Inbjudan till Reunion den 20:e november 2014!

C o ac h i n g
C ar e e r
T r ai n i n g
Inbjudan till Reunion den 20:e november 2014!
Exklusivt för alla våra tidigare deltagare kommer här en inbjudan till vår tionde årliga Reunion! Torsdagen
den 20:e november på Ersta Konferens kl 09.00 - 17.00 gästas vi av Giuseppe Meli, MCC från Italien.
Jag har länge fascinerats över olika läromästare som tagit ursprung för sitt arbete i språket. Fernando
Flores, Richard Strozzi, Julio Olalla mfl inom coaching. Giuseppe Meli hör också till dem som tilldrar sig allt
större internationell uppmärksamhet, i framförallt Europa, USA och Sydamerika och är en person jag gärna
vill dela med er. Här presenterar han själv sin dag med oss:
Languages of precision - making the coaching experience an empowering space
I have always worked with the power of languages – not just of words, but of the incredible impact of what
is “left unsaid”.
My background is in sociolinguistics, fifteen years of experience as an executive coach, and over ten years
devoted to training and supervising colleagues who want to be extremely useful to their clients. All this has
reinforced my attention to how languages, and especially the assumptions implicit in any question or
statement, contribute to empower or weaken the client.
Being aware of the potential effects of our languages opens up a space for evolution that brings great
benefits to ourselves and to our clients. For example, there is a difference between saying “I’m asking
myself how you will celebrate after you have carried out this decision”, and “I’m happy you want to try to
carry out this decision”. In the first case we confirm our certainty of success, while in the second we open
up a possibility of doubt.
Acquiring new tools, to become sponsors of our clients and of ourselves, is the goal of the one-day
workshop. I will share many activities and experiences, for acquiring a new attention to languages that will
put you in contact with the power of linguistic precision. In conversations with clients, and in conversations
with ourselves, as coaches and human beings.
Håkan and I invite you to join us grow together in this workshop, centered on the power of the essentials.
In a relaxed and enjoyable way, we will take you beyond words, questions and observations, to understand
the power of assumptions that ignite great evolutions and contribute to creating better lives.
2.250 SEK ex moms, som inkluderar hela eventet samt kaffe, lunch och buffé.
Ersta Hotell & Konferens.
09.00 – 17.00 Därefter buffé, mingel och ett rikt nätverkande med härliga kollegor!
Välkommen att anmäla dig omgående men senast den 20:e oktober via länken i nyhetsbrevet.
Dagen tillgodoräknas som 6 CCE vid (förnyelse av) certifiering.
Varmt välkommen!!!
Leapfr og AB
Balder sgat an 7B, 114 27 St ockholm
t el +46 8 34 89 00 fax +46 8 758 7624
www.leapfr info@leapfr
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