to view the Benefits of ISRRT membership Power Point Presentation

International Society
of Radiographers and
Radiological Technologists
Compiled by:
Dr Fozy Peer
ISRRT – Director of Public Relations
January 2011
Why should I belong to the ISRRT?
 Supports radiologically developing countries by conducting
seminars and workshops eg Fiji, Guatemala, Tanzania,
Uganda, Morocco.
 Sends experts to study the system in developing nations and
recommends action plans eg Ghana, Romania, India
 Provides advice to national societies & governmental bodies
 Provides text books / printed materials where necessary
 Produces Newsletter twice yearly - translation into Spanish &
 Disseminates information on developments occurring in
member countries
Why should I belong? (cont…)
Promotes Radiographers’ voice on the world stage
Enables understanding by sharing of ideas to increase
best practice
Cross fertilization of ideas allows for standardization of
imaging procedures & techniques
Facilitates friendship by bringing together a family of
professionals of common purpose
Instills pride/sense of belonging by being part of a
larger fraternity
Provides a sense of empowerment
Promotes further education –
research grants available
Non-Governmental Organization
As an NGO the ISRRT is:
allowed to have direct liaison
with the United Nations and
an official observer at IAEA
“To be the leading international
organization representing the practice of
medical imaging and radiation therapy
technology by promoting the highest
achievable standards of patient care
and professional practice”
Core values
professionalism, excellence, dedication,
compassion and integrity
“To improve the standards of delivery and
practice of medical imaging and radiation
therapy throughout the world by acting as the
international liaison organisation for medical
radiation technology and by promoting
Quality Patient Care, Education and
Research in the radiation medicine sciences”
Objectives of ISRRT
 to advance the science and practice of radiography
and allied subjects by the promotion of improved
standards of education and of research in the
technical aspects of radiation medicine and radiation
 to make the results of research and experience in
radiation medicine and radiation protection available
to practitioners throughout the world
 to create and hold funds which shall be available for
furthering the objects of the society whilst at the
same time being a charitable organization
 to do all such other lawful things as shall become
necessary for the attainment of the foregoing objects
Organization of ISRRT
 Governed by a Council comprising representatives of member
 Divided into 3 regions
 Asia and Australasia
 The Americas
 Europe and Africa
 The ISRRT Board is elected by Council every four years. (Next
election to be held in 2014 in Finland)
The Board consists of:
3 Vice Presidents - one for each region
4 Regional Directors (Asia/Australasia, America, Europe, Africa)
Directors of Education, Public Relations, Professional Practices
ISRRT Organization (cont…)
 ISRRT is registered as a charity in UK
 ISRRT registered head office is in Cardiff, Wales
 The CEO/Secretary General is appointed by the Board and receives
an honorarium
 A Finance Committee deals with all money matters. The President is
a full member of this committee and an ex-officio member of all
other standing committees.
 Each region has standing committees in Education, Professional
Practice and Public Relations.
Fellow Board Members and the CEO
for the material for this presentation