Ectopic Ureters


Morgan Tannenbaum


 Usually young (congenital)

 Primarily clinical condition in females

 Males have longer external urethral sphincter

 Incidence unknown- estimated at 0.016-0.045%

 Breed predisposition

 Cats- no breed disposition

 Dogs

Siberian husky

West Highland white terrier, fox terrier

Labrador and golden retrievers

Clinical Signs

 Continuous or intermittent urinary incontinence- but may urinate normally

 Urinary tract infections

Anatomical Presentation

Most commonly bilateral but can be unilateral


Intramural (most common)


Double ureteral openings


Ureter may empty into

 Neck of bladder



Vagina or vestibule

Anatomical Presentation

Intramural Extramural


 Ultrasound

 helpful ultrasound findings include:

Ureter jet

Difference in SpGr in ureter vs. bladder

Only suggestive, good for ruling out EU

Detection of ureter beyond the trigone

Implantation into urethra

 Dilation of ureter or renal pelvis

 Transurethral cystoscopy

 Requires general anesthesia

 Excretory urography- contrast

 CT

Retrograde Vaginal Urethrogram

Case – Brandy Magillicutty

 4 month old F/I Golden Retriever

 Presented to referring veterinarian 1 month ago with history of intermittent incontinence

 Has dribbled urine since they acquired her at 2 months of age

 Urinalysis was performed and Brandy was diagnosed with a UTI

Was treated with 2 week course of Clavamox

UTI resolved but dribbling continued

 Was treated with PPA- no improvement over past 2 weeks

History continued…

 Brandy presented to NCSU-VTH earlier this week for evaluation of urinary incontinence

 She is able to posture to urinate and produce an appropriate stream of urine

 When left in kennel owners sometimes find her rearend to be urine soaked

 She eats and drinks normally and is otherwise a happy and healthy dog


 Ectopic Ureter

 Ureterocoele

 Urinary tract infection

 Urethral sphincter incompetence

 Behavioral

 Neurogenic


 Physical exam unremarkable

 Urinalysis- USG (1.026), pH (6.5), blood 2+, bacteria

2+ 4. Urine culture: pending

 Abdominal Ultrasound

 Marked pyelectasia

 The left ureter is severely dilated, up to 10.7 mm in diameter

 The left ureter is seen inserting into proximal urethra


 Excretory Urography

 A dilated renal pelvis is identified, due to filling with contrast medium. The left ureter is markedly dilated and courses caudally to insertion point in proximal urethra

Excretory Urography


 Plan to have Ureteroneocystostomy following results of urine culture and a course of antibiotics

 The ureter is resected from the urethra and anastamosed to a more proximal location in the bladder

 Other surgical options for ectopic ureters

 Intramural EU


About 30% remain incontinent

Laser transection of wall between EU and wall of bladder

 Alpha agonist therapy may improve outcome


CT is the gold standard for diagnosis of ectopic ureters but is not commonly used due to availability and expense
