John Hughes Asnomia AAO 2013

Innovative Case Studies with Ozone
Therapy for Treatment of Anosmia,
Degenerative Disc Disease, and Body
Dr. John C. Hughes, D.O.
April 12-13, 2012
AAOT Conference
(Dallas, Texas)
Ozone Therapy for Treatment of Anosmia,
Degenerative Disc Disease, and Body Odor"
Ozone Therapy for Anosmia--Glycozone Inhaled
Ozone Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease
 US Guided Intradiscal Ozone Plus Nutrients
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
Anosmia: Treated by Ozone
Anosmia- Inability to perceive odor
Due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa (or a destruction
of one temporal lobe, rarely)
Inflammation is due to chronic mucosa changes in the
paranasal sinus lining and the middle and superior
Anosmia: Causes
Anosmia: smell may be caused by death of olfactory
receptor neurons in the nose or by brain injury
Nasal sprays that cause vasoconstriction of the nasal
microcirculation can also be contributory
Nasal polyps due chronic sinusitis or allergies are a
Several other causes: Drug side effects, hypothyrodism,
head trauma
Paranasal Sinuses: Chronic Inflammation
Leads to Anosmia
Anosmia: Treated by Ozone
Glycozone: Nikola Tesla created his ozonated oil by
bubbling ozone through pure olive oil in the presence of a
magnetic field for eight weeks.
By 1904, ozonated olive oil, also known as Glycozone,
was in the medical literature.
Does inhaled ozonated olive oil deliver a safe form of
O3 to the sinuses and surrounding tissues?
Anosmia: Treated by Ozone
If so, the properties of ozone can be counted on as the
 Improved
 Decreased Inflammation (comparable to steroids
without the side effects)
 Anti-allergic and Anti-microbial effects
treatment of Anosmia and Sinusitis!
Anosmia: Treated by Glycozone
The Technical:
 Get Bubblers from Longevity Resources
 Add Sterile or Filtered Water to one Bubbler
 Add Organic Olive Oil (plus a few drops peppermint or
eucalyptus as desired) to other Bubbler
 Begin O3 at 10 to 16 ug/cc into bubblers (the one with
water is first) with Nasal Canula or Mask attached to
second bubbler
 Breathe in deeply for 10-20 minutes (either sitting or
lying down)
Anosmia: Treated by Glycozone
Intervertebral O3 injections--Italian Study
(American Journal of Neuroradiology)
From 1999 to 2001, 600 patients aged 20–80
years treated with a single dose of oxygen-ozone
therapy. (All done in Italian hospitals).
Three hundred patients (group A, received an
intradiscal (4 mL) and periganglionic (8 mL)
injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture with an
ozone concentration of 27 µg/mL
Ozone (O3)-Italian Study
The other 300 patients (group B,) received
identical oxygen-ozone injections, followed by a
periganglionic injection of corticosteroid (1 mL of
Depo-Medrone 40 mg and anesthetic (2 mL of
Marcain 0.5%
The L4–5 level was the most frequently treated
(61.8%); L1–2, 0.7%; L2–3, 1.2%; L3–4, 8.7%;
L5-S1, 27.6%.
Puncture at L4-L5 performed under CT
FIG 3. Therapeutic outcome 6 months after
oxygen-ozone therapy. Light gray bars
indicate group A (n=300); dark gray bars,
group B (n=300). Numbers at top of bars are
US guided injection of an Intervertebral Disc
MRI-L4-5 disc herniation
US L4-5 disc herniation
Intradiscal Ozone for
Degenerative Disc Disease
If Ozone is so great for Intevertebral Disc
Herniations, then why not consider it for
Degenerated Discs?
“Oxygen-Ozone Therapy for Degenerative Spine
Disease in the Elderly”
Servizio di Neuroradiologia Istituto Clinico Cimi di
Brescia; * Servizio di Neuroradiologia Spedali
Civili di Brescia; Italy Rivista Italiana a'i Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia
5: 25-32, 2006
Intradiscal Ozone for
Degenerative Disc Disease
Bonetti etal injected 129 elderly patients (65 to 93
years old) with spondyloarthrosis or degenerative
Patients were given an initial CT guided
intradiscal injection followed by 4 paralumbar
injections one week apart
61% of patients received improvement after 1
year with 34 % with a resolution of pain; 27%
reported improvement but with mild pain; only 1
patient opted for surgical intervention
Lumbar MRI: Do You Want to Treat
This 68 yo Male Patient?
Intradiscal Ozone for
Degenerative Disc Disease
68 yo male with severe back pain due to lumbar
disc degeneration and nerve compression
Instead of just ozone, why not add some other
growth agents and nutrients to the disc?
And inject the disc multiple times as needed,
instead of just doing paralumbar shots?
Let’s do some local at 0.5 % procaine (diluted by
sterile water), 1 cc glucosamine, 1cc dextrose
(diluted to 15%), trace hyaluronic acid and follow
it all by O3 at 20 ug/cc (10 cc/ disc)
Intradiscal Ozone for
Degenerative Disc Disease
Also, let’s pretreat and posttreat the back with
lumbar decompression (at the local chiropractors
And finally, let’s skip the CT radiation exposure
and just use a clinical ultrasound for everything.
The Results: “John, you’ve saved my back. I’m
strong again and can hike or do anything I want.
I don’t have any back pain.”
US Guided Disc Injections
More Testimonial
Another Testimonial from B. Theire with pain from
degenerative discs and disc herniation
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
Body Odor in Humans: apocrine sweat glands, which
secrete the majority of chemical compounds
Skin flora, members of Corynebacterium, manufacture
enzymes called lipases
Lipids in sweat are broken down to create smaller
molecules like butyric acid, a smelly compound often
used in fish bait
Propionic acid (propanoic acid) created by
propionibacteria are also present in sweat glands and
create a vinegar-like smell
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
Butyric Acid is a product of anaerobic fermentation
The triglyceride of butyric acid makes up 3% to 4% of
When butter goes rancid, butyric acid is liberated from
the glyceride by hydrolysis, leading to the unpleasant
The same kind chemical reaction happens in human
armpits, anal-genital areas
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
It is theorized that O3 in the form of glycozone
(ozonated olive oil) can prevent or slow the anaerobic
fermentation process that creates butyric acid from
Ozonated oil may simply slow the ability of the skin flora
to break down the lipids as they are dissolved in the
glycozone oil
Finally, glycozone has further antimicrobial effects on
the organisms, of course
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
The Technical:
Buy Ozonated Olive Oil: Pure Energy is a good brand
Apply every 1-3 days under your armpits or whenver
you desire
Note: The ozonated oil should be solid and be rubbed
into the skin or hair wherever applied
Smell yourself or your patient after a few days; If
needed, apply again
If motivated, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to the
ozonated oil
Men Smell Like Cheese; Women Smell Like Onions
Ozone Therapy for Body Odor
 Lecture
Ozone Helps You Smell
Ozone is the Bomb for your Back
Ozone Helps You Not Smell
 Any