Incidence EP

Ectopic pregnancy
Dr.F Mostajeran MD
 Ectopic pregnancy remains
 Leading cause life/hreatening F- Trimester (morbidity)
 Medical therapy method terexate as standard first line
 Hemorrhage?
 Medical failures
 Neglected cases
 Medical contraindicated
Incidence E.P
Unprecedented sexual liberties.
↑Ascertainment E.P
Leading cause maternal death U.S 5-6% all
M. death
Ability tube transport gametes embryos
Clinical picture
Most common site Tub 98-3%
Ampoule – isthmus – fimbrial cornual.
Rarely abdominal – ovarian – cervical.
site E.P
Proliferating trophoblast
Tubale wall
Growth may extend luminal mucosa.
Muscularis- serosa full thickness blood vessels
Distorts tube stretches serosa → pain bleeding
takes phase.
80% embryo degenerates.
50% often clinically silent.
Tubal abortion self limited.
Risk factors
 Needs aggressive monitoring pregnancy
immediately after first missed menses
 High risk
• Tubal surgery (21)
• Risk factors
• Tubal ligation
• Tubal Epithelial damage.
• Previous E.P (6-8)
• I U D , Morning after pill
Moderate risk
Multiple sexual partners
Low risk
Vaginal douching
first intercourse <18
Signs and symptoms
Many E.P never produce symptoms rather
Timely diagnosed and treated (H.R)
If diagnosis → delayed → classic triad.
Amenorrhea , irregular V.B , lower ab- pain.
Sudden sever ab pain 90-100% symptomatic patient.
Pain radiating shoulder.
Syncope shock → hemoperitaneum.( up to 20%)
Most common signs ab EX
90% tenderness ,rebound tenderness in 70%.
P.EX nonspecific.
2⁄3 C-motion tenderness .
Adnexal mass 50%.
Diag as early as 4.5 WK.
Visualization is frequently not possible.
Traditional laparoscopic visualization rarely necessary.
Routine diagnostic Tests.
Serial 3HCG.
Progesterone levels.
U - curettage.
Treatment for E.P
Medical management .
Methotrexate therapy.
Folic acid antagonist
DNA synthesis and cell multiplication.
Single dose 50 mg/m2
Blunts HCG increment (7)
Drop progesterone, 17 × hydroxy progesterone prior to
Hemodiamically stable.
E.P unruptured less 4cm
Eligible for methatrexate therapy.
Multiple-dose: tailored weight-E.P responsiveness.
Comparing multiple-dose-laparoscopic salpingostomy.
Patent fallopian tubes.
Subsequent IU pregnancy.
Repeat E.P comparable .
Single dose:
Resent metaanalysis 26 studies.
Based on clinical evidence presently available.
Routine use methotrexate single dose IM not as
Effective as multiple dose (tubal rupture↑)
Indication for systemic M-dose methotrexate
No rupture
Tubal size ≤4cm
HCG ≤ 10,000
Positive F.H heartbeat proceed with caution.
Methotrexate by direct injection
Methotrexate E. gestational sac TVS.
Resolution within 2 weeks
Higher concentrations site of implantation.
Less systemic distribution drug
75.1% successfully treated
Subsequent p–tubal patency (laparoscopicsystemic Mehta)
Subsequent – P, recurrent E.P
Methotrexate failure
Pain is sever and persistent (>12h 4-12
3-7 after start therapy)
Falling HCT
Orthostatic hypotension.
Side effects
High dose
Bone marrow supp
Pulmonary fibrosis
Infrequent in E.P therapy
Surgical Treatment
1884 E.P laparotomy salpingectom.
1953 salpingostomy
Manual fimbrial expression
Segmental resection.
Ruptured E.P
Laparoscopy – laparotomy – salpingectomy.
Inpatients hypovolemic shock.
Surgery is choice.
Stable E.P
If methotrexate contraindicated.
Laparoscopic salpigostomy first surgical choice.
Expectant management
E.P may resolve spontaneously
67.2% E.P resolved without surgery (over treats)
Falling 3HCC under 1000 fallowed with
conservative expectant management
With low initial and falling HCG
Rare types of E.P
Abdominal pregnancy
1⁄8000 birth
M.M 5.1⁄1000 7.7 higher than other E.P
(Higher due to delay in diagnosis)
prognosis poor
Primary - Secondary
Symptoms → normal for pregnancy to sever if time
Abdominal pain intra abdominal hemorrhage shock
Primary rare usually abort
Secondary (reimplantation → abortion ,rupture)
U.S choice empty uterus
If fetus near viability → hospitalization
Adequate blood, bowel preparation
Placenta removed unless major vessels, vital organ
Ovarian pregnancy
Most common form abdominal pregnancy
less than 3% of E.P
Clinical finding similar tubal E.P
ab-pain ,V.B Amenorrhea
30% hemodynamic instability → rupture
Usually young multiparous cause
Treatment → systectomy, wedge resection
or oophorectomy
Cornual pregnancy
or interstitial pregnancy
4.7% E.P 2.2% M. mortality
Most frequent symptom menstrual aberration
Abdominal pain V.B, shock → rapture uterine(9-12nk)
Risk factor previous salpingectomy
Repeat U.S with Doppler flow studies → early diagnosis
Cornual resection lapa - resection systemic methatraxate
Cervical pregnancy
Most common risk factor
 D.C
 Previous CS
• Symptom most common V.B painless
• C.EP usually diagnosis incidentally during routine U.S
or at time surgery for abortion
• Cervix enlarged- globular, distended it appears
cyanotic hyperemic soft
• Diagnosis – US, MRI , GSOC below C.OS,
• Metha, U. Artery embolization, hysterectomy
Heterotopic pregnancy
E.P + intrauterine pregnancy 1⁄6778
Most causes diagnosed after sign symptoms
develop admitted for emergency surgery
Lower abdominal pain serial 3HCG not helpful