Clinical Audits meaning and strategy results of the pilot study with participation of centers Marleen Vandecapelle Protection of Health Federal Agency Nuclear Control 15/06/2011 Round Table and Working Parties • 27/11/2009: Round Table Radioprotection in Nuclear Medicine: physicians, medical radiation physicists, radiation experts, radiopharmacist, auxiliaries, competent authorities,… WP1 Quality Assurance and Clinical Audit WP2 Vigilance system WP3 Justification and optimization • WP4 Medical Radiation Physics WP5 Radionuclide therapy WP6 Education and administrative simplification Input for revision/clarification of Chapter VI of RD 20th July 2001 (ARBIS/RGPRI) on application of ionizing radiation in medicine Marleen Vandecapelle - 15/06/2011 What Clinical Audit ? • Euratom 97/43 “Council Directive on health protection against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure” • RD 20th July 2001 “General Reglementation on the Protection of Population, Workers and Environment against the Dangers of Ionizing Radiation” (ARBIS/RGPRI) “Clinical audit : a systematic examination or review of medical radiological procedures which seeks to improve the quality and the outcome of patient care through structured review not whereby 2010: implemented in Belgium and 2/3 of Europe ! radiological practices, procedures and results are examined against agreed Clear need for further guidance standards for good medical radiological procedures, to improve implementation and with modification of practicesits where indicated and the application of new if necessary.” to standards harmonize the approaches among the Member States Clinical audits shall be carried out in radiological installations determined by the Agency and following the modalities determined or approved by the Agency.” Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Clinical Audit: international initiatives 2008 2009 2010 Sufficient guidelines to determine modalities of clinical audit Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Clinical Audit: national initiative • WP1 QA and Clinical Audit – Basis QUANUM – Timing agreed – Collaboration ≠ competent authorities • QUANUM – Essentially consists of checklists Y/N questions on 13 ≠ topics – Audit by peer review of multi-disciplinary teams – General because globally applicable Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Timing Clinical Audits • Pilot study: – – – – performed by 18 NM departments Belgian version B-QUANUM suggestions for extra support 01/09/2011 – 01/07/2011 • Auto-evaluation • Internal CA • Final destination: external CA in all NM departments with QUANUM 01/09/2010 01/07/2011 Pilot 18 NM Auto-evaluation + Internal CA All NM All NM Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B ? + External CA All NM Timing Clinical Audits • Auto-evaluation : 01/07/2011 - … – to auto-evaluate and take corrective actions based on B-QUANUM – continuous process – by colleagues within the department • Internal clinical audit : 01/07/2012 - … – 1x/year – by colleagues within the hospital • External clinical audit : 01/07/2013 - … – 1x/5years – by colleagues within Belgium 01/09/2010 01/07/2011 Pilot 18 NM 01/07/2012 01/07/2013 Auto-evaluation + Internal CA All NM All NM Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B + External CA All NM B-QUANUM AUDIT DE GESTION DE LA QUALITE EN MEDECINE NUCLEAIRE AUDIT GLOBAL AUDITS DE GESTION DE LA QUALITE EN MEDECINE NUCLEAIRE AUDIT GLOBAL AUDITS VAN HET KWALITEITSBEHEER IN DE NUCLEAIRE GENEESKUNDE UITGEBREIDE AUDIT Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM annexes • Annexe 1 Example of annual report 20101 – Practical information on content and format of annual report • Annexe 2 List of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) – – – – • • • • • • 1 2 Clinical procedures Medical radiation physics Radiopharmacy Support If not performed = not applicable Annexe 3 Extract SOP Bone scintigraphy2 Annexe 4 Extract SOP Whole Body 18F-FDG2 Annexe 5 Extract ISO Manual2 Annexe 6 Extract Quality Manual2 Annexes 7-17 Checklists Annexe 18 Regulatory basis checklists from ARBIS/RGPRI Courtesy to dr. J. Rutten, AZ Turnhout Courtesy to dr K. Van Laere, UZ Leuven Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM checklists 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Strategies and policies Administration and management Human resources Radiation protection of personnel and environment Radiation protection of the patient and his direct environment Quality assurance system Quality control of imaging equipment and dose calibrator Computer systems and data handling Acceptance tests General aspects - diagnostics General aspects - radionuclide therapy Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 6: QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM % Comments Date achieved Component 6.1 Are Standard Operating Procedures available for all tasks performed by the department? A Required IAEA technical Corrective 51.4§3 by0 legislation, document 25 or other external standardactions ? setting bodies. 50 Urgent corrective action should be 75 instituted. 100 6.10 Does the department perform selfevaluation or internal audit once a year? B Not compulsory, but are expected to be reached by all departments. Corrective action is recommended. 6.11 a. Is the satisfaction of the patients evaluated? b. Is the satisfaction of the referring physicians evaluated? C Desirable but not essential. Corrective action may improve the overall functioning of the department. REMARQUE: Class ARBIS/ RGPRI No Checklists are just the starting point for discussion ! Not applicable is also an answer ! Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 1: STRATEGIES AND POLICY (9 questions) No Component 1.3 a. Does the department make a policy plan ? a.1. Are quality objectives formulated ? a.2. Is there a system to evaluate the policy objectives ? b. Does the department make an annual report ?1 1.7 1 Class B plan Are there written agreements with a. other clinical departments b. technical department of the hospital with indication of each tasks and responsibilities ? Explanation in annexe 1: Example of an annual report Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 and quality A B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 3: HUMAN RESOURCES (10 questions) No Component Class 3.2 Have all categories of professionally exposed persons active in the department followed basic education radioprotection ? A 3.7 Do all categories of professionally exposed persons active in the department follow continuing education radioprotection ? A 3.9 Is there a system within the hospital to identify the need for education of its personel ? B 3.10 Does all personnel have access to scientific literature through e-learning, recent books and magazines ? B Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 4: RADIATION PROTECTION OF PERSONNEL AND ENVIRONMENT (21 questions) No Component Class 4.1 a. b. Does the department have a authorisation granted by the FANC ? Is it up to date ? A 4.12 Are there calibrated, funtioning contamination monitors for all radioisotopes stated in the authorisation granted by the FANC ? A 4.14 Do all profesionnaly exposed persons wear a chest dosimeter delivered and read by a dosimetric service recognised by the FANC ? A 4.19 Is there a separate toilette for personnel ? B Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 5: RADIATION PROTECTION OF PATIENTS AND DIRECT ENVIRONMENT (12 questions) No Component 5.1 Are all applications approved and justified by a nuclear physician authorised by the FANC for a. diagnostic procedures ? b. therapeutic procedures ? A 5.3 Are all administerd activities conform (inter)national DRL’s for a. diagnostic procedures ? b. therapeutic procedures ? A 5.6 5.7 5.10 5.11 5.12 Class Are oral/written instructions given to the patient (or his legal guardian) ? Is before administration of the radiopharmaceutical a. His/her name and date of birth asked ? b. asked whether she is pregnant or is lactating ? c. checked whether he/she had similar imaging procedure ? Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 A A B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 6: QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM (18 questions) No Component 6.2 Do al SOP’s for clinical procedures performed by the department contain the following (if applicable):1,2 a. Clinical question/Purpose of the examination ? b. Principle ? c. Indications and contra-indications ? d. How to make an appointment ? e. Preparation of the patient ? f. Planning ? g. Reception of the patient ? h. Preparation of the radiopharmacon ? i. Administration of the radiopharmacon ? j. Execution of the examination ? k. Reconstruction and processing ? l. After examination ? m. Assessment/making protocol ? n. references ? o. Version ? p. Person validating SOP ? q. Person approving SOP ? 1 2 Class a list of SOP’s is available in annexe 2 extracts from SOP’s are availabel in annexe 3 and 4 Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B B-QUANUM checklists CHECKLIST 7: QUALITY CONTROL OF IMAGING EQUIPMENT AND DOSECALIBRATORS (21 questions) No Component Class Based on Quality Assurance Protocols for gamma camera and dosecalibrator (soon to be published in a degree of the FANC) and Feed back from medical radiation physicists nuclear medicine on QUANUM A CHECKLIST 9: ACCEPTANCE TESTS (6 questions) No Component Class Based on feed back from medical radiation physicists nuclear medicine on QUANUM Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 A B-QUANUM • Self-evaluation: 1 coordinator/department • Audit: Peer review by multi-disciplinary teams of ≥ 3 experts Internal audit: External audit: – – – – – – physician nuclear medicine (medical radiation physicist) (technologist medical imaging) (radio/hospital pharmacist) (referring physician) (hospital management) – – – – physician nuclear medicine (medical radiation physicist) (technologist medical imaging) (radio/hospital pharmacist) • Auditors should be independant, have enough knowledge and experience ! Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B-QUANUM • First time round: probably not a lot of 100% Not important !!! If start of corrective actions • Look for input from: – – – – – – – – Hospital management Human Resources Management department hospital Quality coordinator/department hospital Medical radiation physicist (internal or external) Health physics department (internal or external) IAEA, FANC, Scientific societies (Belnuc, EANM, SNM, NVNG, BSNM, …) … • Document management tool: – MITRAS – Knowledge tree ( avaible for free Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Why Clinical Audit ? • To assess current status of a NM department and to identify areas for future improvement • Opportunity to improve yourselves based on experience from peer reviewers • Stop and think about “Are we doing the right things ?” “Are we doing them right ?” at every level (nuclear physician, medical radiation physicist, technologist,…) Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Why Clinical Audit ? • Optimization of – Radiation protection personnel – (Radiation) protection patient – Patient care • Optimization of use of – resources – infrastructure – personnel • Lower risk (near)incidents • Protection against potential damage claims from patients/personnel • Proof of quality: – – – – – towards NM community towards referring physicians towards patients towards hospital management to attract potential (commercial) partners Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Who should organize ? • Federal Authority for Public Health ? – Contract “Coordination of quality and patient-safety in Belgian Hospitals” – 2004-2012 • College for Medical Imaging of Federal Authority for Public Health ? // RT • Belnuc ? // NVNG, BSNM, DGN Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Timing Clinical Audits 01/07/2011: start of auto-evaluation for all NM departments • Active mailing to all NM departments + corresponding hospital management • FANC website: – B-QUANUM (Fr + D) – Annexes (Fr +D) – Already available: • QUANUM (E + Fr + D + G) • EC159 (E) • Extracts from quality manual and from SOP’s (Fr + D) 01/09/2010 01/07/2011 Pilot 18 NM 01/07/2012 01/07/2013 Auto-evaluation + Internal CA All NM All NM Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 B + External CA All NM Acknowlegments • 18 pilot study participants Dr P. De Bondt (OLV Aalst) Dr B. Krug (UCL Mont-Godinne) Dr J. Rutten (AZ Turnhout) Dr K. Van Laere (UZ Leuven) G. Lapeirre (AZ Groeninge) • Pascal Froment (AVC) • Philippe Van Boxem (EBNM/CANMD + QUANUM auditor for IAEA) • Tom Clarijs and Petra Willems (FANC) Aalst OLV Ziekenhuis Arlon St-Joseph Hornu CH Hornu-Frameries Kortrijk AZ Groeninge Mons CHR Oostende AV Serruys Roeselare Stedelijk Ziekenhuis St-Truiden St-Trudo Tienen Stedelijk Ziekenhuis Tournai A.I.T. Site Union Turnhout AZ St-Elisabeth Bruxelles Jules Bordet Bruxelles CHU St-Pierre Charleroi CHU de Charleroi Jette UZ Brussel La Louvière CHU Tivoli Leuven UZ Gasthuisberg Yvoir UCL Mont-Godinne Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011 Thank You for listening ! Marleen Vandecapelle Federal Agency for Nuclear Control Ravensteinstreet 36 1000 Brussels ++32 (0)2 289 21 78 Marleen Vandecapelle – 15/06/2011