Cooling Off? Early Intervention? Very Early Intervention? Steve Holmberg Sussex Cardiac Centre NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO DECLARE Invasive Strategy in ACS - is there still a debate? ICTUS No benefit of invasive strategy out to 5 years Intervention rates high in the ‘conservative’ arm No penalty for early intervention Invasive strategy may facilitate early discharge and obviate readmission The Evidence for Intervention 3 Landmark Trials FRISC II (2457) RITA-3 (1810) TACTICS-TIMI 18 (2220) FRISC II Death/MI 6/12 Revasc Endpoint Death MI INV (PCI at 96 hrs) 71% 9.4% 1.9% 7.5% CON 9% 12.1% 2.9% 9.2% RITA-3 Death/MI/Refractory Angina 4/12 Endpoint INV (PCI at 72hrs) 9.6% CON 14.5% (Driven by refractory angina) But: Death/MI at 5 years 16.6% 20.0% TACTICS-TIMI 18 Death/MI/Re-Hospitalisation at 6/12 Endpoint Death MI Rehosp Revasc TIMI Risk INV (PCI at 24 hrs) 15.9% 3.3% 4.8% 11.0% 60% 5-7 3-4 0-2 19.5% 16.1% 12.8% CON 19.4% 3.5% 6.9% 13.7% 36% 30.6% 20.3% 11.8% TIMI Risk Score History Age Risk Factors Known CAD Aspirin use 65 or older 3 or more 50%+ stenosis Within 7 days Presentation Recent severe angina within 24hrs Raised cardiac markers ST depression 0.5mm or more The Dilemma Delayed Benefit: •Plaque passification with medical treatment followed by intervention on more stable plaque Risk: •Events that may occur while waiting Early Benefit: •Prevention of early events that may have occurred while waiting •Rapid diagnosis and early discharge Risk: •Potential for early hazard because of intervention on unstable plaque with fresh thrombus ISAR-COOL Death/MI (CK-MB >5 x ULN) at 30 days (410) (Clopidogrel 600mg + Heparin + Tirofiban) Raised Troponin 67% ST Depression 65% IMMEDIATE DELAYED CATH 2.4hr 86hr ENDPOINT 5.9% 11.6% ABOARD Peak Troponin I (352) TIMI RISK > 2 IMMEDIATE CATH ENDPOINT DELAYED 1.2hr 20.5hr 2.0 1.7 (Death/MI/Revasc at 1/12 - No different) OPTIMA Death/MI/Urgent Revasc at 30 days (241) Raised Troponin 32% ST Depression 37% CATH IMMEDIATE 25 mins! ENDPOINT 60% DELAYED 25 hrs 39% OPTIMA End-point driven by ‘small’ MIs CK 1-2 x ULN Loading with 300mg Clopidogrel Considering average times to PCI Extravagant conclusion regarding optimal timing of intervention TIMACS 3000+ Troponin Positive IMMEDIATE CATH ENDPOINT 6/12 Death/MI/Stroke +Ref Isch DELAYED 14hr 50hr HR 0.85 0.72 (p=0.15 NS) (p=0.002) TIMACS Death/MI/Stroke at 6/12 (3000+) Troponin Positive EARLY CATH 14hr GRACE Score 140 Low Risk 7.7 High Risk 14.1 DELAYED 50hr 6.7 21.6 (p=0.43 NS) (p=0.005) SUMMARY OF KEY TRIALS 2.4 86 410 EARLY SUPERIOR ABOARD 1.1 20 352 NEGATIVE OPTIMA 0.5 25 142 LATE SUPERIOR TIMACS 14 50 3031 NEGATIVE EARLY SUPERIOR FOR HIGH RISK GROUP ISAR COOL CONCLUSIONS Immediate intervention may be beneficial for some Posterior MIs On-going pain Haemodynamic instability It may be possible to intervene too early Optimal medical therapy is essential Out-of-hours procedures may have inferior outcomes High risk patients (particularly) should have intervention at the earliest reasonable opportunity CONCLUSIONS Get out of bed rarely (for NSTEMI) Next day is probably fine The weekend may be too long