¿åtãÇÂB âo×ã»ádÂB âÄ×ãÂémÂB â¸×ã¯é£ÂB
á½âkåRá® CÊF áÑ
For I am Your weak, insignificant, low, poor,
and humble servant.
áÕÙåÒáÆ áÑ Õãkë×ás áÑ ØëQán áÑ ØãÏÂH CÖ
O my God, my Lord, my Master, and my
Òâ¿åwF áÀå×áÂH ãnÒâÆÛB ëÕÛ
About which of my affairs shall I complain
to You,
Øã¿åQF áÑ êaã¢F CÏåËãÆ CÇã áÑ
and for which shall I lament and weep?
ãÐãWékãw áÑ ãPBmá¯ÂB ãÈ×ãÂÛ
For the grievous punishment and its
ãÐãWékâÆ áÑ ãAÚáRÂB ãÁÒâ§ã åÅF
or for the length of misfortune and its
áÀãMBkå®F á°áÆ ãVCQÒâ»â¯åÃã ØãËáWåoé×á{
Therefore, if You take me to the punishment
with Your enemies,
áÀãMÚáQ ãÄåÎF áÌå×áQ áÑ ØãËå×áQ áYå¯áÇá_
gather me with the people of Your
áÀãMC×ãÂåÑF áÑ áÀãMCéRãcF áÌå×áQ áÑ
ØãËå×áQ áYåºéoᶠáÑ
and separate me from those who love You
and those who adore You,
ØëQán áÑ áÕÙåÒáÆ áÑ Õãkë×ás áÑ ØãÏÂH CÖ
then, O my God, my Master, my Lord,
áÀãQBámá® ÔÃá® âVåoáRá{
suppose that I am patient with Your
áÀãºBo㶠ÔÃá® âoãRå{F á¸å×á¿á¶
how then, would I be patient with my
separation from You?
á½ãnCÊ ëoác ÔÃá® âVåoáRá{ ØãËåRáÎ áÑ
Suppose that I would be patient with the
heat of Your fire,
áÀãXáÆBoá¾ ÔÂB ão~á~«éËÂB ãÌá® âoãRå{F
how then, would I endure not looking up to
Your generosity?
á½âÒå·á® ØãMC_án áÑ ãnCéËÂB Ø㶠âÌâ¿åsF
á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how would I dwell in fire, while I hope for
Your forgiveness?
æCºãjC{ âÈãtåºâF áÕÙåÒáÆ áÑ Õãkë×ás CÖ
I swear by Your might, O my Master and my
æC»ã¦CÊ ØãËáXå¾áoáW åÌãNáÂ
if You leave me with (the power) of speech,
áÌå×ãÃãÆÝB áaå×ã`ᢠCÏãÃåÎF áÌå×áQ áÀå×áÂH
I will cry out to You from among the
inhabitants (of Hell) like those who cry out
of hope,
áÌ×ãgãoå|áX~~~åtâÇÂB áfBoâ{ áÀå×áÂH
éÌá~~gâoå{Û áÑ
I will scream like those who scream (for
áÌÖãkãºC·ÂB áAC~~~~~~~á¿âQ áÀå×áÃá®
éÌá×ã¿åQÛ áÑ
I will weep like those who have lost hope,
áÌ×ãËãÆåKâÇÂB éØãÂáÑ CÖ áYåËâ¾ áÌåÖF
áÀéËáÖãjCÊâÛ áÑ
and I will call You (saying),
“Where are You, O the Protector of
áÌ×ã¶ãnC¯ÂB ãÁCÆD áUáÖC² CÖ
O Goal of the hopes of those who know
áÌ×ã\å×ã³áXåtâÇÂB áZC×ã² CÖ
O the Helper of those who appeal for help!
áÌ×ãºãjCé|ÂB ãPÒâÃ⺠áSå×ãRác CÖ
O the Beloved of the sincere!
and O the Lord of the worlds!”
á½ãkåÇádãQ áÑ ØãÏÂH CÖ áÀáÊCdåRâs
Can You see Yourself, Glory be to You, O
my God, and Yours is the praise,
èÈãÃåtâÆ èk~åRá® áVåÒá{ CÏå×㶠â°áÇåtáW
hearing within the fire, the voice of a
submissive servant,
ãÐãXá·áÂChâÇãQ CÏå×㶠áÌã`âs
who is imprisoned within (the fire) because
of his disobedience,
ãÐãXá×ã|å¯áÇãQ CÏãQBmá® áÈå¯á¦ á¹Bl áÑ
tasting the flavour of its punishments for
his resistance,
ãÐãWáoåÖãoá_ áÑ ãÐãÆåoâ`ãQ CÏãºCRå¦F
áÌå×áQ áuãRâc áÑ
confined within the layers (of the Hell) for
his sins and crimes,
áÀãXáÇåcáoã èÄëÆáKâÆ áaå×ã`ᢠáÀå×áÂH
êaã£áÖ áÒâÎ áÑ
while he cries as one who hopes for your
á½ãk×ãcåÒáW ãÄåÎF ãÉCtãÃãQ áÀåÖãjCËâÖ áÑ
calls You with the tongue of those who
profess Your unity,
áÀãXé×ãQÒâQâoãQ áÀå×áÂH âÄésáÒáXáÖ áÑ
and requests You by Your lordship!
ãPBmá¯ÂB Ø㶠ԻåRáÖ á¸å×á¿á¶ áÕÙåÒáÆ CÖ
O my Protector! Then how (can Your
servant) remain in pain,
áÀãÇåÃãc åÌãÆ á¸áÃás CÆ Òâ_åoáÖ áÒâÎ áÑ
while he has hope for Your past leniency?
ânCéËÂB âÐâÇãÂåKâW á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how can the fire hurt him,
áÀáXáÇåcán áÑ áÀáÃå£á¶ âÄâÆGÖ áÒâÎ áÑ
while he has hope in Your kindness and
CáÏâRå×ãÏá âÐâºãoådâÖ á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how can the fire hurt him,
âÐáÊC¿áÆ ÓoáW áÑ âÐáWåÒá{ â°áÇåtáW áYåÊF
while You hear his voice and see his place?
CÎâo×ã¶áp ãÐå×áÃá® âÄãÇáXåxáÖ á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how can the exhaling (of the fire) cover
âÐá·å¯á¢ âÈáÃå¯áW áYåÊF áÑ
while You know his weakness?
CÏãºCRå¦F áÌå×áQ âÄá»åÃá»áXáÖ á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how can he be immersed in its layers,
âÐáºåkã{ âÈáÃå¯áW áYåÊF áÑ
while You know his sincerity?
CÏâXá×ãÊCQáp âÍâoâ_åqáW á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how can the (fire’s) guards hold him
âÍCéQán CÖ áÀÖãjCËâÖ áÒâÎ áÑ
while he calls out to You, “O my Lord!”
CÏå×㶠âÐá¾âoåXáXᶠCÏåËãÆ ãÐã»åXã® Øã¶
áÀáÃå£á¶ Òâ_åoáÖ á¸å×á¾ åÅF
Or how should he have hope of Your grace
in freeing him from the fire while You
abandon him within it?
áÀãQ âÌé~«ÂB áÀãÂl CÆ áVCÏå×áÎ
Far be it from You! That is not expected of
áÀãÃå£á¶ åÌãÆ âµÑâoå¯áÇÂB Ù áÑ
nor is it known of Your grace,
á½éoãQ åÌãÆ áÌÖãkëcáÒâÇÂB ãÐãQ
áYå~ÃáÆC® CÇã äÐãRåxâÆ Ù áÑ
áÀãÊCtåcH áÑ
nor is it similar to the kindness and
generosity with which You have treated
the believers in Your unity.
áÀÖãkãcC_ ãSÖãmå¯áW åÌãÆ ãÐãQ áYåÇá¿ác
CÆ ÙåÒá â°á§åºF ãÌ×ã»á×ÂCãRá¶
Therefore, I am certain that had You not
decreed punishment for the disbelievers
in You,
áÀÖãkãÊC¯âÆ ãjÚågH åÌãÆ ãÐãQ áYå×á£áº áÑ
and to leave the opposers (in the fire) that
lasts forever,
æCÆÚás áÑ æBjåoáQ CÏáÃâ¾ ánCéËÂB
then You would have made the fire totally
cold and peaceful,
æCÆC»âÆ Ù áÑ æBéoá»áÆ CÏ×㶠èkácÛ áÉC¾
and no one would have any place in it,
neither permanently, nor even for a short
áYåÇátåºF á½âJCÇåsF åYáséká»áW áÀéËã¿Â
But You, Holy are Your Names, have sworn,
áÌ×ã¯áÇå_F ãrCéËÂB áÑ ãUéËã`ÂB áÌãÆ
áÌÖãoã¶C¿ÂB áÌãÆ CÎÜåÇáW åÉF
that You will fill it with unbelievers from the
jinn and humankind (alike),
áÌÖãkãÊC¯âÇÂB CÏ×㶠ákëÃáhâW åÉF áÑ
and that the unbelievers will last in it
æCMãkáXåRâÆ áYåÃ⺠á½âJCËá[ éÄá_ áYåÊF áÑ
And You, great is Your praise, said in the
æCÆëoá¿áXâÆ ãÅC¯åÊßCãQ áYåÂéÒá§áW áÑ
and (by Your) generosity, extended the
áÉÑâÒáXåtáÖ Ù æC»ãsC¶ áÉC¾ åÌáÇá¾
æCËãÆåKâÆ áÉC¾ åÌáÇá¶F
“Is he who is a believer like the one who is
not? No they cannot be alike.” (32:18)
Õãkë×ás áÑ ØãÏÂH
O my Lord and my Master!
CÏáWånékẠØãXäÂB ãTánåkâ»åÂCãQ
I ask You, by the power which You have
CÏáXåÇá¿ác áÑ CÏáXåÇáXác ØãXäÂB
ãUé×ã£á»ÂCãQ áÑ
by Your divine decree, which You have
determined and imposed,
CÏáXåÖáoå_F ãÐå×áÃá® åÌáÆ áYåRáÃá² áÑ
and through which You have overcome him
toward whom it has been put into effect,
ãUá®CätÂB ãÍãmÎ Ø㶠áÑ ãÐáÃå×äÃÂB ãÍãmÎ
Ø㶠Øã áSáÏáW åÉF
that You forgive me in this night, and at this
âÐâXåÆáoå_F èÅåoâ_ éÄâ¾
every offence I have committed,
âÐâXåRáÊålF èSåÊál éÄâ¾ áÑ
every sin I have performed,
âÐâWånáoåsF èeå×ãRẠéÄâ¾ áÑ
every ugly deed I have kept secret,
âÐâXåÃãÇá® èÄåÏá_ éÄâ¾ áÑ
every folly I have enacted,
âÐâXåËáÃå®F åÑF âÐâXåÇáXá¾
whether kept secret, or disclosed,
âÐâWåoáÏå~ªF åÑF âÐâXå×á·ågF
concealed, or manifest,
áVåoáÆF èUáNë×ás éÄâ¾ áÑ
and every evil act which You have ordered
the noble scribes to record,
ØëËãÆ âÉÒâ¿áÖ CÆ ã«å·ãdãQ åÈâÏáXåÃé¾áÑ
those whom You appointed to watch over
what is done by me,
ØãcãnBÒá_ á°áÆ éØáÃá® æBjÒâÏâw
åÈâÏáXåÃá¯á_ áÑ
and whom You made, along with my limbs,
witnesses against me,
åÈãÏãMBnáÑ åÌãÆ éØáÃá® áSå×ãºäoÂB áYåÊF
áYåËâ¾ áÑ
And You are the Watcher over me from
behind them,
åÈâÏåËá® áØã·ág CÇã ákãÎCéxÂB áÑ
and the witness of what is hidden from
âÐáWåoáXás áÀãÃå£á·ãQ áÑ âÐáXå×á·ågF
áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ áÑ
but through Your mercy You concealed it,
and through Your grace covered it.
âÐáXåÂáqåÊF èoå×ág ëÄâ¾ åÌãÆ Øë«ác
áoë¶áÒâW åÉF áÑ
And (I ask You) that You increase my share
of all the good You send down,
âÐáXåÃé£á¶ èÉCtåcH åÑF
or kindness which You confer,
âÐáWåoáxáÊ èäoãQ åÑF
or goodness You unfold,
âÐáXå§átãQ è¹åpãn åÑF
or provision You spread,
âÍâoã·å³áW èSåÊál åÑF
or sins You forgive,
âÍâoâXåtáW èI§ág åÑF
or mistakes You conceal.
ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord!
áÕÙåÒáÆ áÑ Õãkë×ás áÑ ØãÏÂH CÖ
O my God, my Master, my Protector,
Øëºãn áÀãÂCÆ áÑ
Master of my freedom!
ØãXá×ã{CÊ ãÍãká×ãQ åÌáÆ CÖ
O He who in whose hands is my forelock,
ØãXáËá¿åtáÆ áÑ Õëoâ£ãQ æCÇ×ãÃá® CÖ
O He who knows my affliction and my
ØãXáºC¶ áÑ Õãoå»á·ãQ æBoå×ãRág CÖ
O He who is well acquainted with my
poverty and need,
ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord!
áÀãsåk⺠áÑ áÀë»ádãQ áÀâÂGåsF
I ask You by Yourself, Your Holiness,
áÀãMCÇåsF áÑ áÀãWC·ã{ãÈá«å®F áÑ
Your great Attributes and Names,
æTánÒâÇå¯áÆ á½ãoå¾ãmãQ ãnCÏéËÂB áÑ
ãÄå×äÃÂB áÌãÆ ØãWCºåÑF áÄá¯å`áW åÉF
That You make my times in the night and
the day inhabited by Your remembrance,
æUáÂÒâ{åÒáÆ áÀãXáÆåkãhãQ áÑ
and joined to Your service,
æUáÂÒâRå»áÆ á½ákåËã® ØãÂCÇå®F áÑ
and my deeds acceptable to You,
æBkãcBÑ æBjånãÑ CÏêÃâ¾ ÕãjBnåÑF áÑ
ØãÂCÇå®F áÉÒâ¿áW ÔäXác
so that my deeds and my litanies may all
become one litany,
æBkáÆåoás áÀãXáÆåkãg Ø㶠ØãÂCác áÑ
and my (life be) devoted to Your service,
ØãÂéÒá¯âÆ ãÐå×áÃá® åÌáÆ CÖ Õãkë×ás CÖ
O my Master!
O He upon whom I depend!
ØãÂBÒåcF âVåÒá¿áw ãÐå×áÂH åÌáÆ CÖ
O He to whom alone I complain about my
ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ ëPán CÖ
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord!
ØãcãnBÒá_ áÀãXáÆåkãg ÔÃá® ëÒáº
Strengthen my limbs for Your service,
ØãdãÊBÒá_ ãUáÇÖãqá¯ÂB ÔÃá® åjâkåwB áÑ
fortify my ribs in determination,
áÀãXá×åxág Ø㶠ékã`ÂB áØã åSáÎ áÑ
grant me eagerness in Your fear,
áÀãXáÆåkãhãQ ãÁC|ëWßB Ø㶠áÅBÑékÂB áÑ
continuity in service to You,
áÌå×ã»ãQCétÂB ãÌåÖãjC×áÆ Ø㶠áÀå×áÂH
ábáoåsF ÔäXác
so that I may move towards You among
those who are first in their fields,
áÌåÖãnãjCRâÇÂB Ø㶠áÀå×áÂH áãoåsâF áÑ
hurry to You among those who are
áÌå×ãºCáXåxâÇÂB Ø㶠áÀãQåo⺠ÔÂH á¹CXåwF
yearn toward Your nearness among those
who are eager,
áÌå×ã|ãÃåhâÇÂB éÒâÊâj áÀåËãÆ áÒâÊåjF áÑ
become close to You with the closeness of
those who are sincere,
áÌå×ãËãºåÒâÇÂB áUá¶CháÆ áÀá¶CágF áÑ
fear You with the fear of those who are
áÌå×ãËãÆKâÇÂB á°áÆ á½ãnBÒã_ Øã¶
á°ãÇáXå_F áÑ
and join with the believers in Your
âÍåjãnGᶠèAÒâtãQ ØãÊájBnF åÌáÆ áÑ éÈâÏäÃÂB
O Alláh! Whoever wishes me evil, wish him
(the same),
âÍåk~ã~¿á¶ ØãÊájC~~~~¾ åÌáÆ áÑ
and whoever wants to deceive me, deceive
á½ákåËã® æCRå×~ã~|áÊ á½ãkå×ãRá® ãÌ~~á~tåcF
åÌãÆ ØãËåÃá¯å_B áÑ
Make me among the best of Your servants,
áÀåËãÆ æUáÂãqåËáÆ åÈãÏãQáoåºF áÑ
the closest in status to You,
áÀåÖáká æUá·åÂâp åÈãÏë|ágF áÑ
the most privileged to You.
áÀãÃå£á·ãQ éÙH áÀãÂl âÁCËâÖ Ù âÐéÊI~á¶
For that cannot be attained without Your
á½ãjÒâ`ãQ Øã åkâ_ áÑ
Grant me generously, by Your generosity.
á½ãkå`áÇãQ éØáÃá® å¸ã§å®B áÑ
Have sympathy toward me, by Your glory.
áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ ØãËå~«á·åcB áÑ
Protect me, by Your mercy.
æC`ãÏá á½ãoå¾ãmãQ ØãÊCtã åÄá¯å_B áÑ
Make my tongue dedicated to Your
æCÇé×áXâÆ áÀëRâdãQ ØãRåÃẠáÑ
and my heart subservient to Your love.
áÀãXáQC_H ãÌåtâdãQ éØáÃá® éÌâÆ áÑ
Be gracious to me by answering me
ØãXéÂáp åoã·å²H áÑ ØãWáoå\á® ØãËåÃãºF áÑ
prevent my stumbling, and forgive my
áÀãWájCRã¯ãQ á½ãjCRã® ÔÃá® áYå×á£áº
For You have demanded Your servants to
worship You,
áÀãMC®âkãQ åÈâÏáWåoáÆF áÑ
ordered them to call upon You,
áUáQC_ßB âÈâÏá áYåËãÇᢠáÑ
and assured them of Your fulfillment (of
their requests).
ØãÏå_áÑ âYåRá|áÊ ëPán CÖ áÀå×áÂI~á¶
Therefore toward You, O Lord, I have turned
my face,
ÕãkáÖ âVåjákáÆ ëPán CÖ áÀå×áÂH áÑ
and toward You, O Lord, I have extended
my hands.
ØãMC®âj Øã åSã`áXåsB áÀãWéqã¯ãRá¶
So by Your might, answer my supplication,
áÕCËâÆ ØãËå³ëÃáQ áÑ
make me attain my desire.
ØãMC_án áÀãÃå£á¶ åÌãÆ å°á§å»áW Ù áÑ
Do not cut off, by Your grace, my hope,
ØãMBkå®F åÌãÆ ãuåÊßB áÑ ëÌã`ÂB éoáw
ØãËã·å¾B áÑ
and protect me from the evil of my enemies
from among the jinn and humankind.
C¢ëoÂB á°Öãoás CÖ
O He whose pleasure is quickly achieved!
áAC®êkÂB ÙH âÀãÃåÇáÖ Ù åÌáÇã åoã·å²H
Forgive him who has nothing but prayer,
âACáxáW CÇã çÁCé¯á¶ áÀéÊIá¶
for You do what You please.
çABÑáj âÐâÇåsB åÌáÆ CÖ
O He whose name is a remedy,
çAC~~·ãw âÍâoå¾ãl áÑ
whose remembrance is a cure,
æÔáËã² âÐâXá®CᦠáÑ
and whose obedience is wealth!
âAC_äoÂB ãÐãÂCáÆ ârFán åÌáÆ åÈácånãB
Have mercy on him whose capital is hope,
âAC¿âRÂB âÐ~âcÚ~ã~s áÑ
and whose weapon is tears.
ãÈá»ëËÂB á°ã¶Báj CÖ ãÈá¯ëËÂB á´ãQCs CÖ
O He who provides ample blessings, and
who removes misfortunes!
ãÈáÃê~«ÂB Ø㶠áÌå×ãxãcåÒáXåtâÇÂB ánåÒâÊ CÖ
O the Light of those who are lonely in
âÈéÃá¯âÖ Ù æCÇãÂC® CÖ
O He who knows without being taught!
èkéÇádâÆ ãÁD áÑ èk~~éÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ëÄá{
Bless Muhammad and the family of
âÐâÃåÎF áY~å~ÊF CÆ ØãQ åÄá¯å¶B áÑ
and do with me what is worthy of You.
ãÐ~ãÂåÒ~â~sán Ô~Ãá® âÐäÃÂB ÔéÃá{ áÑ
And may Alláh bless His messenger,
ãÐãÃåÎF åÌãÆ Ìå×ãÆC×áÇÂB ãUéÇ~~ã~MÛB áÑ
and the blessed Imáms of his household,
æBo×ã\~~á~¾ æCÇ×ãÃ~~åtáW áÈéÃ~~~ás áÑ
and give them abundant peace!
èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{
O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad.