Factsheet Dutch market update 2013 Industrial and Logistics real estate industrial.nl Industrial and Logistics real estate The Netherlands new take up in sqm 2013 per category OVERVIEW In 2013 we registered 104 real estate transactions of 5,000 sqm 8% or more which can be divided over the categories logistics, light logistics light industrial production industrial, production and commodities. The total take up volume reached a level of 1,420,000 sqm. The average seize of a 25% transaction was 14,000 sqm. 67% T otal new take up 1,240,000 sqm f Almost 90% of the take up, or 1,240,000 sqm, was related to new take up whereas 10%, or 180,000 sqm, was related to a lease renewal. The diagram shows the differentiation in new take up per category real estate. take up 2013 stock vs build to suit The total take up volume can be divided over existing properties and new developments. We registered 20 build to suit transactions, which makes 33% of the total volume. Large scale developments stock build to suit 33% 67% were started for Action at Business Park Limburg (77,000 sqm), for Canon/Nippon in Rotterdam (70,000 sqm) and for Schenker in Tilburg (48,000 sqm). new logistics take up LOGISTICS REAL ESTATE i Take up in sqm per year 1,200,000 Logistics real estate equals almost 70% of the total take up volume in 2013. In comparison to 2012 the new logistics real estate take 1,000,000 up showed a decrease of approximately 20% down to a level 800,000 of 830,000 sqm. The decrease can be explained by the sober 600,000 domestic economy in 2013 and the delay in growth of emerging 400,000 countries. Nevertheless, the second half of 2013, the economy showed a little recovery. As a result the sector of road transportation showed a better balance with slightly increasing rates. Logistics service 200,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 i Take up in 2013 in sqm per region new renewed 350,000 providers and express companies increasingly take advantage 300,000 of the growing E-commerce activities and also the airfreight 250,000 figures increased with 3,5% in the second half of 2013. It is to 200,000 be expected that these positive trends will contribute to further 150,000 recovery and increase of logistics take up in 2014. 100,000 50,000 Again geographically, the south part of the Netherlands showed very strong numbers. The south axe from Roosendaal to Venlo can be qualified as a hot spot logistics location. Remarkably the second largest transaction in 2013 took place at Maasvlakte Rotterdam. A new logistics facility of approx. 70,000 sqm will be developed for Nippon Express and their client Canon. industrial.nl 0 Am ste Ro tte rd am / Sc Ut re hi rd ph am ol / Ha ch ag / Al m t la er e Ar nd en W es nh em / tM O Ni jm eg en id os de n Br Re ab tB an ra m t ba nt / ai Lim ni ng Ne th bu rg er la nd s Industrial and Logistics real estate The Netherlands TOP 10 TRANSACTIONS LOGISTICS REAL ESTATE #sqm location user type buy/lease lessor 1 77,000 Echt-Susteren Action build to suit buy owner occupier 2 70,000 Rotterdam Nippon build to suit lease Borghese 3 48,000 Tilburg Schenker build to suit lease Dok Vast 4 39,000 Venray Hewlett Packard stock lease Harry Maessen 5 37,000 Zoetermeer Miss Etam stock lease Hanzevast 6 35,000 Zwolle Wehkamp build to suit lease WDP 7 33,000 Oosterhout Rietveld stock lease renewal Equity Estate 8 33,000 Oud Gastel Tommy Hilfiger stock lease Schroders 9 31,000 Zaltbommel Hitachi build to suit lease Kadans Broekman stock lease Greenery 1031,000 Breda h Action, Echt-Susteren h Tilburg, Schenker h Zwolle, Wehkamp WEST-EUROPEAN E-COMMERCE INCREASES 10% TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS (Source NDL) (source ING, trends and developments) With a nationwide turnover of € 103 billion The United Kingdom is The transport and logistics sector employs 70,000 people in the taking the lead as it comes to E-commerce. Second place is for France with Netherlands. The added value to the Dutch economy is more than 17 € 53 billion. The Netherlands are taking third position with a turnover of billion euro. The sector plays a prominent role in almost every supply € 10,4 billion. The total turnover throughout Europe is € 173,8 billion. chain in the Netherlands and is a key factor for economic growth. investment volume 2010 - 2013 INVESTMENTS 600,00,000 With 23 investment transactions and a total volume of € 481 million we registered a major increase of 117% in relation 500,00,000 to 2012. Again the foreign investors showed great interest in 400,00,000 industrial and logistics real estate investments. The 2 largest 300,00,000 transactions were the acquired portfolio of Dok Vast by DELIN 200,00,000 Capital (Rus,UK) and the acquired portfolio of Syntrus Achmea by 100,00,000 Logicor (US). These 2 transactions had a total volume of € 168 million or 35% of the total investment volume. The diagram shows 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 the investment volume over the years 2010 – 2013. TOP 5 INVESTMENTS 2013 #buyer seller product price 1 Logicor Syntrus Achmea portfolio 6 logistics properties € 88 million 2 DELIN Capital Dok Vast portfolio of 2 logistics properties € 80 million 3 DELIN Capital DHG Distripark Sittard € 37 million 4 MBay Netherlands VALAD portfolio of 12 light industrial properties € 35 million 5 WP Carey Aspen RE logistics property Venlo € 30 million industrial.nl Industrial and Logistics real estate The Netherlands About INDUSTRIAL real estate partners INDUSTRIAL real estate partners is an independent real estate consultancy company with a strong focus on logistics and distribution facilities throughout the Netherlands. They particularly focus on agency, investments, strategic real estate advice and developments. From their offices in Amsterdam Airport, Rotterdam Airport and Tilburg they cover the 1 important logistics regions. 3 2 By combining their national scope, expertise 4 and skills, they are committed to provide the best possible services to owners, users, 6 (re)developers and authorities. 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Amsterdam T. 088 989 98 98 Rotterdam info@industrial.nl Tilburg industrial.nl DUTCH LAND PRICES & RENT LEVELS 2013/2014 land prices in € per m2 1Schiphol Airport 2 Amsterdam Port rent levels warehouse space in € per m2 per year 250- 315 75 -85 215* 40 - 250* - 65 3Almere 110- 165 35 -60 4Utrecht 230- 300 30 -65 5Arnhem/Nijmegen 125- 150 25 -60 6Bleiswijk/Waddinxveen 150- 265 40 -75 7 215* 40 Rotterdam Port 8Moerdijk 9 Breda/Bergen op Zoom/Roosendaal - 275* 130- 160 95 - 135 - 65 30 -50 35 - 50 10 Tilburg/Waalwijk 125- 175 40 -50 11 Eindhoven 150- 190 40 -55 12 Venlo/Venray 115- 135 35 -50 75- 100 30 -50 13 Maastricht/Heerlen * = for 50 year leasehold Despite careful preparation and monitoring of this factsheet and the information it contains, Industrial real estate partners cannot guarantee its completeness, accuracy or actuality. Industrial real estate partners accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage of whatever nature arising from or in any way related to the use of this factsheet or the potential unavailability thereof.