Breath Tests, pH-Metry and Impedance Michael J. Lentze Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde University Hospitals Bonn Oct 2013 Clinical Use of H2-Breath Test Ghoshal UC J Neurogastroenterol Motil 17: 312-17, 2011 Typical Exhalation Curves in CH H2-Breath Tests Ghoshal UC J Neurogastroenterol Motil 17: 312-17, 2011 Clinical Use of H2-Breath Test Substrate Utility Glucose H2-breath test Glucose Lactulose H2-breath test Lactulose Lactose H2-breath test Lactose Fructose H2-breath test Fructose Sucrose H2-breath test Sucrose Small intestinal overgrowth Glucose malabsorption Oro-cecal transit time Small intestinal overgrowth Lactose malabsorption Fructose malabsorption Sucrase-Isomaltase Defiency Clinical Case: 10 year old Boy • Healthy until his 6 th year of life, than episodes of vomiting and • • • • • • • diarrhea These episodes occur in intervals of weeks When diarrhea occurs he had 17-20 liquid stools per day During these episodes he lost weight In between episodes he was completely normal and healthy During the last episode he had a complete workup in the refering hospital. Normal: red and white blood count, BSR, liver transaminases, creatinine, TTG-antibodies, H2-Lactose breath test, sonography of abdomen, coloscopy, histology, upper GI-series It was suggested to the parents to see a child psychologist Before he was refered for a second opinion to us Nutrition • The boy’s nutrition consisted in: Morning: Milk, cornflakes, honey, bred with marmelade Noon: from the table, in addition plenty of fruits, drinks Coca-Cola Afternoon: Chocolate, Fruitcake Dinner: bred, salad, fruits • When I asked his brother whether he also liked sweets and fruits, he answered: yes, but his brother was eating up everything , so nothing was left for himself Lactose-Intolerance in the World Genetic Variant of Adult Hypolactasia on Chromosome 2q21 8 kb 14 kb Promot Lactase-Phlorizin Hydrolase C/C - 13910 G/G - 22018 Function? Found in 229/236 cases from Finland, Germany, Italy, Korea Enattah NS et al Nat Genet 30: 233, 2002 Adult Hypolactasia Ratio Lactase/Sucrase Kokkanen M et al Gut 52: 647-52, 2003 Expression of Lactase Gene Decline of Lactase in C/C-13910 Individuals Finnish Children Rasinperä H et al Gut 53: 1571-76,2004 African Children Phenotype- Genotype-Correlation A-22018 C-14010 G-13915 G-13907 Tishkoff SA et al, Nature Genet 39: 31-40,2007 Malabsorption of Lactose and Fructose and RAP 220 children with RAP had Lactose and Fructose H2-Breath Test (double blind testing): Lactose-Malabsorption Fructose-Malabsorption Pain disappeared (Lac-Malabs) Pain disappeared (Fruc-Malabs) Open provocation + Lact.: positive Open provocation + Fruct.:postive 57/210 79/121 24/38 32/49 7/23 13/31 Conclusion: Neither Lactose- nor Fructose intolerance could be established as cause for RAP Gijsbers CFM et al 2012 Secondary Lactose Intolerance in PEM • 196 severely malnourished childen Lactose intolerance in 50 children (25%): – 27/75 with Kwashiorkor – 6/25 Marasmic Kwashiorkor – 17/96 Marasmus Assessment: stool ph, reducing substances in stool Nyeko R et al. BMC Pediatrics 10:31, 2010 Interaction of Hydrolysis and Absorption of Glucose and Fructose Intestinal Lumen Sucrose Brush Border Membrane Cytoplasm Sucrase-Isomaltase Glucose + Na+ SGLT1 + Fructose GLUT5 + Glycin Na+ Na+-Glycine Transporter Age Dependency of Fructose and Lactose Intolerance Fructose H2-BT Jones HF JPGN 52:581-84, 2011 Lactose H2-BT Lactose Intolerance in IBD Relationship between Symptoms and Genotype Eadala P et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 34: 735-46, 2011 Principle of 13C-Urea Breath Test 13C-Urea Breath test for the Diagnosis of H.pylori Infection in Children- Meta-Analysis Children 6 years and younger 95% Leal YA et al. Helicobacter 16:327-37, 2011 94% 13C-Urea Breath test for the Diagnosis of H.pylori Infection in Children- Meta-Analysis Children 6 years and older 97% Leal YA et al. Helicobacter 16:327-37, 2011 98% Prevalence of H.pylori Infection in a Population: 36.629 People in Denmark by Home 13C-Breath Test Dahlerup S et al. Helicobacter 16: 468-74, 2011 Age and Gender Differences in H.P. Breath Tests Zevit N et al Eur J Clin Invest 41: 767-72,2011 Shall we use 13C Urea Breath Test for the Diagnosis of RAP? The test would applicable, if the symptoms would correlate to positive findings, but there is no correlation between RAP and H.P.-Infection Spee LAA et al. Pediatrics 125: 651-69, 2010 H. pylori Antigen in Stool Guarner J et al. Eur J Pediatrics 169: 15-25, 2010 ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN Guidelines for the Management of H.pylori Infection 1. For the diagnosis of H. pyloris infection during EGD, it is recommended that gastric biopsies (antrum and corpus) for histopathology be obtained 2. It is recommended that the initial diagnosis of H.p. be based on either histopathology plus positive rapid urease test or a positive culture 3. The 13C-urea breath test is a reliable noninvasive test to determine whether H.p. has been eradicated. 4. A validated ELISA test for detection of H.p. in stool is a reliable noninvasive test to determine whether H.p. has been eradicated 5. Test based on the detection of antibodies (IgG, IgA) against H.p. in serum, hwole blood, urine and saliva are not reliable for use in the clinical setting Koletzko S et al. JPGN 53: 230-243, 2011 Algorithm for Treatment of H.pylori Infection in Children Koletzko S et al. JPGN 53: 230-243, 2011 Has the 13C-Urea Breath Test a Future? 13CO 2 13C-Urea M.tuberculosis + NH3 Urease High Burden Countries for Tuberculosis Maiga M et al. Indian J Med Res 135: 731-36, 2012 Rabbits infected with M. tuberculosis 13C-Urea Breath Test Maiga M et al. Indian J Med Res 135: 731-36, 2012 Predicted Outcome of Breath Test for active Tuberculosis Philipps M et al. Tuberculosis 92: 414-20, 2012 Utility of 13C-Breath Tests Braden B Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 23: 337-52, 2009 pH-Metry in the Diagnosis of GERD Multichannel intraluminal Impedance And pH-Metry Wenzl, T. G. et al. Pediatrics 2003;111:e355-e359 Detection of GER in 700 Children using Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance (MII) and pHMetry Number of abnormal Measurements Pilic D et al. J Pediatrics 158: 650-4, 2011 Arguments pro MII-pH-Metry • MII + pH- is most sensitive method to detect acidic, weakly acidic and alkaline refluxes • Is the best method to correlate symptoms with reflux events • Diagnostic gain for combining the 2 methods is 22% 32% • MII detects the proximal extent of refluate which is important for increased risk of aspiration • In children with asthma it can show also weakly acidic refluxes (51%) • In preterm infants apnea episodes occur more frequently after a reflux event of which 57% are non-acidic. • Outcome studies are lacking Blondeau K et al Am J Gastroenterol 104: 3664-6, 2009 Arguments contra MII-pH-Metry • What does an non-acid reflux mean? • Automated detection overestimates the number of reflux episodes • More difficult to read • Nasal catheter is uncomfortable • Outcome studies are missing, e.g. after fundoplication Richter JE Am J Gastroenterol 104: 2667-69, 2009 Intraobserver Variability in MII + pH Metry • 10 experienced observers in the world had to read 1242 liquid and mixed GER • 490 GER were scored by all observers = 42% !! • Agreement for gas GER was poor • Automated analysis was better than that of observers • Widespread use cannot be advocated at present Loots CM et al. J Pediatrics 160: 441-6, 2012 Reflux Events by pH-MMI do not determine Fundoplication Outcome Rosen R et al. JPGN 50: 251-255, 2010 Reflux Events by pH-MMI do not determine Fundoplication Outcome Rosen R et al. JPGN 50: 251-255, 2010 Diagnostic Steps in GERD for an Infant with recurrent Regurgitation and vomiting Evaluate further Evaluate further ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN guidelines JPGN 49: 498-547, 2009 Diagnostic Steps in GERD for an Infant with recurrent Regurgitation and Weight Loss ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN guidelines on GERD JPGN 49: 498-547, 2009 Diagnostic Steps in GERD for an older Child or Adolescent with Heartburn ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN guidelines on GERD JPGN 49: 498-547, 2009 Diagnostic Steps in GERD for a Child with Asthma that might be worsened by GERD ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN guidelines on GERD JPGN 49: 498-547, 2009 Recommendation for Treatment of GERD ESPGHAN-NASPGHAN guidelines on GERD JPGN 49: 498-547, 2009 • In infants try extensively hydrolysed formula for 2-4 weeks (Eosinophilic Esophagitis?) • Thicken formula • Supine position during sleep • In adolescents with GERD left-side sleeping and elevation of the head decreases GERD • PPI‘s are more effective than H2RAs • Insufficient support for metoclopramide, erythromycin, bethanechol or domperidone • Buffering agent as sucralfate, alginates are not recommended • Antireflux surgery should only be considered in failure of optimized medical therapy or life-threatening complications