Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol. 6 (4), I JO, 1986 Amyloodinium ocellatum INFESTATION IN YELLOW­ TAIL, Serio/a dumerili, INTENSIVELY REARED IN SICILY, ITALY By P. AJELL01 AND A. D'ALBA2 (Brown, salinity was 380Jo ( ± 2). The fish affected 1931) (Blastodinidae: Dinoflagellida) is a by the disease showed a loss of appetite parasitic dinoflagellate that may cause and serious swimming. Externally the skin had areas Amyloodinium ocellatum mortality in marine fish in aquaria. In of Italy, the first case of serious weight and depigmentation, an incoordinate especially ·on the head, and fin erosion. The gills appeared oodiniasis was reported by Ghittino et al. anaemic and in some fishes there was (1980) in intensive reared juvenile seabass necrosis of the gill epithelium. In each (Dicentrarchus labrax). The disease was tank also observed in hatchery-reared gilthead mortality more than 800Jo. seabream The dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum was identified by microscopic (Sparus aurata) (Barbaro and Francescon, 1985). In October 1985, a serious mortality of yellowtail (Serio/a dumerili) was reported the prevalence was the examination of smears of skin and gills (Fig. 1). Subsequently, in seabass and gilthead in an intensive fish farm in Sicily. The yellowtail had been caught in the sea in September of the same year and then placed in two farm tanks (100 m3), seabream placed in different tanks, the same disease was observed. These fish were treated with 0. 75 ppm 300 fish in each. Their mean weight was copper sulphate 150 g.; the water temperature l 7°C continuous application for in September, l 3°C 1OOOJo, ( ± 2) ( ± 2) in October; the (Paperna 1984), with 6 days. This successfully eliminated the parasite. .I Fig. I. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol. Prophylaxis treatment consists of quar­ antining fish newly introduced to the fish farm, improving management practices (lower stocking density, cleanliness) and treatment with 0.3 ppm copper sulphate every fifteen days during the months in which the disease frequently occurred (Giorgetti - 1986). 6 (4), 111, 1986 A c kn owl e dge m e n t s The authors thank Mr. Pietro Arculeo, laboratory technician for his co-operation and assistance. Refere nces Barbaro A. and Francescon A. (1985). Parassitosi da Amyloodinium ocel/atum (Dinophyceae) - N. 5: 745-752. Ghittino P., Bignami A., Annibali A. and Boni Juvenile sea bass, for example, might be treated from April to September. su larve di Sparus aurata allevate. Oebalia, XI 2, L. ( 1980). Prima segnalazione di grave Oodiniasi in branzini (Dicentrarchus labrax) allevati inten­ sivamente in acqua salmastra. Riv. It. Piscic. Ittiop., XV: 122-127. Sum m ary The parasitic ocella1u111 caused intensively dinoflage llate more reared than A111y/uodi11 i u111 mortalit y 80% yellowtail. A in therapeutic treatment by conti nuous application or 0.75 ppm copper sul p h ate for 6 Giorge11i G. (1986). Personal comunication. I. (1984). Chemical control of Amyloo­ diniu111 ocella1u111 (Brown 1981) (Dinoflagellida) Paperna infections: in vitro tests and treatment trials with infected fishes. Aqu acu l tur e 38: 1-18. days eliminated the parasite. Prophylactic measures had to be used to reduce the incidence or the disease. Authors' addr es se s: 1 lstituto Zoopr ofilat t ico 62 90129 Palermo. Spe rimen talc dclla Sicilia .. Sczionc di Palermo. Piazza Generale Turba, - 1 i s t i t uto Zooprofilattico Sperimcntalc dcllc Vt•nc1ic. Labora1orio di l 1 t io patologia, Via della Roggia 92 - 33030 -----.... ... ��--- B as ald e lla di Campoformido. (Lldinc).