Spatial and temporal patterns of growth and consumption by juvenile spring/summer Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. P. M. Chittaro1, R. W. Zabel, K. Haught, B. L. Sanderson and B. P. Kennedy Paul M. Chittaro: Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle, WA 98112, USA. Richard W. Zabel: Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle, WA 98112, USA. Kerri Haught: Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle, WA 98112, USA. Beth L. Sanderson: Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle, WA, 98112, USA. Brian P. Kennedy: Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 83844, USA. _____________________________________ 1 email: Online Resource Table 1. Invertebrate taxa (and invertebrate groups) found in O. tshawytscha diets (data obtained from gut contents analysis) and their respective energy densities (J g-1 wet weight) (obtained from the literature). Energy density (J g-1) 4591.70 (3500.00) 3184.55 4669.09 3596 4602.68 2746.02 Invertebrate group Diptera (3841.43+/-778.42 J g-1) Taxa Chironomidae (larva) Simuliidae Tipulidae Ceratopogonidae Other Diptera + Simulidae larva Other Diptera larva Ephemeroptera (4104.70+/-845.26 J g-1) Baetidae Leptophlebiidae Heptageniidae Ephemerellidae Other Ephemeroptera (emerging) (adult) 4551.272 4342.992 4674.365 3065.826 3716 (4837.92) (4535.51) Plecoptera Plecoptera 4455.76 Trichoptera (4317.29+/-363.05 J g-1) Hyrdopsychidae Limnephilidae Other Trichoptera (brachycentridae, lepidostomatidae, glossomatidae, rhyacophilidae) Trichoptera; emerging, adult 4507.005 4034.611 Ceoleoptera/Hemiptera (4756.83+/-294.56 J g-1) Elmidae larvae Collembola Other aquatic beetle larva Aquatic Hemiptera adult 4434.15 4769.17 5144.24 4679.746 Gastropoda and other taxa (3939.32+/-1036.16 J g-1) Oligochaete Nematode Mite Snail Ostracod Copepod Cladocera 4620.87 3675.08 4863.62 814.27 2585.7 3035.35 4165.9 Terrestrial taxa (4263.72+/-497.05 J g-1) Homoptera—hopper, aphid Diptera Lepidoptera Hemiptera Psocoptera Coleoptera—Beetle (larva) Hymenoptera—ant, wasp Thysanoptera—Thrips Orthoptera—Grasshopper Spider Other terrestrial insects Unknown larva 4721.26 4533.7 4567.78 3581.00 4567.18 3606.61 (5144.24) 3649.32, 4928.85 4383.78 4435.04 4331.70 4500 3876.32 4853.44 4208.97, 3982.44 Online Resource Table 2. Parameter values for the equations (see below) of the O. tshawytscha bioenergetics model taken from Hanson et al. (1997). Symbol Consumption CA CB CQ CTO CTM CTL CK1 CK4 G1 G2 Respiration RA RB RQ RTO RTM RTL RK1 RK4 ACT Parameter description Value Intercept of allometric mass function (gg-1d-1) Slope of allometric mass function Water temp. for G1 (C) Water temp. for G1 (C) Water temp. for G2 (C) Water temp. for G2 (C) Proportion of Cmax for KA Proportion of Cmax for KB G1 = (1 / (CTO - CQ)) * ln (( 0.98 * (1 - CK1)) / (CK1 * 0.02)) G2 = (1 / (CTL - CTM)) * ln (( 0.98 * (1 - CK4)) / (CK4 * 0.02)) 0.303 -0.275 5 15 18 24 0.36 0.01 0.527418 1.472394 Intercept of allometric mass function (g of O2g-1d-1) Slope of allometric mass function Rate at which the function increases over low water temp. (approximates Q 10) Coefficient of swimming speed dependence on metabolism (scm-1) Constant Cutoff temp. at which the activity relationship changes (C) Intercept of the swimming speed above the cutoff temp. (cms-1) Mass dependent coefficient for swimming speed at all temp. Activity multiplier is the intercept of the relationship between swimming speed and mass at water temp. < RTL (cm/s for 1 g fish at 0C) BACT Water temp. dependence coefficient of swimming speed at temp. < RTL (C) SDA Proportion of energy lost to specific dynamic action OXY Oxycalorific coefficient (taken from Elliot 1976) (calg-1 of O2) THER Thermo constant (calJ-1) Egestion & Excretion FA Intercept of the proportion of consumed energy egested vs. water temp. & ration FB Coefficient of temp. dependence of egestion FG Coefficient of feeding level dependence of egestion UA Intercept of the proportion of consumed energy excreted vs. water temp. & ration UB Coefficient of temp.dependence of excretion UG Coefficient of feeding level dependence of excretion Predator Energy Density Alpha Intercept of the allometric mass function (Jg-1) Beta Slope of the allometric mass function 0.00264 -0.217 0.06818 0.0234 0 25 1 0.13 9.7 0.0405 0.172 3240 0.239006 0.212 -0.222 0.631 0.0314 0.58 -0.299 7602 0.5266 Online Resource 1 - Bioenergetics model equations: Consumption (C) is the mass-specific consumption rate (gg-1d-1) and is defined as, C = P * Cmax * f (T), where P is the proportion of maximum consumption necessary to obtain simulated growth, Cmax is the maximum mass-specific feeding rate (gg-1d-1), which is defined as, Cmax = CA * WCB, where W is fish mass (g). f(T) is the temperature dependence of consumption function (Kitchell et al. 1977; Table A2), defined as, f(T) = KA * KB, where T is water temperature (C), KA is the increasing portion of the temperature dependent equation, KA = (CK1 * L1) / (1 + CK1 * (L1 - 1)); L1 = e (G1 * (T-CQ)), and KB is the decreasing portion of the temperature dependent equation, KB = (CK4 * L2) / (1 + CK4 * (L2 -1)); L2 = e (G2 * (CTL - T)), Respiration (R) is the mass-specific rate of respiration (gg-1d-1), and is defined as, R = RA * WRB * f(T) * ACTIVITY * (OXY/THER), where an exponential relationship describes the temperature dependence of metabolism and activity as a function of swimming speed (Stewart et al. 1983; see Table A2), such that, f(T) = e(RQ * T), ACTIVITY = e(RTO * VEL), VEL = ACT * WRK4 * e(BACT * T), when T ≤ RTL, and S is the proportion of energy lost to specific dynamic action (Jg-1), S = SDA * (C - F), Waste losses are modeled via egestion and excretion equations. Egestion (F) is the waste attributed to fecal loss (J/g) and excretion (U) is the waste attributed to nitrogenous loss (Jg-1), such that F = PF * C, and U = UA * TUB * e(UG * p) * (C - F), respectively. PF and PE correct for indigestible prey (see Stewart et al. 1983). PF is the proportion of egested prey, PFF is the proportion of prey that is indigestible (which we set to 0.1), and PE is the proportion of consumption that was egested prey. PF = ((PE - 0.1) / 0.9)*(1-PFF) + PFF, PE = FA * TFB * e(FG * p), Predator energy density (ED; J/g) was defined as ED = Alpha + (Beta * W) (see Table A2). Next we estimated the amount of surplus energy (E; per gram of fish) available for growth (Jg1), such that E = C – R – S – F – U, and the estimated fish size (EFS; g) EFS= W + (E * (W / E)). The difference between the estimated fish size from the bioenergetics model and fish size determined from otolith microstructural analyses was minimized in R by changing values of the proportion of maximum consumption (P). 0.6 September 0.4 0.2 Tr ich Co op le te op ra te ra /H em ip te ra Ga st ro po da Te rre st ria lt ax a Pl ec op te ra em er op te ra 0 Invertebrate taxa Invertebrate taxa Tr ich Co op le te op ra te ra /H em ip te ra Ga st ro po da Te rre st ria lt ax a em Ep h 0.8 July 0.6 September 0.4 0.2 0 Tr ich Co op le te op ra te ra /H em ip te ra Ga st ro po da Te rre st ria lt ax a July Invertebrate taxa D ec op te ra C Ep h 0 Pl 0.8 0.2 1 Invertebrate taxa Di pt er a Propor on of diet 1 B 0.4 Tr ich Co op le te op ra te ra /H em ip te ra Ga st ro po da Te rre st ria lt ax a te ra Pl ec op Ep he m er op te ra 0 September Pl ec op te ra 0.2 0.6 er op te ra 0.4 July Di pt er a September 0.8 pt er a Ep he m er op te ra A Propor on of diet 0.6 July Di 0.8 Propor on of diet 1 Di pt er a Propor on of diet 1 Invertebrate taxa Invertebrate taxa Online Resource Figure 1. Proportion of prey invertebrate groups in the diet of O. tshawytscha collected in July and September 2004, from each of four rearing streams; a) SFS, b) ELK, c) MAR, and d) VAL (see Table SI for invertebrate taxa associated with each group). Proportion of diet was calculated from averages across individuals within a stream collected in July or September (see Table 1 for sample sizes).