M-1 CHEST RADIOLOGY Francis H. Neuffer, MD USC-SOM 2009 Click for speaker notes 1 OBJECTIVES Understand chest X-ray anatomy Relate catheters and medical devices to anatomy Identify landmarks at standard CT section levels Correlate common pathology to anatomy 2 NORMAL CHEST X-RAY PA LATERAL Two (2) projections are needed for most x-rays to locate structures in 3 planes (1)Right or Left , (2) Anterior or Posterior) or (3) Superior or Inferior. 3 NORMAL PEDIATRIC CHEST WITH THYMUS 6 MONTHS OLD Normal pediatric chests will often have thymic tissue which looks masslike on a chest x-ray. This tissue involutes in the adult and is not seen. Adult chest 4 NORMAL HEART BORDERS Note cardiac chambers that account for margins on the chest X-ray 5 LEFT 4TH RIB POSTERIOR AND ANTERIOR PORTIONS POSTERIOR 4 ANTERIOR P A 6 LT. Rib fracture on the left are associated with a small pleural effusion blunting the costophrenic angle. Compare with normal RT. side. 7 BRONCHOGRAM—CONTRAST OUTLINING AIRWAY TRACHEA LT. MAIN BRONCHUS RT. MAIN BRONCHUS CARINA OBLIQUE FISSURE major OBLIQUE FISSURE (major) This exam shows barium contrast outlining the bronchial tree. This is an old exam not done now with CT imaging replacing it. It does demonstrate the anatomy of the hila which is superimposed over the pulmonary arteries and veins. This is why anatomy here on the chest X-ray is difficult in this region. 8 ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE IN POST OPERATIVE PATIENT NOTE THE ENDO TRACHEAL TUBE! Distal endotracheal tube in right main stem bronchus does not allows for ventilation of the left lung. The air in the left lung is absorbed into the blood stream and the lung collapsed into an airless state without effective aeration. Prompt retraction of the endotracheal tube will rectify this. 10 NORMAL CHEST ANATOMY LATERAL CHEST XRAY Diaphragm-AP view AORTIC ARCH LT. TRACHEA HORIZONTAL FISSURE Diaphragm- Lateral view OBLIQUE FISSURE LT. RT. HEMI DIAPHRAGM RT. LT. HEMI DIAPHRAGM LT. COLON GAS 11 FRONTAL LATERAL Air stripe WHAT AND WHERE IS IT? Coin in esophagus shows a wider diameter than possible in the trachea and is posterior to the tracheal air stripe on the lateral chest x-ray. 12 FISSURES DIVIDE LUNGS INTO LOBES RIGHT lung has: UPPER HORIZONTAL FISSURE MIDDLE lobes LOWER LEFT lung has: UPPER lobes LOWER With heart failure edema builds up in lungs and edema along fissures allows them to be seen more easily on chest x-ray 13 Lt NUCLEAR MEDICINE LUNG SCANS Nuclear medicine images are obtained using breathing of radioactive particles to assess ventilation and by injection of radioactive particles to assess perfusion. Pneumonias would show a defect in ventilation and emboli would show a defect in perfusion. 14 MR ARTERIOGRAM FLOW STUDY 15 PULMONARY ARTERIOGRAM CATHETER LT. BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEIN LT. PULMONARY ARTERY LT. UPPER LOBE VESSELS RT. UPPER LOBE VESSELS RT. MIDDLE LOBE VESSELS RT. PULMONARY ARTERY MAIN PULMONARY ARTERY RT. LOWER LOBE VESSELS LT. LOWER LOBE VESSELS Intravenous contrast has been injected from a catheter placed from a Lt. subclavian site with the tip of the catheter in the main pulmonary artery. Rapid imaging while the opacified blood flows though the pulmonary arterial tree gives this image. It is used to assess for pulmonary emboli due from blood clots migrating to the lungs. Typically these are from lower extremity venous thrombi. 16 INT. JUG. VEIN PULMONARY ARTERY CATHETER SVC PA RT. PUL .ART. RA SWAN CATHETER RV Note that catheter extends distally into Rt. Ventricle into the Main pulmonary artery to the Rt. pulmonary artery. The catheter crosses the tricuspid and pulmonary valves to reach the distal site. 17 INT. JUG. VEIN SUBCLAVIAN VEIN BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEIN UPPER EXTREMITY VENOUS DRAINAGE SVC ELECTRODES (NOTE CATHETERS) The catheters are outlining the path of blood flow into the chest. 18 RT. COMMON CAROTID LT. COMMON CAROTID LT. SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY RT. PUL ARTERY LT. PUL ARTERY AORTA LT ATRIUM SUBTRACTION IMAGE AORTA MR CONTRAST ARTERIOGRAM Here a MR angiogram can show the aortic arterial flow and branches. Subtraction image is a catheter exam showing flow . The bony structures are removed to better show vascular detail. 19 OBLIQUE ESOPHAGUS TRACHEA OBLIQUE SPINE BARIUM FILLED ESOPHAGUS The esophagus extends through the chest. It is a muscular tube and collapsed in the resting state. Here the patient has ingested barium and is rotated to the left to show the extent of the esophagus without overlap of the spine. LEFT HEMIDIAPHRAGM FUNDUS OF STOMACH 20 X-RAY MAMMOGRAPHY PATIENT POSITIONING FOR MAMMOGRAPHY Marker is always put on the axillary side of the breast This exam is done to screen for breast malignancy and assess palpable breast masses. In this exam the darker tissue is fat and the lighter tissue is glandular and fibrous tissue. Masses show as focal regions of lighter denser tissue. 21 SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY VIEWS MLO FATTY TISSUE CC MUSCLE CC VIEW CRANIO - CAUDAL GLANDULAR AND FIBROUS TISSUE MLO VIEW Two images are obtained to assess tissue. A ”CC “or cranio-caudal image is a top/down projection and a “MLO” medio-lateral oblique is a side/side image. MEDIO-LATERAL OBLIQUE 22 NORMAL CC MAMMOGRAPHY 1.5 CM MASS US = SIMPLE CYST There is a rounded soft tissue mass medially in the breast. The mammogram cannot separate solid and cystic lesions. The ultrasound demonstrates a benign breast cyst that does not need biopsy. 23 AORTA Aorta Pulmonary artery PA RA RV LV Left Ventricle Your hands function as a cardiac model. The fingers are the atria and the dorsum of the hand is the ventricle. The thumbs are the pulmonary artery and the aorta. The arteries run along the knuckles and between the palms. 24 NORMAL HEART 25 PACEMAKER WITH RT. ATRIAL AND RT. VENTRICULAR LEADS RA RV The pacemaker supplies an impulse to drive the heart rhythm if there is a conduction abnormality in the normal course from the SA node to the AV node to the Bundle branches of the ventricles. 26 TRICUSPID AND MITRAL VALVE REPLACEMENT ARROWS SHOW DIRECTION OF BLOOD FLOW THROUGH VALVES FROM ATRIA TO VENTRICLES T T M M Right to left Posterior to anterior 27 POST OP VALVE REPAIR M- MITRAL A- AORTIC A M Post surgical aortic and mitral valve repair are shown. Note the pulmonary catheter does not go through either valve to get into the pulmonary artery. 28 Pacemaker Electrode on skin AORTIC AND PULMONARY VALVE REPLACEMENT P A Pacer in Rt. Ventricle Note position of valves relative to diagram and chest x-ray. 29 CORONARY ARTERY ANATOMY Note coronary arteries are in AV(atrioventricular) grooves and interventricular grooves. 30 CORONARY ARTERIES RT. LT. LAD CIRCUMFLEX The right coronary artery is located in the groove of the RT. atria and Rt. ventricle extending to the base of heart. The left coronary artery bifurcates into the left anterior descending which lies in the interventricular groove and the left circumflex which is in the Lt. atria/Lt. ventricular groove. Coronary blood flows to the posterior descending coronary artery and is typically by the Rt. circulation. This is called Rt. dominance. If the Lt circumflex artery feeds the vessel it is termed Lt. dominance. 31 LAD CORONARY ARTERIOGRAM CIRCUMFLEX LEFT MAIN ARTERIAL INJECTION Coronary arteriogram -- left main coronary artery injection 32 CT THORACIC ANATOMY LOOK AT AN XRAY AS IF THE PATIENT IS LOOKING AT YOU. LOOK AT A CT SCAN AS IF THE PATIENT IS LYING ON THEIR BACK AND YOU ARE LOOKING FROM THEIR FEET TO THEIR HEAD. CT images are viewed from the feet. Note RT/LT markers on images if question remains. Anterior projection 33 RT SCAN LEVELS GREAT VESSELS AORTIC ARCH PULMONARY/CARINA ATRIA VENTRICULES CT CHEST ANATOMY 34 RT RT CT CHEST ANATOMY 35 CHEST-- CT RT BRACHIOCEPHALIC ARTERY SVC TRACHEA LT. COMMON CAROTID ART. LT. SUBCLAVIAN ART. 36 CT CHEST ANATOMY 37 CHEST -- CT INTERNAL MAMMARY (THORACIC) ARTERY AND VEIN SVC AORTIC ARCH ESOPHAGUS SCAPULA 38 CT CHEST ANATOMY 39 CHEST -- CT STERNUM ASCENDING AORTA LT. PULMONARY ARTERY CARINA DESCENDING AORTA 40 CHEST - CT LT. ATRIUM ASCENDING AORTA RT ATRIUM LT ATRIUM DESCENDING AORTA 42 CT CHEST ANATOMY 43 CHEST -- CT RT. VENTRICLE SEPTUM DOME OF DIAPHRAGM LT. VENTRICLE DESCENDING AORTA 44 INTERESTING CASES INFECTION NEOPLASTIC CARDIOVASCULAR TRAUMA 45 Right middle lobe pneumonia has changed the normal air density of the lung to soft tissue density of pneumonia. The borders of the fissures are now clearly seen and the right heart border is no longer visualized since no air is there to outline it. 47 WHICH LOBE? Note how the Rt. upper lobe(RUL) pneumonia shows feature similar to the Rt. Middle lobe(RML) disease. 48 Pneumonia compared with normal thymus NUCLEAR MEDICINE FDG-PET SCAN CXR PET The mass in the RT. upper chest shows increased signal on the nuclear medicine scan. This scan shows radioactive glucose metabolism and indicates a lesion that is very active more so that normal tissue and supportive of malignancy. 50 PULMONARY METASTATIC NODULES Multiple lesions in the chest are typical for metastatic disease since the pulmonary capillary bed is often the first site metastatic lesions appear as they spread and embolize the pulmonary capillaries and grow in the new location. 51 NORMAL HEART CARDIOMEGLY CARDIOMEGLY CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Evolution of congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. With Progressive Lt. Ventricular failure blood backs into the left atrium—then to the pulmonary veins (PULMONARY VENOUS HYPERTENSION) then to the pulmonary interstitium (INTERSTITIAL EDEMA) then to the alveoli (ALVEOLAR EDEMA) 53 CORONARY ARTERIOGRAMS NORMAL ABNORMAL Irregular atherosclerotic plaque in left anterior descending artery 54 CORONARY ARTERY STENTS A catheter tipped balloon is used to dilate the vessel and expand a wire stent to maintain the vessel lumen 55 CHEST- POST – OP CABG ENDO TRACHEAL TUBE CORNARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT CATHETER ENTERS SKIN AT LT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN x LT. BCV RT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN STERNAL WIRES SVC RT. PUL .ART. PA RA CARDIAC ELECTRODES RV LV CATHETER PATH SUBCLAVIAN VEIN LT. BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEIN SUPERIOR VENA CAVA RIGHT ATRIUM THROUGH TRICUSPID VALVE RT VENTRICLE PULMONARY ARTERY RT PULMONARY ARTERY 56 SAPHENOUS VEIN GRAFT TO RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY 3D CT MODEL OF CORONARY ARTERIES Median sternotomy is the surgical means to reach the coronary arteries. The narrowed vessels are bypassed with a vein graft from the ascending aorta or by using the Internal Mammary (Thoracic) artery. 57 LEFT INTERNAL THORACIC (MAMMARY) ARTERY GRAFT APPLIED SURGICAL CLIPS The metallic clips identify the internal mammary artery and are branches that have been ligated to direct blood flow into the distal diseased coronary vessel. RADIOLOGY 7/2008 58 PNEUMOTHORAX Air in the pleural space separates the visceral and parietal pleura. This limits effective ventilation of the lung 59 TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX PRESSURE INCREASE RESTRICTS VENOUS RETURN CAUSING CARDIOVASCULAR COLLAPSE Here air has built up under pressure in the pleural space and collapsed the lung severely compromising ventilation. The pressure builds due to a ball valve type leak of air into the pleural space with air going into the space on each inspiration. 60 PNEUMOTHORAX PLEURAL EFFUSION PLEURAL EFFUSION NORMAL 62 LARGE LEFT EFFUSION CT SCAN 63 CHEST TUBES IN PLEURAL SPACE TO EVACUATE AIR / FLUID AND RE-EXPAND LUNG 64 WHO DREW THIS PICTURE ? 65 THERE IS ONE MEDICAL STUDENT IN THIS PICTURE. 66