Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction by Echocardiogram

Evaluation of Diastolic
Dysfunction by
Brandon Kuebler, MD
Pediatric Cardiology Fellow
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Assessment of Diastolic Ventricular
Defining diastole
Methods to assess diastole
Patterns of diastolic disease
Age-related changes
When does diastole occur?
Is it around tea time?
Required for every heart beat
Phases of Diastole
Isovolumetric relaxation
Rapid filling
2/3 LV filling
Atrial contraction
1/3 LV filling
Factors Affecting Diastole
Ventricular function
AV valve function
Rate of relaxation
Ventricular compliance
Atrial systolic function
Heart rate and rhythm
Pulmonary Venous Inflow
Apical 4-chamber view
Identify RUPV or LUPV
inflow parallel to beam
Pulsed-wave sampling
Alternatives views:
Place Apical 4 w PW in Distal PV
1-2 cm distal to orifice
Pulsed-wave Pulmonary Vein Inflow
Identify peak S and D velocities
Measure atrial reversal (AR) duration
AR presence is variable. It is indicative of abnormal elevated LA pressure
in a neonate, but may be normal in a child with more compliant
pulmonary veins. The duration of flow reversal is more helpful in
relation to atrial systole
Note: S-wave may be biphasic owing to differences of
atrial relaxation and mitral valve annular displacement
Should take the highest of the peaks
Mitral Inflow
Apical 4-chamber view
Align Doppler beam to
be parallel to mitral
Pulsed-wave sampling at
tips of MV leaflets
Decreased velocity if
sampled within LA
Pulsed-wave Mitral Valve Inflow
Peak E and A velocities, ratio E/A
Mitral A-wave duration (to compare with PV AR
Mitral deceleration time(from peak of E-wave to base)
Mitral Doppler VTI (and valve area)
Mitral Valve Doppler Evaluation
In a 5 chamber view
across tips of MV
through LVOT
 Obtain mitral inflow
& LV outflow
 Measure
Relaxation Time
Tissue Doppler
Measures displacement of myocardium while
avoiding blood flow detection throughout the
cardiac cycle
For our purposes:
Mitral valve annular junction
 Septal annular junction
 Tricuspid annular junction
Mitral and tricuspid data is relatively volume
load independent, including respiratory cycle
TDI Methodology
Using Doppler pulsed
cursor, 3-5 mm
Set Nyquist limits to 1530 cm/s
Using lowest wall filter
Set dynamic range to 3035db
Sweep speed of 100-150
TDI Pulsed-wave
Ea ( or E´), Aa ( or A´), Sa ( or S´) waves
IVRT and Isovolumetric Contraction Time (IVCT)
Important to maintain a parallel line of annular motion
with the imaging beam
Color M-mode Flow Propagation
Estimate of ventricular filling to correlate with LV
relaxation, even at increased LA pressures
Not affected by preload
Varies with changes of lusitropic conditions
Correlates in ischemic heart disease
Color M-mode Flow Propagation
In apical 4 chamber view
Align M-mode cursor
through LV apex and
orifice of MV
Apply Color Doppler
Switch to M-mode
Decrease Nyquist limit
until color inflow shows
line of aliasing
Color M-mode Flow Propagation
Demonstrated by Garcia et al., JACC 1999, that in both dogs
with occluded IVC and in adults undergoing CABG, under
partial CPB, measures were not affected
Although, MV E waves and associated measures were impacted by each
In dogs, under various doses of dobutamine and esmolol, there were
expected changes of Vp correlating to measured changes of LVEDp
Calculations using Vp
Border et al, JASE 2003
20 pts age 6.6yrs ± 6yrs
Indicated L heart cath w/o
MV stenosis/arrhythmia
Found E/ Vp > 2.0,
LVEDp >15mmHg
Sensitivity 100%
Specificity 77%
PPV: 70%
NPV: 100%
Calculations using Vp(FPV)
Gonzalez-Vilchez, JACC 1999
Adults in ICU w Swan’s
20 test, 34 study patients
Estimated PCWP = 4.5(103/[2•IVRT]+FPV)-9
Simplified to:
 103/[2•IVRT]+FPV
 Value ≥5.5, correlates to PCWP > 15mmHg (r=0.89)
Calculations using Vp
Use of TDI and Color M-mode in
Study by Larrazet et al, Pediatric Critical Care
Medicine, 2005
Studied infants 3-8 months of age, immediately
post-operatively for VSD/AVCD repair w LA
line in place
For LA pressure > 10mmHg
E/Ea > 15 – Sensitivity 94%, Specificity 72%
 E/Vp >2.0 – Sensitivity 83%, Specificity 89%
LA Volume
In adults, atrial dilation has correlated as a risk for first CV event
(a-fib, stroke, CHF)
 Defined as: women ≥ 30cm2/m2, men ≥ 33cm2/m2
 Not routinely measured in children,
but recent norms established
8/3π[(A1)(A2)/(L)] obtained from Apical 2 & 4 chamber views
LA Volume in Children
Data collected by 3D Echo and separated by
0.5-0.75m2 :
 0.75-1.0m2 :
 1.0-1.25m2 :
 1.25-1.5m2 :
 >1.5m2 :
19.6 mL/m2
21.7 mL/m2
22.0 mL/m2
24.5 mL/m2
27.4 mL/m2
No normative values for RA established in kids
Tricuspid and Right Heart
Usual measures performed on MV, are
influenced by variable preload through the
respiratory cycle.
With inspiration amongst children
Peak E may increase by 26%
 Peak A may increase by 20%
Tricuspid and Right Heart
SVC inflow invariably does not have AR amongst
healthy children
AR-wave usually seen with:
Reversal with ventricular systole
Right atrial hypertension
Tricuspid stenosis
Significant tricuspid regurgitation
Loss of AV-synchrony
Restrictive physiology
Decreased flow of systemic veins or TV inflow with
Exhalation seen with Tamponade
MV E-wave decreases by >25% during onset of INhalation
Tricuspid and Right Heart
In a restrictive, non-compliant RV, which acts
essentially as a conduit for the PA
Forward flow may be seen in PA with atrial systole
 Only in settings with low PVR or absence of distal
 May be seen in those with history of Tetralogy or
Pulmonary valve abnormalities
Classification of Diastolic
Classification of Diastolic
Abnormal LV Relaxation
The ability of the LV myocardial filaments to
actively uncouple after systole, is delayed
Ventricular compliance is unaffected
IVRT is prolonged, as time needed to decrease
LV pressure < LA pressure is extended
Abnormal LV Relaxation
Insert fig
LA-LV pressure difference in
early diastole narrowed –
max E-wave velocity
LV relaxation is slower, so Ewave is prolonged
A-wave increased as a
compensatory to complete
LV filling
fig 8.15
Abnormal LV Relaxation
Infamous “L-wave” seen in MV inflow pattern
Described by Keren in 1986
Presence of LA-LV pressure gradient in diastasis
Occurs with MARKEDLY delayed LV relaxation
Abnormal LV Relaxation …
and LA Hypertension
Also called “Pseudonormalization”
Result of worsened ventricular compliance with
transmitted increase of atrial pressure
Ultimately, relative pressure difference between
LA-LV is similar to normal, just at higher
Pulmonary vein inflow pattern helpful to
distinguish this from normal
Abnormal LV Relaxation … and LA
TDI has been shown to be relatively
independent of preload
Abali et al, JASE 2005, studied 100+ adult males
after 500mL blood donation, found no differences in
TDI measures or Color M-mode, Vp
 Eidem et al, JASE 2005, found that children with
chronic LV preload (VSD’s) and preserved systolic
and diastolic function, did not have changes in TDI
Those with chronic afterload (AS) demonstrated decreases
of TDI measures
Abnormal LV Relaxation … and LA
Nagueh et al, JACC 1997
125 adults, 60 cathed for PCWP, separated
Normal from Impaired Relaxation from
Pseudnormalized (EF low in this group)
Found E/Ea >10 correlated to PCWP of
Sensitivity 91%, Specificity 81%
Nagueh et al, JACC 1997
Could predict mean PCWP= 1.24(E/Ea ) +1.9
TDI in Pseudonormalization
Nagueh et al, JACC 1997, 30; 1527-33
Color M-mode in
Helpful to differentiate normal MV inflow
patterns from ‘pseudonormalization’
Decreased rate of flow propagation (Vp)
correlate with delayed relaxation, even with
elevated LA pressure
Measures are preload independent
Measure of MV peak E velocity to rate of flow
propagation, E/ Vp > 2.0 predicts LVEDp
>15mmHg (sensitivity 100%, specificity 77%)
Restrictive Physiology/Decreased
Ventricular Compliance
Ventricle is significantly stiff, non-compliant, that with small
increases of volume, pressures increase disproportionately
On MV inflow, the E-wave is accelerated with short deceleration
time due to rapid rise of ventricular pressure and the end of
A-wave is remarkably small, if not absent all together, as atrial
systole minimally generates a pressure gradient across the AV
 Instead prolonged reflux in PV observed
Restrictive Physiology/Decreased
Ventricular Compliance
IVRT shortened due to atrial hypertension with
early opening of MV and ventricular filling
Measures through childhood
Very limited early diastolic flow
 Significant contribution from atrial systole
 Limited tolerance to changes in preload
 Improved compliance around 2 months
Limited variability of measures (Inflow/TDI)
through childhood and adolescence
 Noted changes with increasing IVRT likely
associated with age-related decreased HR
Tables of normative values for
children are available
Tables of normative values for
children are available
Let’s apply our data
52.4 cm/s
57.0 cm/s
Let’s apply our data
144 cm/s
72 cm/s
108 ms
90 ms
Let’s apply our data
13.1 cm/s
Vs= Vp x Li
Vs = strength of early filling
Vs Strength of Filling
In a recent article by Stewart et al., JACC Imaging 2011
Found that in addition to a decreased filling velocity
(Vp) with diastolic dysfunction, the velocity further
slowed closer to the MV than the apex (Li)
Vs= Vp x Li
Found this measure to have better correlation to goldstandard than Vp alone
Would like to see used with other measures to further
strengthen accuracy and separation of abnormal states
Looking at Vp
69 cm/s
E/Vp= 2.0
PCWP = 4.5(103/[2•IVRT]+FPV)-9
= 15 mmHg
version = 103/[2•IVRT]+FPV
= 5.2
To summarize our non-invasive data
E/Vp= 2.0
So by our echo data…
I would classify this patient as having
He just so happened to have been cathed
just before I obtained these measures…
I did not know these results
Disease states
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Chronic disease states
Abnormalities of E/Ea, color M-mode flow
propagation, and diastolic strain rates have
correlated with abnormal relaxation and predict
LV filling pressures.
TDI (DTI) has been found to be predictive of
adverse outcomes
E/Ea >12 predicted risk for SCD, Cardiac Arrest,
and VT
 Those without, events had range 7.4-11.2
 Those with symptoms had ratio higher compared to
those without (11.9 vs 8.1)
Distinguishing HOCM from Athletic
Diastolic TDI annular patterns, IVRT, and LA
volume have identified HOCM in absence of
pathologic changes
Early diastolic TDI velocities (Ea)
Athletes: normal to increased
 HOCM: consistently decreased, often Ea/Aa <1.
Children with Chronic Dz’s
Renal failure
Those on dialysis had changes on echo compared to normal
Increased LV mass with preserved systolic function
Evidence of diastolic dysfunction: higher E’s, lower Ea’s and
therefore increased E/Ea ratios
Demonstrated changes with Ea (↓) and Aa (↑) velocities
where the ratio Ea/Aa was < controls
Demonstrated changes with strain rate imaging also noted
Children with Chronic Dz’s
Obstructive sleep apnea
Evidence of diastolic dysfunction correlated with
severity of sleep apnea
 Measures improved with effective therapies
Anthracycline toxicity
Demonstrated changes with Ea (↓) and Aa (↑)
velocities, Ea/Aa ratio is ↓↓↓
 Persists over time, even without evidence of systolic
Congenital Heart Disease
Aortic Stenosis
Measures are more pronounced in more severe
 Does not resolve immediately with relief of
 Changes/improvement correlate more with degree
of ventricular hypertrophy
Congenital Heart Disease
Single ventricles
Demonstrated impaired relaxation, decreased peak E
velocities, presence of mid-diastolic filling waves,
decreased E/A velocity ratio
 Different pulmonary venous inflow patterns due to
different sources of pulmonary antegrade blood flow
 In well functioning single ventricles, biphasic
pulmonary venous inflow still seen (mid-systolic
peak, and late diastolic peak)
Congenital Heart Disease
Single ventricles
With decrease ventricular systolic function
Decreased systolic flow in PV
 Increased late diastolic flow in PV
 Seems to correlate with changes in EF
Serial studies in HLHS
No differences in early stages within 1st year of life
 Need more longitudinal studies
Congenital Heart Disease
Atrial Switches (Senning/Mustard)
Found to have decrease IVCT, and sensitive to changes of
systemic RV dysfunction in adolescents and young adults
 Measures of TDI are lower than normals, as expected
 More data needed for the population, esp Arterial
Frommelt, P. (2009). Diastolic Ventricular Function Assessment. In WW Lai, LL Mertens, MS
Cohen, T Geva (Eds), Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (1st Edition, p95-118).
Hoboken, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Garcia MJ, et al. Color M-mode doppler flow propagation velocity is a preload insensitive index
of left ventricular relaxation: animal and human validation. JACC 2000; 35: 201-8.
Nagueh SF, et al. Doppler tissue imaging: a noninvasive technique for evaluation of left
ventricular relaxation and estimation of filling pressures. JACC 1997; 30: 1527-33.
Eidem BW, et al. Impact of chronic left ventricular preload and afterload on doppler tissue
imaging velocities: a study in congenital heart disease. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2005; 18: 830-8.
Larrazet F, et al. Tissue doppler echocardiographic and color M-mode estimation of left atrial
pressure in infants. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005; 6: 448-53.
Gonzalez-Vilchez F, et al. Combined use of pulsed and color M-mode doppler echocardiography
for the estimation of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure: an emperical approach based on an
analytical relation. JACC 1999; 34: 515-23.
Border WL, et al. Color M-mode and doppler tissue evaluation of diastolic function in children:
simultaneous correlation with invasive indices. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003; 16: 988-94.
Abali G, et al. Which doppler parameters are load independent? A study in normal volunteers
after blood donation. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2005; 18: 1260-5.
Stewart KC, et al. Evaluation of LV diastolic function from color M-mode echocardiography. J
Am Coll Cardiol Img 2011; 4: 37-46.