NordDRG full version based productivity reporting Jorma Lauharanta Director of Helsinki University Hospital Area Nordic Casemix Conference 2010 Cathedral We are here Olympic stadium Meilahti campus The goal is health gain How to increase? Input Output Resources Visits Episodes etc Effectiveness Health gain No health gain Productivity = output/input How to minimize? Jorma Lauharanta How to maximize health gain? Evaluation of effectiveness Application of treatment methods, health technology Some rejected Productivity improvement Maximal health gain (with moderate costs) Jorma Lauharanta Requirements for productivity improvement A. Productivity measurement and monitoring system B. Productivity development programme some important items: 1. improvement of process fluency 2. increase in labour productivity 3. increased efficiency in use of capacity and use of space 4. elimination of overlap, centralisation, and economies of scale 5. new operating models etc. Productivity support in HUCH • Long-term productivity development programme created • Clinicians/ clinical managers’ accountability increased -> new management system • Clinicians receive monthly reports of intermediate product utilization -> intermediate products per DRG group -> product level price-cost reports -> feedback about cost effects of clinical decisions • DRG-based productivity reporting Price – cost comparisons euros Accumulation of the patient related costs 1750 1500 1250 procedure Sum of intermediate products: Costs / day 1000 750 3 750 euros lab rtg 500 pathology 250 basic care at the ward 1 2 3 4 5 days Determination of the average DRG cost (-> billing price, DRG weight) various total costs per individual patients expensive inexpensive cost per patient “untrimmed” average I phase outliers < - 3 SD II phase outliers < - 2 SD “trimmed” average DRG cost II phase outliers > +2 SD I phase outliers > +3 SD Jorma Lauharanta Cost distribution of DRG 112D Kustannusjakauma /1-11/2009/sisätaudit/hoitojaksot 1001- 1500 EUR outliers 1501- 2000 EUR 2001- 3000 EUR - 1 SD = 2 933 euro 3001- 4000 EUR billing price 5 190 euro 4001- 6000 EUR + 1 SD = 9 286 euro 6001- 10000 EUR 10001- 15000 EUR outliers 15001- 49999 EUR 0 20 40 60 PCI w/o myocardial w cc DRG 112D Sepelvaltimon laajennushoitoinfarction infarktittomassa komplisoit. tilanteessa 80 Billing distribution of DRG 112D Cost distribution/1-11/2009//sisät/hoitojaksot 1001- 1500 EUR outliers 1501- 2000 EUR 2001- 3000 EUR - 1 SD = 2 933 euro 3001- 4000 EUR billing price 5 190 euro 4001- 6000 EUR 6001- 10000 EUR + 1 SD = 9 286 euro 10001- 15000 EUR outliers 15001- 49999 EUR 0 DRG 112D 50 100 150 Sepelvaltimon laajennushoito infarktittomassa PCI w/o myocardial infarction w cckomplis tilant 200 Treatment cost vs. surplus/deficit lower limit 1 500 € Mean cost = billing price 3 000 € upper limit 4 500 € total cost/€ NordDRG-group cost limits: mean + 2SD Influence on surplus/ deficit Intermediate products vs average process surplus deficit = ”normal process” billed using the billing price little average some more no influence = outlier billed using the intermediate cost sum much more Jorma Lauharanta Productivity measurement Determination of the DRG cost weight Mean cost of the DRG group DRG cost weight = Mean cost of all DRG groups Methodology 1. Production volume DRG weight sum = “DRG points” - sum of DRG weight x number of cases for all DRG groups - same definition for outpatient and inpatient care - clinical unit employing “short therapy” instead of an inpatient/classic method receives the same cost weight as from the classic method (when number of cases in a NordDRG-O group is increased) 2. Productivity measures a) b) - Overall productivity DRG productivity index calculated as total costs /DRG point sum = “DRG point cost” Labour productivity DRG labour productivity index calculated as DRG point sum/FTE’s* (person-years) * FTE = Full Time Equivalent (labour input calculated as ”person years” as if all labour input was produced by full time employees) Method decribed in Finn Med J 47/2009,4055-4061 Increase in labour productivity 2009 vs 2008 Hospital area HUCH DRG DRG points points Department 1-12/2008 1-12/2009 Medicine 420 317 447 475 Operative 608 070 636 737 Women/children 287 403 298 040 total 1 315 790 1 382 252 Labour Labour years w/o years w/o psychiatry psychiatry 1-12/2008 1-12/2009 2 162 2 199 3 140 3 187 1 850 1 881 7 173 7 282 DRG DRG points / points / labour labour years years Change 1-12/2008 1-12/2009 % 194,4 203,5 4,7 % 193,7 199,8 3,2 % 155,4 158,4 2,0 % 183,4 189,8 3,5 % Länsi-Uusimaa 47 600 47 982 221 224 215,4 214,2 -0,5 % Lohja 65 613 76 224 359 372 182,8 204,9 12,1 % 137 568 145 950 739 752 186,2 194,1 4,3 % 74 405 79 041 324 338 229,6 233,8 1,8 % Hospital district w/o support serv 1 640 976 1 731 448 8 816 8 970 186,1 193,0 3,7 % Hospital district ww support serv 1 640 976 1 731 448 13 939 14 266 117,7 121,4 3,1 % 2 319 2 317 Hyvinkää Porvoo Psychiatry Increase means improved productivity Overall productivity (DRG point cost) change 2009 vs 2008 (deflated*) Costs from book keeping 1-12/2008 Hospital area Department deflat. t eur Medicine 310 255 Operative 406 843 Women/children 214 708 HUCH total 932 376 Costs from book Eur/ Eur/ keeping DRG DRG Change 1-12/2009 point point % t eur 1-12/2008 1-12/2009 309 130 738,1 690,8 -6,4 % 418 124 669,1 656,7 -1,9 % 216 019 747,1 724,8 -3,0 % 943 171 708,6 682,3 -3,7 % Länsi-Uusimaa 28 682 28 268 602,6 589,1 -2,2 % Lohja 42 998 45 493 655,3 596,8 -8,9 % Hyvinkää 79 575 80 360 578,4 550,6 -4,8 % Porvoo 41 487 42 706 557,6 540,3 -3,1 % 1 125 118 1 139 998 685,6 658,4 -4,0 % Total * Deflated by 1,6 per cent (change in hospital cost index) Descending figure = improved productivity Treatment cost vs. productivity lower limit 1 500 € upper limit 4 500 € Mean cost 3 000 € NordDRG-group cost limits: mean + 2SD Influence on productivity Intermediate products vs average process increasing total cost/€ slightly decreasing strongly decreasing = ”normal process” gives one DRG weight little some more = outlier gives one DRG weight! much more average Jorma Lauharanta Improvement of productivity 2000 - 2009 2008 vs 2007 2009 vs 2008 +2,9 % +1,7 % +3,5 % +3,8 % +2,1 % +1,6 % +3,1 % +4,0 % HUCH (University hospital) Labour productivity Overall productivity* Hospital district Labour productivity Overall productivity* *using deflated costs Jorma Lauharanta Overall productivity 1-3 /2010 vs 2009 (not deflated) HUCH DRG DRG points points Department 1-3/2009 1-3/2010 Medicine 110 701 109 239 Operative 163 315 160 212 Women/chilren 74 368 74 836 total 348 384 344 287 Book keeping costs 1-3/2009 78 315 102 900 54 437 235 459 Book keeping Eur/ costs DRG point 1-3/2010 1-3/2009 77 360 707,4 106 126 630,1 54 203 732,0 237 545 675,9 Eur/ DRG point Change 1-3/2010 % 708,2 0,1 % 662,4 5,1 % 724,3 -1,1 % 690,0 2,1 % Länsi-Uusimaa 12 456 12 074 7 196 7 310 577,7 605,4 4,8 % Lohja 17 959 20 248 10 685 12 187 595,0 601,9 1,2 % Hyvinkää 36 142 35 893 20 212 20 686 559,2 576,3 3,1 % Porvoo 19 312 19 478 10 493 10 941 543,3 561,7 3,4 % 434 253 431 980 284 045 288 669 654,1 668,2 2,2 % Total Descending figure = improved productivity DRG point cost in various clinic groups/ Dpt of Medicine 1-4/ 2010 vs 2009 (not deflated) Ward episodes: Clinic group Cases Cases 2010 2009 2010 Intermediate costs 2009 Intermediate costs 2010 Mean Mean EUR EUR / DRG DRG DRG DRG / DRG weigt weigt points points DRG point 2009 2010 2009 2010 point 2010 Inflammation 2 690 3 419 9 226 656 11 164 508 4,57 4,27 12 283 14 574 751 766 Artery 3 491 4 579 16 167 360 20 228 385 6,81 6,05 23 772 27 686 680 731 Emergency 1 464 1 286 5 207 073 4 458 690 5,66 5,67 7 279 629 613 Cancer 1 376 1 391 7 867 257 8 019 310 7,30 8,97 10 044 12 448 783 644 11 395 10 721 46 846 383 44 008 315 5,80 5,81 66 080 62 217 709 707 Total 8 281 Descending figure = improved productivity DRG point cost in various clinics / Inflammation clinic group 1-4/ 2010 vs 2009 (not deflated) Ward episodes: Cases Cases 2009 2010 Clinic GASTROENTER 187 503 680 1 036 865 3,91 3,75 732 1 528 688 679 INFECTIONS 694 1 243 3 577 568 4 983 483 4,99 4,52 3 463 5 604 1033 889 1 544 1 553 4 220 661 4 555 465 4,45 4,20 6 873 6 521 614 699 588 695 4,59 4,26 1 216 921 760 639 Total 2 690 3 419 9 226 656 11 164 508 4,57 4,27 12 283 14 574 751 766 PULMOLOGY DERMATOL 265 407 InterMean Mean EUR / EUR / mediate Inter- DRG DRG DRG DRG DRG DRG costs mediate weigth weigth points points point point 2009 costs 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 216 924 747 Descending figure = improved productivity DRG point cost per major products / Dermatology clinic 1-4/ 2010 vs 2009 (not deflated) InterInterEUR / mediate mediate DRG DRG DRG Cases Cases costs costs DRG points points point 2009 2010 2009 2010 weight 2009 2010 2009 DRG DRG 272 273 Major skin disorders w cc Major skin disorders w/o cc 11 50 283 Minor skin disorders w cc 19 5,78 5,30 64 265 17 222 619 673 406 543 12 871 5,71 108 29 791 451 284A Minor skin disorders w/o cc >16 114 years107 316 354 251 151 3,86 440 413 719 608 4,34 877 682 706 575 Total 194 3 39 378 7 049 42 178 054 120 676 EUR / DRG point 2010 5 85 798 157 619 584 391 747 Conclusive remarks Benefits from the present productivity measurement system • Support to productivity improvement -> Productivity (both labour and overall productivity) has shown an improving trend since starting its measurement -> Clinicians’ interest in productivity and process management issues increased -> Long-term productivity improvement programme created • Using the present system -> Impact of various arrangements and interventions on productivity can be monitored without a delay -> successive years can more reliably compared despite a continous shift towards ambulatory treatments Features of a well-managed clinic • proper clinical coding • clinical protocols in active use • monitoring objects: -> quality indicators (treatment outcomes, patient satisfaction, complications, readmissions etc.) -> productivity indicators -> process control/ improvement -> staff satisfaction • optimization of resource utilization: -> in-patient care, intermediate products and control visits